Personal ads! They’re … personal! Very.
So my itty bitty personal ads made me realize that it’s time to make a regular practice of trying to feel okay asking for stuff.
Even when the asking thing feels weird and conflicted.
Ever since I posted the first one asking my perfect house to find me, which united me with Hoppy House, I have been a fan of the madness that is personal ads.
And now it’s my weekly ritual. Yay, ritual!
Let’s do this thing.
Thing 1: Can things just please start working out?
Here’s what I want:
Perfect simple solutions.
This week has been full of little things driving me crazy.
Misinformations. Miscommunications. Time-suckage from unexpected sources.
I really, really need some ease right now. Harmony and ease.
Ways this could come to me:
Little moments of grace.
Remembering that I’m allowed to have a hard day. Even at 7 in the morning on a Sunday.
Insights and calm from my Angel Refueling Station (yes, it’s a closet).
Things just working out. Because I need them to.
I could do five minutes of Shiva Nata and have everything just kind of get into rhythm the way it does sometimes.
Patience. Mysteriously finding me.
Or I could get better at noticing which part of the instructions I give people tend to go screwy, and better at explaining why I need what I need in the way that I need it.
My commitment.
I will notice things.
I will be ridiculously grateful for every perfect simple solution that shows up.
I am ready to practice being patient with myself when I can … and understanding of the fact that patience is not my natural state when I can’t.
Thing 2: a comfortable trip
Here’s what I want:
Since Selma and I have been doing a ton of teaching, the past two months have had crazy amounts of travel — San Francisco, Taos, last week North Carolina, and this week Berlin.
Travel + sleeplessness + hypersensitivity to noise = sad-faced Havi.
I’m really, really wanting either:
a. A flight without shrieking babies, loud talkers (with unbelievably boring and apparently endless stories), nasal flight attendants on distorted PA systems, blaring televisions, people kicking me in the back …
b. A flight where I manage to easily and steadily maintain my peace of mind, while keeping my hardcore “help I’m a Highly Sensitive Person” issues under control.
Or both.
So I guess this is the same ask as the first one. Harmony and ease. I am craving the qualities of harmony and ease.
Here’s how I want to get them:
From my heart.
I want to remember that these qualities reside inside of me, and that I have access to them when I need them. I want reminders that there is always more of the thing I need.
My commitment.
I will use my ear plugs before we’re already knee-deep in an emergency HSP situation.
I will bring more books than I think necessary. And have my emergency calming techniques with me.
And I will also do my magic “calming babies down” trick (that I can do in my head and which always works) that I tend to forget to do once I’m all off balance.
Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.
So last time what I asked for was perspective.
And I kind of got it.
I mean, I got brilliant sparks of epiphanies during the North Carolina wacky Shivanautical workshop.
And some very peaceful moments. And one very big realization.
I could still use some more, though. My sense is that I’m going to need to re-ask this one slightly differently and see what comes up.
In the meantime, I’ll just wait and see how the harmony and ease thing goes and if I need/want to be more specific.
The other thing I asked for was help writing a post or a series of posts explaining how/why personal ads are not necessarily a “wacky” practice.
And how it can be a very down to earth, centered, here I am learning useful stuff about myself sort of thing.
Still working on that, but I did write a post about what to do when you feel conflicted about writing a personal ad. A start. Thank you!
Comments. Since I’m already asking …
I am adding to my practice of asking for stuff by being more specific about I would like to receive in the comments. And that way, if you feel like leaving one (you totally don’t have to), you get to be part of this experiment too. 🙂
Here’s what I want (just leave them in the comments):
- Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for.
- Thoughts or ideas about ways any of the personal ads listed here could come true.
What I would rather not have:
- Reality theories.
- Shoulds. As in, “You should be doing it like this” or “That’s not the right way to ask for things — instead it should be like x, y and z”
- To be judged or psychoanalyzed.
My commitment.
