very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

Each week I write these Visions of Possibility and Anticipation to practice asking for what I want. And to get clarity on what that really is, even when asking feels conflicted.

I always get useful information about my relationship with various aspects of the ask. Join in if you like!

Thing 1: Nine days with love.

Here’s what I want:

I’m leaving for the Vicarage very soon. Very!

There are nine whole days and then I leave.

Hello, nine days.

(The Vicarage = two whole weeks of glorrrrious silent retreat, which means both that I will be on silent retreat and also I am silent-retreating about what this is).

Nine days is not a lot of days. And there are a lot of things that want to happen inside of those days.

I would like some kind of map. Mainly I would like to feel delightfully calm about everything. Calm and present, not calm-and-drifting. Calm and right here with all of it.

And then I want a sense of what needs to fit where, what can be dropped, what doesn’t really need to be done, like that.

The qualities inside of the want:

Shelter. Freedom. Permission. Peacefulness. Ease. Play. Readiness. Willingness. Resilience. Curiosity. Light-heartedness. Focus. Pleasure.

And the superpower of committing to the flow, however it happens to be flowing.

Ways this might work:

I can use the it’s-almost-magic Deguiltified Chicken Board at the Floop to list all the things.

I can talk to the time monsters who are saying that THERE IS NO TIME and also doom-doom-doom ALL THE THINGS.

And I can use metaphor mouse to rename the things that need doing, and also I can turn them into secret agent spy ops.

I’m playing with…

The part about love.

If these nine days are a present for me (let’s say that I’m temporarily choosing to pretend that they are), then ….?

If the Vicarage itself is a place of love that past-me set up for incoming-me out of love, and I am going there to reconnect to myself, with love….

Then how does knowing that change the form of these nine days?

Does that not turn these nine days into a new kind of container, built out of love to contain more love? And how does that interact with the usual patterns of pressure and worry and “gotta get shit done” and “oh no all the things”? This is what I’m thinking about right now.

Thing 2: And Nine Forms, with play.

Here’s what I want:

There are nine things that I want to have written before I leave.

Actually, there are more. But nine that come in kind of a set.

This has to do with shapes and blueprints, doesn’t it.

What are nine shapes?

Circle, triangle, oval, rectangle, star, diamond, octagon, pentagon, crescent. Okay!

If there are nine shapes, and also blueprints for the shapes, maybe this won’t be as time-consuming as I am worried it might be.

The qualities inside of the want:

Ease. Simplicity. Release. Comfort. Peace of mind. Sweetness. Form. Flow. Play. Experimentation. Invention. Skipping.

The superpowers of All The Shapes Are Friends, and also the superpower of graceful transitions.

Ways this might work:

I can process this at the Floop! And I can ask Incoming Me to remind me why everything will be better if these are done. Or maybe it will turn out that it doesn’t matter and I don’t have to do them…

But the main thing is that I’m finding out what is important about this, why it’s calling to me.

I’m playing with…

What if this can be easier than I think? What if I only need two blueprints for all the shapes? Interesting…

Thing 3: And Nine Pages, with laughter.

Here’s what I want:

The big thing that needs to be done before I leave has nine pages.

It wants my love and attention, but mainly it wants me to enjoy myself while I’m doing it.

So I need to figure out the WHEN, but mainly I need to figure out how it can be joyful. Because that is how it wants to be born.

The qualities inside of the want:

Silliness. Delight. Pleasure. Temptation. Play. Presence. Noticing. Breath. Sweetness. Warmth. Buoyancy. Grounding. Humming. Glowing.

And the superpower of sparking all the sparks.

Ways this might work:

I can think of other joyful things. Like flowers! And secret flowers.

Like dancing and leaping. Like swinging on the swings with Svevo. Like [not-wine].

I can start from the feeling, and let it change the nine pages.

I’m playing with…

Letting there be help. Playdate help, writing date help, partnering.

People who might help with joyful and with writing, possibly both: Marisa, Nick, Briana, Eddie, Kyle, Garret, the shellbacks from the last Crossing, Richard, Dana, Hope.

Noticings about the things I want this week…

The qualities seem extra-important this week. The love and the play, the form and the freedom.

Bonus wishes, please!

Some of these are secret agent code and some of them are things I’m silent retreat-ing on. Some are qualities that will help. And some are almost pre-wishes: tiny seeds for future processing.

  • Finish up Operation Watchcap.
  • Copper pot.
  • Hooks and hooks.
  • Stone time (yes, the kind of stone that is a stone and also the kind of stone that is a person and also the kind of stone that is for skipping)
  • Chulnikim: rename the op.
  • Goodnight, tabs!
  • The decobwebbing of the Playground.
  • New checkbook.
  • Yes to ordering the business cards.
  • More with feet.
  • The Tree of Life part III?
  • Packing list! Rename this. See the steamer trunk.
  • Call on Barrington!

I’m playing with…

Trust. Making things simple. Conducting. The superpower of What If Nothing Is Wrong?

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.

Operations HUMMING and DIPPING are both going great, and they’re both ongoing.

There was much delighting: and I think I’m getting a lot better at this. Feeling good about the progress. It is easier for me to remember to delight now. I still feel conflicted about (pleasure) as a word/concept, but delight has landed.

And I wanted to play with conducting three times a day, and that was a good number. We now have lots of evidence about how just three times helps a lot. And how even two times helps a lot. Actually, even once helps a lot. And once you get past the first one, the next ones are easier.

Then I wanted a secret name for Secret Sundays, and for now I’m calling them Undays!

Other things I planted that also happened: Toozday! Operation G.O.O.D.W.I.L.L, business card designs, moving things around, the one about feet, the Geniza and the 36 tiny adventurers on their way out. As always, I’m happy I asked.

Also I just got a secret text that says CHEESE EMERGENCY AVERTED, and this is also good news.

Playing. Shelter for the comments.

What’s welcome: Your own wishes, gwishes, visions and personal ads, small or large. Updates on past ones if you like. Things sparked for your own process.

I’m receptive to warm wishes for the things I’m working on and playing with.

We ask for what we need, and we give each other space and spaciousness for the process.

This is a place of safety for creative play and exploration, with a very non-dogmatic approach. We don’t tell each other how to ask for things and we don’t give unsolicited advice. We play.

That’s it. Let’s throw a bunch of things in the pot!

As always, amnesty applies. Leave a wish here any time you want.


The Fluent Self