Fluent Self Item!A somewhat goofy mini-collection of stuff I’ve been reading, stuff I’ve been thinking about and oh, some completely random crap.

Basically the stuff that never gets mentioned here because I’m not the kind of person who can just make some teeny little point. Not into the whole brevity thing, as the Dude would say.

Actually, I’m under the strict compulsion to write ten pages about anything on my mind. So this is me. Practicing brevity.

Ah, yes. The first Items of 2010.

Bright and sparkly and covered in snow. Or something like that.

Item! Post No. 48 in a series that doesn’t have to make sense — ever — but meets some sort of need of mine for something, or at least we all hope it does.

Item! The relationship between creativity and trust.

Selma and I have been enjoying Dave Rowley’s blog which is called Creative Chai.

“… for me the itch is about wanting to impress people with what I create.

Actually, I think it’s more about not wanting to embarrass myself with what I create.

Bleah, even more than that, it’s about not wanting to create something that will start up that voice inside my head: the voice that doesn’t trust in my ability to create; that decides I have no right to be creating stuff, that labels the things I create ‘irrelevant’.”

Also he has one of the most swoon-worthy Twitter bios in the entire world:

Creativity elf, shivanaut, wobbly yoga bloke.

He’s @creativechai on Twitter.

Item! An amazing job application.

Okay, so sending a paper resume is already remarkable, these days.

But the cover letter on this one was titled College graduate sends resume via snail mail on purpose.

“Ironically, we were able to reach Hazan in regards to this story via email. When asked why she chose this antiquated means of communication, she told us she was having trouble stealing her neighbor’s internet that week and had read about the US Postal Service in a book.”

The response?

“We weren’t even hiring, but the letter was so great we had to grab her before someone else did.”

That’s @sernovitz on Twitter. I’m pretty sure I got to this via @treelizard.

Item! The poem. Or maybe it’s an essay. I don’t care.

This knocked me out.

When I made my little joke of making Zombie Yule a Jewish thing by wishing Happy Erev Zombie Yule, I went looking for a good link to explain it and didn’t find one.

See, Erev is the evening before — it’s when our holidays actually start. Like Christmas Eve, except that we have everything eve.


I didn’t end up finding a good way to explain it. But I did find this piece. And it just ripped right through me. Which doesn’t happen very often.

“But erev. Erev surpasses evening in every sense.

Erev is a gasp, the gala apple skin point-of-tooth-contact, pre-bite. It is the toppling wavering of a too-slow bike mount, the anticipatory moment before jumping off.

Erev is the pre-, the almost, the nearly, potential energy so volatile it almost glows. “

Temima Fruchter. That’s who wrote it. I think I love her.

I don’t know what to say to make you read the whole thing. Just do it. For me.

Item! Quality hating. Again!

I haven’t seen Avatar. And, let’s be honest, if it hadn’t been for the New Yorker, I probably wouldn’t even have heard of it before coming across this in The Hater column.

But I’m still somehow not surprised that James Cameron said something like this:

“Our biggest challenge right now is letting females, in either younger or older quadrants, understand that this is a movie for them as well.”

Or that Amelie wouldn’t let him get away with it. Oh, Amelie. Your hating is of the highest possible quality and I appreciate that.

Aww, yeah. Females in any and all of the quadrants, James Cameron is making speech patterns at your auditory processing centers.

Please point your ocular receptors at Avatar. It is for your variation of the species as well. End Marketing Transmission.”

Item! Mr. Pants takes off the pants. Again.

A refreshingly honest post (really, would you expect anything else?) from my favorite Sparky Firepants (Mr. Pants!) about success.

And money.

And how we talk about it and relate to it.

Or don’t.

“Money is sweet. It’s awesome. I like money. A lot. Have you ever had money toasted with peanut butter? It’s a tasty treat.

Money is not success. It can be part of success but it’s not the whole lunchbox.”

You should read it. Good stuff.

He’s @sparkyfirepants on Twitter.

Item! Someone else’s confessional.

The wonderful Fi (full disclosure: I am a fan!) wrote this great post about … everything, kind of.

About art, depression, perfectionism, new beginnings and how they all relate to each other.

And because Fi wrote it, it’s smart, funny, interesting and goes to unexpected places.

“Maybe it was all those years of New Year’s Eve parties where you spent all evening angling to be next to some guy you fancied come midnight, only to find he’d gone to the loo when it came round and your chance of a New Year’s snog was gone for another 12 months.

Whatever, New Year’s Eve gets on my tits, and we mostly ignore it.”

She also uses the phrase “fakey authentic”. I love her.

She’s @FiBowman on Twitter.

Item! Ease.

Nice post from Larisa on how to bring some ease into the holiday season.

I know we’re mostly over with the holiday-ing, but there is usefulness in here and you should read it because it’s about using your body to categorize your list.

Which is terrific.

“Looking at my list, I was surprised to realize the idea of hosting a small party was actually very appealing to me while attending events felt like a huge, heavy chore.

Also, while my heart does feel really happy when thinking about giving gifts to loved ones, the pressure I was putting on myself to make them a certain way (thoughtful, unique, meaningful, perfect) was taking away any joy I felt in giving. “

She’s @LarisaKoehn on Twitter.

Item! Update from the land of the Peculiar & Hilarious Shivanauts!

The “peculiar and hilarious” thing comes from Melynda’s sweet bit about Butterfly Wishes.

Terrific guest post on the Shiva Nata blog from Briana called Truth elixir, nude dreams, realizations, just being.

Actually, it’s not really a guest post. It’s me posting an amazing letter. With permission.

I’d put in a quote as a teaser but good grief, there are nude dreams in it. Isn’t that enough? Click on the damn link already! 🙂

She’s @BrianaAldrich on Twitter.

Item! Comments! Here’s what I want this time:

  • Things you’re thinking about.
  • You can help me name my imaginary cat! Well, my down-the-street-a-few-blocks neighbor’s cat that I pretend secretly wants to live with me.

    So not actually imaginary.

    More like star-crossed lovers. I’ve been calling him Pumpkin Head McMuffin Muffin. Which seems to work.

    But while I’m playing make believe that a. I have a cat, b. my landlord would let me have a cat, c. that I don’t travel all the time for teaching which makes the cat thing impossible anyway, you can namestorm with me.

My commitment.
I am committed to giving time and thought to the things that people say. Even though asking for what I want still feels awkward for me, I’m just going to remind myself that this is a thing I’m practicing.

That is all.

Happy reading.

And happy Blustery (but hoping for Balmy) Windsday. See you tomorrow.

The Fluent Self