In which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of ritual and self-reflection.
And you get to join in if you feel like it.
This week was Rally week (Rally!), so things were kind of crazy and all over the place.
I am completely baffled as to how it’s already Friday and how it’s only just now Friday since this week was so full of everything under the sun.
Anyway, Friday! Hi. Let’s do this before you end because I’m pretty sure it’s already Saturday everywhere in the world but here. Of course you can leave chicken comments all week but I’m still going to press pooblish before midnight!
The hard stuff
Poor me!
There was this tiny cramped weekend between my pirate queen holiday and beginning Rally.
Not enough time to transition the transition.
Everything felt off-balance. As if I was being squeezed too tightly.
Totally ignored everything I know to be true, which was not helpful.
All the notes about preparing for Rally that I’ve listed in the Book of Me are very clear about the day before.
Rally always begins at 5pm on a Monday, and that Monday has to be all about ready-ing.
I can’t do client calls, I can’t run around and do errands, I can’t get my hair done. I have to be at the Playground meditating and writing and getting into the zone and flow for Rally. All day.
We know this. Through re-learning it the hard way a bunch of times and through having done it the way it needs to be done, and experiencing how wonderful that makes everything.
But there was a business mini-emergency and people needed me and blah blah. It threw me off my game. And then I felt even more frustrated with myself, for knowing what I needed and not giving it to myself and then only having an hour to prepare for Rallying.
And then I did the same thing again, just for fun.
The Book of Me is also very clear about what is helpful and not helpful in times of frustration.
I considered kicking the door, remembered that this is never a good idea, and then kicked the door anyway. And instantly regretted it. Fun.
Way too much going on.
Trying to do sixteen hundred things at once and they’re all great, and it’s just kind of a lot.
I want something and I can’t have it.
And so it goes.
Rally is over. Sadface mouse!
Rally was unbelievably amazing and I got so much done and everyone was so lovely, and I didn’t want it to end.
The good stuff
My tiny weekend was actually pretty fun.
I call weekends Pineapple Upside Down days to remind me of my practice of trying to make them different than my week.
And these were very upside-down days!
I wandered around town, took a trip to Powell’s, visited some new food carts and generally did things in a backwards and unexpected way. Yay!
Rally! Rally! Rally!
Rally is always amazing but somehow this Rally — Rally #11 — was especially amazing. Rally!
I got ridiculous amounts of things done, had massive shivanautical epiphanies, and enjoyed the hell out of all of it.
And the old Turkish lady yoga was floaty and beautiful and made me cry.
The rallions!
Every group that has come to a Rally has had its own unique character or personality, even though of course everyone is different. It’s hard to explain but each group has a feel. And a special-ness.
For example, the last Rally before this one (Rally #10) had kind of a silly, happy-go-lucky, giggly feel. Effervescent and exciting. It was like OH BOY ICE CREAM! Fun! Loved it.
This Rally we had a group whose collective personality was quiet, thoughtful, reflective, sweet and mellow. With a lot of crazy-smart people who were sort of quietly wise and funny in a very chilled-out way.
And I am really noticing how much I enjoyed this group and how happy I feel to have met them all.
Just to be clear! I love all the Rally groups and I find all the people who come to my events to be bright, creative, and generally lovely. Not a statement of preference — just a statement of enjoyment!
The Shiva Nata! So great! We goofed off like you would not believe.
It was a really mixed group (people who had never done Shiva Nata and people who regularly teach it), and we threw ourselves into the mad flailing with abandon while I let them pick the words to assign to the arm positions…
1st day: pink, clear, patience and rastafarian as the horizontals, and aardvark, quietly, sandbox and excitement as the verticals. Leading to sentences like “I’m in a sandbox full of rastafarians and the aardvark is pink!”
2nd day : fun, mystery, trust and clarity as the horizontals, and excitement, fear, something and something (help me out, Rallygators?) as the verticals. Leading to sentences like “I fear excitement unless I remember to trust the mystery.”
The third day we had: pink, blue, ochre and crimson as the horizontals, and green, magenta, black and orange as the verticals. Which we also used while playing with directions in space and waving scarves (of different colors).
And we used music, dancing, sounds and all sorts of other crazy and ridiculous things.
I can’t even remember the last time I’ve laughed so hard. Or that the brains were so scrambled. Epic.
Related: getting so much done. But SO MUCH done.
