Fluent Self Item!A somewhat goofy mini-collection of stuff I’ve been reading, stuff I’ve been thinking about and oh, some completely random crap.

Basically the stuff that never gets mentioned here because I’m not the kind of person who can just make some teeny little point. Not into the whole brevity thing, as the Dude would say.

Actually, I’m under the strict compulsion to write ten pages about anything on my mind. So this is me. Practicing brevity.

Oh, yes. I get exclaim-ey on Wednesdays.

It’s a thing. Well, let’s pretend it’s a thing.

Item! Post No. 45 in a series that makes me sound far more excitable than I actually am, because I keep shouting Item!

Item! I’m not the only one who forgets the things I already know..

Heather wrote a beautiful piece in response to my post about stucknesses.

“Here are some of the things I know, but have not been able to integrate into my living practice:

  • When I’m tired, I need to rest.
  • Stagnation is a natural part of the creative cycle. Perhaps view it as sitting or processing rather than stagnation.
  • If I touch just one person with what I do or say, I’ve made a difference.”

I found this so helpful.

She’s @livingartist on Twitter.

Item! What makes an online community work.

Interesting piece from Richard Millington on why amateurs build better online communities than businesses. Confirmed a lot of what I’ve learned/experienced from running my Kitchen Table program.

“You’re competing against amateurs. The very online communities that most businesses want are the communities they would have if they acted less like a business and more like a passionate amateur.”

He’s @RichMillington on Twitter.

Item! Our dreamboat president. Again.

I know I linked to this in the Chicken.

But I can’t resist.

Picture taken by my brother, who’s @ezra_brooks on Twitter.

Item! Crazy wonderful socks.

More Etsy goodness.

Like this. Or this.

Found via @memoija on Twitter.

Item! Another excellent dammit list.

Michael came up with his own version of a dammit list.*

* If you don’t know what a dammit list is, it’s now in the glossary.

“I love it because it is a vision of my future self, said with passion. A stake in the ground. A line in the sand, Dammit!”

My favorite part of his dammit list is that it includes be Randy Newman, dammit. Which is just adorable.

He’s @mj_walters on Twitter.

Item! Cranky Fibro Girl strikes again.

This is from ages ago, but I’m sharing it now. Because I don’t have a plan. More about my lack of plan next time, though.

“You know that whole stupid chart doctors pull out that supposedly tell you what weight you should be according to your height? Apparently the people who compiled this chart were unaware of the fact that women are actually 3-dimensional beings.

Now we do have a friend who is only 5 ft. tall, and probably does weigh only 100 lbs., but I’m pretty sure that’s because she was constructed using only the bones of one tiny sparrow and a few golden clouds.

She is very tiny and cute — like a miniature doll you might want to pick up and keep in your pocket. And as a matter of fact she frequently has random strange men come up to her and tell her this very thing.

That is, of course, the very last thing they say, right before she kills them and feeds their bodies to sharks. Which they clearly deserve because, seriously –that’s just creepy.”

Ah, yes. You can always count on some quality ranting from Jenny. That’s because she’s Cranky Fibro Girl. She’s funny and sweet and I think you will like.

She’s @jennyryan on Twitter.

Item! Oh I am so happy.

I can’t even tell you how gleeful I was upon seeing that The Onion has devoted this week to “the top 10 stories of the last 4.5 billion years” for their annual the-year-in-review thing.

My inner history major (yes, of course I was a history major) is just loving this to death.

“The Magna Carta, which limits the powers of the king and binds him to the rule of law, was issued on June 15, 1215. What do you think?”

“Then, tis tyme to become taken awaye to the prisonne, for I am desirous to trye this new Habeas Corpus.”


Item! Eileen on the human filter.

This is good.

“I feel like wow, if this person exists in the world then why do I even need to be here? They’ve totally got this covered.

Which is funny (funny ha-ha as I tend to laugh at myself when I learn lessons over and over again), because while someone else might be able to say things that speak to the core of who I am, things that inspire and move me and make me feel not-alone…..they can’t say my things.”

Yes. We can’t see our filters. Because they’re ours. Read the rest.

She’s @evalazza on Twitter.

Item! Lucy wrote a brave post about her thing.

Her thing!

She showed up to the Biggification Day in Sacramento not sure if she had a thing or if she wanted a thing or how she would describe it if she could get to the point of admitting that yes, it exists.

And now she’s remarkably articulate about why it’s awesome. It is, by the way. It’s like astrology for people who don’t believe in astrology. Only better.

“It’s not about predicting the future, folks. It’s not about telling you what colour socks you’re going to wear next Thursday or what you had for breakfast this morning. Or even whether you’ll get that job or buy that house.

It’s about self-discovery.

It’s about talking to your patterns.

It’s short of jargon and it doesn’t invent connections that aren’t there.”

She’s @lucyviret on Twitter.

Item! Update from the land of the Peculiar & Hilarious Shivanauts!

The “peculiar and hilarious” thing comes from Melynda’s sweet bit about Butterfly Wishes.

Let’s see. We talked about what happens if you do Shiva Nata while pregnant.

Everyone at my Sacramento Biggification workshop had intense idea-storms and much epiphanizizing. Most of them have been blogging it up like mad.

Also, Pearl Mattenson gave birth to a wonderful baby blog about her shivanautical pracice. It’s called Shiva Nata Callings & Pearl is NOT having a mid-life crisis, and I love it.

She’s @pearlmattenson on Twitter.

Item! Comments! Here’s what I want this time:

  • Things you’re thinking about.
  • Things that are cheery in winter.

My commitment.
I am committed to giving time and thought to the things that people say, and I will interact with their ideas and with my own stuff as compassionately and honestly as is possible for me.

Even though asking for what I want still feels awkward for me, I’m just going to remind myself that this is a thing I’m practicing.

That is all.

Happy reading.

And happy Blustery Windsday. See you tomorrow.

The Fluent Self