I know we’re already a week in, but it I’m finally feeling like I’m getting to know August a little.
Plus it was so great saying Hello to July that I wanted to try it again, in a different form this time.
Here’s what I like about August so far: I kind of have a tan. Jon, stop laughing.
You know, not so much tan as a light beige. But still. Exciting. For me.
Anyway, August! Let’s talk. I’m going to write you a letter.
Dear August!
Hello. It’s me. I’m happy we are doing this together.
And I am reminding myself that just because you are called August does not mean that you will be anything like Augusts past — yes, now is not then.
In fact, last year I can’t recall that we talked much.
Anyway, I can still use what I know from past experience about August-like things — heat! raspberries! staying hydrated!, but I am not going to let you be defined by memory of other times that shared your name.
You will be you, and I am here to find out what you are like.
What shall I call you?
To create some distance from those remembered-Augusts and because naming things has a certain power, I am naming the moon again.
Temporarily naming this moon the Moon of the Groove. Because that kind of sums up my mood.
This is what I will call you until you tell me otherwise.
And you can call me by a secret name and I won’t tell anyone at all.
How I would like to describe you.
This is what I would like to say about August and your august-ness while you are happening:
I am full of energy. There is so much creative flow happening for me. And I am also resting up and taking things easy.
This August is full of metaphorical Island Time, and I am learning so much about what it is like to not be hurried. I have everything I need.
How I would like to remember you.
And this is what I would like to say about August and your august-ness when you are past:
This August was full of delightful surprises. I was in my strengths. I was able to be curious, playful and adventurous in both internal and external situations and processes.
Time felt remarkably spacious, and I remembered to stop and breathe. Sing ho for August!
What I am looking forward to when I think about being with you.
Let’s see. So many good things on the calendar…
Leading the August Rally (Rally!), of course, which begins this evening. Rally #12!
It also marks a year since the very first Rally ever, hard to believe.
And teaching the sold-out! Shiva Nata August series.
Releasing the Shiva Nata iPhone app. YAY!
Lots of great Roller Derby. The first official bout for our men’s derby. The August Takedown in which Rose City’s Wheels of Justice are skating against Boston. Fun.
Sorry in advance, Boston. But the Northwest Passage (east coast teams coming out for three consecutive ass-kickings from Rose City, Rat and the Oly Rollers) will make you stronger. Totally worth it.
And I would really like to have a holiday. Maybe in Astoria or Bend? Or visit my uncle Svevo?
What I’m feeling a little anxious about or unprepared for.
This seems like a lot of busy.
I want to know that I will still have time for my own process. Integration and consolidation time.
Let’s see. I might need to have a conversation with slightly future me, and do some negotiating with the Persnickety Time Gremlins who are yelling NO TIME NO TIME.
And of course another round of why now is not like then.
What I would like to give you, August.
My full presence, unconditionally.
My love and attention. Appreciation. Welcoming.
The willingness to be wrong. And an approach that is playful and inquisitive.
And what I would like to receive from you.
The same, of course.
And also:
Spaciousness, comfort, a sense of belonging in this sequence of time.
Let’s be silly. Get a little crazy on the pirate ship.
And let’s throw some things into the pot.
I throw all of this into the pot.
Play with me? And comment zen for today.
You are welcome to write your own Hello, August. Maybe with elements of what I did here or more like a Hello, Day or what we did in July.
Or drop off some gwishes.
Or invent your own month-welcoming (or month-naming) ritual.
We all have our stuff. We’re all working on our stuff. We take responsibility for our stuff. Because without sovereignty and spaciousness, this whole thing falls apart.
And we make this a safe space by not telling each other what to do, how to be or how to feel. We make room for each other.
That is all. Much love and happy August-ing.
Yay!!!! Link please 🙂
I like the idea of letting this August be itself instead of trying to compare it to other Augusts. I keep saying “Oh, August is always slow why is this August so busy!” instead of “Oh, August, you gorgeous thing all plump and rosy with new clients and money and fun!”
