Hello, Friday: we are here.
{a breath for being here when we get here}
Thank you, week!
This is the 386th week in a row we are chickening here together….
What worked this week?
Landing time.
I knew the return from operation ruby jewel would be a tough/interesting transition, and wisely didn’t schedule much of anything, outside of one meeting and one dance lesson.
Kept the focus to staying inward, in all senses, on the couch by the fire with candles, doing as little as possible. I mean, within the confines of Life Stuff and How Is There Always More Work and Oh Right The Game Is Rigged, but to the extent that I could do less and not-respond, that’s what I did, and it helped.
The Fluent Self calendar.
Each time I got tangled up in my stuff this week (and this happened a lot), I’d pause by the calendar on wall and breathe, taking in the reminder to TREASURE MORE, brushing my fingertip across the superpower of Receptive To Incoming Good Surprises.
And then things were better.
I can already feel the wild magic of the incoming Year of Doors, and have been sitting with next year’s calendar touching the pages and listening to the different doors and admiring the beautiful portals waiting for me.
Next time I might…
Not push.
Easier said than done, and yet maybe if I keep saying it, the wisdom of this will sink in when I’m ready to receive it.
Upcoming biopic if it were based on this week…
The Hibernating Wanderer Who Wants To Be A Wandering Hibernator.
8 breaths for the hard, challenging and mysterious.
- Oh it is dark and cold with freezing rain and bitter wind, and this is not for me. I do not want to winter here. I want out. A breath for warmth and comfort that is also a seed for a new way to do this season.
- I miss the sea and I miss dancing and I miss being actively on a mission. Of course I am still investigating the mysteries and intel revealed on operation Ruby Jewel, but I miss that feeling of being immersed in a project. A breath for me.
- Agreed to something I shouldn’t have agreed to, because I did not fully understand what was involved, and wound up in a WUSIT situation (WUSIT = What Unsovereign Shit Is This). A breath for wearing my crown, for clarity and untangling.
- THE VOID. As Rumi says, “This being human is a guest house / Every morning a new arrival / A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor / Welcome and entertain them all!” My guest this week was the void, and there is nothing to do with the void but sit with it and make two cups of tea, one for it and one for you, and wait and listen and Not Push. I didn’t want the void. I wanted pleasure and dance and anticipation and giddiness and other things that were not the void. But the void was the guest, and I had to wait it out and welcome what was. A breath for slowly getting better at remembering: I am not the void, I am having an interaction with the void, and the void will give me what I need when I don’t try to shut it out.
- I have a conundrum and do not know how to solve it. Nearly all the things I thought were yes for me are actually no, but the new yeses have not yet arrived, so it requires enormous trust to say no to things that sort-of fit, without knowing what will be. A breath for trusting.
- A long-time ritual ended this week, and it was the right time, and everything ends, and I am okay, and also I am wondering what things will be like on the other side, and what my new ritual will be and if I will be able to sustain it without going to the usual place for it. A breath for safe passage.
- Questions about home and place and what/where is the right one for me to be. A breath for perfect simple solutions revealing themselves in right timing.
- Inhale, exhale. May all misunderstandings and distortions, internal and external, dissolve in love if not in laughter. Trust-more love-more release-more receive-more. Goodbye (and thank you), mysteries and hard moments of this week.
8 breaths for the good, reassuring, delight-filled.
- Having a knowledgeable person take a look at my complicated overwhelming project and declare it to be “delightfully doable” in her eyes, that was very reassuring. A breath for beautiful perspective.
- Still in awe of all the treasure from operation Ruby Jewel, and everything I learned. A breath for wonder, and for being a grand adventuress.
- Dance epiphany! Something all my teachers have been trying to explain to me for a year finally landed this morning in my body and I got it. A breath of DELIGHT.
- The three things I was most worried about before my trip now do not worry me even slightly, so I am holding this in my heart and trusting that the current worries will go through the same process. A breath for remembering this.
