very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

Each week I write these Visions of Possibility and Anticipation to practice asking for what I want. And to get clarity on what that really is, even when asking feels conflicted.

I always get useful information about my relationship with various aspects of the ask. Join in if you like!

Thing 1: Delight-filled passaging.

Here’s what I want:

I’m about to leave for two weeks at the VICARAGE, two entire weeks without phone or internet or anything to do.

This will be the first time since starting the business that I’m taking real time for myself. No agenda and no plan. And — here’s the thing — as an intentional practice instead of the way I used to end up with time “off”: usually because I’m falling apart or this close to a massive breakdown. Me and time, we’re going to hang out.

Except… well, I’m pretty sure that the second I land in the VICARAGE all will be lovely. It’s the part about getting to the Vicarage that I’m a little worried about.

So this is partly an ask about conscious entry and passage. And partly about releasing the worry or learning more about it so I can talk to it.

I want for the entire passage there to feel sparkly and intentional: I am here, I am ready, I am committed to this, I am finding clews and things to delight in.

The qualities inside of the want:

The eight qualities of V.I.C.A.R.A.G.E., of course: Vitality, Internal, Compass, Alignment, Resetting, Accessing, Glow, Energized.

I’m also going to add to this: Spaciousness. Sovereignty. Presence. Delight. Crossing. Transition. Wonder. Surrender. Trust. Welcoming.

And the superpower of Remembering That Nothing Is Wrong.

Ways this might work:

Well, setting it up for Incoming Me.

Having plenty of snacks. Calling on Barrington to help. Bringing a buttmonster to keep me company. Possibly wearing the rainbow boa (constrictor!). Having the strongest possible force field. Planting wishes.

I’m playing with…

Learning more about what I want (or: what I think I want), and what that might look like.

Thing 2: To learn even more about Silent Retreat.

Here’s what I want:

This is sort of a proxy and also not at all a proxy.

Since I am going to be on silent retreat for the two weeks of VICARAGE (and I am also silent retreating about what/where that is, I might as well learn more about what it is and why it works.

The qualities inside of the want:

Curiosity. Exploration. Presence. Play. Safety. Protection. Sanctuary. Shelter. Spaciousness.

And the superpower of always having the right buffer phrase!

Ways this might work:

Come up with a list of buffer phrases and secret agent code.

The Silent Retreat shirt.

I’m playing with…

(silent retreat!)

Thing 3: Pleasure.

Here’s what I want:

One of the things I’m going to be paying attention to at the Vicarage is pleasure.

How it feels to get quiet enough to follow those silver threads of instinctive pull.

The qualities inside of the want:

Attentiveness. Mindfulness. Alertness. Play. Curiosity. Sensitivity. Sensuality. Texture. Touch. Light. Dance. Movement. Swaying. Rhythm. Breeze. Breath. Flow. Wonder. Receptivity. Anticipation. Stillness. Presence. Solitude. Silence. Immersion. Truth.

Ways this might work:

Conducting. Old Turkish lady yoga. Writing. Compassing and encompassing. Walking. Being close to the water. Even closer than that.

That is the part about doing.

There is also a part about the not-doing. Not just the no-phone and no-internet. But choosing more NO. Creating even more space. This will be like my chrysalis in Astoria. I’m not there to see the sights, read novels or watch television.

I’m there to find out what I want. And to meet Incoming Me, the version of me who knows about things like vitality and trust and secret flowers.

I’m playing with…

Trusting that my understanding of this word (whispers: pleasure!) can change, as can our complicated relationship.

Putting it here, which feels brave and a little terrifying.

Noticings about the things I want this week…

The part about sanctuary and shelter. That seems really big. It’s almost like having a canopy of peace, isn’t it. Interesting. I also liked this piece about solitude and immersion. I can’t wait to find out where that will lead.

Bonus wishes, please!

Some of these are secret agent code and some of them are things I’m silent retreat-ing on. Some are qualities that will help. And some are almost pre-wishes: tiny seeds for future processing.

  • The invisible companion.
  • A special force field that repels small talk.
  • Courage!
  • Radiance.
  • The most easy and efficient packing experience ever.
  • All doors open for me. Especially automatic ones.
  • All roads lead to the Vicarage.
  • I am here now. I want to be here now.
  • Bell Time Visions.

I’m playing with…

Love for past-me who set this up. Love for the me who is coming in. Love for the me at the front of the V right now.

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.

I wanted a strong container for these nine days before taking off for the Vicarage. And while I’m still in it, I can say that yes, this has been hugely helpful. Especially the part about “with love”.

Next I wanted nine forms, with play. It really helped. This is the first time I’ve *ever* set so much stuff up in advance before traveling, and it’s kind of blowing my mind. Yay Floop for all the help.

Then I wanted nine pages, with laughter. And there has definitely been laughter.

A good week, all in all.

Playing. Shelter for the comments.

What’s welcome: Your own wishes, gwishes, visions and personal ads, small or large. Updates on past ones if you like. Things sparked for your own process.

I’m receptive to warm wishes for the things I’m working on and playing with.

We ask for what we need, and we give each other space and spaciousness for the process.

This is a place of safety for creative play and exploration, with a very non-dogmatic approach. We don’t tell each other how to ask for things and we don’t give unsolicited advice. We play.

That’s it. Let’s throw a bunch of things in the pot!

As always, amnesty applies. Leave a wish here any time you want.


The Fluent Self