Thanks to all the Shiva Nata, I came up with the best metaphor mouse thing ever (will tell you later).
And got piles of things done.
And generally astonished myself. Rally is the best.
On the last day, Tim said something like, “I got more done in the hour and a half between Shiva Nata and lunch today than in the past three months put together” and I thought YEAH.
Because that’s basically what happened for me too. It was intense.
Presents. I love presents.
Claire sent a bunch of marvelous monster stuff from Australia. Thank you!
We got books, socks, and a very mysterious drawing. All gorgeous and wonderful.
Thank you!
Shiva Nata classes in August!
Even though I pretty much never teach live classes outside of retreats and Rally, I will be teaching THREE Shiva Nata classes in August.
It’s a series. A destuckification series. Tuesday, August 16, 23 and 30, from 5:30 — 7:00 pm.
At the Playground, of course. It will be intensely fun, challenging, hilarious, and completely insane. I cannot recommend this highly enough.
And there is a live Snack Preview class coming up VERY SOON:
Toozday, July 26.
If you’re anywhere near Portland, you should definitely definitely come.
Here is the link:
And … playing live at the meme beach house it’s the Fake Band of the Week!
My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”
This week’s eclectic band is local to Oregon. They’re loud, brassy and highly entertaining.
What’s Their Petunia Budget?
Yes. That’s what they’re called. It’s confusing. But you know what’s really confusing? It’s actually just one guy.
The early brunch pricing period for the September Shiva Nata Academy of Hilarity & Play ends today.
Read the page and see if speaks to you. We’re going to have an outrageously good time together.
Will I see you there? I hope so. That would be beautiful. All levels, body types, personalities welcome.
And even though it officially ends tonight at midnight, my tech guy isn’t around so the prices probably won’t go up until Sunday when he wakes up. You might catch a break!
That’s it for me …
And of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments if you feel like it.
Yes? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?
And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come. Shabbat shalom.
p.s. It’s okay if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — you can join in whenever (or not) and it’s no big deal.
Oh, yay, welcome Chicken! I’ve been eagerly watching the skies for your arrival. (And that reminds me of a particularly funny line from Catherine Goldhammer’s Still Life With Chickens: “The longest chicken flight ever recorded lasted seventeen seconds, which doesn’t seem so long until you count it, one Mississippi, two Mississippi, and imagine that it is a chicken you are watching fly, not a blue jay or a crow.”)
–Long weekend vacation getaway was not long enough, dammit. I wanted more. Almost as soon as I got home I felt myself getting cranky and tense, and then came the emotional eating, and just whoa.
–Finances. Ouch. I don’t even want to talk about it.
–Ocean, O Ocean! It was so good to be with you.
–I saw an osprey nest, with parents feeding fuzzy-headed chicks, and a gangly teenager attempting his/her first flight. Awesome!
–The four days of the long weekend vacation getaway were filled with all manner of pleasures: delicious food, beautiful sights, mini-adventures.
–I discovered a pottery studio with a sign that said, “Store Policy: Please handle the pottery. If you break it, don’t worry — we’ll just make more.” Also, in front of the studio was a bubble wand and a bucket of soap, with another sign: “Please try the Bubble Wand.” And then when I came back half an hour later, they were closed, and I noticed that according to their posted store hours, they’re always closed on Sundays. Yet they had been open for a little while! Did the Universe make an exception just for me? It felt like magic. Small miracles are some of the very best ones.
–Getting a lot of comfort from remembering to re-focus on the present moment whenever worry begins to loom. Noticing things definitely helps!
Okay, it’s two minutes to midnight here on the East Coast. Fly, Chicken, fly!
Ah, Friday Chicken – there you are.
I can now add not being able to go to the crazy-awesome Shiva Nata series that Havi is doing in Portland due to lack of teleporter to the list of Hard. Damn you, lack of teleporter! And I will try not to be too jealous and bitter of all you lucky, lucky people who get to go.
Anyways, the week…
The Hard
Oh, so much of it everywhere. I am finally starting to recover though, and it was less worse than it could have been, thanks to some useful notes left by Future Me. But still, it was somewhat tiring.
Techie stuff killed my brain
Mainly because I was too impatient to wait for an answer from awesome techie friends, and then spent two hours installing something I didn’t even need to install! Gah!