I am committing to getting better at asking for things even when asking feels weird. I commit to giving time and thought to the things that people say, and to interact with their ideas and with my own stuff as compassionately and honestly as is possible.
Thanks for doing this with me!
My ad last week ( ) got crazy traffic which in turn set off my “Woah, hold on here, people can see me!” alarms. However I got three really lovely offers and only one person threw shoes at me. But at least I could say to myself, “Wow, this person just threw shoes at me and that hurts, but clearly this isn’t the right person for me, so on your way you go.” So, thank you Havi, for the teaching to be able to do that. And I got what I was asking for so, yay!
This week I want to ask the universe for the courage to keep going in the right directions and not throw up barriers to my own success. Or, if I do, to be able to say “Look I just did that thing I do when I’m scared I might actually succeed.”
This can come to me through meditation (Hah! I first typed mediation, which actually might work too), through right people finding me to remind me. Oh, I aso love good omens and signs.
I am wishing you harmony and ease. Could I recommend You are the New Day by the King’s Singers and Butterfly by Rajaton? Harmony at its best. You should be able to find them on YouTube to have a listen.
Peace and love,
.-= Christina´s last post … And Now for Something Completely Different =-.
Christina! I’m glad you got three lovely offers/connections.
And wow, yeah. That other woman … looks like she had an agenda and didn’t notice (I hope?) the way she was trampling all over your ad. Yuck. Sorry.
I love how you lived the insight when you needed it – that’s awesome.
Thanks for the music recommendation. That’s a great idea. And yeah, I always Freudian-type mediation too. Also “relationshiop”, which is oh, not at all embarrassing.
With regards to the travel thing, have you considered getting a first class ticket? I mean you travel for business purposes so you should be able deduct it, effectively paying only half or so.
Hey, so, the calming-babies-down-in-your-head thing?? This is sounding cool. Explain?
Havi, I’m holding the vision of grace, harmony, flow, ease and simplicity in all areas of your life. Including your flights to and from Berlin.
Can you use air miles to get an upgrade to Business Class? Or if you belong to an airline’s flight club, you can register with them for all available upgrades–they often upgrade passengers when the flight is overbooked.
.-= Hiro Boga´s last post … Sunday Poem #7 =-.
I want my own Hoppy House to finally come find me.
I want to finally be able to quit my daily job and start getting paid for doing something that I actually love doing.
I do want a gentleman – friend.
Do you think that this is too much to ask at one single point of time?
As for the trip – my advice is to leave the house perfectly sure that this time the trip would be enjoyable and there would be no crying babies aboard. And then, if need may be, don’t forget to do the calming-babies- down trick in your head 🙂
Oo Oo – I know this one!
What gets me through the airport and flights:
1) iPod with all my chill-out and happy-making music and stories on it with (this is essential) noise-canceling ear phones. The etymotic-hf2 fit nicely, work with the iPhone, and block outside noise really well.
2) Meditating myself into a near state of catatonic calm before I enter the security checkpoint because they *always* pick me to frisk, dust, and practically strip search. I use lots of your “even though” statements, even as I’m entering the line. As long as I can keep myself mentally distanced from that unpleasant event, I then reward myself with:
3) The airport bloodymary. Escape from the security, find your gate, and hit the bar. I cannot say how much this has increased my calm. Don’t do bloodys? Sub your own festive drink, preferably with big silly garnish. Or give yourself some other reward for making it though the security thing.
4) If you have your laptop, get a headset/audio splitter and share a movie with your gentleman friend. Having the hippie husband share a movie or two with me helps calm me, and has the added benefit of blocking the noise of the babies. (I think you know how much I love the babies under normal times – now picture me locked in a tiny room with several – eeeeek!)
Have a wonderful flight and time in Berlin!
.-= Casey´s last post … Fake Taglines =-.
Update on previous asks: Dropped the creative ball and came down sick instead. Had the extra money I asked for show up from an unexpected source and made hair appointment. No yoga progress.