- Through a combination of miracles and extreme determination, managed to pull off a wildly unlikely caper and hit a hilarious goal I didn’t think could be reached before [arbitrary external deadline], and won an equally arbitary prize. And all of this was FUN, and I learned that I find it enormously invigorating to pull this off . A breath for nailing it, and for all this good intel about what motivates me.
- Woke up with an understanding that there is a less complicated way of doing the thing I want and not doing the things I don’t want. This is good. A breath for the superpower of With The Greatest Of Ease.
- Treasure in my life in the form of steamed milk, the right bus, warm spicy food, friends who know what to say, piles of blankets, knowing all timing is right timing. A hand-on-heart breath of wonder for the good in my life.
- Thankfulness. Everything is okay and so much is good. Nothing is wrong, even when I want to believe it is. Now is not then. All Timing Is Right Timing. Thank you for this grand adventure. A full breath of deep appreciation in my thank-you heart.
Sparklepoints, superpowers, salve, fake band of the week!
Current ops and forward movement!
I took some steps on Operation Shed Shed Shed this week and learned that only part of it is what I want, so now taking some time to regroup. Operation Ruby Jewel led me to the 999 Mission, which is the best thing I have ever come up with. Panther Time is helping. Chocolate is being Melted. Next steps in motion for the Fountaining op. Sweet Honey is on the back burner. Thank you, fractal flowers.
I now bestow upon myself a quintillion sparklepoints, like a Fairground Stripper, and you are welcome to do the same for you.
Superpowers I had this week…
Last week I asked for Treasure Breath, and I have ben playing with this. I also had the marvelous superpowers — just in time, too! — of There Has To Be A Better Way, and Suddenly With The Greatest Of Ease, and I want more of those. Oh, and the power of checking things off the list, see the title of this week’s chicken.
Powers I want.
The power of Wildly Glamorous Even In Sweatpants and Striding Towards My Yes.
The Salve of Everything With The Greatest Of Ease.
Of course the Greatest of Ease is also the Greatest of Es, so all the good E-words live inside of this salve:
Entry, Expansiveness, Emerging, Echoing, Embarking, Endeavors, Excitement, Effervescence…
When this salve touches my skin, it is easier for me to do things like treasure myself and trust in right timing and meet the moment that is instead of the moment I think should be.
This is a softening salve and a quieting salve, and it awakens an entirely different kind of trust than anything you’ve known before. This is the salve that allows you to welcome things, Rumi-style, and also to let them go.
When I do things With The Greatest Of Ease, I stop pushing and go take a Very Intentional Nap, very clear that doing this is seeding ease, and that I will wake up and know something I didn’t know before.
My favorite thing about this salve is the soft sigh that happens when I’m wearing it. One of the dance teachers I studied with on ruby jewel said about practicing chaine turns, “you don’t need so much energy, do it with a small exhale, as if you’re throwing a frisbee a very short distance”. This salve elicits that kind of lightness: oh right, I don’t need to work so hard, I can just to let this happen instead of trying to make it happen….
Playing live at the meme beach house — the Fake Band of the Week!
This week’s band is:
Henchmen Abound
Their latest album is Commence The Montage, and actually this band is just one guy.
The gorgeous and extremely magical 2016 calendars are ready — The Year Of Doors! — and I believe there are not too many left. You can find yours here. The password: sweetdoors
How was your week?
Come play in the comments. Share something from your week, take a breath, or just say hi! No rules, my format doesn’t have to be yours, we’ve been doing this every week for years now and there still isn’t a right way.
Everyone belongs. We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. We lovingly refrain from giving advice.
And of course it’s always okay to comment under a made-up name, whether for play and delight, or in the interest of Safety First.
Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.
It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — jump in whenever you like. Blowing kisses to the Beloved Lurkers too!
I’ve been sitting with the new calendar, too. The pages are so beautiful and so richly textured.
Oh, let’s see. What happened this week?
Hard: visits from my Monster of Overwhelm. Trouble sleeping at times, which leads to trouble getting up as early as I would like.
