Personal ads! They’re … personal! Very.
So my itty bitty personal ads made me realize that it’s time to make a regular practice of trying to feel okay asking for stuff.
Even when the asking thing feels weird and conflicted.
Ever since I posted the first one asking my perfect house to find me, which united me with Hoppy House, I have been a fan of the madness that is personal ads.
And now it’s my Sunday ritual for clarity and remembering and stuff like that. Yay, ritual!
Let’s do it.
Thing 1: To find another word that’s kind of like “sabbatical” but not.
Here’s what I want:
I have a big wish related to planning a sabbatical.
But I can’t call it that, because that particular word is extremely loaded for me.
And also because my personal definition for that particular word includes “sabbatical = something that will never actually happen” as one of its primary components.
So. What do you call a period of three months or more that involves the following?
- extremely restricted internet access
- lots of writing, on a specific project
- plenty of time to nap, do yoga and Shiva Nata, and take walks in the rain.
I do not know. But it needs a name.
Ways this could work:
Obviously this needs some help from Metaphor Mouse. Metaphor Mouse!
Which is cool, because I actually dreamed about him Tuesday night.
Maybe some of my commenter mice will have Useful Suggestions too.
Or maybe I’ll put out an ask at the Twitter bar.
My commitment.
To brainstorm and namestorm. To dance until it shows up.
To be playful. To not agree to any name that isn’t fun.
And I will restrict myself to making Sabbatmobile jokes only when absolutely necessary.
Thing 2: To believe in the thing-that-is-not-a-sabbatical.
Here’s what I want:
I spent most of this past week thinking this through, figuring out which pieces would have to be moved where.
And how long it would take to plan in advance (probably a year).
But I believe it would be crazy good for me. Now I just have to believe that it’s possible.
What I know about what I need:
I need the conditions that put me in flow (quiet + movement + Shiva Nata + walking + sleep + meditation + water + uninterrupted time).
What this can’t be:
It can’t be a situation where I’m going into it because of burnout or poor health. It can’t be a situation where I’m retreating because I don’t like where I am.
It has to be a conscious choice, moving from the thing that is good to the next piece of good.
Ways this could work:
There are all sorts of ways this could work.
I just don’t know what they are yet.
But I’m willing for them to show up.
My commitment.
To pay attention and notice stuff.
To write down whatever objections my monsters (and uh, other loved ones) come up with, and not be impressed.
To come up with creative, unexpected solutions to said supposed objections, internal and external.
To ask interesting questions.
Thing 3: Ease of integration back from Pirate Queen Holiday.
Here’s what I want:
Today I’m coming back from my (mostly) delightful Official Non-Emergency Pirate Queen Holiday Vacation.
And there are stacks of things waiting for me.
My wish:
May this week be full of ease, efficiency, effortlessness and support.
Ways this could work:
Maybe there isn’t as much as I’m imagining there is.
My brilliant First Mate can probably take care of most of it.
I can surprise myself.
My commitment.
To be open to the possibility of things not completely sucking.
To ask for help when I need it.
Slow and steady.
Take it to a cafe when things get angsty.
Get Hiro magic for extra help.
Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.
Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.
Let’s see. I asked for help with my glamorous secret spy mission. That worked pretty well.
I wore lots of eye make-up, which is very not me. And sunglasses. And heels. And avoided people. It was good.
Ooh. I also wanted to get a lot of non-work-related writing done, and that definitely happened. More than I’d bargained for, actually.
And I wanted a peaceful solution to a challenging, annoying situation. No idea if anything happened there as I haven’t been online.
So I’ll renew that ask, just in case.
The good part is that I haven’t really been thinking about it, which is already kind of a win, you know?
Comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.
- Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for. Or updates on last time!
What I’d rather not have:
- The word “manifest”.
- Shoulds. As in, “You should be doing it like this” or “That’s not the right way to ask for things — instead it should be like x, y and z”
- To be judged, psychoanalyzed or given advices.
Wishing love and good things for your Very Personal Ads! So glad for everyone doing this with me.
Anyway, just to be clear: not taking a sabbatical from blogging. Even if I take time off, I’ll still be *here*.
Havi, wishing you a gentle, joyful splashdown into your life as you return from holiday today. Welcome home!
To me, your thing-that-is-not-a-sabbatical is sacred time, sacred space in which you and your soul play and create together. Sacred playtime? Wishing this for you as well.
