Friday chickenIn which I cover the good stuff and the hard stuff in my week, trying for the non-preachy, non-annoying side of ritual and self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

This week had about a hundred weeks inside of it.

Hi, Friday.

I’m a little dazed, but glad we’re here.

The hard stuff

I have never worked so hard.


Sunday, Monday and Toozday of this week were unbelievably intense.

I have never had so many gigantic things going on at the same time.

Getting ready for the Great Embarking of the Floating Playground on the Day of Leap (Wednesday). Which is the culmination of more than six months of non-stop work.

Getting ready to open the band new Destuckification Playground and the Treatment Room and The Napping Room and the new Shiva Nata studio. Ditto.

Doing that physically in the space, and energetically and emotionally. And creating the systems for it.

And trying to do it all in a way that’s harmonious and congruent with the bigger culture of my company.

Wishing for patience.

While all this is going on, there are a variety of people waiting on answers related to all these systems things we’re figuring out.

And everyone wants an answer at the same time.

Also for containers.

I would like peaceful stations for arriving at my own answers, and for other people to have peaceful stations to arrive at their own answers. And some sort of no-poking zone would be good too.

Wanting appreciation and recognition.

The thing with doing seventy billion important things behind the scenes is that when you’re doing your best work, it’s completely invisible. Seamless.

As it should be.

But I am noticing how much I want the world to say: GOOD JOB, THAT WAS CRAZY HARD AND YOU ARE AMAZING FOR PULLING IT OFF.

That’s my stuff. Luckily, I have the Director to talk to about it.

Having an epiphany and not wanting to act on it.

Thanks to some particularly bad-ass Shiva Nata this week, I had about ten thousand amazing epiphanies.

One in particular really deeply showed me what needs to happen next.

And I don’t feel ready to do anything about that just yet. More to investigate on that front. Especially about what I think “ready” entails.

Envelopes of doom.

Lots of unknown entities this week that presented themselves as Possibly Scary.

I had to open metaphorical envelopes that I didn’t want to open. And call AT&T because of an ominous-sounding message from them.

Most of my week was processing and getting ready for that.

I chose to do a thing I didn’t want to do.

And now I know more about that.

Some concepts that I teach take longer to sink into the culture than others.

This is hard for me to remember.


And now I know more about that too.

The good stuff

Using my superpowers.

That’s all I want to say about that. Silent retreat!

The Floop! It is here!

I have been working on the Floating Playground since August-September.

It is the culmination of so many different things.

It is a way to make Rally (Rally!) happen all the time, online. Fun, playful exploration. What I have been wishing for. With everyone excitedly exploring all the rooms and finding out what patterns they want to play with.

It is the result of everything I have learned the hard way over the past several years.

And it is the thing I wish for the most: to play in community, with creative and loving people, while still getting to have spaciousness, and to go into powerful seclusion for internal process.

Everything came together right on time, as it needed to.

Getting to open on the Day of Leap was an incredible experience.

The Day of Leap.

Four years ago on the day of leap, I took a gigantic personal leap.

And this week I got to enjoy a different kind of transition.

Now is not then.

And thank goodness for that.

When you set the container right, everything is good.

There was a lot of setting up that happened this week.

The alignment exercise is magic.

I did alignment with AT&T and the person I’d be speaking to, and it was INCREDIBLE.

The person I spoke to was absolutely delightful. I have never had that much fun talking to someone at a call center. We laughed and played and enjoyed each other’s company. Everything that I wanted to get done happened smoothly and easily.

This exercise *always* astounds me, but this time it really was spectacular.

I don’t ever have to do the thing that I don’t want to do again.

That’s a wonderful thing to know.

Gigantic shivanautical epiphanies.

It just keeps getting better.

The fun part of the Chickening happens here.

Tabstravaganza! Or: what’s Havi been up to with all those open Firefox tabs?

Take a look at Bent Tuba from @verdissage.

Claire wrote a post about making changes on the day of leap.

From the archives.

Some old, weirdly pertinent posts that I don’t remember having written, encountered while looking for something else:

The one about Beacons, and also: The Cover Story.

Playing live at the meme beach house — it’s the Fake Band of the Week!

Background? Ez and I make up bands. Stu (retired Bolshevik-fearing voice-to-text software) once translated “people will hate me and be jealous” to “they’ll hang out at my Meme Beach House“. It’s just one guy.

This week’s band:

Permanent Grace Period.

Though, of course, it’s really just one guy.

Hallo Hallo! I am saying Hallo Hallo. Announcement time.

Picture me wearing that crazy hat

I’m about to redo our shop page and take some things down. Will update when I have details.

In the meantime, you’re on the list, right?

That’s it for me …

Join my Friday ritual in the comments if you feel like it. Or call silent retreat!

We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. And we don’t give advice (unless people specifically ask for it).

Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.

Shabbat shalom.

p.s. It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — join in whenever (or not) and it’s no big deal.

The Fluent Self