very personal adsVery personal ads. They’re … very personal!

I write a Very Personal Ad each week to practice wanting, and get clarity about my desires. The point isn’t getting my wish (though cool things have emerged from wishing), the point is learning about my relationship with what I want, and accessing the qualities. Wanting can be hard, it is easy to feel conflicted about it, and the reasons for that make this a surprisingly subversive practice…

What do I want?


When I say freedom, what kind of freedom is this freedom?

  • Spacious.
  • Anything is possible.
  • I follow my guided, indicated desires with curiosity and joy.
  • I am a bell. I reverberate with qualities.
  • I am not tied down to places or obligation, other than my commitment to my own well-being/bell-being.
  • Ah, this is my theme song!

What will grow? Who knows.

I have been thinking a lot about what it means to really commit to Shmita.

Shmita is sabbatical, pausing the work of planting fields, finding out what happens when I let my fields lie fallow. What happens when I choose Intentional Not-Planting?

All I want to plant this year is qualities:

Trust and possibility. Ease and delight. Rest and releasing. Love and sweetness. Glowing clarity. Bold joyful presence.

No projects. No plans.

I don’t believe in later anymore.

There is now, and there is now.

This is deliciously simple, and yet it gets tricky in my mind, when so many of the things I am currently doing are for future freedom, and future joy.

For example, getting different spaces ready to rent out so that I can step out of this current cycle of [working my ass off to create things that will bring in money to cover overhead so I can eventually stop working my ass off except that part never happens].

Since there is no later, I can’t just power through and suffer now for future joy.

I have to find ways to let this be joyful now.

Even when I choose [work], I need to approach it with sabbatical mind.

What is sabbatical mind?

Being curious about everything.

Choosing towards joy.

Planting qualities, not goals or projects. I might think the garden needs peas and onions, when actually the garden needs rest and love. My only job right now is to love the garden, and trust that whatever the garden wants to give me is right.

What else do I know about this?

Do things that are pleasurable. Do them twice.

Layer on experiences of sweetness.

If you want to plan a wild escape plan for a lion in a cage, you need to do things that help the lion feel lion-like. Return to lion state. Stretch and roar. Remember what that feels like. You are not helpless. You are a LION, and you are full of the intensity of life.

Anyway, the cage is maybe 90% imaginary at this point. You’ll see that more clearly when you start to feel like your lion self again. Stop thinking that remembering your lion self requires being completely outside the cage. Be your lion self now.

I don’t want a someday life. I want a now life.

I want to live a quiet, body-aware, true-yes life.

Aware of my yes. Honest with my yes. Committed to my yes. Yes to my yes!

And I want to do that now, and at all times, and not have this wish be contingent on things like [getting to a more supportive location] or changing my environment.

I mean, of course I am still working on making intentional changes in my environment, because external space influences internal space and vice versa, and all the corners of my kingdom are important.

Similarly, I’m still working on a grand master plan to exit the places I no longer want to be.

The point is though, no more waiting for X in order to be-or-feel Y. That is just unbelievably silly.

I know that intellectually, of course. Now it is time to know it in my body. In my lion body.

What do I know about my wishes?

This requires more patience than I currently have, and that’s okay.

That’s one of the skill sets I’m developing. That’s one of the reasons I have a Mysteriously Injured Knee that won’t let me walk and dance. Patience with the garden. Patience with the wishes. Patience with everything.

I need to undo any old ideas or notions that “joy will come when [I can dance again]”.

Joy comes now, when I invite it in, when I give legitimacy and permission to the very real feelings of not-joy, when I remember that everything I am feeling makes sense and is okay, when I am allowed to be as I am in this moment.

Joy comes when I look for it. When I choose away from not-a-joy-spark. When I follow the instinctive pull of my desires. When I discard the lip balm that I never liked. When I smile at a pink tulip in a jar.

Joy comes from perspective.

What else do I know?

I am so fortunate, in so many ways, and it is very easy to forget this.

Side note! I’m not into the current trend of labeling things “first world problems”, I think that often just shames people into forgetting to acknowledge that it’s okay that their current experience of pain is painful, which is the first step towards perspective.

We don’t want to reserve the fountain for people with “real problems” — the fountain is for everyone.

At the same time, sometimes I find it helpful to pause and breathe and laugh, and remember that my many of my current problems and challenges are kind of amazing.

I’m divorced! I love being divorced! I don’t have kids! I love this too! I have a job that allows me to work from anywhere. I can actually take off from my life and go wander the desert with my lover, or visit my wonderful uncle and play in the forest.