Also, I just saw that I gwished for things in July:
Oh July,
I gwish for you to see far fewer tears of anguish than June, or May or April. I gwish only tears of relief for you.
I gwish for you to be filled with possibility and love and open hearts.
I gwish for you to be filled with abundance.
I gwish for lots of yoga and swimming and biking and fast growing hair and sleep and maybe the possibility of meeting someone.
I have to say July came through for me like gangbusters! Rock on July!
I have an August Gwish! It is my first ever gwishing, I feel shy…
I would like calm and space. And maybe a little time on my own, perhaps with a coffee. Mindfulness and sort of – not the right words – floating above it all rather than letting it suck me in and down. Floatyness. That’s my gwish – floatyness. :o)
Hello, August. I think your name is Re! Re-juvenation, re-creation, re-laxation, re-novation, re-birth. Reeeeee!
Our journey together began with a big new step — forward? backward? sideways! I’d like to meander with you for the next few weeks, stretching and exploring. Let’s go on walkabout together, and see what we discover!
Beautiful ! Can I just join in and support this August-gwishing. I might write my own in a free writing moment but for now taking this in and adoring it and saying YES.
To be present and give full attention. August is such a good month for it, too. Relatively small amounts of clouds/rain/wanting-to-hide-against-the-cold. Lot’s of light. (well this is in the Northern hemisphere). Green leaves. The calm of less-people-in-town.
To be joyful and silly and play. to watch the kids play in the park. to collage it out a little. to shout ‘booh!’ and see what happens.
To approach things slowly and with time.
My friend is doing Ramadan this month and his boss knows about it. There is a lot of work but due to the Ramadan he is slowing down ANYWAY. I want to invoke the principle of Slowing Down Anyway Despite Whatevery Busy Is Happening.
My August is named the Moon of Mindfulness.
It is a month of vacation and vacation prep and vacation recovery. I am anxious about this trip because almost half of the 10 days will be spent flying/driving to/from here/there.
I keep reminding myself that at least I will be out of the Fresno heat.
I also know that some exit/entry rituals will need to be created and observed.
I would like all of this to helped along by the magic of mindfulness!
Also, apology to August for past loathing (why is this never-ending blazing-hot month not over so I can get to Fall?!).
My August is the Building Moon, where I build the delicate, shining structures that will help my art soar to new people, into new homes, and out into the world.
My gwish for August is that I plant the seeds that most need planting, that I choose the materials that will best support my structure, that the siren call starts reaching more of my right people and bringing them to see the pretties.
I’d also like to throw some mindfulness and good work habits into the pot, along with plenty of rest, and space for treats and retreats.
(Tiny sekrit gwish: for there to magically be a way for me to make September Rally for my lucky number 13 and birthday month combined. (Rally!))
Oh Havi, I *almost* kind of have a tan, which is to say I look something less than vampiric. Pale people unite!
As for August, I may not be ready to say hello to it until my last birthday present for my brother’s family is in the mail. All Leos! Off to wrap my niece’s gift now…
Hello, August. From you I wish for movement, good work, mornings. To you I offer this newly-being-born sense of right choices. Here’s to good health for both of us!
Hello, Havi. As always, thank you.
Yay for amnesty because here I am days later…
Hello August. Nearly halfway into the month, and you are being a terrific month! Temperatures are moderating, so I can be outdoors again. Things are happening — good things. Yay!
My gwish for August is for more fond memories of the entire month, that the rest of the month will bring more of the goodness that we’ve had so far! And for things to work out.
What I want to give you is my presence and my attention.
I’m going to call you the Moon of Fond Memories. Three of my favorite relatives have (or had) August birthdays and I love my memories of them, and of the endless summers of my childhood, and the excitement of back-to-school, and the fresh fruit and garden produce and so many other things.