very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

Each week I write a Very Personal Ad (aka Vision-Possibility-Anticipation) to practice wanting, and get clarity about my desires. Sometimes wanting feels conflicted or just plain hard, and that’s okay.

At the very least, useful noticings about my relationship with wanting. It all counts.

What do I want?

So I was sick in bed for over two weeks and then I hurt my ankle, and basically I’ve been in bed for almost a month, and I am GOING OUT OF MY MIND. Well, in my more grace-filled moments, I am registering this clear invitation to rest. Other moments I think if I can’t dance soon I will be lost forever.

(Also, and this does not help, I have the post-Rally blues, and I have them bad. Though remembering that this is sometimes a thing is helping.)

I want hopefulness, I want a return of energy, I want a way to interact with the pain-fear, I want to stay connected to myself.

What do I want?

Ah. Okay. I can’t do any of the usual things that keep me in my happy-hum state — dancing! bouncing! walking! moving! sun salutations! — and I need to find new ways to Release and Disperse.

Because it turns out that [Release and Disperse] is vital to my mental, emotional, energetic and physical well-beings. All the wells and all the states of being. I need releasing and dispersing.

So I either need to find new ways to have Release and Disperse, or I need something else and I don’t know what that is yet.

What do I want?

I don’t know if I’ve ever talked about Ayurveda here. In Ayurveda there are three ways-that-people-can be.

These are like states of being or constitutions or tendencies. And, because People Vary, we hang out in all kinds of combinations of these states. There’s earth, fire and air — (Earth, Wind and Fire? I just got that.) — and then all the ways these interact.

Normal for me is basically a 50/50 split between pitta and vata. Half fire and half air. I have no earth to speak of, it is ridiculous. I enjoy the good parts of winds and fire: Sparks! Passion! Play! Creativity! Ideas!

This earth thing though, I do not have it figured out yet. So I surround myself with earth people because ahhhh it is so comforting. They’re super grounded, they always want to give me hugs, they cook for me, they are happy when I come around. It’s lovely.

The thing with earth people though (haha, that sounds like I am a visitor from another planet, I do kind of feel that way at times) is that they do not understand my deep physical need — yes, I NEED this — to release and disperse excess energy.

They’re like, “Extra energy, what’s that? That sounds so nice! And why can’t you just save it for later?”

Me: “WHAT. No. There is no saving this energy. This needs to exit my space right now. I need to RELEASE AND DISPERSE or I will explode. I need to bounce and frolic and be a gazelle. I need to punch things and leap and bound and make sounds and let it all out. I need to burn it off, I need to let off steam. I need to dance or I will die.”

And then they hug me and make me soup, which is very nice, and they do not understand what I am talking about.

What do I want?

(I want to feel understood.)


I need to find new ways to release and disperse, and I do not know what they are yet.

This is where all the people with lots of kapha (earth element) say things like, “Oh, you could channel that energy into knitting.” No, I cannot. This isn’t the kind of energy that is for channeling. This is for dispersing and releasing. And knitting would make me even crazier. I don’t know how to explain it better than that, so you have to trust me.

I do not want suggestions. I just want to find my own way into something that works for me.

What do I want?

Hahaha, two weeks ago my wish was all about letting go.

So now I am in a state where I am ready to let go in the usual (and unusual) ways, and I need new ways. So. All Timing Is Right Timing. Again.

This is the next level of the video game. Time to learn a new skill.

Not knitting though. For me, I mean. The skill of new ways to release and disperse, disperse and release.

What do I want?

This is a bit of a tangent. I am noticing some LFP (Ludicrous Fear Popcorn) that all my knitting readers, which make up like, 99% of my readership apparently, are going to realize that I don’t knit and will instantly abandon my blog forever.

I love you, knitters of the world!

And I love you, small-scared Havi who generates Ludicrous Fear Popcorn so that slightly-wiser-Havi can remember that all fear is legitimate, and also that all fear has a component of slightly-to-very ludicrous.

I could spend my whole life noticing and learning about my fears. This is, in fact, what I do with my life. It is such a big part of self-fluency. I am a professional translator of LFP.

So really you might say that [Release and Disperse], for me, is about doing the things that quiet me down enough so that I can have an easier time practicing self-fluency.

And if the usual ways aren’t available to me, I still can notice my LFPs and learn about them..

What do I want?

[Silent Retreat.]