Good: I wished for a solution to come to me while sleeping, then let myself go to bed, and my wish came true! Oh, I would like lots more of *that*, please. Also, what an incredible joy it is to sing on a daily basis and get paid for it! Also also, this week I have been delighting in planning happy things for others, and in knowing that they are doing the same for me.
I’m going to take a shower in that wonderful salve. Thank you!
Hello chooks.
Some things I’ve been struggling with….
* Oh my, how about starting with dominator culture (that is: the imperialist, white supremacist, capitalist patriarchy aka The Rigged Game) and the ape part of ‘rising ape’? Does that cover most of it? Yes.
* I struggle with the five things we cannot change, which we all struggle with! I am a human being! And it is hard not to struggle with these five things because…. well, because it just is. A breath for the human condition, and I don’t doubt how this feeds into dominator culture.
* my brain thinks and make connections and spins visions a lot faster than I can write them down. A breath for trusting that this is working the magic inside me it needs to, and that those fragments I manage to capture and share are ‘enough’.
* summer solstice entering with a week of extremely hot, dry weather. Life commitments getting in the way of my instinctive Yes, which is to not leave the cave until late evening when the temperature has dropped from roasting to merely boiling.
* my [energy/cycle/metabolism/hormones] are awry, and I don’t know what to do to best take care of my dear body. My Let-Me-Show-You-How-Tired-You-Are physical symptoms manifesting in new and interesting and uncomfortable ways.
* what is this? hush money? Translate to: boundary breaches and whether/when/how will I be ready, willing and able to address them. A breath for acknowledging that this is what is happening.
* my skills in conducting day-to-day, elementary level, simple and repetitive self-cherishing and home-cherishing activities are poor, and I am living in a chapter of my life that is asking me to decrease the lag in this area of my superpowers. I understand, angel-crew, that this mission is good for me, and also I am struggling with just how much there seems to be to it, and how poorly equipped I perceive myself to be to attempt it. A breath for undoing filters and practicing the practice.
Good things…..
* listening to, reading, connecting with and conversing with people who are with me in the struggle to opt out of The Rigged Game, in all the myriad forms we are doing that. A breath for encouragement, companionship, humility and participation.
* I bought a bunch of books I am looking forward to reading. My favourite!! 😀
* I can map progress in my ongoing jooooourney of schpiritual awakening. It doesn’t end. This is okay. I can believe that magic is happening inside, even when it isn’t manifesting externally yet. I can believe that the fragments of my thoughts and visions that I do manage to capture *are* enough, at the same time as believing they are not enough. It is a paradox, and this is okay. <–lookit! progress!!
* I clearly love my body, love my boundaries, love my self and my home, which is why it hurts when these things aren't receiving all that I would wish for them. My life is clearly suffused with love. That's pretty awesome.
* a friend has been granted primary decision-making power for a project she has primary responsibility for. A breath for joy, safety, power, justice.
What Has Been Working –
Putting on sox when I get up in the morning. Warm feet!
Asking the Internet.
The Music Library. The choir director and church administrators seem to think they have to tell me how much they appreciate my work (Play!) every time they see me.
Hard –
Wolf-feeding. Better this month thanks to Running the Numbers and Affordable Time Payments.
The Dude’s health.
Head-spinney eye-twitchies.
Good – Yesterday morning, I inventoried my video/DVD’s. So many to release. So many VHS’s released in the past but still on the inventory. No strain. Sparklepoints!
I think I completed Project X yesterday, but I’m not sure it was getting my Xmas cards out.
Hand-trembling seems to happen less frequently.
A True Story. Last Saturday at Disneyland, Stormtrooper in a troop about five feet away from me: “This sector is under the protection of the Galactic Empire!”
Me: Raspberry
Stormtrooper: “You! We need to see your ID.”
Me: Attitude
Then he did that fork-eye thing and said, “I’m keeping my eye on you!”
Me: “I’m keeping mine on you!” Emphasis on I’m and you.
As they turned away to march off, I felt up the speaker’s butt armor. Wham! I was surrounded.
Stormtrooper: “I’m reporting you to Captain Tahke (did not memorize name).”
Me: “He has good butt too.”