Being all sad and hurt by someone I love being all sad and hurt and dealing with it by not talking to me
Over now. But hard while it lasted.
Also some of that wanting something I can’t have stuff
I mean, I can have it but I’m choosing not to for other reasons. But it is still hard.
Man, they are hard. Also the cause of all the exhaustion as my body-mind goes through routine overhaul.
But also…
The Good
Books and DVDs from the library!
Awesome friends
There was lots of asking for support & love this week, and it was just so amazing to feel held up by this community of beautiful, shiny people that surround me. Truly freakin blessed.
Really hot sex
As a result of Shivanautical epiphanies. People, what isn’t Shiva Nata good for, I ask you?
The dissolving of a huge, huge, HUGE stuck that has caused mucho pain for the last ever
Progress on website-y stuff!
I now have hosting and Headway Themes installed! And a picture I drew on paper with felt-tips! Which needs to be somehow realised in pixels! But one very significant step closer, so hurrah!
– – – – –
Time to go rest some more, possibly alternating between watching Flight of the Conchords and reading Embracing the Wide Sky, two of my library scores!
Love to all the Chickeners
I’ve been trying to catch up on all my internets tonight after a couple weeks very limited access, going all ADD and chasing shiny ducks everywhere, when I spotted my Selma in Shining Armor (actually it was Havi’s tweet about the Friday Chicken).
Given everything that’s been going on in my life the last couple weeks, I really liked the idea of joining in the chickening (I may have chickened once or twice before, but usually I am just a lurker mouse on these) and was really happy to see I hadn’t “missed” it (I know you can’t really miss it, but my monsters often insist that it’s “too late” to post for all sorts of reasons. But since Havi *just* put it up, not even they could find a reason to not chicken. Although they are pointing out that I’m breaking the rules by chickening the last 3 weeks rather than just this one… but as long as I point it out to everyone, they’re willing to let the infraction go just this one time. 🙂
The Hard:
On Tuesday, June 28th, exploratory surgery found cancer in my omenteum. On Monday, July 4th, they found the primary cancer and it was officially diagnosed: I’m 32 years old and have stage IV stomach cancer. And yeah that pretty much covers my Hard.
The Good:
Surprisingly, SO MUCH!
After 15 minutes freaking completely the f*ck out, I got really calm & simply *knew* I’m going to kick this thing’s ass! So I’m very thankful for that surety and how quickly it came to me, because it let me be the calm reassuring support for all my family and friends.
And O.M.Goddess I had NO IDEA how many people love me and care about me. Family didn’t surprise me although of course I’m very thankful to have them, but the friends that visited me during my week-plus-change stay in hospital, all the cards, flowers, and little gifts, and just amazing messages from all sorts of people I would never suspect cared beyond passing acquaintances. And my employer & coworkers too have gone really above & beyond. It’s been so humbling.
Although my GP during this whole mess definitely goes under the Hard, having the courage of fire him even though super-cautious don’t-burn-your-bridges-me still doesn’t have a replacement goes under the Good. And the three other doctors I’ve dealt with: Dr. Spooner in the ER, Dr. Wankling my surgeon, and Dr. Katakkar my oncologist, are all super-amazing-awesome and I am SO lucky to have them taking care of me. Plus all the nurses and support staff in the hospital and in the cancer centre are wonderful too. I had my first chemo a week ago Tuesday, and I was doing fine until last weekend which was truly awful, but on Monday I stopped by the cancer centre and they gave me IV fluids & some TLC (their words) and one of them said, “Stop by anytime, you belong to us now.”
Lastly but certainly not least under the Good goes living in the modern world. Both for the state-of-the-art medical technology that’s going to enable me to kick this thing’s ass, and for the technology that lets me connect with supportive people all over the world, and keep all interested folks updated on everything that’s going on with me with just the click of a few buttons. FaceBook, Twitter, my blog, just the Internet in general, makes this whole thing easier.
All in all, I feel so blessed and so lucky. This cancer thing has turned my life upside-down, but I’m determined to make it upside-down in a good way. Widdershins! 🙂
This was the week of Rally! (Rally!) All those things I’ve read/heard/dreamed about Rally are indeed true!
The good:
*Meeting the Playground and all who dwell therein.
*Crazy-hard Shiva Nata.
