Friday chicken

A look at the good and the hard in my week, a ritual of reflecting.

It is Friday and we are here.

{a breath for Friday, for this space, and for being here when we get here.}

What worked this week?

The Katy Perry School of Packing.

I have obscene amounts of packing-related anxiety, and so many related monsters it’s like a monster family reunion, or possibly a very crowded monster wedding.

The bride’s side is all about Why Can’t You Just Do It Already It Will Take Five Minutes, and the groom’s side is You Will Never Be Ready In Time And You Won’t Have What You Need And This Is A Disaster. And then I just hide in bed and read everything on the internet until it is almost too late.

This time I invented a game called I studied at the Katy Perry School of Packing:

What Would Katy Perry Do? And how much can I pack in an hour while listening to Katy Perry and invoking her superpowers?

Among the principles of the Katy Perry School of Packing:

  1. The speedier the packing, the more time you have for a calming bubble bath so you arrive non-frazzled at the airport.
  2. No matter how bizarre and unlikely your haphazardly selected clothing choices might be, people will assume they’re intentional, so just pack whatever. YOU ARE A FASHION ICON and a GIANT WEIRDO, and these things can go together.
  3. Unless you have some sexy skinny-muscular back-up dancer boys in black pants and white undershirts and possibly suspenders accompanying you to carry your bags, remove some items and then keep removing more items until you are sure your shoulders won’t hurt from carrying them. You need your shoulders to dance, girl.

Next time I might…

Remember that rest is kind of like a full time job.

I tried to hurry recovery, and that backfired, surprise!

If you feel drawn to leave comments on aspects of my week, I will take love, hearts, breaths, pebbles, I do not need advice or cheering up, though presence and sweetness are appreciated. Hearts or pebbles are great if you don’t know what to say, often I don’t know what to say either so we’re in the same boat.

Eight breaths for the hard, challenging and mysterious.

  1. Releasing is hard, you guys. And so much is changing. Some of it is good, some of it is hard, all of it is shaking things up. And all this shedding. It is rough. A breath for presence, trust, ease, finding comfort, breathing into the adventure.
  2. I am exhausted. Beyond exhausted. There is big healing happening in my body, and it is work, and it is challenging. I can do one thing (laundry? a shower? groceries?) and then I’m done for that day. I miss being outdoors. I miss moving my body. I miss having the desire to do anything other than crash. Also, remember when I thought sabbatical time would mean wild self-expression and creative flourishing? It’s really mostly breakdowns, crises, laundry. And I don’t even have energy for that. I’ve dealt with worse in the past, both in terms of chronic pain and chronic fatigue, but of course there is also lots of monstering about What If Now Turns Out To Be Just Like Then. Another breath for rest, and for remembering truth: now is not then.
  3. I said okay fine to something when I knew my real answer was ABSOLUTELY NOT — UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES. And then — surprise! — I was miserably unhappy. And, of course, like with all people-pleasing attempts, no one ended up happy. I felt resentful towards the person who had not understood the urgency of my situation and suggested the thing that was a No, and I felt upset with myself for the Reluctant Yes, and furious that not only had I chosen Noble Suffering but it of course had turned out to be Wildly Unnecessary. And I felt frustrated when the thing I thought would be blessedly over in fifteen minutes turned into nearly ninety minutes. How about we learn the lesson this time, my love. A breath for honoring the truth I can feel in my body, for being the person who hears the no and says the no, with sweetness and with love, may I learn how to do this gracefully, and if I can’t do it gracefully, may I do it anyway.
  4. Got upset with my lover for the first time since we met. This never happens. A breath for remembering that everything is a misunderstanding, and then reverse-engineering.
  5. Holy god it is hot in Utah, and even hotter in the camper, and it is muggy and sticky, and there is no air conditioning and everything seems harder than it should be. A breath for cool breezes, and for sweet rain.
  6. My sweet stressed-out lover had to work late this week, and by late, I mean between four and six in the morning. So really right now it’s less of a road trip with my lover and more like I happen to share nine feet of space with a random person whom I find very attractive. A breath for new cycles and getting on the same schedule.
  7. I was feeling excited and hopeful about a thing, and now isn’t the time and I want now to be the time, and I would like some good news please. A breath for finding the good in everything.
  8. Inhale, exhale. May all misunderstandings and distortions, internal and external, dissolve in love if not in laughter. Goodbye (and thank you), mysteries and hard moments of this week. May I choose to trust-more love-more release-more receive-more.

