Fluent Self Item!A somewhat goofy mini-collection of stuff I’ve been reading, stuff I’ve been thinking about and oh, some completely random crap.

Basically the stuff that never gets mentioned here because I’m not the kind of person who can just make some teeny little point. Not into the whole brevity thing, as the Dude would say.

Actually, I’m under the strict compulsion to write ten pages about anything on my mind. So this is me. Practicing brevity.

So. Way too much is happening right now. Business stuff. Personal stuff. Stuff-stuff.

Fun-brewing! Opening the Playground! In three days!

My pirate crew and I are running around like crazed chickens. So if I seem a little woozly, it’s only because I am.

Item! Post No. 60 in an occasional series that indulges my occasional need for excessive exclamation points.

Item! Finally!

I have been bugging my friend Amna to start a blog ever since we met in November at Barbara Sher’s retreat.

We were already Twitter-friends, so I knew she was bright, fun, delightfully inappropriate and generally my kind of person.

But in person I just fell madly in love with her. And it was driving me up the wall to not be able to read her smartnesses every day.

I even let her borrow my designer. That’s how badly I wanted this blog to happen.

And now it’s here! Yay!

She’s already written about sovereignty (brilliant!) and about the inevitability that isn’t. And you will like her.

“If you’re authority-addled like me, it is SO MUCH easier to do self-care if someone is making me do it. Even if that someone is a construct who lives in the throne room of my brain.

I am using this reflexive impulse to obedience to my advantage. I have no choice but to be in bed by midnight – it is by order of the King!”

She’s @Germinational on Twitter.

Item! Noise!

Garret Keizer’s book about noise, The Unwanted Sound of Everything We Want, was just published.

Super smart guy. Very interesting topic. And I’m in the acknowledgents! Whee! I love being in the acknowedgments. Worth reading.

Item! Hooray for Lucy!

There is an exceptionally high number (five) of fabulous people named Lucy who comment on this blog.

And one I have met in person! Twice! Almost thrice! Because she comes from London to take my programs.

She is extremely intelligent, very curious about the world, and has a seriously low tolerance for bullshit.

So it was an outrageous surprise to discover she’s a secret astrologer, because most astrologers I’ve met tend to be waaay into the wacky. Not in a bad way, necessarily. Just not people like Lucy.

For Lucy, though, it’s all about the patterns and the play and the useful things you can discover about yourself. She made something that had no pull for me seem fascinating and approachable and somehow completely practical.

And she was convinced that no one would want help from a non-woo astrologer and I was like, what are you talking about this is brilliant.

And this week? She outed herself. Yay! YAY!

She’s @lucyviret on Twitter.

Item! God bless Tara the Blonde Chicken!

Seriously. I love that woman.

And not just because she feeds me every time I’m on the east coast.

I love her kooky personality. I love her gorgeous yarn. And her blog. And her dog. And the way she does things.

Like this!

She’s teaching a class on how to price stuff in your business, which is basically the most useful thing in the entire world. It’s for craft-ey people, but really this stuff is useful for everyone.

And, because she’s a total sweetheart, she’s also donating part of the proceeds to my fun brewing project to help the Playground.

Here’s the class. It’s called pricing your handmade awesomeness.

Anything Tara does is going to be smart, interesting and helpful. That’s just how she is.

She’s @blondechicken on Twitter.

Item! Playground updates!

Speaking of the brewing of fun, here’s what we’re up to at the Playground, as of this morning:

  • the floor has gone from industrial beige to deep chocolate brown
  • we’re still waiting on the wooden yoga floor but are making do for now with rugs
  • two walls are red
  • juice glasses have been purchased
  • half a batch of pirate monkey meditation cushions are on their way.
  • signs are up in the building
  • pirate wheel is being delivered Thursday!

And today I’m off to get lamps and curtains. Eeeeeeee!

Item! Bitchy Boozy Coaching!

It’s a week from today (Toozday June 8th) and it’s almost full.

You can read all about it on the Bitchy Boozy Coaching page but don’t buy it there.

Go to the Phase 2 Fun-Brewing page instead because if you make a donation of the class tuition, you’ll get not only the class but the other cool things as well.

I think there are six spots left.

Item! Comments!

  • Things you’re thinking about.
  • Wishes for the Playground!
  • A man’s name (first and last) where the first name is also a verb. Anything? I need it for Friday.

That is all.

Happy reading.

And happy Almost Blustery Windsday. That’s Almost-Windsday, not Almost-Blustery. I’m kind of hoping for sun today. Ahem, Portland. See you tomorrow.

The Fluent Self