*Napping in the Angel Refueling Station
*Old Turkish Lady Yoga
*Napping through Old Turkish Lady Yoga in the Angel Refueling Station
*Making a board game out of construction paper and post-its and figuring out “The Rules” and more importantly “the rules behind the rules.”
*Meeting and hanging out with the fabulous fellow Rallions.
*The Grilled Cheese Bus!
*The best biscuits and gravy I’ve ever eaten that weren’t made by me or someone I know.
*Taking Slightly Future me out for tea and pastries.
The hard:
*Day two.
*Monsters yelling “You are wasting your precious Rally time writing these stupid articles…”
*Not having enough time to eat at ALL the fantastic restaurants/food carts/etc. in Portland
*Leaving Rally…
More good:
*Leaving was made bearable only by knowing I was meeting my husband at the airport and we would be driving to pick up our son from camp. Each of us had a very different adventure this week, so it was fun trading stories and catching up tonight.
*Major epiphanies about the way my perfectionism patterns operate led to the crafting of a permission slip in the form of a “Not-so-standard Disclaimer” which I intend to include (at least in invisible ink!) on everything I write from now on. Or until I decide not to anymore. (Terms and conditions subject to change without notice!)
*blows kisses*
Three Cheers to the Chickeneers!
The Hard:
– epic funk of blahness
– indulgence hangover
– getting sucked into work while on vacation
– making peace with a flexible schedule
The Good:
– very long walks in unfamiliar parks
– pictures in the rain on the bridge
– Czech cream sauce and other indulgences
– figured out how to use the washing machine (all settings are digital and not in English)
This week was both hard and vexing and fabulous and sparkly and inspiring.
The hard:
Stupid allergies and resulting sinus pain, tiredness, crankiness, achiness. Meh.
Things taking twice the length of time I thought they would. Repeatedly.
Leaking roof.
No sight of leaking roof being repaired.
Glitches with techy stuff for new website.
Monster chorus.
Major disappointment. Disappointing news conveying by someone who spoke to me with utter contempt.
And a soupcon of discouragement also.
The good:
Did everything I wanted to do for my novel this week, and gave myself space and time to enjoy it. Yay!
Mind blown in a good-way by my simple yet ninja practice I’m trying out.
Ordering and using yoga DVD from library. And the book I got from there too.
Mind also being blown in a good way by Barbara Sher book.
Delicious lunch and tea in favourite cafe.
Shiva nata fun and epiphanies. And yum!
Committing to getting outside help that I feel comfortable and happy with.
Cat cuddling and general adoration.
Got CV rewritten – having amazing support from uni careers guy and rewriting it has made me realise that holy crap – I actually have a TON of skills and experience and knowledge. Wondering what else in my life could benefit from being rewritten.
Wishing everyone gorgeous, comfort-filled weeks.
The Hard:
I’ve reached the Angry stage of heartbreak. But since I refrain from acting out my anger, my brain did it for me in a dream. Flinging things at someone in an ice cream parlor is ok if it’s a dream ice cream parlor.
Internet dating is weird and rejection-full. I have to keep reminding myself that it is a few pictures of me and some words that people are not wanting, not the wonderfulness of the actual me. But still, not fun.
Real life dating is non-existent and then I worry- is it my teeth, my hair, will I be alone for the rest of my life?
The Good:
Prasarita padotadasana into sirsasana! Which I didn’t even know I could do until I tried it and there I was! In a wide legged forward bend, head on the floor, and then all of a sudden legs in the air. So very fun.
Friends to hang around with.
Canceling a trip at the last minute = free day & no driving!
@Holly: Wow. Strength and support to you (and MAJOR thumbs-up for firing the unhelpful GP)
@Katie Hart: Czech cream sauce? Ooh, does that sound yummy.
@Jane: Yay for overhauled resume! Good luck with the hunt!
My hard:
* wicked rash on my forearms, and bug bites elsewhere as well. Missing the knock-out pill and spray-on steroid (neither available to me any longer) I used to have on hand for coping with the godawful itchies.
* significant planning and prep for a baseball outing, only for the rain to start falling as we walked to the ballpark
* tense exchanges, mucho uncertainty
* non-responses, mucho uncertainty
* didn’t muster up the time/energy for workouts except on Friday
* wading through insufficiently edited copy
* not as far along as I’d hoped to be on several projects
My good:
* last night’s guests seemed to enjoy themselves anyway
* letters and notes from friends
* rash has abated
* progress with work and homework
* feeling good about how good I look
Back to work! Wishing everyone help with the hard and huzzahs for the good.
