Friday chickenBecause it’s Friday AGAIN. And because traditions are important. In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

Oh, sneaky sneaky Friday.

Acting like it’s no big deal that it’s Wednesday and then zoom showing up uninvited.

I’m fairly certain that Thursday didn’t happen.

But either way. Sneakiness is afoot. Clearly.

The hard stuff

So tired.


This week was supposed to be about recovery from teaching at the Writer’s Retreat all last week.

Recovery and rest and reintegration and other transition-ey things that begin with R.

And that happened, yes. But I was just wiped out for all of it. Really low energy.

Combine that with high altitude, high heat and wanting to do things but not being able to, and you have one cranky mouse me.

In a funk..

The usual coming-off-of-retreat down.

Missing the fun. Missing being the amazonian goddess queen.

Just in the blahness of being uninteresting and uninterested.

Also, a sidenote for my personal edition of the Book of You: Knowing that this is normal? Doesn’t always help.

Wanting rest.

And realizing that even though all I want to do is rest, I don’t even really know how.

This is a rather depressing realization for someone who has been teaching yoga, destuckification, meditation, non-cheesy self-inquiry things for the last six years.

So I had to re-learn it.

The usual things (naps and shavasana and slowness) were not working.

So I had to talk to the me-who-knows-about-rest and learn things. And take a lot of baths. Which was actually kind of nice.

No Dance of Shiva.

After a week of using Shiva Nata (or what I call Shivanauttery) to solve all my problems …

Doing it on the roof, in the bedroom, outside, inside, everywhere …

It just didn’t happen this week. And that sucks.

Other things happened. Like baths and walks and scribblings.

But not Shiva-ing it up. And that makes everything more sluggish and slow. And I know that. And it still didn’t happen.

The good stuff


I do love them.

And I never get to eat bananas because my gentleman friend and I both have very passionate thoughts about eating local food. It’s one of those on-our-dammit-list things.

It’s something we’ve done for several years, our only exceptions being salt, a couple spices and (for him) coffee. And a very occasional indulgence in the form of Colorado whiskey. Mmmm.

Anyway, being on holiday somewhere warm and beautiful is like permission to loosen up (or maybe it’s just the wenn schon denn schon effect.

But bananas. So lovely. Thank you, bananas!

Green chile tempura.

The yummiest meal EVER at Hiro Hobo in Arroyo Seco. New Mexican Japanese! Green chile + cilantro tempura! Edamame hummus! Extreme deliciousness!

Thanks to David for the recommendation.

And, in order to not make the Friday Chicken just a report of me obsessing over foods, I will stop here.

And yes, I ate green chile stew seven days in a row. And yes, it was that great.

Getting out of my funk!

I’m pretty sure it was because of all the goo-slathering.

Or possibly the nap I took on Wednesday.

Goo-slathering. Finally.

It only took me three and a half days to get over my phone phobia (and yes, there is a hilarious and very wrong blog post in there) to set this up.

But I did it and set up an appointment for delicious, decadent goo-slathering* at a lovely spa.

* Goo-slathering = body treatment where they smear oils on you. See my Very Personal Ad where I asked for help with this.

And it was incredible.

After all that monster-talk about how it wasn’t really necessary and I really should be writing instead, the goo-slathering ended up being The Thing That Got Me Out of The Post-Retreat Funk of Doom.

Take that. And please remind me the next time I go into conniptions over whether or not to goo-slather. Goo-slathering can (sometimes, apparently) move me out of the Funk of Doom. Noted.

New Mexico.

I still love it.

So much pretty.

Being wrong.

Realizing that I miscalculated and had another whole day here when I thought it was time to go.

Great stuff I read.

Jenny the incomparable wonderful Bloggess, saying this:

Popular blogger is an oxymoron.  It’s like being the sexiest National Scrabble Champion or the best local Newt Gingrich impersonator.”

So true. And now I know what to say the next time someone calls me one.

And I don’t think you can call this “great stuff”, but this (warning: appalling language! insanity!) inappropriate, raunchy, crazed version of a pirate song that is originally from an Icelandic television show for kids! Wow.

I have watched it … well, more than three times. And yes, apparently everybody knows about this but me.

And … playing live at the meme beach house!

Yes, that’s a Stuism too.

My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”

This week’s band has a name that sounds a bit … um, shocking, but I assure you it isn’t. Because, well, because I have context. Which I will share with you. But first, the band!

Finish The Woo Bitch

And, as it turns out, it’s just one guy.

They’re playing in town all week. Except that it’s really just one guy.

[Okay. Context. I was writing a whiny complain-ey piece about how I dislike my work being referred to as woo, especially when the woo is referring to completely sensible things like talking to monsters about cookies.

But then I got busy with something else and forgot. So I wrote myself a reminder note.

And promptly forgot what the hell I was talking about. So the note was a big source of confusion this week: who is the Woo Bitch? And how am I supposed to finish her?

Luckily, I remembered what I was talking about. So that’s good. And really, it does kind of sound like a band.]

That’s it for me …

And yes yes yes, of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments bit if you feel like it.

Yeah? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?

And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day and a restful weekend-ing.

And a happy week to come. Shabbat shalom.

The Fluent Self