
My uncle Svevo, who also happens to be my favorite person in the entire world, takes more joy and delight in the unexpected than anyone I know. Whenever he visits Hoppy House, I know that he’ll bring along crumpled paper bags filled with marvelous and unlikely...

Who, me?

The other day I was in a dance store (is that even a word?), getting some teaching clothes. The woman working there asked me where I dance and I said, oh I don’t dance. Actually it was more like this: Oh! No no no no no. I don’t actually DANCE. As if DANCE...

Throw it in the pot.

This is a thing I picked up from Tapas about six years ago. It’s completely brilliant in a fractal flowers sort of way. The idea is this: Everything you’re choosing to do for yourself probably has some sort of purpose or intention. But don’t stop...
The Fluent Self