Friday chicken

Reflecting on both the hard and the good in the week that was…

Hello, week: we are here.

{a breath for being here when we get here}

Thank you, week!

This is the 407th week in a row we are chickening here together!

Or “checking in”, if you prefer to enunciate.

What’s been working?

OTAAT! Aka One Thing At A Time.

And focusing on being really present with that one thing. Pausing to breathe. One breath. Next breath. Yes.

Remembering that I can stop worrying about the other things because of how fractal flowers work — whatever I am doing right now is secretly helping all the other projects under the surface, phew!

I might try…

Asking solutions to show themselves to me, and then getting really quiet so that I can notice when that happens. Instead of being like, “oh crap all these problems need me to solve them” and then making the logic computer work overtime, when that isn’t even where the answers need to come from.

Naming the days.

I love naming, it’s astonishing how it changes things. I name each day the night before, and read them together at the week’s end, an incantation of sweet clues.

This week was the week of A New Story, and here were the days:

Immerse in good. Find the light. Like a flower. Trust life! I’m the best in my field. To The Treehouse. Doors opening (to let light in).

Upcoming biopic if it were based on this weekโ€ฆ

Crying: What If You Decide It’s A Car Wash For Your Face!

If you feel drawn to comment on aspects of my week, I will take love, hearts, breaths, pebbles — I do not need advice or cheering up, though presence and sweetness are always welcome

8 breaths for the hard, challenging and mysterious.

  1. I cried a lot about my mother this week. Amazing what can set this off, the words crewel embroidery, someone wearing narrow stripes (she hated that, it hurt her eyes), a piece of jewelry, a turn of phrase. I do not even know how people who were actually close to their no-longer-alive mothers handle the agonizing week around mother’s day when everyone is talking about mothers. A breath.
  2. Three and a half months since the last visit with the faraway beautiful boy, it was going to be one month but [illusory plans are illusory]. He came to town but immediately had to rush off to a high-priority work project for two days because he still has not figured out how to prioritize things like love, wild joy sparks, or sweet transcendent moments of oh wow what is this intense energy thing happening here. Anyway, people vary, and that is something that just is, and sometimes I am able to not have hurt feelings about this. But mainly I just felt aching and vulnerable and raw about all of this, and we made plans for him to swing by on his way through town to steal five minutes together. I was working out and came to meet him in the parking lot, and was so ready to just ENJOY these five minutes of being in the same space and breathing the same air: long slow smiles and long slow almost-kisses. But instead I burst into tears and cried off all my makeup while he handed me napkins from the glove compartment and watched me unravel and kissed my hand, probably since the rest of me was covered in snot and streaky eyeliner. A breath for me.
  3. While standing on the toilet and painting the ceiling, stepped backwards and kicked over a can of primer, which flooded the floor and splashed up onto onto every part of the bathroom except the ones that needed paint. The sink, the vanity, the cabinets. I basically live in a rom com. It’s 95% com. But cue all my internal monsters about how I am clumsy and unaware and will never move with grace and I ruin everything and cannot function in the world of things, etc. A breath for meeting myself with love.
  4. Accumulated exhaustion does interesting things. In addition to Sobbing in a Subaru (the alternate title of my biopic), there were other moments where I got overloaded and overwhelmed by what seemed like not very much. Being tired makes all the wrong cups full, and then the tiniest addition of stress leads to it all overflowing. A breath for deep rest.
  5. A misunderstanding/miscommunication with someone I love. A breath for wanting to be seen, heard, understood, received with love.
  6. Not putting agreed-upon-things into a contract turned out to be very expensive this week, and this brought up memories of similar frustrating situations, and then the Big Shame kicked in about how have I not learned this lesson yet. A breath for remembering that this not about how I am terrible at life, this is about the opportunity for Do-Overs and the quality of Sovereignty.
  7. Something I hadn’t considered while being temporarily marvelously blasรฉ about the construction project being eight weeks “behind” schedule, is that so is everything else. May was going to be my writing month and instead it is a spilling paint everywhere month, and monsters about this as well. A breath of comfort, and for remembering that There Is Time and Nothing Is Wrong.
  8. Inhale, exhale. May all misunderstandings and distortions, internal and external, dissolve in love if not in laughter. May peacefulness prevail. Trust-more love-more release-more receive-more. Goodbye (and thank you), mysteries and hard moments of this week.

