Friday chicken

Where I cover the good and the hard in my week, visiting the non-preachy side of ritual and self-reflection.

It is Friday and we are here.

{a breath for Friday}

What worked this week?

When I assume there is an easier way….

Each time I caught myself agreeing to make things complicated (okay, first I need to find out what A’s schedule is, then when B has time, then coordinate between them, possibly involving agreement from C), I paused.

I reminded myself that I don’t have to solve everything for everyone, and that there is an easier way. And then I found it.

A lot of times the easier way involves trusting that if I say what works for me, other people will either work with that or give me more intel about what they need.

Next time I might…

Say thank you to everything.

Tiny thank yous. It is always a good response.

And more asking before I need help. Something that came up this week was noticing how many deeply ingrained rules I have against this, so I would like to give that some loving attention.

Eight breaths for the hard, challenging and mysterious.

  1. Neighbors feuding, loudly. A breath for ease and speedy resolution.
  2. Low energy. Tired. A breath for trusting that this is okay.
  3. Knowing that the Spy is going to be unreachable and out of touch in all forms for three and a half years. He’s going all Rip Van Winkle. It’s a winkle in time. Sorry. Anyway. I want to keep my focus on how special it is to have him in my life right now, not on how much I will miss him, but that’s where my mind is: how much it will hurt. A breath for letting go.
  4. Too much work. The Ballroom and the Fluent Self and personal stuff and writing stuff and home stuff and problem-solving. A breath for spaciousness, and for trust.
  5. Allergies. A breath for comfort and more letting go.
  6. Lots of anxious feelings about upcoming travel. Going into my stuff. Forgetting that Now Is Not Then. Unearthing uncomfortable memories about times when I needed support and it wasn’t there. A breath for steadiness and anchoring.
  7. Much too much time with people. Not enough time going where the rock is, as Sam would say. A breath for quiet.
  8. Inhale, exhale. Goodbye, mysteries and hard moments of this week.

Eight breaths of good, reassuring, delight-filled.

  1. The Guns N Rollers 80s prom at the Ballroom was awesome. And I got to dress up. A breath for play.
  2. Many wonderful conversations this week, about dance and about quiet and about many interesting things. A breath for friendship.
  3. Dance workshops all weekend! Nightclub two step fusion: mixing in patterns from east coast swing. 20s Charleston. It was a good time. A breath for the pure pleasure of throwing myself into learning.
  4. It’s finally warm enough to have yoga in the backyard. A breath for my favorite ritual, and twigs in my hair.
  5. Getting better at dancing, I can feel it. A breath for pleasure.
  6. Taking Tuesday off and spending the entire day in bed. A breath for how wonderful this felt.
  7. Despite all the panicking and overwhelm, huge progress is being made on a number of different ops. A breath for remembering this.
  8. So much appreciation and thankfulness. This amazing community here. The east coast swing crowd who have been so warm and welcoming to me even though they know I’m only there when I’m cheating on west coast. Flowers in the garden. Apologetic firemen. Friends. Long Slow Deep. Richard. Avoiding the 6. Things are good. A breath for deep appreciation in my thank-you heart.

WHAM BOOM! Operations completed.

The phrase Whoosh Ha Mastodon Boom is secret agent code that means: this thing is done! It is often shortened to wham-boom. You may also shout (or whisper) other joyous words if you like.

Wham Boom! Operation Three Times Thank You. I also did a bunch of things I have been avoiding forever, and they were easier than I thought. Now two thirds of the way through Operation KLM, and making some changes to Operation Sea Sky Dance Play. Big, big, wonderful progress on the Mission of Xs and Ys.


Powers I had this week…

I had the superpower of knowing when to ask for a hug, and the superpower of renaming things. Packing is now Provisioning, as in setting up provision/s for incoming-me.

Superpowers I want.

Same as last week: Welcome confidence. Both in the sense that I welcome confidence, and that I feel welcome and confident, and that these are related. And more Extreme Sexy Fearlessness please.

I would also like, while I’m asking, the superpower of remembering that however it turns out, it is going to be okay.

Salve. The Salve of Requirement.

In the world Harry Potter there was a Room of Requirement at Hogwarts: a hidden room that was only there when you needed it most and held for you exactly what you needed in that moment.

This is a salve that works like that room, but with qualities.

When you rub this salve into your skin, the qualities you need the most in that moment dissolve into you in the exact right amount and the exact right way.

You don’t need to know what you need, it will just be there: Trust. Strength. Forgiveness. Delight. Surrender. Agility. Pleasure. Presence. It is a salve of Sustenance and it is whatever you need it to be. Enjoy.

These salves can’t be seen, but the production factory delivers enough for distribution by way of the magic of the internet, so help yourself. There is enough.

If salve does not appeal, you can have this in tea form, as a bath, cocktail, whatever works for you. Not only is there enough salve, there are also enough ways to receive it.

Playing live at the meme beach house — the Fake Band of the Week!

My brother and I make up bands, which are all just one guy. The Meme Beach House is the venue.

This week’s band by way of autocorrect! They’re loud and angry, they mostly play in basements and they’re called Rip Can Pinkle. And as it turns out, they are just one guy.

Attenzione! Attention, AGENTS.

I am deep in an undercover mission to get better at receiving in all forms, or as I’m calling it: Glowing Receptivity and Being Receptive to Glow. Including the skill of gracefully accepting thanks.

It is related to my mission of Coming Out Of All The Closets and sharing about my personal experiences with not-sharing-how-hard-things-are.

If you would like to take a part in this and support me on my mission by sharing sweetness and appreciation for any aspect of my work, I would love that. You can do it with the magic of words, through the comments, or add something to Barrington’s Discretionary fund. (Explanation!)

And if the way you are glowing appreciation is quietly in your heart, I like that too. ♡

Come play if you like…

Join me in the comments. Some of us share hard and good, some of us say hi, or maybe we’re on silent retreat. My ritual doesn’t have to be your ritual. Whatever works for you. Almost three hundred weeks of this and there still isn’t a right way.

Everyone belongs. We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. We don’t give advice.

Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.

Shabbat shalom.

p.s. It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — join in whenever you like, it’s no big deal. And I am blowing kisses to the Beloved Lurkers. I love that you are here too.

The Fluent Self