Other Stormtrooper: “Let’s run her in!”
Stormtrooper: “Stand down.” And they marched off to do their protecting in another part of Disneyland.
Living my fantasies – Priceless!
It is What It Is – Claiming the superpower of “With the Greatest of Ease”. And it’s a Salve! It goes with my signature block since closing the Work Door, which is “Living the Smile”. Living the Smile with the Greatest of Ease. I’m living the smile with the greatest of ease. The music exists, all I need to do is add my lyrics. My face likes this.
The Niggles are all dressed up for Christmas and the Christmas Iguanas are out.
The concept of adult coloring books, but I can draw the Christmas card from my Monsters and Crew and color it in and have something meaningful, not somebody else’s stuff.
Upcoming project with working title Extraneous Shed Shed. Looks like a lot of work but… I can ask people for recommendations about the person we need to help us.
Warm chickens for those who need warmth. Cold chicken for those who don’t.
Happy Chicken!!! I so look forward to these now. Always fascinated to read others chickens and not feel alone in my self-ness <3
The Ppbbtthhhttt:
-Rage and sadness that The Game Is Rigged, in so many ways, and how this ripples out to those who have nothing to do with it and can't speak up about it (because they don't speak human, though I am 100% positive that they speak in their own ways!). Heavy / hard / tears / heart-break, and not knowing what to do with it except feel it (UGH).
-Really wanting to be / stay home even when I am supposed to be elsewhere, and then choosing against my own wants / needs in order to fulfill the wants / needs / expectations of others who do not understand what this does to me. Frustration with myself for so often choosing against myself.
-Struggling with being SO interested in #AllTheThings, and wanting so much to do so many different things, but finding that reality sets in and that there is only so much available time, and so much available energy (often, not enough to do what I want to do). Not knowing (yet!) how to resolve this, but sure that I do not want to release the things I love in order to do only what The Responsible Parent / Adult would do. (GAG)
The Luminescent:
-I love this dog. She's like my anchor here.
-It's 52 degrees (F), and sunny right now. HEAVEN!!!!
-I will have Thai this weekend at some point (More heaven!)
-Got to play violin most evenings this week, and I think I may be making tiny bits of progress – yay!
-I sold my flute, finally!
-Even when it feels heavy / hard, there's still so much light / good. Relieved when I see it again.
Happy Happy Weekend, all! <3
Ahoy, Henchmen! *bounds into the abundance for some contra-hays and hip-hop unhurried hustle*
What worked? Nuit blanche –> extra attention to my teeth and feet
Next time? More naan, less nonsense. … hey, hey, NAANsense!
Hard, gross, frustrating, etc.
* Not knowing if/how to help friend in distress.
* Did not need that night of hamster-brain insomnia.
* ID badge dipping into toilet bowl. Argh.
* Another bracelet breaking on me.
* Unnecessary yet mandatory fees.
* Mystifying dog accident.
* Iguana horde.
* Nosebleed at work.
Good, satisfying, promising …
* Wham-boomed BIG things!
* A piece may be getting published … 11 years after I submitted it to the editor.
* Went to bed at 8 last night. Slept for 11 hours. Ahhhhh.
* Pajama bottoms. So comfy!
* Curls of cinnamon within the bounty of a Christmas basket.
* A friend has sent to me a cake pan in the shape of a sleeping dragon. O wondrous worlds.
* Pepper seedlings and tomato cuttings.
* A check from a delinquent client. Hot damn!
Warm wishes to all y’all.
*Waving to the chickens*
What worked this week: taking time in the mornings.
Next time: don’t trust MapQuest.
Hard: the shoe feedback wasn’t what I hoped for, the drive was longer than I wanted and we arrived in the dark; things I wanted to do didn’t get done.
Good: new shoes, Project Stunted Ox is almost almost almost done — lacking one thing; Mission Rose Echo got a fresh infusion of energy and that may enliven Op CAD Reproof, which was becoming a moribund iguana; upcoming lunch with friends and expanding my circle.
