Friday chickenIn which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of ritual and self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

So I’m in Medford, Oregon for today’s chicken. Well, for tomorrow night’s roller derby bout, but also for today’s chicken.

And this week was so outrageously impossibly full that I cannot even comprehend that today is really Friday.

As if Friday’s all excited about being here and going, hey it’s meeee!, and I’m too baffled to figure out what’s going on. Anyway. Let’s do this!

The hard stuff

The disappearing weekend.

Last weekend was completely eaten up by commitments. It just disappeared.

By AWESOME commitments that I happily chose to commit to (and I’d make the same choices again), to be clear. But still totally and thoroughly exhausting.

It made the start of the week a little sleepy, but there wasn’t time to be sleepy because I had to fit seventeen billion things in before this mini-vacation-that-is-not-actually-a-vacation.

Busy? Busy.

So unfairly ridiculously head-hurtingly busy.

I was run off my feet this week.

My friend is sad.

And I wish I could magically make things better for her but I can’t. All I can do is love her.

Scary and possibly annoying phone call of doom.

That I haven’t made yet.

And it’s super stressing me out.

Other people’s projections.

When people decide a thing about you and this thing is not true and then they put it on you.

In Hebrew you say that they clothe you with it. And that’s how it’s been feeling.

I’m much better at removing these layers of Other People’s Crap than I used to be. But you know what? I’m not really enjoying it at the moment.

Problematic interactions in a variety of forms.

Something in the air, probably. I’ll do some Shiva Nata on the patterns and see what my part is in all of this.

But in the meantime, there’s been unbelievable pressure, bizarre things that seem to be attempts at manipulation and power plays, plus lots of miscommunication and blame.

So that’s no fun. And it’s really hard for everyone involved. Not you guys, don’t worry.

I am trying to assume misunderstanding, because that’s usually what problematic interactions turn out to be.

And I’m going to find out what I can do to re-establish expectations and set firm, loving, beautiful, strong, healthy, powerful, compassionate boundaries in this situation and in any other one that comes up.

Missing my rituals.

Because of the crazed week of busy, I wasn’t at the Frolicsome Bar (what we call the Facebook-ing) or at my local (Twitter) very much.

I did lots of reading at the forum boards in my Kitchen Table program but I didn’t get to play as much as I usually do, so that was sad too.

The good stuff

The extremely amazing weekend of roller derby heaven.

The Boston Massacre bravely came out here and got crushed, as predicted in the bible as predicted in last week’s Friday Chicken. They had a good attitude about it and were generally adorable.

Our B-team (the Axles of Annihilation) played Seattle’s B-Team (Reign of Terror), and that was supposed to be a close match but it wasn’t. Final score? The Rose City took it 229-67. And yes, some of my shivanauts were skating out there and they looked dangerous. Love it!

And Sunday there was more derby and then the team I sponsor had their end-of-the-year picnic, which was very fun.

Also, they gave me the sweetest thank-you-speech about how my work with them and the warm-ups and the Shiva Nata has helped them get more coordinated, be in their bodies, feel confident and centered and kick ass.

Guess what now lives at the Playground?

A signed and framed photograph of the team. Right next to last year’s photo.

Next time you come to a Rally (Rally!), I will show you!

Recognition. Just in general

I’ve been writing about my complicated relationship with acknowledgment, and then — out of nowhere — there was this totally sweet piece of it.

Thank you.

Toozday’s Shiva Nata class at the Playground.

So hilarious. So much fun!

Ahahahaaa I’m on holiday.

Time on the road. Time with my wonderful uncle Svevo. Time eating cheese. Time singing sea shanties. Time for me.

In beautiful southern Oregon.

I’m one of 30 things. One of many, many things. And also 30 of them.

It still counts if I totally bullied him into it. The witty, charming and generally marvelous @tjbeitelman (who has also Rallied at Rally) has put me on his list of 30 things.

I like everything he writes.

I like this

Remember when I wrote about cover stories? So Megan sent me this link to this slide in Utrecht. So great!

The Great Ducking Out, take two. It’s live!

I don’t know if you guys remember this but last year I decided (thanks to the commenter mice) that I was sick of dreading American Thanksgiving and trying desperately to avoid it like I do every year.

So instead I threw a special day called The Great Ducking Out. A day of playing at the Playground and eating yummy food and being silly.

And around it I also made a special Ducking Out Rally, for spending the whole week working on creative projects or just playing.

We had thirteen lovely, lovely, lovely people at our picnic feast and it was the best thing ever. Pie!

So we’re doing it again, and the page is live and I’m almost ready to announce it. Although we already have five people coming, according to the First Mate who knows about these things.

Anyway, you can peek here and rejoice with me:

Guess what else? Guess what?

The Shiva Nata iPhone app is finally live! This is a giant yay!

We have been excited about this for oh god so many months and now it’s finally here. HOORAY!

It’s called Pocket Shiva Nata and it just now came out, and please please please go and leave sweet and loving reviews for us!


And … playing live at the meme beach house it’s the Fake Band of the Week!

My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”

This week’s band comes courtesy of @senseijames, who has fake-band-named many a fake-band with us.

Punk Rock Glitter

It’s a band AND a thing to throw AND a thing to do. Some times I glitter punk rock too. Though you know what’s weird about them? It’s actually just one guy.

That’s it for me …

And of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments if you feel like it.

Yes? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?

And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come. Shabbat shalom.

p.s. It’s okay if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — you can join in whenever (or not) and it’s no big deal.

The Fluent Self