Friday chickenWhere I cover the good and the hard in my week, visiting the non-preachy side of ritual and self-reflection.

It is Friday.

I am not sure how, but it is.


What worked?

Accidental This Is Good.

I was able to notice this week when things that seem “not good” ended up having positive effects.

That coding error I made on the site for [project] ended up doing a thing that looked really cool! So then I was able to have R incorporate that into the design after fixing the code.

Going in the “wrong” direction meant a neat discovery!

Like that. Similarly….

Working with What Is.

What if I’m not off my game when I think I’m off my game?

What if there is no such thing as being off my game, because if that’s how I’m playing (or that’s how I can play) right now, that IS the game!

This meant taking something I’ve worked on in my yoga practice for years (if I’m tired, cranky or low-energy, I adjust my practice to work with that) and making it real.

It was hugely challenging, and also: that’s the game.

This meant napping when I thought I should be working. This meant recovery time when all the monsters said NO-TIME-NO-TIME. This meant taking things slowly. But I wasn’t off my game. The game just changed.


I perceived a lot of things as AMBUSHES this week, and instead of getting sucked into wheel-grinding about “whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy is everyone ambushing me?!”, I was able to pause and investigate.

I used the Floop (my Floating Playground community), and processed. Learned some things. Including that Am Bush is a funny word, and I am a bush.

I am a bush. I am an island.

Next time I might…

Ask for help sooner.

A lot of hard things this week.

They got better when I asked for help. I asked Agent W to meet me at the train station when I was still feeling shaky about Horrible Thing. I asked Agent Mueller to sit with me at the Playground.

More asking. And sooner.

The hard, challenging and mysterious.

  • Ambushes! And perceptions of ambushes.
  • The worst meeting in the entire world.
  • Being completely blindsided. Thinking the agenda was one thing and learning it was another.
  • Terrifying incident of street harassment threw me deep into my stuff.
  • A whole truckload of news I did not want.
  • All the agents from all the agencies were hugely in their stuff this week.
  • The almost-end of a relationship.
  • The mystery of I Am Still Having Dreams About Quitting Grad School, even though I have never been in this situation and the last time I even remotely considered another degree was maybe ten years ago.
  • Loss.
  • Between the Agenda Ambush in the Worst Meeting Ever, the Street Harassment Ambush and the emotional ambush of everyone I love being in their stuff, I was not able to do any of the things I planned to do this week. None of the work, and none of the play.
  • Tired. Sad. Still waiting for some good news.
  • It is unbearably hot, and I do not have air conditioning, and everything is that much harder in the heat.

The good, reassuring and delights.

  • The BUTTMONSTER ALPHABET CAROUSEL mission! Even though we had to extend First Sail Days because I was not able to do any of the things, I am really excited about this. And everyone who is coming is pretty much all my favorite people. This year is going to be amazing.
  • Glamour.
  • A beautiful gift from Monsieur LeBlanc of the Other Agency.
  • It seemed like there was no compromise, no Third Way, because I have to have X or I get a little crazy, and the other person has to have Y or they get a little crazy. And X and Y cannot co-exist. But then we found a way for X and Y to temporarily co-exist! We invented a new form! Hooray for creativity, love and experimentation.
  • Richard and I had the World’s Most Productive Meeting, which helped to rewrite some of the lingering effects of the World’s Most Horrible Meeting.
  • Remembering that I am in the Sovereignty Industry, not the Care-Taking Industry.
  • True friends.
  • Filling Out Forms (shhh, it’s yoga) at the Playground.
  • It’s like a honeymoon, only better.
  • Untangling things that are stuck.
  • Card from Leni! Thank you.
  • An Agent prepared food for me for the week.
  • I had moments where I could believe that this is all working out perfectly, even though I don’t know how.
  • Body is happy.
  • Spare room is painted and looks amazing!
  • Tomatoes from the garden. Flowers everywhere.


A superpower I had this week…

I had the superpower of Trusting My Instinct, and I had it in a really funny and perfect way.

I was yoga-nidra-ing in the park, and suddenly had the strongest feeling that I needed to flip over onto my belly.

Despite all kiwi injunctions to remain “still and immobile, like a statue”.

So I flip over, and a couple of seconds later there’s a shout, and a stray ball from the kickball game is flying STRAIGHT AT MY FACE.

I was able to bat it away with my hand, but if I were still on my back it would have hit me in the head. Hard.

It was a perfect real-life incident of “Suddenly Michael was struck by something he remembered from his childhood.” If you are not an Arrested Development fan, then you do not think this is the funniest thing ever, and I apologize. Trust me. It is the funniest thing.

Suddenly I was (almost) struck by something I remembered from my childhood.

And a superpower I want next week.

The superpower of supreme focus.


This week’s salve is the salve of trusting your instinct.

This salve dissolves exernal rules (and internalized rules) about how things should look or how you are supposed to supposedly be doing them. It softens things up and quiets them down, so that you can feel what you need. You can turn right when you are pulled to turn right. And you can trust that there is no way to turn wrong. It is a trust salve, and trust salves are quiet and they sparkle.

These salves can’t be seen, but the production factory delivers enough for distribution by way of the magic of the internet, so help yourself. There is enough.

Playing live at the meme beach house — the Fake Band of the Week!

Background. Ez and I make up bands. Stu (retired Bolshevik-fearing voice-to-text software) once invented hanging out at the Meme Beach House“. It’s just one guy.

Luckily there is no shortage of Fake Bands Of The Week, since they seem to be everywhere. Should you, however, ever find yourself in need of one, go with nail polish colors. They are ALL fake bands!

I am especially enamored with (seriously, these are awful) OPI’s Holland series, featuring things like…

Did You ‘Ear About Van Gogh, Gouda Gouda Two Shoes, I Don’t Give A Rotterdam, Wooden Shoe Like To Know, Kiss Me On My Tulips, Thanks A Windmillion, Vampsterdam, and A Roll In The Hague.

RIGHT?! Yes.

Any one of those could be a) just one guy, and b) the opening act for this week’s band:

Old Yiddish Viking

Their latest album, OYVEY, is actually an acronym and stands for Old Yiddish Viking. Eh? Yech.

Their music is loud, raucous and surprisingly catchy.

Though of course… it’s actually just one guy.

Thanks to Richard, for inventing this one. Also for living it.

Hallo Hallo! I am saying Hallo Hallo. ANNOUNCEMENT.

You guys! The Alphabet Carousel is here!

This is not only the cheapest way to do Rallies, it is also the most fun.

We have extended First Sail Days, because I wasn’t able to do any of the things this week to tell people about them. So yay. You get to benefit from my week of Perceived Ambushes. And if you come to Rally, you will find yourself becoming someone who processes things and changes your relationship to them, which is the most useful life skill that I know of. Entrance to as many rallies as you can come to for about the price of just one. Plus a raffle and prizes.

Say you came from the chicken and I will count you as First Twelve.


The password: whee

That’s the sound that a buttmonster makes while riding on a C! Which is also the cutest thing in the entire world.

That’s it for me …

Join my Friday ritual in the comments if you feel like it. Or call silent retreat!

We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. And we don’t give advice (unless people specifically ask for it).

Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.

Shabbat shalom.

p.s. It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — join in whenever (or not) and it’s no big deal.

The Fluent Self