Today I stumbled into an absolutely massive pile of iguanas.

If you are not familiar with the iguanas, I’m referring to the Inowanna variety: those things you just don’t feel like doing.

Today’s iguanas are all at least tangentially related to Shiva Nata, the brain-training practice that has altered pretty much everything in my life for the better.

Things on my Inowanna list pile:


  • updating the Shiva Nata blog, that hasn’t been touched in over two months.
  • answering a bunch of questions
  • updating what events are happening when and where
  • updating the Shivanautical faq so we can press the pooblish on that

So of course I’m going to be processing the process.

Because the thing with iguanas (just like with monsters) is this:

Ignoring them doesn’t help. Fighting with them doesn’t help.

Pretty much your only option — other than directly doing Dance of Shiva on the stuck in order to get some insights — is to commit to interacting with the iguanas* and with yourself.

In the most conscious, intelligent, loving way you can stand.

Right. Not there yet, but headed in the general direction.

* Or at least interacting with the fact that they exist, if not with the iguanas themselves.

The Shivaguana Internal Rally starts today.

I’m creating a non-container of a container — more like a sukkah or a pirate ship to spend some time with this.

A mini-Rally. Maybe ten minutes. Maybe a couple hours.

But I’m going to dance it up. And ask questions.

To find out what my discomfort has to say, where my walls are, what the iguanas need to feel safe, and what needs untangling.

I don’t have to get anything done. I’m just collecting Useful Information.

There will be video game moments and monster conversations and much letting things be the way they are.

As well as much letting myself not like things being the way they are.

And putting things to bed. Possibly including myself.

Anyone else want to go iguana-watching with me?

To say this:

“I don’t need to fix you yet, I don’t need to understand this yet, but I’m here, and I’m peeking in your general direction and I’m willing to learn one thing about what the next piece is.”


And … comment zen for today.

Dealing with iguanas is hard and painful. Or can be.

I do not even slightly mean to imply that it isn’t.

We all have our stuff. We’re all working on our stuff. Sometimes it’s old and tangled and full of hurt. I’m so sorry.

Here’s what we don’t do in the comments: unsolicited advice. Really, it’s the best way to avoid the spitting iguanas.

The Fluent Self