very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

Each week I write these Visions of Possibility and Anticipation to practice asking for what I want. And to get clarity on what that really is, even when asking feels conflicted.

I always get useful information about my relationship with various aspects of the ask. Join in if you like!

About this week’s wishes.

These are all birthday wishes.

Not birthday-wishes in the sense of things I want for the coming year, or for my birthday this week (Thursday), but wishes about how I want to mark this.

The day of my birthday also happens to be the birthday of my business. Seven years officially, and eight since the day the spark was sparked in my heart.

And this is not any birthday.

This is 36. Which is double-life. Two times life!

Hai in Hebrew means living or life. It’s the same word that my name comes from. And in gematriya, 18 adds up to LIFE. All multiples of 18 are considered special and kind of … charged.

This also happens to be the theme that chose me at Crossing the Line to take through 2013: the qualities of Vitality, Aliveness, taking exquisite pleasure and delight in the wonder of being alive. Taste, touch, color, texture, breath, all of it.

So here I am. The year of double-life. That’s what I’m thinking about.

Thing 1: Conundrum solved: now to set it up.

Here’s what I want:

So Bond Girl (incoming me) solved a conundrum in the most wonderful way.

The conundrum was this:

Here is a thing about being a Havi. Havis like to celebrate. They like joyful celebration! Well, this one does.

Except! Havi does not like being social. Not even slightly social. Havi likes to hide and retreat and be away from people. Havi is happiest when turning inward. And being around more than one other person (maybe two) needs to be avoided.

(Other than at Rally! Which is different.)

So how can I celebrate and still not get overwhelmed? That was the question.

Bond Girl solved it. Speaking of Rally (Rally!), she solved it while I was at Rally, because Rally is amazing and solutions just kind of show up.

So I know exactly what I want. It’s just a matter of implementing it. And it’s going to need to spread out over a couple of months…

The qualities inside of the want:

Playfulness. Glamour. Surprise. Delight. Spaciousness. Mystery. Pleasure. Passage.

And the superpowers of radiant glowing boundaries, Extreme Sexy Confidence, knowing that there is time, and filling up on peacefulness.

Ways this might work:

I got the name of the just-right accomplice/photographer from Rhiannon.

Now I need to figure out when, where, who and how.

But that’s something I could do during the thing that is not a chrysalis but like a chrysalis.

Also I know Kyle is super into this crazy plan, so maybe I can enlist him to help me plan it? Or to listen encouragingly and drink beer while I plan it?

I’m playing with…

There is time. There is time. There is time. I want this, and it’s going to happen, and there is time.

Thing 2: What is like a chrysalis but not a chrysalis?

Here’s what I want:

Last year I took a week off and had birthday chrysalis at my favorite place in Portal Land.

This year, for a variety of reasons, that isn’t an option.

So I want something that is like a chrysalis but not a chrysalis.

It needs to have the qualities of chrysalis and also involve Time In.

(Time In is what I call “time off”, because my monsters disapprove of time-off but they worry when I get overwhelmed. So we compromised. Time In is turning inward and giving myself replenishing time to make sure that I don’t get fried. And it doesn’t sound like vacation, which they think is extravagant and decadent…)

The qualities inside of the want:

Pausing. Replenishing. Presence. Shelter. Quiet. Peacefulness. Sweetness. Flow.

And the superpower of taking exquisite care of myself. And enjoying that, feeling pleased about it.

Ways this might work:

When I asked myself “what is like a chrysalis but not a chrysalis”, what I got in response was the word labyrinth.

A labyrinth.

So if I set up my week like a labyrinth, there could be pieces of turning inward everywhere that I cycle through.

Wally on Monday. Rebecca on Toozday. Pool. Water. Horizon. Like that.

I’m playing with…

Maybe tomorrow at Fake Beach Day I can work out what this might look like, what the elements are.

The main thing is that I need to let my housemate know that home is a chrysalis zone, and that I am on a time-out from talking about work stuff.

