Fluent Self Item!A somewhat goofy mini-collection of stuff I’ve been reading, stuff I’ve been thinking about and oh, some completely random crap.

Basically the stuff that never gets mentioned here because I’m not the kind of person who can just make some teeny little point. Not into the whole brevity thing, as the Dude would say.

Actually, I’m under the strict compulsion to write ten pages about anything on my mind. So this is me. Practicing brevity.

Seriously? Thirty four? Man, these Item! posts … just keep on existing. It’s bizarre.

Stop being so interesting, people.

That’s your last warning.

Item! Post No. 34 in a series that allows me to shout Item! loudly in the presence of other people.

Item! Let’s bring back the zero-guilt email policy!

I’ve never made an Item! (Item!) out of one of my own posts before, but lately people have been asking what you do when half your incoming and outgoing mail is essentially apologies for not having responded earlier.

So. This is a post I wrote ages ago about my zero-guilt email policy.*

* And even though I don’t do email anymore, it still holds.

Item! Brief explanation of (one use of) Twitter. With added snark!

I laughed!

Rob uses Twitter differently than I do, but I get it. And I dig his style.

Plus, this is really a great way of breaking down the different social-media-ey sites.

“Facebook. Where I connect to the people I didn’t like in high school, college, whatever, but didn’t dislike to the point of not “connecting”. I use Facebook out of guilt.”

He’s @robsaker on Twitter.

Item! The No-Brainer Scenario!

Loved this post from Victoria about The No-Brainer Scenario:

“The next step is to start looking at the gaps between what you know about the opportunity, and your no-brainer version of the opportunity.

For every condition in your no-brainer scenario, your options are either to ask for it or not.

Whatever you decide is fine — there are lots of reasons not to ask for something.

But either way, now you know what the opportunity would need to look like in order to feel good about saying yes.”

I heart Victoria.

And I am so happy she’s officially started her coaching practice. Consider this a clear “yes, I recommend her highly” statement.

She’s @victoriashmoria on Twitter.

Item! I went to the Antelope Fair. Well, not me.

The birds and the beasts were there.

I’m getting distracted. Back to the point.

We heard from Barbara in last week’s Item! too.

But I had to put this particular post in. Because it’s so great.

Here’s what’s great about it.

She breaks all the boring “expert” rules about how your blog is supposedly supposed to stick to one topic (why?!?!) and talks about something that is meaningful for her.

Good for you, Barbara! It’s your space. Do what you want with it!

“There will be no eating of hats!”

It’s a super fun post, with lots of great pictures. I LOVED it.

She’s @barbarajcarter on Twitter.

Item! Looking for roots.

Our Emily brought back her Looking For Roots blog with this marvelous post that is about … all sorts of interesting things.

“Yes, he had shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisible.

An ex-toad.”

She’s @emilyroots on Twitter.

Item! Cheese, Gromit!

This is not really an Item! but my gentleman friend and I spend most of our time in Berlin eating or exclaiming over cheese.

Or ranking them according to our favorites and narrowly avoiding bitter arguments.

Me: This cheese has 45% fat!
My Gentleman Friend: Yay!
Me: Yay!
My Gentleman Friend: Ooh, and it has a picture of a monk on it!
Me: A happy monk?
My Gentleman Friend: A fat, happy monk! The very best kind!
Me: Because you have to watch out for the skinny ones.
My Gentleman Friend: Oh, yes. With their hawk-like noses and piercing eyes. Total bad guy monks.
Me: This cheese has 45% fat!
My Gentleman Friend: I’m in!

And in celebration of cheese in general, I must show you this. It’s a hotel, carved out of cheese.

Can’t remember who pointed me there, but it was definitely on Twitter. I mean, really! Where else could one find such things?

Also, the creature I call Sponge-pants Bob is there too, in full cheese regalia. The wrongness! And yet, on the other hand, the cheddar!

Item! Black Rainbow!

I was going to say something about this comic, but I will let Jeffrey Cheng say it, instead:

“I hope my work makes you feel something. Whether it’s love, hate, bewilderment, or repulsion.”

I’m kind of at the bewilderment part, with some love mixed in.

And I will add that my gentleman friend would probably do anything for a t-shirt featuring the second panel in this strip (12 grain revolution!)

It’s just one guy.

Item! The Biggification seminar in Sacramento is almost full.

Because I’m doing a thing (a thing!) and it’s a whole day of mad hot biggification for twelve people.

We have a pretty spectacular group of bright, interesting people so far. Ten of them, coming from New York and London and Tucson and Seattle and some other places I can’t remember.

And Selma and I will be flying in from Portland, obviously.

Anyway, if you might be one of the last two people to get in, you might want to take a look.

This way I can say I did due diligence in not completely hiding it, so as not to have to feel as bad when we take the page down.

Item! Update from the land of the Peculiar & Hilarious Shivanauts!

The “peculiar and hilarious” thing comes from Melynda’s sweet bit about Butterfly Wishes.

Interesting bits from some of my Dance of Shiva workshops in Berlin (yes, I’m still in Berlin) and why I like having a paint-spattered piece of wood as my stage.

Item! Comments!

So it was really cool the other week when I got to work on my practice of how I ask for stuff and you guys gave me the best recommendations ever.

Here’s what I want:

  • Things you’re thinking about.
  • Useful pirate-ey phrases.
    (Edit: thoroughly non-useful pirate-ey phrases are welcome as well)

My commitment.
I am committed to giving time and thought to the things that people say, and I will interact with their ideas and with my own stuff as compassionately and honestly as is possible for me.

Even though asking for what I want still feels awkward for me, I’m just going to remind myself that this is a thing I’m practicing.

That is all.

Happy reading.

And happy Blustery Windsday. See you tomorrow.

The Fluent Self