Thing #1: I would like to get well by Tuesday so I don’t sneeze all over the hair lady.
How it could happen: Never getting too sick and just having this fade away. Getting sicker and then bam — well. Whatever works.
My commitment: I’m going to rest as much as I can today and tomorrow, and try to take care of myself.
Thing #2: I would like to have at least as awesome a September, work-and-money-wise, as I did an August. Also, birthday goodness.
How it could happen: My networking efforts could continue to pay off. Progress on current projects-in-the-works could go smoothly and extra quickly. Some way that surprises me.
My commitment: To work and rest in good balance whenever I can. To not let fear keep me from progressing on the art projects. To rest up and get well so when I’m better I come out of the gate running. To pay whatever I can on my quarterly taxes, even if it means giving up a few things I want otherwise, and trust that the money will keep coming in to give me those things later.
And now, to go buy soup. XD
.-= Amy Crook´s last post … It’s Coming Right for Us! =-.
I know that I’ve had trouble writing personal ads because I was scared or didn’t know what I really wanted or didn’t want to force the issue. My last personal ad that I wrote came true. I passed the 1,000 subscriber mark a few weeks ago. My blog is growing nicely.
Now it’s time to buckle down and make some products (ebooks and webinars) that people actually want. That’s my next ad. You probably already saw that coming.
.-= Karl Staib – Work Happy Now´s last post … Happy at Work Action Day October 5th =-.
Airports and long-haul flights are a peculiar sort of hell. I wish you all the calm and harmony that it’s possible to engineer in the circumstances!
For me? Well. This week, I want my blogging self back, please.
I’ve just had ten days that included house guests and two house birthdays (the Oyster is FIVE! and my husband is THIRTY-FIVE!), as well as two paying-work deadlines and all the other usual stuff, and my poor little blog and I have just … come unstuck.
What I want:
I am feeling the familiar slide towards self-recrimination and avoidance, as the list of what I feel I need to do to get the blog back on track grows longer, and I want it to STOP.
I want some windows of time to write the posts that are piling up in my mind.
I want the grace (mercy, compassion, whatever) to forgive myself this blogging “sin”, and the wherewithal to refrain from using it as a stick to beat myself with in the future.
I want the universe (or even just, you know, the internet) to give me some signs that it’s going to be OK, really. I have a tendency to catastrophise in circumstances like these.
How it could happen:
Something – a decent stretch of sleep (toddler permitting), a flash of inspiration, I don’t know – could allow me to run at it and get through the mental block that’s stopping me from hoisting the blog to the top of my priority list. (Because just waiting for the time to happen along is a mug’s game, I find.)
A sense of proportion could creep up on me from behind. I’ve lost mine.
I could get a really sweet comment that made me feel sufficiently warmfuzzy to counteract the bleak and crashing guilts.
Some other way. I’m willing to be surprised.
My commitments:
I’ll give it my best shot. Even knowing that I’m not a Perfect Blogger, tee em, I’ll keep at it. I’ll try not to be too hard on myself.
.-= Lean Ni Chuilleanain´s last post … Very Secret Mysteries, no. 5: Quilting =-.
Havi, I’m picturing you and your whole trip being completely surrounded and protected by Light – the travel to, the time spent in Berlin, the travel back, and all the people and situations you encounter along the way. Horriby hippie-ish, I know, but it has always worked really well for me.
My personal ad (yes, I’m giving it a try again):
The situation: I have been experiencing mysterious abdominal pain for several days, and it isn’t any of the obvious things.
What I want: to find out what’s causing the pain and what needs to be done to alleviate it. I’d like this to happen very soon.
How it could happen: My doctor could suddenly have a brilliant idea, or anyone on my medical team. Someone could mention a condition that has these symptoms and is hard to detect, and it would be the one. Or any other way, just so it happens.
My commitment: to take care of my body in whatever way it needs, to pay more attention to what it is telling me. To quit thinking that I’ll take care of myself later, after I’ve done taking care of everyone/everything else.