Sure, there’s money stuff to sort out, and that’s legitimately scary. And there’s the ongoing challenge of still having a chocolate shop that I never wanted. But there are no big, painful upheavals that need to happen for me in order to have the freedom to follow my desire. I have freedom, I just forget this.

Like the lion.

What else do I know?

I said this last week, and it’s still true:

Taking care of myself first is always the right answer.

Me: Hey, slightly-wiser me, what do you have for me?

She: Oh Havi Bell, the answer to every question is either a) be a bell and resonate, or b) do something that supports your bell-ness.
Me: Sometimes I can’t remember this.
She: Then ask. Be a bell of asking. Be a bell of curiosity. Questions are just someone wanting love. So reverberate with wanting. Reverberate with love.


The thing about walking very slowly because my knee is in a brace is that I am much better at seeing clues in my surroundings. Guess what is painted on a wall that I actually walk by fairly often? A quote from Rumi, speaking of lions and imaginary cages of our own design:

I have gotten free of that ignorant fist that was pinching and twisting my secret self.

Yes, this is relevant to my wish, and to the garden.

This also reminds me of something Orna Sela, my teacher in Tel Aviv, used to say: When someone is in distress, they rattle at the bars and curse them for not bending enough to create an opening. If they’d just back up, they’d see that the cage only has one wall.

You can go in any direction except right in front of you. Back up. Breathe. Look around you. The cage is a misunderstanding.

The superpower of seeing beauty everywhere.

February - Appreciate MoreAh, beautiful transition. The quality for January on the 2015 Fluent Self calendar is ANCHOR, and the quality for February is APPRECIATE.

Anchor appreciation. Appreciate the anchoring.

And the February superpower is I See Beauty Everywhere.

That’s the trick. That is the trick to joy. See it everywhere. And where it isn’t, change something. Even something very small.

Or back up and look around…

Ongoing wishes.

Seeds planted without explanation, a mix of secret agent code and silent retreat. Things to play with someday.
  • Everything is easier than I thought, and look, miracles everywhere.
  • I have the best time dancing in my ballroom.
  • This doesn’t require my input!
  • Ha, it’s so perfect that it turned out like this. Past me is a GENIUS
  • I have what I need, and I appreciate it. There are resources to do this.
  • Trust and steadiness. I can see why this moment is good.
  • I am fearless and confident. I do the brave things, I state my preferences clearly, calmly and easily, and it is not even a big deal, yay.
  • I am ready to come into my superpowers and receive gifts that are winging their way to me. Superpower of Everything Enhances My Superpowers!

Things I find helpful when it comes to wishes…

Set the intention. Nap on it. Dance, write, play, walk the labyrinth. Get quiet to hear what is true. Sweet pauses, yes to the red lights and purple pills, say thank you to the broken pots. Costume changes. Stone skipping. My body decides. Thank you in advance. Eight breaths for the eight directions of the compass:

Adventure. Rest. Horizons. Security. Passion. Sweetness. Clarity. Presence.

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

So. Last week, aka exit as you wish to continue…

Okay so while that one was hard to write, it actually turned out to be a surprisingly helpful wish. The Playground, the center I’ve run for nearly five years, is close to being empty, and that process wasn’t nearly as traumatic as I thought it would be. My house is also steadily emptying out.

Big healing has been happening with my leg, which can now BEND ALL THE WAY, and while I still don’t like stairs, I can walk again, and this is big.

Also a big breakthrough with incoming me, and I have been practicing doing things with sabbatical mind, which is helping me Enter As I Wish To Be In It, Exit As I Wish To Continue.

Love more. Trust more. Release more. Receive more. Thank you, writing. Thank you, me who asked.

Attenzione! Attention, AGENTS.

I wish to whisper a whisper about the Monster Manual! It comes paired with the world’s best coloring book, which does so much monster-dissolving magic that even if you wait to try the techniques, you’ll still feel better about everything.

Self-fluency is hard enough, we need ways to to interact with the thoughts-fear-worry-criticism that shuts down creative exploring. And when people get the manual, I am able to me spend more time writing here. So if you don’t need help with monsters, get one for a friend. Or plant a wish that someone gets it for you! And bring people you like to hang out here. The more of us working on our stuff, the better for all of us. ♡

Keep me company?

Consider this an open invitation to deposit wishes, gwishes, personal ads. In any size/form you like, there’s no right way. Updates on past experiments are welcome too, as is anything sparked for you.

Commenting culture: This is safe space for creative exploration. We are on permanent vacation from care-taking and advice-giving. We are here to play and throw things in the pot! With amnesty. Leave a wish any time you want.

Here’s how we meet each other’s wishes: Oh, wow. What beautiful wishes.


The Fluent Self