Friday chickenIn which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of ritual and self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

This week was Rally (Rally!), and so it flew by ridiculously fast and also it was AMAZING, because Rally!

And I feel both exhausted and energized. Wow, Rally!

The hard stuff

Timing and waiting and patience and aaaaagh.

The new Playground space was supposed to have been cleaned on Monday so that we could start painting. But that went off-track in a hundred different ways, and now it still hasn’t happened.

Things are taking time. Messages getting crossed.

I want to get started! My stuff about beginnings is very present this week, and I got to work on it throughout Rally.

Sleep disruption.

Just when I was back onto regular sleeping, I had a rough night.

And then a Zombie Day.


I know what needs to be done on a Zombie Day, but I tried to make work happen anyway.

Even though there are volumes of the Book of Me that are very specific about why this doesn’t work.

Lots of processing.


Some things take time.

Some things require PROCESS.

Especially important things.

I am processing extremely important things right now.

I would like to not be poked about them while in percolation mode.

Especially during Rally. Let’s institute an Absolutely Absolutely no-poking-during-Rally rule.

People I care about in pain and not able to find their way out.

That’s always hard.

Being wrong about something.

But not in the fun way.


As I tell people at every Rally, everything that happens at Rally is part of Rally. Even the things that seem like they aren’t.

But I don’t really know yet how to convey the TRUTH of this. That if you come to a Rally, you’re still Rallying even when you are not present at the Playground.

Rally happens at the Playground, but Rally doesn’t live there.

Even if you’re sick or sleeping in, or you experience something really hard that you had no idea you’d be experiencing (tfu tfu tfu, may it never happen to you), that’s part of Rally. Even if it’s completely external to you or Rally.

And Rally is the safe container that holds you in that experience.

Rally, like sabbath, is happening whether you’re there for it or not.

We welcome Rally in. We prepare for the voyage. We embark. As of that point, we’ve entered Rally and it’s Rally. Until we hum our way out Thursday evening.

When you are on Rally and something painful happens, Rally is a nest for your relationship with that pain. Even if you choose not to be physically present.

Hiding. Crying. Discovering how you respond to pain, what you personally find comforting, who you are in this pain place. How to create safety and sweetness. Taking care of pain-you to the best of your knowledge, at the best of your ability.

THAT is Rally. Nothing is an interruption or an interference. It is all part of your Rally. But I don’t know how many Rallies it will take for this concept to take hold. And I guess that’s not my problem.

I would like to wave a magic wand and have the truths that I have learned through TIME and PROCESS be made available for anyone who was willing to receive them. Without me being attached to whether they land.

The good stuff


I resolved the most GIGANTIC stuck ever this week while at Rally.

It has to do with flow and monies and rules and judgment, and I feel a million trillion times better for having figured this out.

That is why I do Rally. That just saved me about six months of trudging through the mud.

Lots of good news. And perfect simple solutions.

All kinds of things just sort of easily worked themselves out this week.

Including things in the business that we’d thought would be torturous and complicated.

Rally! Rally #17.

I love Rally.

This is no secret.

Blanket forts and costumes and snacks and superpowers. But also spaciousness. Peace and quiet. Laughter. Community and companionship. And deep, sweet internal discovery.

Rally is basically the thing I am always asking for which is community and seclusion at the same time.

I got all kinds of things done that I didn’t even know I wanted to play with.

And I didn’t do other things, but that turned out to be really, really fortunate.

Oh and we visited the new Playground and sang to it!

Amazing Shiva Nata.

And wonderful shivanautical epiphanies that are still blowing my mind.

I realized so many hugely important things this week.

Big shifting.

And it was hilarious at the same time. We did things to our brains that should not be attempted at home. Also we were zombies.

Related: have you seen Simone’s absolutely spot-on illustration of your brain on Shiva Nata? Because you should.

Pub night.

Very fun!


I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about chopping off more than half of my hair, but I am DELIGHTED about it.

It is exactly right.

Best meeting ever.

I council-ed with someone about my business after not having connected in four years.

It was beautiful, and we hit the ground running.

As if we had both gone through the same (massive) amount of personal transformation and arrived at exactly the same spot.

I feel great about this.

All over the map.

When I asked my friend what he’d been up to for the past four years, I instantly wanted to take back the question.

It’s that kind of awkward facebook-ey question that I actually can’t stand being asked. “So yeah… what have you been doing for the past eighteen years?”

And he said, “Well, I’ve been all over the map.”

BEST answer ever.

I am going to use that for everything now. I’ve been all over the map! The map that I invented!

I love a good answer that says everything without having to actually say anything. It’s a buffer and a silent retreat at the same time.

Playing live at the meme beach house — it’s the Fake Band of the Week!

Background? Ez and I make up bands. Stu (retired Bolshevik-fearing voice-to-text software) once translated “people will hate me and be jealous” to “they’ll hang out at my Meme Beach House“. It’s just one guy.

This week’s band:

The Pythagorean Theorem Is Only One Very Boring Way To Measure Distance.

You’d think that would make a better album title than a band name, but that’s what they call themselves. It’s weird.

But they’re worth listening to. Though, of course, it’s really just one guy.

Hallo Hallo! I am saying Hallo Hallo. Announcement time.

Picture me wearing that crazy hat

  1. Rally is AMAZING and it changes everything in your life. There are two spots left for March. And we’re only doing four next year. Come to a Rally!
  2. Ever since we’ve been requiring the Art of Embarking for Rally, it seems like we get an even higher (I know, how is that even possible?!) caliber of people at Rally. But it’s because they’re doing so much conscious entry before they arrive. It works. Big stuff.
  3. Same goes for the monster manual & coloring book. You can tell who’s speedy at monster-negotiating. It’s generally the people who have practice and skill, and they have practice and skill because they use the manual. I recommend! 🙂

That’s it for me …

Join my Friday ritual in the comments if you feel like it. Or call silent retreat!

We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. And we don’t give advice (unless people specifically ask for it).

Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.

Shabbat shalom.

p.s. It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — join in whenever (or not) and it’s no big deal.

The Fluent Self