My VPA today:
* To finish making the pre-class Playbook for Sovereignty Kindergarten. To infuse it with the qualities that are the soul of the Kindergarten–delight, play, fun, profound light-heartedness, love, tenderness, ease, grace, receptivity, truth.
* My commitment: To make this process sacred play in all senses.
Wishing you all a beautiful Sunday, and the magical fulfillment of your own VPA’s.
Love, Hiro
A creative and nourishing personal retreat? Clearly, I’ve got to do more thinking if I want to have a good suggestion… Whatever you end up calling it, I totally believe it is possible. 🙂
I wish your reintegration will be as full of ease as you need.
What I want: to find a way to integrate more writing time into my weeks, so that I can:
– grow this little thing that I’ve timidly put out into the world a few days ago and turn it into something I’ll feel more comfortable sharing, and
– bring my big thing (teaching Shiva Nata) to people who need it.
Ways this could work:
– I could do Shiva Nata on this
– I could work on finding ways to create more safety for myself so as not to need to spend as much of my time on shadow comforts
– I could create a schedule infused with intention
– some shifts may happen
– any other way; I am willing to be surprised
My commitment:
– do Shiva Nata every day
– journal about safety
– spending time with Future Me, getting clear on what would most contribute to her happiness, and figuring out how to make that happen.
*blowing some fairy dust over everyone’s VPAs*
The name that comes immediately to mind is “interstice” – the space between things. Alternately, “autokratoria”, which is a Greek word that means “sovereignty” and also “self-fulfillment”.
I have one thing this week.
I would like to be able to pursue new things without feeling like I have to. Put a different way: I would like to be able to obey my internal compulsion to achieve without being bound by an external compulsion to achieve (and, at the same time, an internalized external taboo against ambition).
I don’t even know if that makes sense to anyone who’s not me.
Ways this could happen: This one’s all me. But I could use support and kind guidance. That might come from people I’ve already talked to or people I have yet to meet.
My commitment: I will focus on being calm and self-confident, and on achieving for the sake of my goals rather than for the sake of someone else’s pressures. I will allow people in and accept their support and kind guidance.
.-= Chris Anthony´s last post … Im giving away six handmade cards =-.
Oh, Havi! Thank you for update-y reassurances — you are so kind-hearted!
Oddly enough, I have recently been contemplating some kind of retreat from the Internet myself, and there was a time when that would have been utterly unthinkable. It’s just that there are times when I imagine that I can feel my brain disintegrating into pixels — brrr. Creepy image. Enough of that.
Hmm. There are a lot of things that I’d like to ask for this week. I wonder why I feel the need to choose just one? Well, perhaps one main focus at a time is the right choice for me, right now.
What I want: To be a loving, creative and sovereign role model for my daughter this week. She’ll be heading off to South Carolina sometime the following week to spend most of the rest of the month with her grandparents, which will be the longest separation she and I have ever had, and I want us both feeling good and confident when that time comes.
How this can happen: Lots and lots and lots of self-care. Focused, mindful time together every day. Lots of talking, lots of listening, lots of breathing. Sharing her stuff, and inviting her to share some of mine, on a daily basis. Time apart, too; that’s also important. And — I suspect that this may be one of the most important things — regularly checking in with myself, to ask the simple question, What do I want? instead of being so quick to capitulate to what I think everyone else wants.
My commitment: I will give lots of love to my daughter and myself. I will open myself to the love she gives me every day, and be grateful for it.
.-= Kathleen Avins´s last post … The trouble with “middle vision” =-.
seclusion. retreat. progress.
or in a completely different direction – sa-mouse-ical. sacattical?
.-= Heather Freeman´s last post … Coping with ADD =-.
Sounds like a retreat of some sort to me. Or like something one might get a grant or fellowship for. You could give yourself a grant (w/ all its meanings), perhaps named after what you’d like to work on, e.g., Havi’s Sovereignty Grant, wherein Havi grants herself the time and space to work on sovereignty.
Update on last time: Got past some stuck and finished creating my back of postcard design element.
This week, I’d like to make good progress on 3 web design fronts.
How: soak in visuals to generate ideas. Remember to think clean, simple, easy to navigate. Try stuff out. Look for unifying theme. Draw, both for design and layout.
Commitment: Spend time on it. Be open to inspiration and the unexpected. Take breaks to do something physical.
