by Havi Brooks | Dec 15, 2009 | biggification, stucknesses & stuckification
I want to say some thing about the concept of Right People, because I am recognizing that the concept is possibly been misunderstood (hugely) by a bunch of people that I adore. Which means (for me, at least) that I have not been able to explain it correctly or...
by Havi Brooks | Dec 7, 2009 | biggification
This is important, guys. Because it happens everywhere. All the time. And I’m not always around to catch it. Okay. Here’s what happened. Someone in my Kitchen Table program was working on getting used to the idea of biggifying a new product-ey thing she...
by Havi Brooks | Dec 1, 2009 | biggification
Okay. We interrupt our scheduled programming because I absolutely have to share with you this conversation I had with my gentleman friend yesterday. Man, I love it when someone asks a question that’s so completely reasonable to ask, but the answer is so...
by Havi Brooks | Nov 23, 2009 | biggification
Rowr. Well, you just can’t talk biggification without getting into the whole red velvet rope thing. Because growing your thing (the thing!) in a mindful way without burning yourself out means … having boundaries. And making them sexy. But first, I need to...
by Havi Brooks | Nov 18, 2009 | biggification
So. I scribble a running List of Useful Stuff whenever my duck and I are teaching a program. 40% journal. 60% strategizing tool. We use the same basic breakdown as in the Friday Chicken of dividing stuff into the hard and the good, so I know what to do differently...
by Havi Brooks | Nov 12, 2009 | biggification, stucknesses & stuckification
I am one. Which is weird, because I spent the first couple decades of my life thinking anything even remotely business-related was extremely icky. At best. But for reasons that I don’t understand*, I am like Rain Man. But for business. *Actually, I kind of do...