very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

Each week I write these VPAs to practice asking for what I want. And to get clarity on what that really is, even when asking feels conflicted.

I always get useful information about my relationship with various aspects of the ask. Join in if you like!

Usually it takes me a while to come up with my Very Personal Ads for the week.

This time I have so many that it might as well be a straight-out Gwish List. Gwish!

A Gwish = part-goal, part-wish — but better!

Thing 1: Hawaii?

Here’s what I want:

Remember two weeks ago at Rally (Rally!) when my project told me I had to take it to Hawaii?

So I want to find a mysterious magical way for that to happen. And I want it to be a quiet secret project.

And now that my four-day vacation to southern Oregon got completely eaten up with a work emergency, I’m really, really, really wanting a proper holiday even more.

Ways this could work:

I already have the bathing suit. What else could I possibly need? Oh, right.

Time, money and a plan. The three things that I have the most complicated stressful relationship with…

Okay. So I think I’m going to have to OOD it.

And do some serious monster-negotiating, possibly with the help of the coloring book and Slightly Future Me.

My commitment.

I’m putting it here.

Writing this, I realize that the real wish is not even so much about Hawaii-ing as it is about being able to stay receptive to the idea that this could happen.

To remember that I don’t have to figure out the how of it yet.

And to give myself permission to want the wanting.

So for now I’m putting that into the pot, and adding spices.

Thing 2: a really good strapless bra

Here’s what I want:

I may have also already purchased a dress for Hawaii. Despite having absolutely no plan about the how or why of this trip that is not yet a trip. It’s a symbol.

Also: in for a penny, etc etc.

Im kvar az kvar. Wenn schon denn schon.

The point is, I need a really good strapless bra. One that does the job and keeps me inside of my strapless dress rather than outside of it. Except that I haven’t had to deal with that kind of dress in a good fifteen years.

Do they even make something that isn’t all underwire pain and hurt-ey? Have there been drastic and fabulous breakthroughs in strapless technology that I don’t know about?

That would be nice!

Ways this could work:

Well, I’m asking here.

And I can ask at the Kitchen Table.

I don’t really have girly friends but I will put the word out just in case. Maybe one of my neighbors? Or Dana!

My commitment.

To find out. To imagine that maybe the just-right thing exists. To remember the idea of the “perfect, simple solution”, as Hiro would say.

Thing 3: The Crossing!

Here’s what I want:

My quiet and beautiful almost-ready project from the last Rally (Rally!) is ready to be seen. By a few people. Quietly.

So I want a way to whisper-brunch it into the world, in the most whispering way possible.

Without that seeming obnoxious. And without it being invisible.

Just a loving, tiny, focused “here I am” that is both present and quiet. In a simple, clean, clear way.

Ways this could work:

I’ve talked this over with slightly future me and she had some remarkably good ideas. Will keep talking.

My commitment.

To find out what I need and what my project needs.

To help it feel safe, welcome and appreciated.

Thing 4: Finding the good

Here’s what I want:

Sometimes I’m so entrenched in a situation that I can’t figure out what’s good about it, because all I can see is the hard parts.

Without in any way ignoring the hard or diminishing the legitimate feelings that I have related to being in a difficult situation, I’d like to be able to also find the good.

I know that certain aspects of this experience are really useful and important, and that’s what I want to connect with.

Ways this could work:

Let’s see. I can hold an internal council.

Or consult my Board of Surprisers from my Kitchen Table program.

Or maybe the good will just reveal itself and I will say aha there you are!

My commitment.

To remember that there is always more good than I think.

Thing 5: The Great Ducking Out!

Here’s what I want:

We’ve finally got the page up for the 2nd Annual Great Ducking Out.

This is where we yell Run Awaaaaaay!. We escape the madness that is American Thanksgiving by hanging out at the Playground and eating delicious food and being silly and destuckifying.

I want help spreading the word, and I want a bunch of lovely people to sign up and join us.

There is a Rally version which is a whole day longer than a regular Rally.

And there is an afternoon version where you join us for the day of American Thanksgiving — we do some Shiva Nata, we play and then there’s a lovely indoor picnic!

Ways this could work:

I can give you guys the link. Here it is!

Maybe people who came last year can share little stories about how great it was. That would be excellent!

Maybe people who have been to other Rallies and Playground things can spread the word. I don’t know.

My commitment.

To remember how much fun this was and how it was the best best best non-Thanksgiving ever.

Thing 4: Celebration and enthusiasm for the Shiva Nata iPhone app

Here’s what I want:

The Shiva Nata app — Pocket Shiva Nata — it’s here! Hooray!

I want more people to know about this, more loving reviews in the app store, more confetti, more general rejoicing!

Ways this could work:

Here’s the post I wrote over at the Shiva Nata blog about the app and what it’s like.

And where we talk confetti. Confetti!

My commitment.

To fill up on love. To spread love. To throw my own confetti.

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.

I wanted a breadbox and got some good ideas/suggestions that I am considering.

Then there was the massage treatments I wasn’t setting up. Letting the First Mate do that was brilliant. On the calendar!

Then I wanted to go on tour with Guns N Rollers to their bout in Medford, and it happened! I did a mini-warm-up for them too, and brought Play spray from the Playground, and it was super fun. And they won!

I asked for fun with Toozday’s Shiva Nata class at the Playground and it was very fun.

And I wanted Rallions for the 2012 Rallies. Which I still want. But it definitely worked because now there are Rallions for January, February, May and June! Yay.

And just in case you want the Rally dates for next year, they’re right here.

Comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.

Things that are welcome! Your own personal ads, small or large. Updates on past ones if you like.

Leave your gwishes! Throw things in the pot!

Things we try to keep away from: the word “manifest”, telling people how they should be asking for things, unsolicited advice.

VPA amnesty applies, of course. Leave yours any time between now and next Sunday (or whenever, really) — it’s all fine by us!


The Fluent Self