Happy 4th to those to whom it applies! And to all, good luck with your VPAs!
.-= claire´s last post … Sketchbook- page 36 =-.
What if it is The Thing You Take Without Naming?
Whatever it is, it sounds delightful!
Ooh, I would like to take a Sacattical as suggested by @Heather Freeman. I only like particular cats, but they seem like they would be quite good at this sort of thing.
And I just heard Barry Manilow signing, “Oh, Havi, you came and you took without naming…”
I came up with some interesting odd bits thinking on sabbatical, but none of them seem like they’d really work well (though a couple were entertaining, at least to me). Hm. Will cross fingers for someone else being much cleverer than me!
I do have two VPAs this week.
What I want #1: To disappear to Somewhere for three or four days at the end of this month (after the Giant Test of Doom).
What I want Somewhere to be like: No dogs, no stuff to trip over, napping opportunities, no more than one or two completely optional activities to do in a day (and nothing more strenuous than sipping tea and getting a facial!), no laptop, and no phone. And no guilt.
Ways this could work: To combat guilt, I could plan a dinner out with my family before whisking myself off to Somewhere. I could look for a bed and breakfast in town. I can ask if anyone knows of any excellent plushy getaway spots in Iowa or near Omaha (hey, you never know!).
My commitment: To make a couple of phone calls to see if in town is an option. To listen very carefully to my instincts about what I need out of this. To look forward to whatever this turns out to be.
What I want #2: Gearing up for moving in August, so that it will go smoothly and without me having a panic attack.
Ways this could work: I can set aside weekly time to do things like plan the route, figure out hotel accommodations, look at furniture ideas online, and get odds and ends taken care of. I can use my awesome clipboard and possibly crayons (because everything is better with crayons). I could surprise myself.
My commitment: To ask for help when it’s getting to be too much. To try really, really hard not to get distracted by this, but still pay enough attention to it to not slip into worry. To remind myself that even though I have never done this before, it is going to be okay…
Luck and wishes for everyone’s VPAs. Happy Sunday!
Focus Pocus? You know like focusing to bring the magic?
What I want:
Easy finding the new place to live. It must have charm and functionality. Beauty and calm. Sun and shade. Be near water, have good biking and walking. Reasonable price.
How it can happen:
We stumble upon it. Someone we know has a place or knows someone who does. It gets left to us by some very way back distant relative. Oh, I don’t know but I’ll be open to possibilities!
My commitment:
To love and care for this place. To enjoy it. To be thankful. To bring my creativity with me.
Good luck with the name Havi and best wishes for everyone’s VPA’s!
.-= Stacy´s last post … Sum… Sum… Summertime =-.
In case any of this helps, I’m going to say a few things about my own associations with “sabbatical”.
being a former academic, I associate this with a regular feature of academic jobs (well, the high status ones with security but that’s another story). However, using “sabbatical” seems to be mostly a North American thing.
In the UK, it is called “study leave”. I’m not sure what Australians call it, but I think that they also have them for government workers, and often use them to go to other countries and learn about stuff there.
Other elements are that it is a regular thing. Not a response to a crisis, but a think that happens every so often. So when I was in a UK institution, we could apply for 1 term of study leave (3 months, basically) after every 3.5 years.
I think of it as a time to put some concerted effort into a particular project without the day-to-day demands of teaching and administration.
.-= JoVE´s last post … Making difficult decisions =-.
Well, on @Heather’s train – perhaps you could call it a “sa-duck-ical”?
Or, Havi’s-temporary-visit-to-a-parallel-reality-wherein-there-is-space-and-time-and-quiet-and-movement-and-all-the-other-conditions-required-for-her-best-creative-flooooooow.
OR, My-Perfectly-Possible-Sparkle-Party.
What I Want
Focus, attention, lots of getting stuff done by the Looming Deadline
To remain present to the special needs of my special kid. To use the Focus to incorporate the meeting of his needs into my schedule despite the Looming Deadline and the To Do List Of Doom.
To Be Differently when (okay, IF) my Other Half does the Usual Thing, Again. To be curious about this dynamic. To be compassionate towards both of us. To believe that My Being Differently can change this dynamic.
My Commitment
* To remind myself often.
* To play Being Grown Up and wear my Responsibility Boots joyfully and lightly.
* To be grateful for the privilege of my responsibilities.
* Self care. Sleep. Breath.
