Hello, week: we are here.
Thank you, week. Thank you, space to reflect.
{a breath for being here when we get here}
This is week 424 of this ritual, and so we chicken. Also, my hips hurt which means I can’t sit and type, so I drew the chicken instead.
What’s been working? What do I want to play with?
Taking breaths for the hard, challenging and mysterious.
Breathing for the good, reassuring, and magical.
This week I had the power of not caring about the outcome, and I want the powers of pre-emptive entry aka the ability to quickly establish strong force fields.
How was your week?
Come play in the comments. Share something from your week, take a breath, or just say hi! No rules, my format doesn’t have to be yours, we’ve been doing this every week for years now and there still isn’t a right way.
Everyone belongs. We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. We lovingly refrain from giving advice.
And of course it’s always okay to comment under a made-up name, whether for play and delight, or in the interest of Safety First.
Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.
It’s fine if it’s not the weekend anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — jump in whenever you like. Blowing kisses to the Beloved Lurkers too!
; ) <3
love love love the handwritten chicken!
I found it much easier to read, actually. Yay for visual learners.
What can I remember about you, week, as I bid you farewell?
Hard: missing my daughter, feeling cranky and lonely and awkward.
Good: music and writing, an unexpected opportunity to appear on local television, inspiring clients, enjoying my own company.
I am tired, and ready for a new week. I would like to have the superpower of Comfortable Everywhere.
Cluck cluck chicken
The hard:
– house inspection next week; both of us have been twitchy and irritable
– burnout? I don’t know; it might be genuinely having had it with everything
– anyway I have been doing stuff four weekends in a row and it’s time I stopped
– worrying. I want to stop worrying. It does not fix stuff.
The good:
– my little brothers buying the “women’s” T-shirt because they liked the pattern better (when I say ‘little’ I mean ‘younger than me’, they’re all over 6 foot). We don’t do fragile masculinity in this family.
– I have had an amazingly busy month and I have only gone zonk about twice, go me
– planning another camino
– new Pilates term
Cluck cluck chicken out. Love to all.
love the notebook chicken!
what worked this week: not sitting on the couch. once I sit there, it’s all over, then there’s Candy Crush and stupid Tv and hours evaporate. Even if I’m tired, keep moving, don’t sit on the couch til after 8. This should be its own caper
next time i’ll try: more evening sit, sitting in the corner, getting the heck out of the house. Write every day
the sucks were few:
-losing time and energy by sitting on the couch
-the Treadmill
-the overlong to-do lists
-the lack of dancing
the sparkle:
-Dance academy! new places to dance and move
-movement! went to Zumba, worked out at home
-marvelous things happening for people I love!
-compersion! what a high!
-new places to play! a masquerade ball! ritual! women’s red tent!
-doing by doing. I settle down to research, and I get the information I need. I settle down to praxis and I get the insight I need. I settle down to move and I get the feeling I need.
-made great food yesterday, when the kids began to drift away, I enlisted husband. they cleaned the kithen while I went to the creek. AS IT SHOULD BE FOREVER
-yeah I could be more frugal right now, but I am tired of saying no to things I want and love. hooray for my Gorgeous black velvet beaded choker with marcasite bauble. love it!
-so many good things in the wings, lots of invites and chances to play this week.
4 nights out in the sticks of northern New Mexico… too cloudy to see stars. And yet, magical in so many ways.
Today, in Albuquerque for the first time since I was a kid (30+ years), I found the right jewelry to celebrate this momentous year.
Alas, my grandmother was *not* in fact born on a Wednesday (like I was). Now I have to update one of my poems. Drat.
Feeling connected to people I don’t talk to, by thinking about & noticing details we have in common. That’s probably an autistic way to ‘do’ connection. I’m fine with that.
I hate obligatory late-night TV in hotel lobbies when I’m trying to think & write. Like now, unfortunately. Maybe it’s time for bed…
what’s been working?
+listening inward
+flick swish! ::swooshy magic wand noises::
+saying yes a lot/saying no sometimes
+trusting myself enough to take risks (!!!!! whoa)
i might try:
+making more use of the Colorblok System, since it’s RIGHT HERE
+broadening the scope [of WBW]
+baking some cookies
+not trying Quite So Hard (i don’t actually think i have to!)
[colorset 8D/9A]
early aqua, black, [entering seasonshift mode], brown, forest green, indigo, reddish-cocoa, moss green, peach, apricot, mustard, orange, black, orangey-brown, mauve, warm bright green, red brick, pumpkin
breathing for hard?
+Breathing for the Hopping Puppet Brigade and their Unscheduled Entries. Breathing solid, firm boundaries. Breathing ONLY SCHEDULED ENTRY. Breathing safety in my Lighthouse.
+Breathing for the Rogue Agent of Broken Labels. Breathing for the feelings of sadness, disconnection, powerlessness, disempowerment, disrespect. Breathing a wish for a perfectly simple solution to reveal itself and be implemented INSTANTANEOUSLY, and then the whole thing to be released, whooooooshhhh.
+Breathing for the Cubic Invasion. May that, too, gently release.
+Breathing for Agent Banana, struggling with zir peel. May ze be supported in moving in the direction ze needs to move to release this too.
+Breathing for the me who wishes ze could do ALL THE THINGS, even things that ze definitely cannot do. [Breathing for the me who’s still adsfoijag;oj;weafjedalvaawfaw…]
+Breathing for the Weird Nest Thingymabobber ::side-eye::
+Breathing for navigating the awkwardness between Team Greenhouse and Team Flowerhouse. Wow. Breathing for the me who voluntarily stepped into it. Breathing for the me who…really, really didn’t 😛
breathing for yay!
+Breathing for the Magical Red Train that takes me wherever i want to go because i live in Magical Train Land now 😀 😀 😀
+Breathing for my classes which are SO GREAT
+Breathing for my new CHOIR which is ALL TRANS and ALL FABULOUS
+Breathing for Tiny Sweet Heartbutterflies ::eeeeeeee::
+Breathing for Operation Rainbow Motion 😀
+Breathing for my LIBRARY
+Breathing for me, because I’m GREAT <3 <3 <3
And our fake band this week is… ::drumroll with chopsticks on a can of beans:: … Titanic Pickle and the Earlyworms! Yaaaaaayyyy!!!!!