.-= Anna-Liza´s last post … Pollyanna’s Kids Play with Fire, too! =-.
Wishing you all the perfect simple solutions, harmony and ease you need! Have a safe and enjoyable trip to Berlin.
I have been reading the Personal Ads posts with great interest, and I’ve also been wanting to add my own and be part of this thing, but I couldn’t find anything I would have written here. Not because my ads would have been too personal for me to share, but because the only things I would have asked for were immaterial, mostly internal stuff kind of things, and even though I saw other people – including you – asking for such things, I couldn’t bring myself to do it (it may have had something to do with the feeling of not adding anything valuable to the conversation, I don’t know).
I’m not sure why, but I feel like today’s post made me move past this, so I may be able to start posting my ads. I have nothing specific in mind today, but I will certainly find something to ask for in the coming weeks. Yay! Thank you, Havi!
.-= Josiane´s last post … Retreating to write – and being treated to so much more =-.
Havi, my lovely lady, i shall remind you,
breathe deeply
and exhale,
and then next,
the pure
the clear
the power of
i send you light and love for a peaceful flight and time in berlin. hugs sweet one.
and what is it that i would like right now.
Lisa’s Personal Ad
I am looking for a jolt of energy in the next week to continue with the last week of making art for my first ever art show. I would like to be surrounded by cookies and thoughts and i would like to feel good after a day of work.
I am searching for a way to blog more regularly and to finish the updated web design for which includes info about coaching and classes.
i wish to find a place to retreat with after my show with my love. we are tired and we are worn out, i need to be with a tree for a very long time.
and finally, i would like to search to see if my desire to move to the country is a fantasy, or if it is rooted in reality. how do i do that? Not fully sure. Would love your ideas!
i know that is a lot, but believe in putting it out there.
hugs and thanks to havi and all of you wonders!
.-= Lisa Pijuan-Nomura´s last post … 16: Moments – Wednesday We Share =-.
Here was a recent personal ad.
My kid just took piano camp at Ethos Music. He loved it.
We needed a piano. So I just said, “I want a piano and I don’t have much money, so it needs to be inexpensive.”
I called Ethos, and they said, “Well, we just got a call from a lady who wanted to get rid of her piano, so here’s her number.”
I went over to her house, and here was the perfect piano for us. It’s small. It’s historically appropriate for our house, and it just needs a tune-up.
She said, “All I want is for this piano to have a good home. You can have it if you promise me that.”
So I burst into tears, and she told me to calm down, and then I hugged her, and then I called the piano mover and it’s arriving tomorrow.
$160 out of pocket for a perfect piano for my piano-playing kid.
Voila! Piano!
I love personal ads. I’m going to write one next for really nice clients.
.-= Bridget´s last post … On Hiatus =-.
Hey what is this “magic ‘calming babies down’ trick (that I can do in my head and which always works)” thing you talked about? Sounds wonderful, please share.
@Bridget – yay Ethos! And what a beautiful story. I love it. So sweet!
@Hiro + Tommy – yes, that’s totally in the works. All of this round of flights were bought ages ago so not really an option, but my programs coordinator has strict instructions for my 2010 travel. Both in terms of what types of seats and a new “nothing before 7:30 a.m.” rule. 🙂
@Terri + ruthy – the calming-down-babies thing is like this: you go deep into your body (I usually massage my fingers while doing this) and you acknowledge their pain.
Like this (language may vary):
“Hey, sweetpea, I can tell you’re feeling really upset and uncomfortable, and it must be so hard to feel upset and uncomfortable and disoriented and unhappy and have no one acknowledging your pain. So I just want to say that even though this is hard and scary and confusing, and your ears hurt and you don’t know what’s going to happen next, I want to remind you that you are allowed to be scared and you are allowed to be overwhelmed. And even though no one is responding to your pain and everyone keeps shushing you, you are a sweet beautiful child of the world and you are safe and loved.”
