What is needed?

Oh wow, this Monday is so Monday.

It needs an infusion of magic, some tingly-fluttery throb-hum in the energy field, a smattering of something good. I want to breathe deeper, sit up a little more, a general perking-up of mood and body, and I want this to spill over into every aspect of my day.

What if I could even get just the tiniest bit excited about whatever it is I might do next from my seemingly endless list of things instead of wanting to go hide forever….

Secret agent identity today.

I think I’m going to stick with being Adrianna, the Italian heiress who is unwavering in her commitment to vivacious aliveness.

And equally unwavering in her commitment to pouty red lips, decadent desserts, flirting with mysterious strangers, and approaching every single second of life with intention: heart open, receptive to whatever big wild passion and unexpected surprises this moment might hold.

Qualities & Superpowers for today.

  • Serendipity
  • Grace
  • Sovereignty
  • I Am A Wild Panther
  • Regal As Fuck and also playful at the same time, self-possessed as a cat, or a toddler who has figured out how to kick a ball…
  • I Remember That Nothing Is Wrong — and the timing of things I think are
    “late” or “behind” actually turns out to be flawless
  • Help And Support Is All Around Me
  • Beautifully Anchored


“It’s my life and I do what I want!”

The music at this cafe is very much in support of Adrianna and her mission. Also, a song by The Animals is very appropriate for I Am A Wild Panther.

My (entirely made-up) mission for today.

Let’s see. Let’s say that Adrianna is doing some research on buying a car. Actually, she is probably outsourcing this and flirting with strangers in a cafe.

That’s the mission. Initiate research on [buying a car], outsource it, flirt with strangers.

I’m probably not going to buy a car. That’s a proxy for a bunch of things on the list, but I can pretend I’m buying a car. That way if things get stuck with the actual projects, I can solve for X using the car-buying metaphor.

What happens next?

Monsters say my list is A THOUSAND MILES LONG, so I am going to prove them wrong by naming all the things that I can think related to [acquiring a vehicle] that want doing that could also conceivably be done this week or next.

Then rename them so they sound less scary, finding out who can help, and asking Adrianna what’s next….

Wanna play with me here?

You are welcome to invent your own names, mission, superpowers and so on, or however you like to play.

You can also hide clues here, leave fairy godmother wishes, or wish Adrianna luck, not that she needs it but she likes effusive exclamations of support.

As always we remember that projects are complex beings, and being in project mode tends to bring up all of our stuff, so we go gently with ourselves and practice Safety First. We joyfully refrain from all forms of advice-giving and care-taking because People Vary, and because play is about Agency, Freedom and the very magical thing that is trusting our own process.


The Fluent Self