Hello, chicken: we are here.
{a breath for being here when we get here}
Thank you, week!
This is the 384th week in a row we are chickening here together….
What worked this week?
Last-week me went all Barrington on my life and set up everything I needed for Operation Ruby Jewel, including a much-needed haircut, and the Magical Bag of Traveling Light (double meaning).
Next time I might…
Ask for support
Yes, that.
Upcoming biopic if it were based on this week…
If It’s Worth Listening To, It’s Worth Listening To On Repeat.
8 breaths for the hard, challenging and mysterious.
- Running around taking care of things. There is so much going on in my life right now. A breath for breathing.
- Anxiety-tinged anticipation. Wondering if this thing I have been longing for is actually in line with my True Yes. Is it possible to be someone who lives by X and play with people who live by Not-X? Lots of unanswered questions that can’t actually be answered. A breath for patience, trust, and knowing that all I have to do is be and listen.
- Travel. It’s intense. A breath of glow-more and remembering the superpower of All Doors Open For Me (not just the automatic ones at the airport).
- Perceived obligations. A breath for glowing my glow despite this.
- Big transition, big change. A breath for love-more, trust-more.
- Navigating the Rigged Game while everyone in my life acts like this is just how things are and have always been. A breath for clear seeing.
- I want-need a cozy nest to land in and I don’t know where it is yet. A breath for deep trust, and for asking.
- Inhale, exhale. May all misunderstandings and distortions, internal and external, dissolve in love if not in laughter. Trust-more love-more release-more receive-more. Goodbye (and thank you), mysteries and hard moments of this week.
8 breaths for the good, reassuring, delight-filled.
- Dancing with Marjorie Friday night at her blues fusion dance. She used me in the class demo. It was hot. And I got to dance with her TWICE. A breath of dance-joy and steamy blues magic.
- My wish about glowingly radiant boundaries came true when I stopped a dance the second someone said something inappropriate, without hesitation and also without anger. Just with the strong clear knowing that I never need to dance with this person again. It’s funny, I don’t think of myself at all as someone with “low self-esteem”, but when I suddenly acted with such beautiful immediacy in support of my well-being and my dance-joy, it became VERY CLEAR what it is like to be someone who holds herself in wonderfully high esteem, and I understood. There are entirely different levels of self-respect and clarity, and this is some new powerful territory, and I feel good about this. A breath for glowing my glow, and how amazing it is to trust this.
- Dance magic all week long. Blues night, country two step, west coast swing, waltz brunch and now I am deeply immersed in a weekend of intense dance training and intense everything. A breath of cascading joy-sparks.
- Operation Ruby Jewel! It’s here! I AM HERE. A breath for this is the mission and this is right.
- Being exactly where I want to be. A breath of thankfulness.
- Sweet sweet sweet anticipation, and sweet sweet sweet arriving and sweet sweet sweet love. A breath for this!
- Treasure in my life in the form of beautiful surprises, getting what I asked for, getting not-what-I-asked-for, being held in love, speaking truth, knowing what I want, sunshine, hiding in the dark. A hand-on-heart breath of wonder for the good in my life
- Thankfulness. Everything is okay and so much is good. Nothing is wrong, even when I want to believe it is. Now is not then. All Timing Is Right Timing. Thank you for this grand adventure. A full breath of deep appreciation in my thank-you heart.
Sparklepoints, superpowers, salve, fake band of the week!
Current ops and forward movement!
Operation Ruby Jewel is in progress and it is big. All other ops are simmering on the back burner until I return. Panther Time and the Melting Chocolate mission are still in play. When I return, we will see how I feel about the Fountaining op, Sweet Honey and Shed Shed Shed. Thank you, fractal flowers.
I now bestow upon myself a quintillion sparklepoints, like a Fairground Stripper, and you are welcome to do the same for you.
Superpowers I had this week…
Last week I asked for the superpower of wild self-treasuring, and I had lovely moments of that. I also had the superpower of Gracefully Striding, taking a graceful stride of faith instead of a leap of the same.