* To pay attention to the dynamics and remember that we are just having a go, practicing, playing. Just because we miss catching the “wow-we-are-such-a-great-team” Ball once (or 47 times) does not mean that we will always miss it.
Loves Kx
I personally like the term “furlough” rather than “sabbatical”. I like the mental associations with leaving a field unworked to give it a rest and increase fertility.
For my ask, I need increased productivity to get a number of projects off the ground and going, especially as time and money are running short. I’ve had a very hard time getting my behind in gear and going on some of them, despite feeling the urgency; as soon as I sit down to work, my energy drops and it feels like pushing on a large brick wall to get going.
I don’t know how this might happen. I’d like to be surprised.
My commitment is to try to be patient with myself. And look for the energy.
Guess I didn’t say “Focus Pocus” – the name for your non-sabbatical.
.-= Stacy´s last post … Sum… Sum… Summertime =-.
It does sound like a retreat, a writing retreat. Isn’t there something that writers do where they go off and write for an extended time? I feel like there’s a name associated with that, but am fuzzy on what it might be. Whatever-the-name-may-be, I like the sound of it.
Update on last ask: I asked to finish my product page – which I did, ahead of my desired date even. I gave it the 15 minutes I committed to on Sunday and was inspired to devote all of Monday to the task. Yay!
This week’s ask: I’d like to fill the remaining openings for my new postcard service.
How: I could mention it in a few places. I could make sure it’s visible on my site. Someone who is thinking about it could decide that it’s right for them. Someone could stumble upon it. I could be surprised.
My commitment: To communicate my excitement about it as best I can. To be patient. And to appreciate the people who have already signed up (which I do, so very much).
Happy VPA-ing, people!
.-= Elizabeth´s last post … ode to joy- volume 26 =-.
Whew! Put me into the camp that is relieved that you won’t stop blogging when you go on your non-sabbatical. Love the concept – at this point I’d be happy with a 3-day non-sabbatical. Even 1-day. My life is out… of… control…
My ask this week is of an on-going nature. I’ve been dealing with a roller coaster of events that started more than 2 years ago on the work front. There is no resolution date since things moved into the realm of the courts a few months ago. There are bursts of activity and resulting emotional chaos followed by long periods of no activity. But these periods provide no respite since there is that feeling of being on edge because of the uncertainty of not knowing when the next burst will take place. It is exhausting, both on a physical and a mental level.
The most recent burst last month has resulted in constant anxiety about what the eventual fallout will be on my professional career. Who will side with who when this mess finally plays out? Will my co-workers consider me a traitor because I refused to close ranks to protect a certain individual? Those on the outside may think this matter is black and white, but the lines are very blurry. A lot of bad decisions were made by all involved. Even I have some regrets that I didn’t escalate things earlier. Not that it would have changed the outcome any, but it isn’t going to look good if things go to trial. It just sucks, plain and simple.
My ask: To stop imagining the very worst outcome.
Ways this could work: I can remind myself of all the other times in my life when I imagined the very worst and how that NEVER came to pass. Actually the worst things that happened to me were the things that I never saw coming. I’ve been seeing this coming for a long time!
My commitment: To focus on the here and now instead of dwelling on the future. To focus on being the best mentor I can be to my students. To focus on being the best I can be to the residents that I serve. To focus on my doctoral program as that will give me additional career options if those should become necessary. To trust that somehow things will work out and that I will be stronger person for all that I’ve endured over the past couple of years. To learn from this experience and to never be afraid to escalate matters if I feel someone is being put into a bad position.
A Scatological?
I’m sorry. That was my inner pre-teen boy writing (You said you were looking for something fun)! 😉
I call these times Restivity. So much is accomplished while so much is renewed.
Count me in with those who were worried about being without your wonderful voice, Havi. I’m glad that you will still be blogging; this and the Friday Chicken have become integral parts of my week.
I launch my first membership program today, and I’m happy but nervous. I’m happy that all my hard work has paid off, and I’m happy even if I don’t sell a ton of them. It’s a program aimed at really unconventional entrepreneurs, and all the conventional marketing advice says that launching it now should make it fail. Part of the point of the program is that you don’t have to do things the conventional way when you market, so I’m freaked out that if I don’t sell any then it will look /really/ bad. I’ve thrown down the marketing gauntlet, so to speak, and now I just have to wait for the results.
Things I could do: Talk up this program to the Right People as much as possible.