I have found that waiting to Chicken usually lets me fit everything in (like Roseanne Rosannadanna said “It’s always something”)
(really belongs on last week’s chicken, because it happened on Friday afternoon): I was running errands in town with my boys when the gauges light came on and the gas gauge dropped like a rock. I had just filled up. I thought a fuel line had popped (this happened to my mother when I was a kid). Much adrenaline and freaking out later and I did get home. And of course car ran fine for Marty the rest of the weekend and until Tuesday morning when I tried to take the car into town with the boys. It did it again. (Car was running fine, but I went back home anyway).
Being absolutely freaked out to even consider driving the car again. (budget is so tight that right now a car repair could crush us)
My left eye is twitching like Chief Inspector Dreyfus’ in the Pink Panther movies. Being the sole income generator when the income isn’t enough yet is stressful. Trying to generate income when you can’t drive to the (lousy minimum wage) jobs that may be available locally just adds to the stress.
17 hour power outage Monday-Tuesday that messed up my Donkey baking and my show prep. Between that and the car and the monies, murder murder suicide party was looking pretty good. (did I mention I have my monthly visitor this week? that didn’t help the mood)
The mechanic who lives two doors down checked the car out for no charge. We were told there’s nothing that needs fixed, it’s just some random glitch (that apparently only happens to me, but this is the “good” column 😉 )
Realizing that I was catastrophizing Monday night after the power went out, and there was nothing I could do about anything on Monday night so I used my breathing and mindfulness and Shiva Nata in my brain to calm myself. Having a hand embroidery project and a battery powered headlamp helped with that.
Jumping in feet first on Tuesday and maxing out the business card for webhosting for my new business Stitch Circus. I’m going to offer hand embroidery patterns and e-books on technique and supplies, and I feel a lot more clear and like I’ve actually found My Thing.
Things are still scary, but I have a plan and I actually know what steps to take. This is world shaking stuff here.
Last month I Rallied in Portland (Yay!) and since things like money and distance and time and responsibilities and all that Reality stuff mean that I can’t go to Portland every month, I decided to Rally at home.
So this Chicken is a report on the At-Home Rally.
I had insights. I had ideas. I did things.
But I didn’t have other people with me, and that was hard. Sometimes I write with a friend but she wasn’t available this week.
Having dedicated time for my prrrojects is the bomb. Especially in a Rally-esque free-form go-with-the-flow way. I had a thing I wanted to work on this week but ended up doing something else that jumped to the head of the line.
I completed a major writing project, from idea to print-out. I’ll be doing annotations and (minor) revisions over the weekend, and it will be good.
I also created an eating plan that is flexible and workable and will help me with weight and nutrition issues.
I found a way to ease into the day, beginning with old Turkish lady yoga in bed, and time on the porch.
And I organized a contact list, a project that has been hanging around for months.
I designed and started making a crocheted top to wear to a wedding next weekend. It will have beautiful glass beads worked into the pattern.
I watched the video of Havi in the Pink Wig and the 45-second demo. I tried to do Shiva Nata and managed, with great finesse, to get lost right away but I kept flailing.
I did Shiva Nata in bed one night, imagining the hand positions that go with the numbers. I could only do the Level 1 horizontals. I’m such a tyro but in my head at least, I’m good! And then I slept. To quote Reba: People, what isn’t Shiva Nata good for, I ask you?
For next time (yes, there will be a next time!) I’m going to plan ahead – Rally dates in the calendar — gather the materials I will need for my prrrojects, and try to find other people to do creative stuff with me.
It’s Saturday late afternoon already and my internal critic with her mustache and hot pink winkle-pickers is telling me that it’s too late to chicken and who cares anyway. Perfect reason to do it anyway *sticksouttongueinhergeneraldirection*
Serious attacks on my and my GFs sovereignty by GFs family on a visit to him.
Forgetting to take as much care of myself as I needed, because I was so focused on caring for the GF in above situations.
Infections and sicknesses and rashes.
A major crisis shaking me up and not being recovered enough in time for dealing with the above.
Stuck and more stuck.
Worry and hurt in people I love.
Having shoes thrown at me that aren’t my shoes.
People I love trying to explain to me why I am stuck and what I should do to become unstuck. Unhelpful things like “just do something already”
Play with the kittens.