Powers I want.
Easy positive relaxed sexy confidence.
The Salve of Dancing In The Dark.
This is another wonderful December salve, as we ease into the month of Treasure More. Let’s treasure this.
Dancing in the dark is made of Turning Inward, Trust, Grounded Presence, Deep Flow, and the superpower of Really Feeling The Ground.
It’s a salve of internally connected: to yourself, your body, the space around you and the space inside of you.
This salve may result in losing something only to find a better version of it, sensual delight, magic, and full-body smiling.
It comes with candles, and it glows.
Playing live at the meme beach house — the Fake Band of the Week!
This week’s band is:
Imagine Commas
Their latest album is Head South Again, and get this, it turns out the band is just one guy.
The gorgeous and extremely magical 2016 calendars are ready — The Year Of Doors! — and I believe there are not too many left. You can find yours here. The password: sweetdoors
How was your week?
Come play in the comments. Share something from your week, take a breath, or just say hi! No rules, my format doesn’t have to be yours, we’ve been doing this every week for years now and there still isn’t a right way.
Everyone belongs. We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. We lovingly refrain from giving advice.
And of course it’s always okay to comment under a made-up name, whether for play and delight, or in the interest of Safety First.
Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.
It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — jump in whenever you like. Blowing kisses to the Beloved Lurkers too!
Wild self-treasuring!
The hard:
– I said Yes to a thing that was not a Yes, and though I ended up not doing it I still feel bad, and I would rather have not said Yes in the first place
– over-commitment all over the place, in fact
– mystery illness
– crying at work, a lot
– worrying a lot about what people are thinking about me. WEAR and TEAR failure.
– not feeling the love about a thing that I usually feel the love about
The good:
– reverberating
– cake with Kat
– poetry
What worked:
– remembering that it’s not meant to be perfect at the moment
– accessorising with intent
Next time:
– alternating free weekends, damn it.
– mooniness!
Happy Friday! (This always makes me think that Friday really ought not be such a big deal… that every day should be as exciting and relief-inducing as Friday is to so many of us. Then I realize I’m should’ing all over everything :-))
-Weird pain issues through the week. Still don’t know what is going on but feeling more annoyed with the pain than anything else right now.
-Second-guessing myself and being afraid of pissing people off at work. More afraid of that than of not honoring myself and my own needs.
-The Girl… just typical teenager stuff I guess. Counting the months, and feeling guilty about feeling that way.
-Feeling like I have so many things to say, but not the words with which to say things how I feel them.
-I am in planner heaven! They’re all arriving and I’m feeling full of luscious light and color as I play with how I want to use them in the coming year!
-Vacation days (two in a row)!!!
-Fresh, local, organic fruits being dropped off at our doorstep yesterday. YUM.
-Naps. I got to take a nap in my own bed again yesterday and can today if I choose. Heaven!
-Aware breathing in any given moment. None are special; all are special. (Also – actually *feeling* that).
Happy Chicken to all 🙂
Happy Friday, beloveds!
So much is going on lately!
what’s been working lately: exquisite well-tending, not taking things on. Saying No.
the hards:
-the weather, the garage door, I couldn’t winterize in time before a hard freeze and now I have unknown issues I cant dela with til spring
-husband is sick again, which is hard for him, but also for the kids to witness and for me to add ‘waiting on husband hand&foot for 5 days”. I get he’s miserable, but my workload doubles when he’s ill, and what little support I get from him evaporates
-all the ways the Game is Rigged
-so much I have yet to accomplish. a breath for midlife thoughts
-not loving my looks. a breath for this
-I did a mini-Rally last weekend and it was amazing, and revealed all the dysfunction/disharmony in my life/home with brilliant clarity
-the news
-seeing harsh, snappy, unkind, tragic events unfolding around me all the time. wtf
the sparkle, of which there was sooo much:
-I’m not a fan of t’giving, but last week was pretty wonderful: good food, relaxing, a Dead show, mini-Rally
-slipping into Deadhead-mode is my way of being Barrington–excellent provisioning for the T’giving wknd’s many capers.