Ohhhh, I love love LOVE “WUSIT”!! It spurred me on to speak out against some “US”, with grace and non-aggression, yet sovereignty. There will be fallout, as those that did receive said words, do not like to be Challenged, but I stand by mine Sovereign position. Remerciement Havi, for thine influence, and to the other brave Chickeners– Chickenees? Chicken Knees? No. Chickies? Mmm, no– sweet soul chickens. (I have a dear little red hen that visits occasionally from several doors down, so this same fondness to you all! *grins*)
But anyway. The Grim:
~ Sensitivities taken to extreme, and sweet dear body that’s doing its best is suffering
~ The Monsters of Shame and Aloneness
~ Reminders of Old Pain and Grief
~ not being able to do all that I desire to do–and clearly struggling to rein (reign?) in all that I desire!
~ desiring more from those who clearly desire not *sad face*
~ being separated from The Sweetest Little Thing Ever and feeling powerless to influence access
~ Insecurity Supreme
The Magic:
~ Much Clearing, internal and external, (though much mess-making in the process) but ohh the Freedom!
~ beloved colleagues who just sweep me up with love and appreciation and See me
~ The Sweetest Little Thing Ever
~ Being Insecure and Yet Accepting It and not pushing/shoving/forcing my Elf to be otherwise–and Of Course, paradoxically, this results in me feeling more secure
Thankyou for the Space. And here in Australia, we’ve been having temperatures from 36C (96.8F)-41C (105.8F), which is fine Except for the nights not cooling down and enduring lows of 25C-30C (77F-86F), gaaa! Sooo… sending all the cold chickenees much warmth (we clearly have much to spare!) along with blue sky and sunshine and summery cheer *smiles*
Magic x
And why Of Course, the Shame Monster admonishes:
~ Fool, you wrote too much!
~ You seriously think Anyone wants to read your garbage?!
~ well DAMN you bang on!
~ And seriously, what’s with all the temperatures, what are you, some of kind of geek trying to impress them?
~ And do you HAVE to express yourself like that?! Why can’t you just be NORMAL for once?!!
~ UGH!
(The Shame Monster knows I’ll be rejected and judged, so wishes to protect me, but ouch, honey, do you have to do just as fine a job to show me?)
<3 Our Shame Monsters sing the same song!
*laughs* Well, I’d suggest harmonising, but actually I’d rather we gently talk them down and publish anyway *smiles*
Warmth and safety and acceptance to us, BrandiLynn!
Here is documentation to show your Shame Monster: Thank you, Magic, for sharing the warmth. I think it’s coming through my vents now.
So sweet, Questing Lee (I inadvertently wrote “Questingly”!), thankyou.
She burns me many times, but I genuinely try to just acknowledge the Shame and choose what I do anyway. Hence clicking “Post Comment” despite her fears.
Heart and warmth and appreciation for you, Questing Lee. It helps when people respond *smiles* x
A Sunday Chicken:
The Hard:
Weird off communications with someone. And then I get all in my stuff and make it worse. Wanting something to be other than it is. Forgetting to just love and accept someone exactly as they are. Poking them to be different and then wondering why they don’t like that. Why is letting someone be so hard to remember?
The Good:
Family. Small friends. Tiny bodies smooshed next to me while I make them origami balloons.
Brothers and brothers-in-law.
My mother saying “your curves look different.” My brother in law saying “you look happy, like the you from 20 years ago.”
Another day to try to get it right.
greetings, fellow explorers
confusing and sad and unsovereign:
* my beloved person, who i love SO MUCH, whose steady presence in my life is UNBELIEVABLY BEAUTIFUL… i know exactly how to make him mad, and sometimes i do those things, fully aware, with monsters cheering me on, not feeling i have the power to stop myself. I don’t understand yet where it comes from in me… I am trying so hard to understand… and the trying to understand is interrupted by such INCREDIBLE GUILT that I can’t even think… how can “allowing myself to be where i am” POSSIBLY be okay when I’m hurting this person i love??? But I also know that if I DON’T let go of the guilt, and DON’T allow myself to be, finding the core of this pattern(/knot) and untangling and re-weaving will be infinitely harder. It is a paradox.