Trust that I have done all the right things to set it up so that it can fly.
Unplug from the internet tomorrow to take some time and process things and lessen the anxiety.
My Commitment:
To trust in my skills and my business and my reputation.
To trust that my Right People will find it, because it matters to me on a deep philosophical level.
To go running and brainstorm ways to biggify while staying true to myself and my business.
Good luck with your VPA’s this week everyone!
.-= Holly´s last post … Friday Roundup- On roundtables- free consultations- and being naked on your blog no seriously =-.
I love Paula’s suggestion of “Restivity”
my first thought was to call it a retreat. or Retreat if you prefer.
(actually, my first thought was to call it a sabbatical, since it clearly has different associations in me… but that’s neither here nor there)
I also occurred to me that since you are a Pirate Queen, perhaps you are taking a Voyage which seems to have a bunch of connotations that feel good, at least to me…
And I’m very glad that you are planing on still being here, though if you did need to leave for a while, I guess that I’d survive, somehow…. 😉 (seriously, I suspect that I speak for many here when I say that while we’d be very sad, if you needed to take a break, we’d really want you to do it because we love you.)
My VPA right now is to feel like I’ve got my feet back under me in moving forward a number of Things that I’m really really excited about but have not been able to devote time to till now….
Be Well,
.-= Andy Dolph´s last post … Under the Sky in an Inflatable Planetarium =-.
Lots of luck on the sabbitical-that-isn’t. Glad to know you’ll still be here ^_^
I’ve two asks this week.
Thing 1: A job.
Here’s what I want:
I finally feel ready for a paid-job with structured timetable and hours of work. I’m in my late teens but just didn’t feel ready before – so though I gave out CVs and filled in forms, my heart wasn’t in it. Now I’m ready, I’d love for soem of these CVs and forms to get me a paid-job.
My wish:
Please let there be a nice transitiony stage of training where I can practise until I feel comfortable? It’d be a bonus.
Ways this could work:
I can be applying in the right places, at the right time.
These VPAs seem to work pretty well =)
My commitment.
Answer the phone (argh phone :[ )
Have faith that colleagues will help etc.
Thing 2: may next week 10th-17th be peaceful.
Here’s what I want:
It’s the final “summer holiday with my parents” as I’ve told them I’m now too old 😛
There’s usually a lot of strain as I don’t get on with one family member. I wnat to feel safe and to have soace to write and read and create.
Ways this could work:
I could take books and my mp3 player and notepads to draw in.
I can count to three before speaking to that fmaily member.
My commitment.
Text my friends.
Meditate a LOT.
Read lots.
To remind myself that this is the final time.
To look at the gorgeous countryside and feel grateful that I get to be there at all.
Good luck to everyone with their VPAs!
.-= Rose´s last post … Practise is the new Meditation =-.
Rest: soul searching, soul saving, solace, salve
Journey: discovery, unearthing, walking and kicking up dust and seeing where it falls, Souljourn
VPA: opportunities arise out of a much anticipated meeting
Ways this could work: Great acceptance by my fellow meeter! We find a mutually beneficial way to work together. Discoveries that assist me in moving my LBB forward in a way that will work for my present circumstances OR my present circumstances change to support a way forward!
My commitment: Prepare by yoga, walking, study, and reflection prior to said meeting.
Arriving with open heart and mind to be able to see and help define opportunities.
Wisdom during meeting.
Follow up as needed.
Last year my agency in the interest of budget-y balancing had most personnel go on furlough it was one day a month – It was wonderful and the gift of moretime.
Like Heather I associate furlough with positive.
What popped into my head was “Purrlough”
Where Havi might do playful fencing [or anything] with Metaphor Mouse, or perhaps she might do nothing which is really something in disguise.
VPA: To be shown the way that we could buy the house next door that’s going up for auction in October.
.-= Linda Eaves´s last post … Help- – I’ve Got Gobs of Meat =-.
how about “shmitta” for your not-sabbatical resting moment? like the 7th year, in which the land gets to lie fallow and rest? or maybe “yovel”, which is nice since it has the idea of jubilation inside it? both are rooted in the idea that our possessions are only temporary, and that giving things up is part of the cycle of life…
thoughts from a torah teacher, i guess!
my late VPA:
my ask: a really, really, really *pleasant* experience at the professional development/ return to jerusalem summer course i’ll be at, starting tomorrow. it’s a reunion with old friends, it’s a chance to learn new things and work on good work–all while living and working at my old school. in short, it’s a long-awaited treat, and i am simeltaneously scared to death and totally psyched. i’m not sure if there’s one *experience* i want, but there are qualities:
–a safe landing pad
–interesting and delightful encounters
AND i want to stay in my OWN experience and happiness, and not measure it against any pernicious Shoulds or malicious and talkative Could-Have-Dones.
how this could happen:
–i could be on the Lookout for it, and see where it’s already happening
–it just could! magic!