Also it makes you feel better too. 🙂
@Lisa – just seeing your name makes me feel better. Pijuan pijuan pijuan udnish! You are the awesome and the sunshine.
And the phrase “I would like to be surrounded by cookies and thoughts and i would like to feel good after a day of work” makes me happy. I wish you to be surrounded by cookies and thoughts too.
@Anna-Liza – thank you! And to you also. Appreciated so much.
Hi Havi!!
As an HSP, I find travelling to be exhausting, annoying, overwhelming as well. I don’t know if this helps you (and it sure is not intended as a ‘should’), but has helped me before is this:
I pretend to be a celebrity on a trip. I bring extra-large sunglasses. I smile friendly at all my fans in the airport. I bring my extra-pink suitcase. I wave at the security guards. I glide through the crowds.
I also prepare a special-treats package for myself, that includes at least one of my favourite magazines, my writing Moleskine, my multi-colored pens, something really nice to nibble on, water, mini-make-up and cleansing products, my ipod, one of my stuffed animals and whatever else comes to minds. Things that remind me of home. Things that make my trip home.
Come to think of it, it’s like an angel-refuelling station for on the road!
Big hug for you.
Like @Josiane, I’ve been kind of sitting back and watching the Very Personal Ads, too. But now it is time for my own:
What I Want:
More space in my days. You know, like when you’re doing a yoga pose and your instructor asks you to find the space in the joint and go a little further? I need that in my days. I’m tired of always feeling crunched and under the gun and buried in my to-do lists. I’d like more time for the serendipitous, to just be, on a daily basis.
How This Might Happen:
It could be a routine or a schedule I adopt that lets me deal with manini things on a daily basis so they don’t build up into mountains that tend toward avalanche. It could be a day or two — or a week, even — without any other obligations that I could use to catch up on my backlog. Or both. It could come from offloading some tasks to others, or disengaging from more commitments that no longer excite me.
My commitment:
I’m open to trying new systems, giving them a full and honest try, and picking and choosing what’s right for me from each. If some free time does fall into my lap in the next month, I commit to spending it on dealing with the nagging things that have been on my desk and my lists too long so I can make a clear path for new opportunities and time to breathe. I will make time to sit down for another reassessment of my commitments (that did wonders last year, and it’s definitely worth another go-round).
Oh, and I want to travel with @Hannah!
.-= Lori Paximadis´s last post … tidbits: back-to-school edition =-.
I love your baby-calming technique, Havi! I bet it works nicely on adults, too. I’m gonna try it out on grown folks! Watch out world 😉
.-= Erika Harris´s last post … What color are you? =-.
I love the baby calming technique too – thank you! Never know what you’ll learn from reading this blog – loved the travelling as a celebrity too. What a great idea.
My personal ad feels too scarey to task for and I’m going for it. I commit to writing a personal ad when I’m done writing you – at least I’ll know what I really want and ways it can come to me.
It’s a teeny tiny shift to be willing to ask for it and acknowledge it for myself.
.-= Char´s last post … test =-.
Havi – I am sending you positive, comforting travel energy and thinking of all the wonderful things you will experience in Berlin.
Recap: I have gotten great results from my last two VPAs. The Can’ts have not been eradicated, however I am far more aware of them as they come up, which allow me to talk to them. It is hard to talk to a monster you don’t acknowledge. My gold star seeking has not diminished, but I have gotten much better at showering myself with gold stars when I need them. So big giant Yay!
This weeks ask:
I am starting a new semester long class tomorrow and I am nervous about taking this step in a new direction. I want insight into how I am Feeling, both physically and emotionally through out the semester. I want to be able to understand what my body and heart tell me as I experience this new adventure. I want to be able to clearly hear and understand my own voice.
I could get this by:
developing a new skill for tuning into my inner voice
learning a new technique for focused listening
some other way I don’t yet anticipate or understand
When received, I will:
Take time to honor and consider the messages I receive.