A slow breath for myself and remembering nothing is wrong.
* “NO TIME NO TIME NO TIME” monster, there’s so much to do, but I need to let myself rest.
* at community solstice ritual (the cold one, here up north), a LOT of pain and angst being released that wasn’t mine, that i absorbed like a sponge.
sovereign and joyful and good:
* at said ritual, hearing words that struck deep and i know i’ll hang onto
“the north, from which the cold winds come, reminding us what it is to live on this earth”
“we celebrate because we must”
“hope is like a road. first there is no road, just one person walking. but as many people walk the same way, a path forms and in time the road comes into existence.”
* playing music joyfully and freely for the first time in ages
* first snow is SO beautiful
* feeling progress (<3 to Claire)
* presence! breath! existence! life!
* at school (aka operation Captain's Training) I spent a whole afternoon centering, i really really breathed a compass for going forward (TRUST-STEADYING-CALM-GROUNDING-REST-ROOTING-PEACE-ANCHORING), and i napped, and i drew a treasure map with everything i know about the journey from here to the end! There is a labyrinth of soil and a finest mill and a greenhouse of numbers and faraway wizards and a quiet treehouse of writing in a forest of contemplation with a clearing of restoration! And a great library of knowledge! I am SO EXCITED!!! WOO HOO Metaphor Mouse!!!!!
This week’s salve is exactly what I want.
Read this last night: “The problem isn’t the water Around the ship, it’s the water that Gets In. Don’t let what’s Around you, Get Inside – it makes ya crazy!”
Been doing ^that^ far too much this week. Definitely been crazy lately, and hard to live with.
{{{Hugs}}} to ever-body in this soggy little dinghy with me.
I like this angle!
*brings bucket and two deliciously thick towels*
MOnday chicken! Still tasty!
OMG these past few weeks! So freaking busy and it’s not done yet.
What worked: SuperPowers! Especially Everything is Working Fine and I think it’s Time for a Nap. Also, Flailing and conducting.
the sucks:
-the inhumanity of humans, gets worse in December, or maybe it just feels that way.
-the cold. it’s actually warmer than usual (we usually have a December deep freeze of a week hovering around zero, not yet this year) but it’s not warm.
-I have 4 days to DO ALL THE THINGS at work
– I have just less than 2 weeks to DO ALL THE THINGS at home
-this pattern of attempting hosue repairs and having some unsovereighn bullshit rise up. hate that
-ordering a dishwasher after 5 months of hand washing dishes was awesome. not getting installation was not so awesome. the bullshit of changing install appts and not notifying me sucks goats. very pissy about this
-all the incongruent, unsovereign bullshit
-Xmas shopping is always so busy and chaotic
-not hearing my yes. I had a number of invites for the weekend and up until sat afternoon, none of them felt right.
the sparkle:
-finding a new wonderful place to have brunch
-finding true yes in so many pleaces
-trusting my yes and my no
-increased praxis
-intel received, clews landing
-more Flailing!
-so many things working out perfectly
There’s so much to make me happy lately.
Hello cheeeeekin.
Here are some things that worked:
+Riding the spaceship sort of worked.
+Going to [Q Plaza].
Next time I might:
+Keep playing with Space Stations. Maybe incorporate some CYSCYL into this experiment.
+Acquire some Banana Butter (one walrus?)
This week’s episode:
A shipment of beautiful blooming flowers are delivered to Quark Ivy HQ. Agent Unicorn Violet returns and teams up with Agent Space Unicorn to investigate the Mysterious Emyogg. Nobody knows what to do with all the Bananas. Agent Pterodactyl faces zir nemesis, Agent Popsmith, and both of them win. Everyone comes together at the end for the Grand Voyage to Golden Lake.
Breathing for the tangles, the mysteries, the querulous questions…
+A breath for the Split-Level. Yoyyyyyyyghhh.
