So right now it’s Rally (Rally!).

This is Rally #13.

Which is rather an astonishing number of Rallies to have rallied, if you think about it. Didn’t we just come up with the idea?!

And we — that is to say, me, fourteen other people and Selma the duck — are all here at the Playground and we are rallying the Rally together. Rally!

Except, of course, that I’m also [verb]-ing the Rally at the same time, because I am the captain of this crazy ship. The captain and the adventure-channeler and the one who knows the lyrics of the secret songs and also the keeper of the PLUM.

It’s complicated. But it’s also very simple.

This is a post about under the surface.

Last night.

Last night was Erev Rally.

That is to say: Rally Eve.

Rally always begins the night before. On a Monday.

Erev Rally is when we embark. We set off.

If you are not familiar with the concept of Erev, I would love it if you’d read this gorgeous, perfect poem that goes straight into my heart and resets something every time. All of it.

We sail forth on our grand adventure, without yet knowing what it is or where we are going.

We embark and we orient ourselves within this process of embarking. We wave at the shore. We make separations. We learn about spaciousness and buffers.

It is silly and lighthearted. It is full of the power of beginning.

Last night.

Every once in a while during this process of Erev, as we go through the rituals and practices of Embarkation-Orientation, we stop and look at what we’re doing.

I like to sometimes throw in a bit of hey let’s analyze what we’re doing while we’re doing it, for an extra kick of meta.

Like: why are we searching for Clews? What is the hidden purpose of Schmurphling? Or Away, Rio!, for that matter.

Because, as you might imagine, there is a point to everything I do.

Actually, there are many points to everything I do. You can always assume method to madness. There is always a clear and loving intention.

So sometimes we talk about that. (And, no big surprise, there’s a point to that too.)

You know what I love?

People’s ideas, theories and answers about why we’re doing what we’re doing are always different.

Not only that, but this: in any given group, people can easily come up with 30 or 40 creative and varying reasons for what my sneaky, nefarious purposes might be.

And each group will come up with different types of reasons than the last group. It’s fascinating.

No one is ever wrong. There isn’t really a wrong. It’s just an ever-growing collection of possible and likely reasons.

And the reason behind the reasons is always this:

Anything I do or say at Rally is intended to transmit something about the (sparkly, mysterious and marvelous) culture of being on Rally and being at the Playground.

It’s a code. It’s a shorthand. It’s a transmission system.

So, for example, Rally culture and Playground culture share a lot of qualities:

Play. Inspiration. Creativity. Spaciousness. Safety. Comfort. Wonder.

Delight. Sovereignty. Permission. Amnesty. Sanctuary. Freedom.

Exploration. Discovery. Light-heartedness. Focus. Grounding. Sustainability. Adaptability. Flow.

Chaos. Form. Joy. Presence. Receptivity. Glee. Quiet. Replenishing. Warmth. Color. Possibility.

But it’s better for Rally if we do things that somehow demonstrate what that feels like than it is for me to lecture about culture.

The things I do while [verb]-ing Rally are designed to emit culture. To help the culture get louder.

And once you know that, you can look for the qualities hiding in plain sight in each experience.

So let’s apply that here.

Obviously hanging out on the blog is different than being at Rally.

For one thing, there’s no Refueling Station. No hammocks (other than imaginary and/or metaphorical ones). No visible fairy doors. No Costumery. Our costumes here are imaginary.

And no pretzel sticks. It’s also much harder to acquire a butt-monster.

But the culture is still very similar. In some ways, Rally is an extension of this blog.


If you assume that everything I say or do here online also has a purpose…

And if you already know that this purpose is to make it possible for you to have an energy-experience or even a tangible experience of this culture…

Then let’s talk about how I do that. It’s a meta-party of meta!

What I’d like today. And comment zen for the blanket fort!

Any examples you can come up with of things that I do or say on the blog or elsewhere on this site.

And how they give you a sense of the qualities which live here.

(Whatever you happen to think of is totally fine by me. And the archives are at your disposal, if you need them.)

If you don’t feel like joining in out loud, no worries. You can always call Silent Retreaaaaaat! Or just whisper it.

  • You can also tell Rally stories, if you’ve been on Rally.
  • Or make a Gwish about someday. That works too.

As always, we all have our stuff. We’re all working on our stuff. It’s a process.

We make room for everyone else to have their stuff, and we make this a safe space by taking responsibility for our own stuff and by not giving advice.


  1. One day I’d really love to do a Meta-meta Rally, where all we do is analyze Rally and examine rallying while we rally. That would be so awesome.
  2. If you’re longing to escape/rewrite American Thanksgiving, there are 2 spots left for the extra-long Great Ducking Out Rally.
  3. Also: 5 spots left for the January Rally, I believe.
  4. The list of dates for the 2012 Rallies: on the Rally page. Rally! Prices go up in January, so sign up early.
  5. If you need a Stowawayship Scholarship-ship, go here.

That’s all.

Love, as always, to the commenter mice, the Beloved Lurkers and everyone who reads.

The Fluent Self