-I have gotten really lovely positive feedback from co-workers and magickal colleagues. joy
-Sailing! I did a bunch!
-mini-Rally. holy shit, what magickal joy!
-Flailing again. rediscovering the treasure.
-several new Ops and insights and clews into existing Ops (see also Flailing again!)
-Incoming-me is becoming more vivid, and I am re-encountering FutureMe that I first met back in 1988/89/90. Lotus Greenlea moving closer.
-so much good and joy in everything.
Greetings everyone!
What worked for me this week?
writing a big giant enormous comment here and then saving it elsewhere and erasing it here leaving just
<3 !!!!!!!!!!thank you!!!!!!!!! <3
Little sunlight
Much school work
perseverance in trying ANYTHING ANYTHING until something worked
a million permission slips
May your day be brightened by inner sunshine
PS my internal scientists propose a short study. What would life be like if I did not self judge for the rest of the day?
Oh, chicken, I am happy to see you, and happy to be here.
–Something hugely scary seemed, for about 48 hours, to be on the brink of happening. It didn’t, but the vulnerable feeling lingers.
–Health-related stuff has the monsters so worked up at the moment that it’s hard to write about without them jumping in with their own words and interpretations.
–I have fallen madly in love with Hamilton (the musical). Did I say this last week? Possibly, but I fell even deeper this week. Glorious obsession! Talk about treasure!
–New phone! Shiny!
–Successful adventures in pattern weaving. I am on the right track.
Enjoy Operation Ruby Jewel! I am wearing my amber mouse pendant, and we are smiling and waving.
I am so jazzed about you (Havi) stopping a dance with someone bc Good Reasons! I’m not sure I could do that, but clearly that is marvelous boundaries.
I am holding fast on my own boundary even though a former connection keeps trying to re-enter my life, by telling me (essentially) what a jerk I am. I definitely don’t understand where she’s coming from, but I don’t have to!
This week I began 7 weeks of (learning how to) nurturing myself, and I’m making pretty good progress already.
Ohhh, that salve. I will take it in bath, tea, and cocktail form, thank you very much. And a big vat of anointing oil, too. Aaaahhhhhhh. Much better.
My hard this week:
Big stuck. Fears re: impending finality of [x]. A few things still to do before then, and feeling like I haven’t done nearly enough before…things change. For good (double meaning). A breath for something being *marvelous* and *scary*, the absolute Right Thing and absolutely terrifying, at the same time.
My wonderful this week:
Big epiphanies. So much rising. Learning to ground so it can rise even more. Angel messages, help all around. Good friends, much laughter. Exciting, nourishing, grounding things in the mail, winging their way to me. And a new salve that is just what I needed. Life is sweet, and full of such beauty.
Love to all in this space, and sparkly joy wishes for Operation Ruby Jewel. ????????????
Oops, forgot no emojis. So,
<3 <3 <3
The hard was especially hard this week — TW
Breaking bad news to someone and receiving bad news about someone else and having to break that bad news too, to someone else.
Anxiety and fear about things that are scary.
Realizing (again) that I can’t avoid all the bad news and triggers around me that don’t touch me directly but they do touch me deeply, and that the act of avoiding some of the places where I’m exposed to them reinforces and underlines their corrosive effect.
Realizing that *knowing* that [bad thing] could happen any time isn’t the same as believing/accepting that it will. (Gratitude that it hasn’t.)
The GOOD was good and without it the hard would have been so much harder. I am love, I am supported, I am held.
<3 <3 <3
THAT BAND! *gleefully moshes along in my exclamation-pointy boots*
Toda raba, week.
What worked?
Many of my follow-up questions.
Israeli salads.
What next?
Plan on taking the entire night off when I plan to watch tv?
Jars over the hollyhocks. And anything resembling a zinnia seedling, too.
