Friday chicken

A look at the good and the hard in my week, a ritual of reflecting.

It is a day and we are here.

A lot has been going on for me, so this is the latest chicken in three hundred and fifty eight weeks of chicken, and my internal scientists need to remind my monsters about all the evidence they are collecting in favor of All Timing Is Right Timing.

So I’m taking a few breaths to fill up on the superpower of There Is Actually No Such Thing As A Late Chicken Because Whenever It Shows Up Is Right On Time.

{a breath for this space, and for being here when we get here.}

What worked this week?

Eight breaths.

When I remember to do this, everything is better.

Also the phrase “I trust my good intentions”, which is generally my mantra in situations where I fear misunderstandings. This served me well.

Next time I might…

Remember that if it’s not a yes, it’s a no.

This concept was the theme of the week.

It’s something I was pretty sure I already lived by, and often say to other people, and a bunch of people had to say it to me this week.

And it has become clear that I actually live by “If it’s not a loud no, then okay, fine”, which is not the same thing.

If you feel drawn to leave comments on aspects of my week, I will take love, hearts, breaths, pebbles, I do not need advice or cheering up, though presence and sweetness are appreciated. Hearts or pebbles are great if you don’t know what to say, often I don’t know what to say either so we’re in the same boat.

Eight breaths for the hard, challenging and mysterious.

  1. This week was just really, really hard for me in so many different ways. A breath for release: we’re here, we made it, we’re done. And a dozen roses for me and for all the other actors in this play of being alive.
  2. Most of this week was spent dealing with Mystery Physical Ailment and pain management, as well as the fear that the rest of my life is going to be about this. A breath for peaceful presence, and for trust that whatever is going on, I am safe and loved.
  3. Procedures, tests and pre-emptive anxiety. And people in my life being in their stuff related to this, and taking it out on me. A breath for rewriting old patterns and remembering that things are different now.
  4. Waiting for test results. A breath for this.
  5. Not remembering how to want to go to sleep, due to all of the above, and staying up until four in the morning. A breath for meeting myself with love.
  6. Missing my lover. A breath for presence.
  7. Both being ill and the process of recovery mean that all the body’s energy goes to that, so you can’t really add anything on top of that or it’s massive fatigue. A breath for rest, and for trusting my wise body to do what it needs to do.
  8. Inhale, exhale. May all misunderstandings and distortions, internal and external, dissolve in love if not in laughter. Goodbye (and thank you), mysteries and hard moments of this week. May I choose to trust-more love-more release-more receive-more.

Eight breaths of good, reassuring, delight-filled.

  1. I am so fortunate to have generous, sweet, loving people in my life. Richard took me to all my appointments so I didn’t have to be alone. Kyle gave me middle-of-the-night medical counseling when I was panicking. Marisa took me out to lunch and distracted me with stories. Danielle and Briana and Agent Annabelle texted me reassuring things. A breath of deep gratitude.
  2. I had remarkable good fortune with medical professionals this week everywhere I went. A receptionist who was willing to fight red tape for me and combine two appointments at once even though that was against the rules. A warm, friendly nurse, a helpful pharmacist, a wonderfully calm and patient technician, and two different doctors who were good listeners. One of them said he wished all of his patients were like me. A breath for what a big deal this is.
  3. Two wildly transformative healing sessions with Dr. Cornelius, who in addition to being a dear friend and a Rally buddy, is also a wise and deeply gifted healer. After seeing her the first time, I got to experience EIGHTEEN HOURS without pain, which was incredible, and the techniques she gave me are helping me so much with both the physical and emotional sides of this experience. If you are in Portland or plan to visit Portland, and you have (or have had) female body parts, go to see her. Even if nothing is wrong with said body parts or any body parts. Just go see her. A breath for miracles.
  4. It felt good to be at home, to take baths and walk in the rose garden and wash my hair and use lots of counter space, and all the things that are the opposite of living in a camper, even though I love living in a camper. A breath for contrasts, and for the magic of bath time.
  5. Not doing much of anything is not a bad thing. A breath for learning more and more about rest and releasing and Shmita.
  6. I gave myself blanket forgiveness/permission for being too worked up to sleep, and it worked like a charm. The resistance disappeared, along with the monsters, and the frightened animal that is my body was able to soften into a deep tranquility.
  7. Back in my lover’s arms Friday night. We are in Salt Lake City now. A breath for these big smiles.
  8. Thankfulness. So much is good. I made some DIY hair treatments that are better than anything I’ve ever bought from a store/salon. And sugar-free dairy-free ice cream that was the perfect comfort. The Plastic Free book by Beth Terry is terrific and inspiring. I have time, I have resources, I’m going to figure this out. Everything is okay. Nothing is wrong, even when I think it is. Now is not then. All Timing Is Right Timing. Thankful for this grand adventure. A full breath of deep appreciation in my thank-you heart.