–i could be aware of said malicious and pernicious voices and try to cultivate equanimity.
–i could take some time on the flight over and think about what would enhance all of those qualities for me
my commitment:
–to be alive to what is there, or at least, to be alive to asking the question, “what is here?”
–to journal about those qualities, so i can be more alive to their nuances and flickers.
Awesome. I’m in awe. And I hope you will model this very important process by also blogging the skabbatical soundtrack.
1. More sovereignty in an area of my life I thought I had figured out, but ha ha. Less feeling hapless, resentful and lonely. Less beating myself up for feeling those things because I think I should be over them. More feeling powerful and connected, and more kindness when I’m not.
How this could work.
-I could remember that getting confused and off balance is part of getting to the new balance.
-I could remember that “sucking” is not the pattern but “beating myself up” is the pattern
-I could cancel as many obligations as I can stand
-I could listen to the Sovereignty call again and do internal negotiations about taking the Kindergarten class
-I could have some epiphanies
My commitment
-Permission to work on it in the soft first (or only)
-Return to my body and feelings/needs when I notice I’m running laps in my head
-Do ECTs
2. More harmony with work time. More doing or not doing; less fighting.
How this could work
-Fairy dust (on a timer, because I never want to admit I’m procrastinating?)
-Start using the autofocus list again
-Talk to the silent anti-autofocus monster
My commitment
-Permission to work in the soft first
-No working while panicking. It doesn’t help, my darling; we have the data. Are you panicking? Time to take steps to calm down.
-Practice techniques for making procrastination conscious. Stand while surfing.
-Try the timer for the rest of this afternoon.
love the word skabatical and that it makes you laugh.
update on my ask: everything worked out for the best – though it was extremely traumatic for me. in the end, all is well. i’m dealing with my stuff and the parts i can control – and that’s enough.
this weeks ask – the scene:
i’m having a free teleclass on how to get your needs met with your healthcare provider and have practiced recording to get the technology straight among other things. and discovered that i don’t like my voice.
the ask
more reassurance, confidence and support around my ability to express myself clearly; appreciation for my voice
how this could work
don’t know and willing to be surprised
the issue could just go poof! and disappear
my voice could change
my ear would hear my voice differently
my monsters could go to daycare and leave me alone
others could offer reassurance and support
my commitment
to notice how i feel on this issue
to be kind to myself and be reassuring
to notice when i’m not able to be kind and let that be okay
to accept support, reassurance and confidence from others
.-= Char Brooks´s last post … The First Step- Know Yourself Well =-.
Ok, this is my first time de-lurking for a VPA. Feels kinda scary putting this out there, but I guess that’s the point…
What I want: a way to transition my career into something that involves global adventure and time outdoors, preferably building on my current expertise and income, but starting over is not out of the question either.
How this could work:
the universe checks in on Havi’s website, sees my VPA and responds with clear (even to me) signs about right steps and right people
a headhunter tracks me down as the perfect candidate for an exciting, never-been-done before job (but not Saudia Arabia, m’kay? That was a good try, but I wouldn’t last long there.)
More options for intermediate steps present themselves – ways to get the kind of experience that would make me the ideal candidate for the kind of thing I want to do without having to give up the abundance I currently have
my commitment:
be open to signs from the universe
be patient – this worked once before, it will work again
be willing to take risks
be okay with this in-between time – better than that, see it as a gift
I like Hiatus.
I’m currently taking one to focus on some physical and psychical healing which for me includes making art & swimming. I like that hiatus has meaning related to music and geology that imply a brief respite before something new. It makes it kinda exciting.
According to wickipedia,
Hiatus may refer to:
Recess (break),
Hiatus, a small difference in pitch between two musical tones (see Interval (music))
Hiatus, a discontinuity in the age of strata in stratigraphy
.-= RoByn Thompson´s last post … flowergirl & friend =-.