Friday chickenIn which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of ritual and self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

How is it possibly Friday?

I thought we decided things were going to slow down a little. Right? No? Just me?

Let’s do this. Chicken!

The hard stuff

Tired, cranky and overwhelmed.

In that order.

But also in all other possible combinations.

Not enough naptime. Not enough, in general.

The no-time monster collective had a lot to say this week.

My iPhone is no more.

After three sweet years together…

I’m pretty sure it cannot be resurrected but will find out for sure this weekend.

In the meantime, I feel kind of disoriented. Also, I never know what time it is.

The frustrating meeting of doom.


Waiting for other people.

And having decisions to make based on input from people, and then waiting some more.

Flakiness! Theirs.

So if I want to give your organization money to sponsor their event — the same event that is in desperate need of sponsorship… and they don’t get back to me….

Then what?

I’ve tried contact form, twitter and Facebook. Running out of ideas and patience.

Flakiness! Mine.

Dropped balls. Missing pieces. Gaps where there shouldn’t be gaps.

We even discovered an HTML page on the site — we switched the whole thing over to WordPress more than three years ago. But apparently we’re still linking to old stuff. Nice.

Having to make decisions that I do not want to make.

But it’s time.

Still don’t like it though.

Ugh. Internet.

I broke my very strict “absolutely absolutely” rule about not reading comments on any site other than my own (because for some reason this is pretty much the only place where people are consistently sovereign and supportive), and ohmylord.

I was — and still am — completely horrified by the lack of responsibility people take for their words. And by the lack of safe spaces and healthy boundaries established for people to encourage them to do so.

Kind of reeling from the whole thing, actually. Time to unplug and do what needs to be done to take care of sad me. And to appreciate, again, what a magical thing we’ve done here.

Teaching in other cities is a pain, even more so now that I have my own studio.

You know, for the past EIGHT YEARS, I’ve been teaching classes in various yoga studios and dance studios and hotel conference rooms around the world.

And it sucks. Endless administrative hassle. Even when you have a paid programs coordinator who’s in charge of it.

This last year and a half of having the Playground has been amazing. We have our own studio! Just for us! The bullshit task levels are way down, as are the bullshit cost levels.

No more paying exorbitant fees to have someone fill a water dispenser. We fill it ourselves. From the sink.

But now that I’m setting this workshop up in Denver, I’m resenting the annoyances even more than before.

The hotel where the skaters are staying wants $1500 for two hours of using their smallest banquet hall. With other expenses (let’s not even mention the rented-by-the-minute flip chart), putting on this thing will probably cost more than an entire month of rent and utilities in the gigantic, awesome Playground.

And that’s before paying the pirate crew to set all this up, having someone read through all the contracts, buying the plane tickets etc etc etc.

I’d rather go and teach a workshop than go and not teach. So it’s going to happen. But can I have some sighs of commiseration, and some general fist-shaking?

The good stuff

Getting help and support.

Getting stuff done during Drunk Pirate Council.

Lots of help from Cairene.

Using the Chicken Board at my Kitchen Table program to get lots done.

Big fun hilarious plans for the Convening of the Enthusiastic (my un-board meeting).

Crazily, Plum Duff actually got announced on schedule.

For the first time ever.

Yay, plum duff!

And look at us, pirate crew of wonder. Well done for making it happen when it was intended to.

Back to dancing.

And it feels wonderful.


Crunchy leaves. Sweaters! Flannel sheets. Everything smells good. Orange blanket. Warm socks. Candles.

Getting to do stars at the Playground again because it gets dark early enough to do it.


I love this time.

Got a domain I wanted.

The likelihood of which seemed incredibly unlikely.


The piece about self-forgiveness was ready to be written.

Kind of like with Bolivia, I’d spent months and months trying to figure out how to approach this one.

And then yesterday it wrote itself.

What a relief to have it not be on the inside anymore.

Excited again.

About things I had stopped being excited about.

The ESPN Body issue.

I thought I wouldn’t like it at all. I mean, come on… nudity to get us to pay attention to women athletes? Screw you, entire world.

But then I read it anyway, because Suzy Hotrod was in it and I admire her so intensely.

And the whole thing was really kind of amazing.

All these beautiful, radiant women, who are beautiful in such a variety of different ways, and who aren’t stick-like models. People who are relatively self-aware about their complex relationships with body and being in it, and who do extraordinary things.

One day they’ll ask me to be in it as a Shivanaut, and I’ll have my own interesting decision to make. YEAH. I just said that. And I’m sticking to it.

Progress on Denver.

Definitely teaching a class there.

Definitely excitement.

Definitely progress.

And no more teaching outside of the Playground.

Unless we make it to Championships again…

Sleeping in!

It feels good.

And … playing live at the meme beach house it’s the Fake Band of the Week!

My brother and I have this thing where we come up with ridiculous band names and then say in this really pretentious, knowing tone, “Oh, well, you know, it’s just one guy.”

This week’s band is really, really, really loud. But then they get really, really quiet.

They’re called:

Lewd Nude Quaalude Dudes

It’s kind of a conceptual thing. I guess.

But rumor has it… it’s really just one guy. I think they do that with mirrors.

Announcement time!

Picture me wearing that crazy hat

  1. Absolutely sign up for Rally before we put up the 2012 prices. It’ll get you into my Art of Embarking course too. Extra plum duff discounts if you’re a KT-er or Rally grad. Take a look at the schedule for this new year .
  2. Two very interesting scholarships for Crossing the Line: the 8 Day Voyage! (password: haulaway). These won’t be around for too long
  3. Did you order the Playground 2012 calendar? It is gorgeous. These will definitely run out before the end of Plum Duff.

I think that’s everything. If not, I’ll add stuff to the Very Personal Ads over the weekend.

That’s it for me …

And of course you can join in my Friday ritual right here in the comments if you feel like it.

Yes? Anything hard and/or good happen in your week?

And, as always, have a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come. Shabbat shalom.

And a tzom kal, if you’re fasting.

p.s. It’s okay if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — join in whenever (or not) and it’s no big deal.

The Fluent Self