Thing 3: The 36 mish’alot.

Here’s what I want:

Mish’alot are wishes.

And I am making 36 of them.

Last year on my birthday I made three impossible wishes, and they all came true. It took them a while. They slid in at the end. But they are here.

This year: 36.

The qualities inside of the want:

Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.

Eight different kinds of love.

And the superpower of Trusting That From Now On All Timing Is Right Timing.

Ways this might work:

This needs to happen at the bar.

I’m playing with…


Thing 4: Hamsas.

Here’s what I want:

Tiny hamsas everywhere.

Like the one we have at the Playground. It’s by Adina Plastelina and it looks like this.

I want more of these, in different colors, in my office and at Stompopolis, and this feels really important and I don’t know why.

Not even sure what this ask is about yet. Just putting it here because it feels like it is related to this year of being vitally alive and committing to that.

The qualities inside of the want:

Beauty. Remembering. Trust. Courage. Protection. Quiet. Nest. Treasure.

And the superpower of letting things get taken care of.

Ways this might work:

Not sure yet.

I’m playing with…

Letting myself want the want without needing to know more about it yet.

Thing 5: The secret hat of double-life.

Here’s what I want:

[silent retreat]

This one needs to be silent retreated.

And, interestingly, it is also related to my experience of my first Thirty Six Days of Silent Retreat.

The qualities inside of the want:

Presence. Warmth. Pleasure. Welcoming. Community. Delight. Vitality Aliveness.

And the superpowers of Celebration through Steadiness, Sweetness through Grace.

Ways this might work:

By getting as quiet as possible.

I’m playing with…

What is quiet than whispering? Softer than humming?

That. Radiating and resonating.

Noticings about the things I want this week…

Man, shelter is a really big deal to me right now.

Not that this should be surprising, because it isn’t. Just really noticing that.

Bonus wishes, please!

Some of these are secret agent code and some of them are things I’m silent retreat-ing on. Some are qualities that will help. And some are almost pre-wishes: tiny seeds for future processing.

  • The secret and belated mishloach manot to be actually delivered in addition to existing. I forgot to emphasize that part of it!
  • Costumes for Bond Girl.
  • Taking out the part that doesn’t need me right now.
  • Red Rose Missive.
  • Moving the Marigold Mission to postcard.
  • Being a surfer.
  • What are the best earbuds? Who knows about this? (Suggestions welcome!)
  • Renaming airplane mode. Ship mode? Silent retreat mode?
  • Dipping dipping dipping dipping.
  • Peacefulness.

I’m playing with…

Trust. Listening. Paying attention. Not speaking, and letting the not speaking solve everything for me.

To life, as they say.

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.

I wanted to talk to Bond Girl, and I’ve been doing a lot of that.

Operation Watch This, Baby (aka watch this, comma, baby) is still in progress. The good news is that I am far less worried about this than I was before.

Operation Dock Deck Five was a huge success.

Sparking the sparks about Stompopolis is also still in progress. Thank you everyone who liked us on Facebook and followed on Twitter and Instagram (Stompstagram!).

I think what I want next is for people who have been to Stompopolis or want to visit to write about it online in some form, yes. 36 Things: happened. As did: Winning At Pants. In more ways than one….

The rest I am re-planting for this week as well.

Renamed chicken parts for congruence: done! About page: updated.

Playing. Shelter for the comments.

What’s welcome: Your own wishes, gwishes, visions and personal ads, small or large. Updates on past ones if you like. Things sparked for your own process.

I’m receptive to warm wishes for the things I’m working on and playing with.

We ask for what we need, and we give each other space and spaciousness for the process.

This is a place of safety for creative play and exploration, with a very non-dogmatic approach. We don’t tell each other how to ask for things and we don’t give unsolicited advice. We play.

That’s it. Let’s throw a bunch of things in the pot!

As always, amnesty applies. Leave a wish here any time you want.


The Fluent Self