+A breath for the Mystery of the Old Houseboat. A breath for the me who doesn’t want to go there. A breath for the me who specifically doesn’t want to go there because of the Wonder Woman Fiasco. A breath for the me who hasn’t wanted to go there for a while because of the Bear Cupboard. A breath for the me who really wishes ze wants to go there. A breath for the me who isn’t returning the phone calls. BFPS!
+A breath for the Mystery of the Elephant Lion. Why are you an elephant? Why are elephants so fucking big? Why do I roar at you so much? You are a great mystery, Elephant Lion.
+A breath for the Mystery of the Mothership Directive. Why was I issued this directive? Why was it issued to me as if I were a foolish child? For fuck’s sake. Breathing.
+A breath for the Mystery of the Little Red Engine That Could. A breath for the me who wants to solve everything. A breath for the me who can’t. A breath for the me who knows they are the same me. A breath for the me who DOESN’T. A breath for This is Not Mine. A breath for What The Fuck? Yes It Is. Yeah.
+A breath for the Ace In The Hole. A breath for the confusion. A breath for the longing. A breath for the hole. A breath for the frustration.
+A breath for literal and metaphorical traffic. All timing is right timing.
+A breath for how fucking tired I am. So. Fucking. Tired.
Breathing for the donuts, the delights, the shining sparklethings….
+A breath for the Right Timing for the Pterodactyl Landing. Whoo!
+A breath for how excited I am about the [re]Opening of the [Oh Sea Eh Eh]. FUCK. YEAH.
+A breath for Leverage, which is a beautiful and incredibly satisfying show to watch, full of clues and twirls and secret agency. An extra bonus breath for Christian Kane, who is The Most Beautiful. 🙂
+A breath for all the beautiful Colorthings that go so beautifully Together. <3
+A breath for Trying New Things Me! Yay!
+A breath for the treasures of: magic milkshakes, coconut everything, my snuggly new coat, Operation Bee Pee, singing of songs.
+A breath for the me who has created such fabulous rhythms and ladders for me that I am the Me Who Sits in the Pilot’s Throne today.
+A breath for Yoga Face, which is the face of a Rock Star, which is the face of Rock Star Me. FUCK YEAH, ROCK STAR ME.
Showering myself with sparklepoints, mostly just for EXISTING because how fucking awesome am I at THAT?!?! but also for:
+rockstarring the fuck out of Operation Quark Ivy, hell YEAH!!!
+the ongoingly magnificent Project Whooooosh!
+the sparkly magic of the Pegasus Blue Alliance, and the Earth Pony of Reality Cheques.
Superpowers? Superpowers!
+Superpower of I Totally Got This
+Superpower of Spaaaaaaaaaaace!!!!!
+Superpower of Baked Goods
+Superpower of Unicorn Sparkles
Rigging up my shower to pour the Potion of I Can See Through Illusions all over me, all over and into my skin, whooooooooshhhh.
And my Fake Band of the Week is… obviously, it’s Cockblocktopus and the Prime Ministers! OBVIOUSLY. 🙂
that is the BEST potion and the best fake band!
Ola, late chickeners! This is The Salve for me, just what I need, thank you 🙂
The Hard of Last week:
– The Tribunal hearing was an ordeal. I broke down. Breaths of legitimacy and compassion
– I WON!!! They have to pay me ALL the money they owe me & go away & leave me alone! RESULT!
– I had the SuperPower of Exquisite Perfect Provisioning for the whole event.
– So many wonderful people supported me in so many ways
– So many laughs with Agent Annie, who hilariously misheard my comment about the DIY-fanatic neighbours ‘concrete-ing saga’ as ‘Conker-Eating Saga’!
Shoulders have risen about 5 inches since the RESULT, a year and a half of waiting and not-knowing is over.
A spaceship full of sparklepoints for me, and the same plus more for each of you!
The calendar arrived a few days into January and I was so *thrilled* to receive it. And then I didn’t want to look ahead because I didn’t want spoilers (?), but then today I went through it page by page to give myself the gift of looking forward to beautiful things and it’s really a beautiful calendar and I’m excited (but in a quiet way) to find out how all these things will manifest.