Friday chickenWhere I cover the good and the hard in my week, visiting the non-preachy side of ritual and self-reflection.

And you get to join in if you feel like it.

What worked this week?

Devoting my Fake Beach Day to a specific project.

I’ve had this writing project that is not a work project and not a personal project, and so it never gets any time.

This week I gave my Monday over to this project. I wrote for five hours straight and at the end I had fourteen pages of exactly what I needed to say. I wouldn’t want to make this a regular thing but in this particular case it was just right.

Changing location.

Meshaneh makom meshaneh mazal.

Change your place, change your luck.

Going to the Tea House with one writing project, one notebook and a pen. And a companion doing the same.

Playful writing date with my playmate.

It turns out that being slightly distracted actually helps me focus.

I got another huge writing project done on Wednesday. All the sparklpoints to meeeeee!!!!

This particular project has been driving me batty since APRIL. Anyway, my playmate gets credit for texting me sweet distractions every fifteen minutes or so. It was exactly the right thing.

Having company without being with someone. Having shared anticipation, laughter, joy while still being on my own. This was great.

Next time I might…

Let a zombie day be a zombie day.

It is a known thing (with much documentation in the Anthology of Havi) that when a zombie day strikes, nothing is going to happen.

Resisting the stuck just makes it worse. There is only one thing to do on a zombie day and that is to take care of myself. To replenish. To do the things that will help it maybe eventually turn into not-a-zombie day.

The sooner I remember this, the better things go. The problem is that zombie day will show up at an inopportune time and I try to bulldoze through it and make it a Doing Day anyway.

Letting a zombie day be a zombie day is the fastest way out of a zombie day.

Give Annoyed Me a notebook and a pen.

It turns out that Annoyed Me has a lot to say about [situation].

And the longer I wait to process, the more frustrated she feels.

It makes sense that I don’t want to do this. I’m definitely not looking forward to finding out just how much annoyance is in there, or how much is actually directed at me and not the situation that I think I’m annoyed about. But I don’t have to do anything.

Just letting her have her say will make things easier. And I don’t have to solve anything. Just hearing her out is a starting point.

The hard.

  • The news.
  • Being around people.
  • Being out in the world when everything is painful and zappy.
  • Working on the weekend again.
  • Ten days without dance class.
  • The thing that I put on my lips that I love has been discontinued!
  • The second thing that I put on my lips that I love has a new packaging and I do not like it. Grumble.
  • Feeling overwhelmed.
  • A morning meeting that put another two hundred things on that list. I got them all done but then it looked as though nothing had changed. Feh.
  • All the cobwebs in my life were extra visible this week.
  • Still have not figured out what to do with the dolphins and the herrings (proxy).
  • Feeling annoyed about a situation, and no time to process this yet, and now reaching extreme annoyance levels.
  • Misunderstanding!
  • Doing all the things is fulfilling but doing all the things is also exhausting.
  • The thing that needs to be booked is still not booked.
  • Being a highly sensitive person: blessing/curse/blessing/curse.
  • I’m glad the cobwebs are clearing but raising all that dust is not fun at all.

The good.

  • Spending last Friday in the cafe, having a day of Doing All The Things. Normally I take Fridays off but it’s such a miracle when a day of intense productive flow shows up that I took it. Happily.
  • Then had a whole week like that. Seriously. It was the week of Doing All The Things. It is outrageous how much got done this week.
  • Hannuka. Candles and brightness and singing and all the fried foods forever.
  • My cousin Noah lives here now! He came over for latkes and Marisa came too and this was absolutely lovely.
  • My very personal ad for de-cobwebbing turned out to be the best thing ever, because I have been moving out all the cobwebs, and it feels amazing! So much movement of stagnant energy.
  • I rewrote the CRUMb, which is the pirate crew user manual, and it is a thousand billion trillion times better now. That was a gigantic project that I’ve been avoiding, and it felt really good to watch it transform. And then I rewrote the Entry Packet too.
  • Fake Beach Day with Danielle!
  • Having the dates!
  • Discovering @SeinfeldToday on Twitter.
  • The tea house.
  • Writing out the entire story of the Tree of Life.
  • Wednesday. I woke up Wednesday full of appreciation and gratitude for everything. Including every single aspect of The Hardest Thing that happened this year, and the crisis situation of the past several months. For everything. I knew I would be able to see the good eventually and now I do. Thank you for the barns, for the burning of the barns, for the ability to breathe through it, being able to get to the point of recognizing that this is okay.
  • Loyal friends.
  • A chance meeting a few months ago turned out to have planted the exact right thing at the exact right time.
  • Feldenkreis class with Wally.
  • The VICARAGE! I am the most brilliant person on the planet, and I have an escape plan and I am going to the vicarage and I don’t have to explain it unless I want to.


A superpower I had this week…

Clearing out all the cobwebs.

Including cobwebs I didn’t know were cobwebs. Like updating my gravatar and twitter picture.

And a superpower I want next week.

The superpower of remembering that I can make things fun and easy. As the starting point and not the ending point.

And the superpower of disconnecting from everyone else’s worry and reconnecting to my humming heart of tingle-joy.

From the archives.

Past-me is a genius, you guys.

I just found this post about tiny bits of wisdom while I was looking for something else.

And it is exactly what I needed to read for the Tree of Life situation and to resolve another thing I’m dealing with.

YAY me from July of 2008 who didn’t even know that she was writing for me of today.
Also this, from May of last year: LOVE HARDER! 

See? I already knew the answer to this situation. Love harder, love more, fill up on love and radiate love, and then, yes, more love.

Playing live at the meme beach house — the Fake Band of the Week!

Background. Ez and I make up bands. Stu (retired Bolshevik-fearing voice-to-text software) once invented hanging out at the Meme Beach House“. It’s just one guy.

This week’s band:

Reaching For Glass Straws.

Though, of course, it’s really just one guy.

Hallo Hallo! I am saying Hallo Hallo. Announcement time.

Picture me wearing that crazy hat

Come to the class on TIME. It’s the prerequisite for the Year of Emptying and Replenishing (password: compass).

And it’s about all the things I’m passionately thinking about right now.

That’s it for me …

Join my Friday ritual in the comments if you feel like it. Or call silent retreat!

We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. And we don’t give advice (unless people specifically ask for it).

Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.

Shabbat shalom.

p.s. It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — join in whenever (or not) and it’s no big deal.

The Fluent Self