Eight breaths of good, reassuring, delight-filled.

  1. Releasing is potent stuff. A breath for astonishing things, and for recovery.
  2. I received WONDERFUL and VERY REASSURING test results: the thing I am dealing with is tiny, relatively common, benign. It is not any of the horrible debilitating diagnoses my monsters were loudly betting on. A breath of relief and deep, deep gratitude.
  3. My monsters were wrong! They were so completely wrong about everything this week! A breath for trusting the quiet steady voice of wisest me.
  4. Much less pain this week. So much so that it’s kind of shocking. It is amazing what a cheerful person I am when things don’t hurt. And food tastes good again. A breath for miracles.
  5. My lover is sweet, kind, warm, steady, loving, accepting. I feel such exquisite tenderness and vulnerability and trust, and without the accompanying oh god this is so uncomfortable part. A breath for joyful smiling, tears, gratitude, steaminess, wonder, passion, aliveness, all of it.
  6. I said this last week and it is still true: being only able to accomplish one thing a day, while frustrating, is not a bad way of being. A breath for rest and more rest and living the mission of Shmita.
  7. I made roasted red peppers and am so happy. I made a delicious mushroom soup. This process of removing plastic from my life, cooking from raw ingredients, and not generating trash is rewarding in ways I hadn’t expected — I did not think I would enjoy making things as much as I do. A breath for what if the thing I know is right can also turn into the thing I happen to find pleasurable.
  8. Thankfulness. So much is good. Friends who rejoice in my good news. The sweet and thoughtful people who read this blog. Finding what I need when I need it. Everything is okay. Nothing is wrong, even when I think it is. Now is not then. All Timing Is Right Timing. Thankful for this grand adventure. A full breath of deep appreciation in my thank-you heart.

Wham booms, wisdom, superpowers, salve and FBOTW!

Operations completed. Wham boom!

Whoosh Ha Mastodon Boom is secret agent code meaning: this thing is done! Shortened to wham-boom.

I took care of myself this week AND made soup, and I am going to call that a successful mission and award myself a billion sparklepoints. Wham Boom.

Superpowers I had this week…

I had the superpower of knowing what my yes is. Even when I didn’t act on it. I knew.

And I had the superpower of remembering that often what I think is bad news turns out to be really useful and even good.

Last week I asked for the superpower of Things Can Change For The Better Faster Than I Think, and got it IN SPADES. Thank you.

Powers I want.

I want, again, the superpower of I Trust Myself And My Body Completely, and the superpower of Oh Look The Perfect Door.

The Salve of Deep Guilt-Free Rest.

These invisible salves are distributed here by way of internet magic. Help yourself! Take it in a bath, as tea, a cocktail, whatever works for you. Not only is there enough salve, there are also enough ways to receive it.

This salve erases all the scripts that say things like “I don’t even know why I’m so tired” and “It doesn’t make sense that I just want to rest”, and replaces them with PERMISSION, LEGITIMACY and ENDLESS SWEETNESS.

It dissolves all inherited social, cultural and familial guilt lines. It is a beautiful softening: I can let this go, I can put this down, I can close my eyes and let all the thought-worries drain into the earth.

This salve is wildly subversive, and I recommend using it in outrageous quantities. Put it on everything. It works great as a lip balm too.

Playing live at the meme beach house — the Fake Band of the Week!

My brother and I make up bands, which are all just one guy. The Meme Beach House is the venue.

This week’s band is Too Busy To Talk. Their latest album is called Side Eye On The Side. They play harmonica and tambourine, and actually it’s just one guy.

And my upcoming Biopic…

Crises About Laundry. The Havi Brooks Story.

Attenzione! Attention, AGENTS.

I am recommending the Emergency Get Calm, Quiet And Steady techniques, aka the thing that keeps me from falling apart.

Come play if you like…

Join me in the comments. You are welcome to take a breath, share something from your week, leave warmth or hearts, whatever works for you. My format doesn’t have to be yours. We’ve been doing this every week for years now and there still isn’t a right way.

Everyone belongs. We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. We don’t give advice.

Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.

Shabbat shalom.

p.s. It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — join in whenever you like. Blowing kisses to the Beloved Lurkers too!

The Fluent Self