very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

Each week I write these VPAs to practice asking for what I want. And to get clarity on what that really is, even when asking feels conflicted.

I always get useful information about my relationship with various aspect of what I want. Join in if you like!

Thing 1: a mirror.

Here’s what I want:

All my journaling at Rally (Rally!) this past week ended up circling back to this symbol or image of a mirror.

A large mirror with a gorgeous frame. You know, an overly-complicated-and-curlicued gilt frame.

This is something that is so not my style and yet here it is, and I want one. I’m going to put it in my much-neglected Pirate Queen Quarters at the Playground.

Ways this could work:

A trip to one of Portland’s many fabulous vintage stores.

A surprising and unlikely sale (a garage sale? somewhere in the neighborhood?).

One of my local readers knows of one or has one?

I don’t know.

My commitment.

To stay receptive to a wide variety of ways for this to work out.

To do the work in the soft — on my own stuck/fears/monsters related to this want.

To sing it a little song.

Thing 2: Input and decisions about Rally schwag and specialty items.

Here’s what I want:

We’ve been looking into new things to use as Rally schwag and to have for sale in the Playground’s Toy Shop.

So far we have the extra-cheery orange Playground mugs and the stickers.

We are currently working on super secret destuckifying card sets, and I can’t decide what’s next.

We want everything we make to be: cheerful, playful, silly, fun and infused with the delight that is Rallying.

Possible things?

Calendars for next year with pictures of different Playground nooks and crannies, and some illustrations too.

Silly beermats. Hoodies. Bags. Playground notepads with the Jolly Selma or the crazy Playground flag. Scribble-books for the stone-skipping exercises.

Ways this could work:

I can flail on it, of course.

And solicit input from the Kitchen Table mice.

I can ask you guys for ideas and preferences and support. And put up a question at the Frolicsome Bar as well.

My commitment.

To stay curious. To imagine what would be the most fun.

To run around the Playground with my magic wand and my popsicle stick permission slips and see what happens.

Thing 3: Clarity.

Here’s what I want:

Oh so many decisions to be made this coming week. Some overwhelming and some tiny.

I would like to just know.

Or if not that, I would like little inklings of the right way. Or if not that, I would like to be able to trust that whatever I try is useful.

Ways this could work:

Practice practice practice.

Write about it, dance on it, break out the magic markers and the construction paper.

My commitment.

I know that whatever I’m wrong about is useful.

And I am receptive to perfect, simple, solutions.

Thing 4: A happy meeting.

Here’s what I want:

I’m meeting with one of my Playground neighbors this week.

Here’s my gwish:

That we laugh together and enjoy our talk, in a peaceful, curious, warm environment.

I would like us to be able to find creative solutions to what might be a potential challenge, and I’d like this to happen in a quiet, easy, simple way.

Ways this could work:

Obviously I can NVC it.

But you know what? I’d really just like to be able to show up and play, knowing that we can put our heads together and come up with something more beautiful than either one of us could alone.

My commitment.

To talk to any sad, scared selves beforehand. To make sure my fuzzball monsters have enough mashed potatoes in their safe room. To bring the most sovereign me to the front of the V.

To really be present for this. And to assume good things. Not that there wouldn’t be. But to assume.

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.

Let’s see. I wanted to make big progress on the PLUM (the Playground User Manual), and that totally happened.

The next ask was about other binder-ey things, which is cracking me up right now, because I’d meant something specific but actually this past week of Rally ended up giving birth to all sorts of new binders that I hadn’t known about yet.

Like the Chickenalmanacomatic. Yes.

Then I’d wanted closings, and progress on that. Not sure. Something is moving there, but this needs more love and attention.

And finally, I wanted to plan my next vacation. And I haven’t. But I did stick a sheet on the wall for my imaginary Chief Holiday Officer to put up a proposal. And that’s a start.

Comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.

Your own personal ads, small or large. Things you’ve asked for. Or are asking for. Or would like to ask for. Or updates on last time!

Stuff I’d rather not have:

The word “manifest”. To be told how I should be asking for things. To be judged, psychoanalyzed or given unsolicited advice.

Much love for your gwishes! So happy to have you doing this with me.

p.s. A chag purim sameach to everyone who celebrates.

The Fluent Self