.-= Lauren´s last post … Birthday Cheese =-.
Thank you for the baby-calming technique! I love it since I’m normally the one with the screaming baby and instead of acknowledging the pain I’m feeling the pain of my fellow passengers and shhh’ing her till I’m quite pale in the cheeks.
Coincidently, I’m flying to Perth this week with the children and my personal ad has kind of written itself.
What I want:
I want for a safe, quiet, calm and peaceful flight. I want child one to sleep (as we are flying during her nap time) and for child two to be so enthralled by the plane and the snacks and the lunch tray that he’ll forget to ask me for anything so I can put my feet up and relax for four hours.
How this can happen:
I can use the baby calming technique and maybe massage her fingers while I do it and acknowledge her tiredness or sore ears if she is having a meltdown. I can provide some in-flight entertainment in the form of books and a yummy bag of popcorn for child 2, (and maybe massage his fingers as well) and give him the window seat. If all else fails, I can hope that other passengers know of baby calming technique and send good vibes our way.
My commitment:
I will use baby calming technique on any other babies having a sore time on the flight and send some good vibes to the parent as well. I will do my very very very best to remain patient and calm and not to think too much of how annoying it can be for others to have a baby on the flight (which normally just sends me into freak out mode, with the kids). I can go with the flow and ebb of the flight and let it be as it should.
Over and above I’m flying to a remote area within Western Australia with my beautiful hubland for a day, while the kids play with their baby sitters! I’m sure I’ll enjoy that and will send baby and baby sitting calming technique to my awesome, brave friend watching them until we get back.
Thanks Havi, as always a wonderful ritual. Love it! xxx
.-= Marilyn´s last post … Your child’s second year of life! =-.
My dream is to be a self-represented, self-supported artist.
I don’t want fame, or wads of cash. I want to live in a house/apartment that isn’t riddled with crime or in disrepair, to have healthcare coverage (despite a laundry list of pre-existing conditions), to be able to go out to eat a few times a week, and to take a vacation every few years (maybe even out of the country!).
I want to be able to do the thing that drives me, and sustain myself financially with it.
That, however, is not my personal ad.
My personal ad is: I want to be wrong.
Every time I start to think about how I might accomplish my dream, I get shut down by my own brain:
“Not enough people will buy your art.”
“You’ll never make enough money to survive.”
“You’ll never get non-employer-based healthcare coverage, with everything that’s wrong with you.”
I want to be wrong in thinking that these obstacles are insurmountable. That’s what I can’t accomplish without help.
.-= Jen Mathis´s last post … An abrupt change of plans. =-.
Your post is SO timely. Quel surprise. 😉 I felt like punching people all weekend long. here’s what I got that’s been working!
1. Letting myself be pissed off and slightly depressed. (I’ve never languished in bed for hours, EVER and I’m considering it today) f-bomb, f-bomb. hee hee.
2. In this new church I went to, the sermon was unbelievable dull, people were 50% on to way to being dead, and I couldn’t stop hearing an evil voice in my head, saying “Christ Almighty”! (like Kathie Griffin) and then laughing inappropriately.
So “Christ Almighty!” to you!!!
Also, being chased my cabbages in my imagination and hunted by frosted cakes makes me laugh even in these ka-ka times.
hugs hugs hugs,
Christina from Taos!
Oh,Havi, I think I want your ad about ease. Ease, please! ♫ I’m a little lamb who’s lost in the woods … ♫
Oops, distracted with the singing.
I don’t like to put the very personal ads on here because I think (a) good grief, I don’t want anyone to see how silly I am, and/or (b) what the heck do I want anyway?
But you know what I should do? Yup. Just put up or shut up.
Wanted: Insight into how to find and approach those with power to book musical acts (such as mine) into appropriate and hospitable venues. Bonus will be given for silencing the voice in my head that says, Why is it so hard for me yet doesn’t seem to be hard for other people to find these gigs? Wah wah wah!