8 breaths for the good, reassuring, delight-filled.

  1. I had been feeling so down about how my painting project is going to take a hundred million weekends (approximately, according to monster calculations) and will never be done and I am so bad at it and have no friends! And then my former housemate took an entire day off work just to help me paint, and we just cruised through it. Only two and a half walls left! Amazing. A breath for feeling so very loved and supported.
  2. The faraway beautiful boy and I ran away for three nights to stay in a tree house and watch the river and drink wine and smile at each other. A breath for how happy I am right now.
  3. I am having so many good ideas! A breath of joy.
  4. A thing that was impossible to imagine and seemed far off and far away now seems doable. I think I see a glimmer of a way to have a (temporary) good home for me, and maybe something even better down the line. Need to sleep on it, but ideas are brewing. A breath for new beginnings.
  5. My monsters who think I’m Failing Spectacularly at passing as a functioning adult had to back down this week when it became clear that actually I am a free spirit having wild adventures, which is what I’ve always wanted, so how about we redefine what it means to be a functioning adult! A breath for new stories, and calling bullshit.
  6. Things take as long as they take, and I am okay with that, and this still feels new and exiting. A breath of appreciation and play.
  7. Surprise good news. A breath of big wild joy.
  8. Thankfulness. Treasure in the form of friends who keep the guest room made up for me just in case, having the just right dress, a dog who decided we should be best friends, big gratitude for small things, sitting on a tree-porch watching the water with a heart full of love. So much treasure. Everything is okay and so much is good. Nothing is wrong, even when I want to believe it is. Now is not then. All Timing Is Right Timing. Thank you for this grand adventure. A full breath of deep appreciation in my thank-you heart.

Superpowers I had this weekโ€ฆ

Last week I asked for power of appreciating all the good in my life, and I received this!

Powers I want.

The superpower of trusting life.

The Salve of Trusting Life mixed with Big Wild Joy.

These invisible salves are distributed here by way of internet magic. Help yourself! Take it in a bath, as tea, a cocktail, whatever works for you. Not only is there enough salve, there are also enough ways to receive it.

This is a salve of pink and purple sunsets, of moving the way a child does (with curiosity and fearlessness and awe), and big buddha belly laughter about the absurd beauty of life.

Side effects include breathing more deeply, taking more time, going into airplane mode.

Playing live at the meme beach house — the Fake Band of the Week!

My brother and I make up bands, which are all just one guy. The Meme Beach House is the venue.


This week’s band comes from experiencing something as being the absolute last straw (now I can’t remember what it was, of course) while being a sloppy typist. The album title is from Chloe and Claire in Australia, who had non-metaphorical pancakes together without me, which is okay because one day I shall join them. Here’s the band!

The Lady Straw

Their latest album is Literal Pancakes, and this band is just one guy.

Photo taken just for us in Lubbock, TX by Jesse — thank you!

Announcement time….

More to come soon, but I left the monster manual in the place that used to be the the shop. So if you missed the closing of the shop, there is still something beautiful for you!

How was your week?

Come play in the comments. Share something from your week, take a breath, or just say hi! No rules, my format doesn’t have to be yours, we’ve been doing this every week for years now and there still isn’t a right way.

Everyone belongs. We let people have their own experience. Weโ€™re supportive and welcoming. We lovingly refrain from giving advice.

And of course it’s always okay to comment under a made-up name, whether for play and delight, or in the interest of Safety First.

Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.

Shabbat shalom.

It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — jump in whenever you like. Blowing kisses to the Beloved Lurkers too!

The Fluent Self