What do I want?

I want my ankle to heal and I want to run away to the Vicarage. Yes, I want that.

What do I want?

Comfort. To know that I am held.

What do I want?

To remember that this feeling is a natural and normal reaction for me to be experiencing, and that it is okay. Unpleasant, sure, and also: okay.

It makes sense that someone who moves for hours a day feels lost and confused when she cannot move.

It makes sense that someone who processes emotional stuff through the physical needs other ways to process. And yes, I have other ways to process. It’s just that having the physical helps me use the other ones too, and now I don’t have the physical, and it is hard for me.

Where/how do I want to start playing with this?

Things that are like releasing and dispersing: emptying and replenishing. Baths are good. Maybe I can go to the soaking pool and move my body a little in the water. Maybe. I don’t really feel like being out in the world though, not yet…

What else?

I can: Joyfully Delete Things. DELETED! SOLVED!

For example, I can clear out Dropbox, which is the kind of thing that usually is completely unappealing to me and by all logic should be extra-unappealing in current mood. However, it seems like the exacxt right thing to, I don’t know, make things move, shake stuff up, kick things around, let energy start circulating again.

Also I really, really, really want to paint the dining room. Well, not so much to do it as to have it done. Still. It is this kind of pale, dead, very light green and it is stupid and it needs to change. It needs to be that buttery-cream color that Richard has. Yes. Okay, this is good, getting intel about what is incongruent, this helps.

And I can do lots of congruencing in the house. Small shifts. Just one something. Or my favorite practice of ten things gone. Like that.

Anything else coming up?

More deleting! More deleting! Possibly with sound effects.

And also, remembering what wise-me said yesterday during old Turkish lady yoga (even as I was having trouble finding ways to be with my body that did not put pressure on my ankle)…

Go Back To The Things You Love. This Is The Answer. Go way back. To swingsets and being tucked into bed, to hiding in piles of blankets and reading detective stories, to a low wooden balance beam, to music that moves you, to the mysterious smells of spring. Return to this and you will know what to do.

What are the qualities of my wish?

Presence. Trust. Pleasure. Play. Breathing. Patience. Wellness. Reverberation.


This amazing video of Sweet Child Of Mine.

What else do I want?

Seeds planted without explanation, a mix of secret agent code and silent retreat dreams. Things I’m working on, or might be, someday…

  • Everything is easier than I thought, and look, miracles everywhere.
  • I go out dancing at the ballroom.
  • This doesn’t require my input!
  • Ha, it’s so perfect that it turned out like this. Past me is a GENIUS
  • I have what I need, and I appreciate it. There are resources to do this.
  • Trust and steadiness. I can see why this moment is good.
  • Hawaii.
  • I am fearless and confident. I do the brave things and it is not even a big deal, and I still get sparklepoints, yay.

This week’s ops?

More progress on Saying Everything Twice (Saying Everything Twice!), and Boarding the New Ship.

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

So. Last week, aka releasing layers…

My wish had to do with releasing layers, which in retrospect, may have unearthed some things that are now requiring all this Releasing and Dispersing.

So that is good. That means this current experience of Must Release And Disperse But How is related to the work I did before. Which means that not only is it true that Nothing Is Wrong (as always), but this is a part of an important process. It is something I am going through to get to the next piece.

Alright. Maybe this is part of the transition from the Year of Emptying & Replenishing into the upcoming Year of Emerging & Receiving. Part of the path, not keeping me from the path. Good to remember. I will play with trusting and remembering that Nothing Is Wrong.

Thank you, writing. Thank you, me who asked.

Attenzione! Attention, AGENTS.

FIVE DAYS LEFT to join some part of Operation Sustenance (password: fredastaire) and, if you like, to be in my Year of Emerging & Receiving where you get to read all my journals, among other things.

And whether this is something you can be a part of right now or not, I love you just as much either way. I would appreciate any help in spreading the word about this blog and the work play we do with self-fluency. Let’s have even more lovely people playing here this year.

Keep me company?

Consider this an open invitation to deposit wishes, gwishes, personal ads. In any size/form you like, there’s no right way. Updates on past experiments are welcome too, as is anything sparked for you.

Commenting culture: This is safe space for creative exploration. We are on permanent vacation from care-taking and advice-giving. We are here to play.

Let’s throw things in the pot! And: Amnesty. Leave a wish any time you want.


The Fluent Self