Just seems like a thanking sort of day.
Not a 77 Things That Don’t Completely Suck sort of day.
Just a thanking day.
Thank you to Mr. Pants for saying everything that’s in my head.
But that I don’t have the balls to say.
Also for coming up with the word blauthenticity. And for going by the name Sparky Firepants. Because he can.
And for titling a blog post this post has no SEO blah.
Small business, blah blah.
Design, blah. Blah blah. Design good. blah.
Logos and branding blah. Do this. Blah blah. Think about your people… blah.
SXSW. Blahgity blah blah. Not going…because x, y, z, blah.
Who’s doing what blah. Products. blah. Teleclass, blah.
Think different, blah. blauthenticity.
I adore you, Mr. Pants. And I haven’t had a beer with you in at least a couple of months, so head on over to my part of town, please.
Thank you Patty for being inspirational, fabulous and wearing pajamas.
Three whole days at a business conference in her pajamas.
“Who is this inappropriately dressed intruder who dares sully our convention?”
I have met Patty and yes, she is always wearing pajamas and yes, she is that cool but still. A speakers conference.
Let us salute Patty.
Thank you xkcd for making me laugh — out loud — on the crappiest of crappy days.
Seriously. This hit me right in the funny bone. On a day when nothing was even slightly funny.
Thank you Sarah for introducing me to disapproving rabbits.
They’re rabbits. Who disapprove.
And then when people are all mean and shoe-throw-ey and disapproving? You pretend they’re rabbits, and it makes everything that much more bearable.
EDIT: I meant this Sarah. Yay, Sarah!
Thank you to my ex-husband for divorcing me eight years ago this week.
My life is ridiculously better because of that. I hope yours is too.
Thank you.
Thank you, Wednesday for not being Monday anymore. Happy Wednesday.
Jessica-Rabbit-kisses to the commenter mice and the Beloved Lurkers and you.
Ahhhh…so very soothing. And just when I was longing to be soothed, too. So, on this thanking sort of day, I am thanking you.
I especially loved Patty’s post. Pajamas forever!
Oh, and disapproving rabbits! It seems to me that rabbits are easily frightened. Perhaps, the next time I encounter someone who seems to disapprove of me, I’ll realize that the disapproval may just be masking a whole lot of fear.
That xkcd strip reminded me of a button I used to have, which read: “National Non-Sequitur’s Society: We Don’t Make Sense, But We Do Like Pizza.”
I’ve been having a really rough week so far. I think I’ll declare this Wednesday my own personal Blauthenticity Day, and see where it leads me.
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … This probably shouldn’t surprise me… =-.
And THANK YOU to you Havi, for…
…being you;
…bringing your wonderful techniques into my life; and
…introducing me to “Pajamas Patty.”
Thank you!
Mean people are rabbits. Yeahh!
Happy Wednesday, Havi! Wednesdays totally rock!
.-= Lana – {Daring Clarity}´s last post … How I Got to The Core, Got Scared… and Survived. =-.
How bout a thank you for you? For being the generous wonderful business savant you are and giving the advice you give.
I’m going to leave it at that for here and for now, but I was thinking as I was walking home from the grocery store today about the line that traces from things you’ve said to some good, good stuff happening over here. Thank you!
To no more Mondays like Monday.
.-= Sandra´s last post … I am a professional blogger =-.
Yay Havi 🙂 I’m so glad you were delighted by the Disapproving Rabbits?!!! I visit them every day 🙂 Love to you!
.-= Sarah Tieck´s last post … Photo Inspiration #6: Birds! =-.
@Kathleen What an interesting comment re: bunnies seeming frightened — we have a pet rabbit and she’s very nervous … but, yes disapproving and sort of bossy … I hadn’t thought of the correlation with people! Ooohh!
.-= Sarah Tieck´s last post … Photo Inspiration #6: Birds! =-.
Thank you, Havi, for making Windy Winsday more winsome win than wild mid-week ride. 🙂 This week could use a new beginning. Your five thank-you’s are a lovely start.
.-= Hiro Boga´s last post … Places of the Heart… =-.
I have to thank you for two things: first, for your post last week on SXSW, because I can’t begin to tell you how much it has helped me reframe my feelings about being an HSP. (I bookmarked it for those days when I feel my hand reaching for the psychic cat o’ nine tails.)
Second: Disapproving Rabbits! I laughed so hard at this! Thanks for the intro!
.-= Linnea´s last post … "Mars is bright tonight." (Wishcasting Wednesday) =-.
Ok, the xkcd thing just rocks. I laughed so hard I almost choked. Tautology clubs!
And as someone who lives with two cute (and often very disapproving) bunnies that Disapproving Rabbits site is pure gold.
Good schtuff!
.-= Fabeku´s last post … Eff Cramming (a.k.a. In Defense of Playtime) =-.
Thanks be to YOU Miss Havi! For way more than five things!
.-= chicsinger simone´s last post … Monster negotiations =-.
@Sarah – ohmygod I am so so so sorry that I didn’t link to you! That’s what happens when I actually post something myself instead of letting the pirates do it. About to fix!
Thanks for the bunnies and the insights!
@Sandra – kisses!
@Sanders – oh I adore you. Just seeing your name makes me happy. Hi Sanders!!!!
@Kathleen – We Don’t Make Sense, But We Do Like Pizza! Thank you for that. It is just WONDERFUL.
@Kathleen – Oh, I am printing that out and posting it on my cubicle wall! Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller is one of my favorite comics, so I think I need a non-sequitor saying on my wall. 🙂
It’s been a stormy, mind-boggling day already (outside AND inside!), so yay for uplifting things to read! Thanks, Havi!
Someday, I hope to be in a place of gratitude about my divorce. Almost a decade in, I’m finally at the “I didn’t crawl under the covers, curl up in a ball, and cry my eyes out” place. Progress! March 5 was my not-my-anniversary-anymore date, so last week was hard, and it seems to have spilled over into this week. So, YAY! (again) for uplifting things to read. Thanks!!
.-= Sherron´s last post … A Name to Grow Into =-.
@Havi — No worries! Actually, it is sort of a total blessing that the Pirates didn’t link it at first! When I saw your note just now about that, it lit a fire under my arse and I was like “Holy crap, batman, I need to update my blog!” So, I quick logged into lunch …. and used my break to update my blog … because I have a super cool class starting next week, and maybe some bunny lovers (or haters?? Ha ha!!) will join me! I’m actually just totally delighted to see how many others are loving the Disapproving Rabbits site. Wow do cranky people seem SO much more harmless when you imagine them with big feet, fuzzy tails and cute ears. Really, we all just want a carrot!!
@Fabeku — YAY for bunnies as pets 🙂
.-= Sarah Tieck´s last post … Photo Inspiration #6: Birds! =-.
aaaah!!! tautology clubs! aaaaah!!! disapproving rabbits!!!! loved it!
it’s like tender furry little training wheels with floppy ears in dealing with shoes!