Hard, frustrating, etc.:
* A friend is in pain, and I’m too far away to provide rides or the like.
* Then again, I haven’t been of much use or presence to the friends in town lately, what with current hamster-wheeling. Arrrrrgh.
* The dog just tried to steal wrapped, bagged lifesavers from a work bag. FFS.
* And now she has the heaves. Of course.
* The blatant, virulent racism showing itself every which where — I’m a POC born and raised in the South, of course I’ve witnessed plenty of ugly before, but holy _______.
* Wanderlust vs. 2016 budget.
* 2 rejections
* Still coughing.
Good, dazzling, reviving…
* Publication!
* The timing of two major transitions coinciding nicely.
* #TheWizLive! Twitter going wild with the green and the gold and the Tin Man hitting the dab. I love being alive right here and right now.
* Louisiana!
* Some glitter coming my way.
* In spite of headache, pulled together dinner tonight. A pitcherful of sparklepoints for me!
* Sushi breaks.
* An unexpected bounty of orange lifesavers.
Warm wishes to all y’all.
The Hard:
So many people and so much noise for the last few weekends. Like my bio pic would be: “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close: The Seagirl Story.” My Lifetime Movie would be “Mother May I Walk Down the Sidewalk Without People Standing Still In The Middle of It?”
The Good:
Time with other friends.
A Christmas tree.
New clients. Fabulous, lovely, perfect new clients.
Remembering that I can say “I’ve changed my mind and can’t go out tonight. Let’s do it tomorrow” and everything will be ok.
Quiet inside time.
What’s been working?
+Coconut Festival! With the Coconut Squad at Coconut HQ! I am an absolute fucking genius for coming up with this idea.
+The FF Paradigm! Fuck yeah Fuck yeah! Pretty much everything that’s working right now falls under the FF Umbrella and it’s the fucking BEST.
I might also:
+come up with a system for [M1]
+JAW what’s left of Tetris Tree
Story of the Expanse-of-Time:
After a few cycles on the Pegasus home world, Agent Flittermouse begins an experimental coconut-planting mission. Agent Ninepins battles demons and tries to befriend some of them. Agent Pterodactyl tries to clean up the mess from Operation Lump and discovers it’s mostly gone already. Agent Space Unicorn experiments with zir wish-granting superpower.
Breathing for the tangles, the mysteries, the unanswered questions…
+Breathing for the [00pheer]
+Breathing for the [MIMA]
+Breathing for the [TEAbook]
+Breathing for the [peebleweebles]
+Breathing for the Great Chasm
+Breathing for the Neverending Banana Peel
+Breathing for the Mane Event
+Breathing for how overwhelming it is to have to make decisions, ever
+Breathing for the Mystery of Crosslegs
Breathing for the donuts, the sparkles, the delights…
+Breathing for the Wishing Shawls! People are buying them! They are going to loving homes!
+Breathing for Reestablishing Vibrations!
+Breathing for Rainbow Ladders!
+Breathing for being a Valued Pterodactyl!
+Breathing for Pegasus Blue and the Coconut Festival!
+Breathing for Operation Quark Ivy which is actually super fun especially if I learn the parameters and gardenpath it!
+Breathing for Agent M returning!
+Breathing for [WWBW!}
+Breathing for [I W What I W 2 W!]!!
Hello, missions and motions!
The Grand Treasure Ship is sailing. The Captain of this Space Craft has invoked the superpowers of I Do Believe In Fairies and Wishes Come True. Ahoy! Make it so!
We are circling around the Tetris Tree. That is what is, and that is what is. All timing is right timing.
We are attuning with the Heart Song. We hear it, we know it, we live it, we breathe it.
Hello, sweet salve! I am bathing in the sweetest salve of There Is Plenty of YES.
And for our Fake Band of the Week, we have… [drumroll!] … the Phallic Skeins! They’ve just released their new album, Feminist Moon, which you can pick up at the merch stand or download from their website.