Wham booms, wisdom, superpowers, salve and FBOTW!

Operations completed. Wham boom!

Whoosh Ha Mastodon Boom is secret agent code meaning: this thing is done! Shortened to wham-boom.

I was brave this week and set up appointments and went to them and breathed and asked for help on Twitter and shared my thoughts and feelings, and I am going to call that a successful mission and award myself a billion sparklepoints. Wham Boom.

Superpowers I had this week…

I had the superpower of Naming All The Superpowers I Could Think Of, which was surprisingly helpful.

Among these superpowers I asked for were I Find Calming Things All Around Me, as well as Piscean Superpowers and Play Is Everywhere. And while I was having an uncomfortable ultrasound, I looked up to see a mobile above me.

I had not realized how calming mobiles are. Not even sure why we only use them for infants. Mobiles. It had fish and a seahorse, and it made everything better.

Powers I want.

I want the superpower of I Trust Myself And My Body Completely, and the superpower of Surprisingly Well Rested and the superpower of Things Can Change For The Better Faster Than I Think, and the related superpower of Releasing Assumptions.

The Salve of Things Can Change For The Better Faster Than I Think

These invisible salves are distributed here by way of internet magic. Help yourself! Take it in a bath, as tea, a cocktail, whatever works for you. Not only is there enough salve, there are also enough ways to receive it.

This salve somehow manages to be both cooling and warming at the same time, I’m not even sure how.

As it seeps into my skin, I feel a deep, steady, luscious sense of calm. There is a slight spring breeze, as if all the doors of Things That Are Possible And Good And I Forgot To Consider That These Might Be Options have opened themselves.

The body lives in right now, which is great for some things, and not great for remembering that actually, things are not always going to be like this. This salve takes care of that: it restores trust, peacefulness, hope, and the willingness to see solutions that weren’t there before.

It smells delicious, and brings sweet surprises in all aspects of your life.

Playing live at the meme beach house — the Fake Band of the Week!

My brother and I make up bands, which are all just one guy. The Meme Beach House is the venue.

This week’s band comes to us by way of autocorrect, who does not believe that cooking is something I do, even though it is. The band is called Coping and Cleaning. Their latest album is called Uh Oh. They are a hick hop band (it’s a thing), and actually it’s just one guy.

And my upcoming Biopic…

On My Face. The Havi Brooks Story.

Attenzione! Attention, AGENTS.

I am recommending the Emergency Get Calm, Quiet And Steady techniques, aka the thing that keeps me from falling apart.

Come play if you like…

Join me in the comments. You are welcome to take a breath, share something from your week, leave warmth or hearts, whatever works for you. My format doesn’t have to be yours. We’ve been doing this every week for years now and there still isn’t a right way.

Everyone belongs. We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. We don’t give advice.

Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.

Shabbat shalom.

p.s. It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — join in whenever you like. Blowing kisses to the Beloved Lurkers too!

The Fluent Self