Compensation commensurate with experience. 😉
@Jen Mathis – I came across this link ( and thought about your VPA, which really touched me. It sounds like an ad my Mom could have written (… only she might not even have the courage to want to be wrong about her fears.
Bless you, and ALL creators, infusors and translators of Beauty. We need you, and the art you long to do. May our money find its way into your redemptive pockets. On your behalf, I call forth Ease and *Rewarded* Expression.
.-= Erika Harris´s last post … What color are you? =-.
Oh, HSP Havi, I can sympathize about the travel. I have been the highly sensitive mom who is trying to pretend like I’ve never seen my own screaming baby. (This is possible b/c my wonderful husband always did baby duty on the airplane b/c of the aforementioned HSP-ness.) When they were nursing, I could depend on the boobs to quiet things down, and thankfully for all co-travelers, no one ever had comment about the boobs. (Except when I was traveling home from my mother’s funeral with my five-week-old son and the woman stopped me in the airport to say that she noticed what a good job I was doing taking care of my baby and that she appreciated my being willing to nurse in public to do that. Wherever you are, little old lady, you healed a part of my heart with that comment.)
Prayers for quiet, smooth travel and no hands-on by the security people.
About my previous (and first) VPA, I had a moment of clarity in the shower in which I got an overview of how all of the work I’ve done in the past has led me to this point. How it makes sense NOW that I’m where I am work-wise. I hadn’t realized how much a missing piece that was until I had it, but it was keeping me stuck in a variety of ways that are now shifting.
So this week, what I want:
-some forward motion on how a blog and social media fit in with this.
How this might happen:
I downloaded the call with @pistachio about non-stragegy last night and am going to listen/read when those kiddos I mentioned give me the space, so I could have a flash of insight during or after the reading/listening,
Post-Shiva Nata or post-Nia ephiphany,
Something else I hear or read will spark another shower insight,
Some other way I can’t even imagine yet.
What I will do:
Show up to do the work and pay attention. Keep dancing and arting and getting ready for my Right People.
Your calming baby technique makes me happy. That is good energy to release into the world.
@Hannah, that is a fine technique. I think I will try it.
.-= Sonia Simone´s last post … How to Quit Being a Badass =-.
The Calming Baby Technique is actually kind of beautiful. I will confess that I am a lucky mom whose baby (now kindergartener — today!) always flew like a champ, and have never been stuck on a flight with a particularly fussy one.
Then again, I would never have time to perform the CBT myself, as I am too focused on the Helping the Pilots Fly the Plane Technique.
And I’d like to thank @Lean for writing my personal ad for this week. It relates to my most recent blog post, in fact. (Which I recognize is itself a contradiction in terms!)
.-= Heidi´s last post … Maintenance =-.
I thought of your personal ads last week when I was ending a relationship and while I didn’t write one here I wrote one in my head…and I now have a cute little three bedroom house, half a block back from the ocean, with windows, windows, windows and light, light, light, a small but lovely garden, space for a studio and I’m able to keep my dog and the lady that owns it is willing to let me pay what I can afford. Thank you thank you thank you. For this TOTALLY OUT OF THE BLUE GIFT I am so grateful.
So now what I is…
… an amicable 4 weeks while I wait to move into said house and for our friendship to survive intact.
… to paint while I wait and to find that THING that I have been too scared to find in my work. That thing that makes me different.
… to be able to let go of the sad and not buy into the drama.
What I will do…
paint. dance. sing. Listen and comfort but keep myself separate. For the next four weeks.
Yay! New house by the sea…(just sang that)
This week I want:
For my friend Christine to find a job that suits her skills and rewards her well for the work she contributes, surrounded by great people in a positive environment.
How this would happen:
Quickly and as a result of the efforts she has been making towards this.
My commitment:
To always support her.
Thanks for this forum Havi!