Defending boundaries and sovereignty and not being alone
Remembering and noticing the noticings and staying in the process
Realizing that the shoes don’t fit.
Internal sticking-out of tongue at unsolicited advice.
Sunny days.
Spinning my first useful yarn on the handspindle. Now I get to play with 350m of rainbow goodness.
Summer fruit.
Also; VickiB, I love your idea of having your own Rally. Of course not having attended one yet I have more trouble making my own.
Here comes my Saturday Friday chicken, thanks to the chicken amnesty.
The hard:
– Not a single damn day with time to myself.
– Tired.
– Head spinning from all the conversations I have.
– Totally lost my yoga practice.
– Back not ok as a result.
– Bizarre erratic pain in my jaw, I can feel a little knob there that I think shouldn’t be there and I am hypochondriacking away.
– Colleague diagnosed with MS.
– All those farewells I am facing next week.
The good:
– I have enjoyed socialising and I have really had fun.
– 5 more days at work and I am well prepared for handing things back over to the woman I have been replacing.
– Watched wonderful performances, dance as well as plays.
– Feeling so accepted and loved in my job.
– Loving the people I am working with.
– So much laughter among me and my colleagues.
– Just a bit more than a week and husband and I will be in the middle of nowhere in beautiful countryside in a lovely holiday apartment.
– All my belongings I brought here for the past 10 months are packed and ready to be taken back home.
– I could do sort out someone’s problem miraculously within 20 minutes, he was happy, I was happy.
– Close friend unexpectedly in town for a few hours and we walked around the zoo together and caught up and had fun.
– Close friend brought me a beautiful necklace as a very late birthday present.
@Holly, all power to you in this fight! Plus more epiphanies, blessings, and joy in spite of it.
This week’s hard:
-Serious procrastination on a scary thing
-Procrastination on everything else since I should do the scary thing first. Gah!
-Missed a national radio show/call-in that my therapist was participating in (had a conflicting meeting)
This week’s good:
+My cousin’s 15 year-old daughter had back surgery on Wednesday and she is doing so well she will probably be discharged Sunday.
+Picking up another cousin at the airport tonight, we will have a great chat on the way home.
+Herbs in pots in my yard are big enough to pick, yum!
I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to be closer to Portland than I do right now. I would be all over the August Shiva Nata classes if I were.
Also there’s a dog photo on your Playground site that I really like. He looks very soft. All about the fuzzy! 🙂
So much hard that I don’t even want to list it all.
The Hard
-Fighting with friends. I don’t feel like I was wrong, but it seems like everyone’s mad at me for calling out our group’s favorite person on some things she shouldn’t have been doing.
-Job stress. ’nuff said.
-Grief. Feeling alone in it.
-Being so anxious I made myself sick.
The Good
-Being allowed more freedom and creativity in my job as my supervisors recognize my strengths.
-Having a coworker who’s nearly opposite me in strengths, so dividing jobs becomes easy to do. We’re really hitting our stride with this new department-thing, and the week went fast.
-Seeing people I haven’t seen since I left home, and having an enjoyable night out with them.
-A two-day weekend for once.
Ok, Hard stuff–
I got too hungry today and that made me fussy and panic attacky. Yuck. I know better, but sometimes it can’t be helped.
Still struggling with being my natural full self at work. Every time I open myself to the world with the expectation that it will be fine, it is. But still I hesitate.
Work on the house is slow. I want it to be done and beautiful and just like I like it. It would help to be able to enjoy the journey and the process of working on it with my man.
The Good Stuff:
Tons of it, actually, this week.
In writing class I found my groove. That was great, and I found it on the last day of class, totally unexpected. I was also enjoying taking the class for fun, not pushing myself to be great or perfect. I didn’t do any of the homework.
I conceived, planned, hosted, and facilitated a meeting for work. Which is big anyway, but then it was successful beyond my wildest dreams. It was a good idea, and I worked hard and with other people to set it up to go well, and it did. Woo-hoo!
My husband and I got along all weekend, and did a lot of house stuff along with a lot of napping and reading and relaxing. He thanked me for cooking food for the week, so that was nice.
Yay! Another week is here!
Poor Havi! If I had lots of money for whims and flashes of random inspiration, I would totally buy a punching bag for the Playground with a door on it for you to kick safely.