Friday chicken

Reflecting on both the hard and the good in the week that was…

Hello, Friday Saturday: we are here.

{a breath for being here when we get here}

Thank you, week!

This is the 379th week in a row we are chickening here together….

or “checking in”, if you prefer to enunciate.

What worked this week?

Changing the names.

I changed “back to square one” to “back to square miracle”.

Then the magic of anagrams helped me transform one thing into another.

Like when I had to write an autoresponder message, aka something I will do pretty much anything to avoid. Guess what?! The word Autorespond anagrams to Around Poets, Sundae Troop, Donut Operas, and A Postured No! This made me laugh, and then I was able to just write the exact thing that needed to be written.

Next time I might…

Remember how much it helps to laugh.

The anagram generator helped, as did making up ridiculous dance moves, once I remembered that these are always options.

Upcoming biopic if it were based on this week…

If The Resting Step In An Obscure Scandinavian Dance Is The Polka, All You Can Do Is Laugh

If you feel drawn to comment on aspects of my week, I will take love, hearts, breaths, pebbles — I do not need advice or cheering up, though presence and sweetness are always welcome

8 breaths for the hard, challenging and mysterious.

  1. Missing, missing, missing, and the ever-widening absence distance. The person who is so far away texted me: “running my hands gently through your hair, tracing a line with my finger across your cheek to your mouth, sweet on you”, and I cried. A breath for my sweet heart, for longing, for breathing my way through with love.
  2. Panic! Got triggered at a bus stop, body freaked out, took the entire day to get my ground back. A breath for this.
  3. I have the Glums. Finding myself in a glum state that is hard to describe, but I think is partly seasonal. For years, my housemate and I had a halloween ritual of watching Tim Burton’s beautiful halloween-lovestory, Nightmare Before Christmas, and eating popcorn in the dark. Now he spends halloween with his girlfriend, and I am at this odd crossroads of not wanting to go out into the world but also not wanting to be alone at home. Last year, the beautiful boy and I spent halloween in each other’s arms, in bed in the dark, marveling over this miracle of closeness and sweetness, so close and so sweet. I thought this should be the new halloween tradition and he said, “I can’t wait for next year with you to do this again”, and now it is here and he is far away, and I am so sad. Let’s have a breath for this, and for remembering there are many possible new traditions, and many possible ways to have sweetness, and that sweetness is a quality of soul, and therefore always mine and cannot be lost.
  4. These short days, getting shorter. Maybe one day I will live somewhere with more light, or maybe one day I will learn to welcome the hibernating. Right now it is hard for me. A breath for this, and for the week in the sun in December-me that last-month lovingly planted for future-me and for me-now to look forward to with hope and joy.
  5. The big projects are still completely overwhelming, and there is no one to help me, and I need someone there with me while I puzzle things out. A breath for remembering my deep roots.
  6. Missing shmita life. A breath for trust.
  7. I’m thinking a lot about the tremendous waste this business of halloween generates, and it is a business. Just in the US, we spend 8 billion dollars a year on halloween candy, costumes and decorating, most of which goes to landfill. Candy wrappers can’t be recycled because they’re made of mixed materials. And kids in my neighborhood often use plastic bags or pumpkin-shaped buckets for trick-or-treating instead of the pillow cases we used in my day, and apparently — and again, this statistic is limited to the United States, so it’s way worse than this — we throw 100 BILLION plastic bags into landfill each year, according to World Watch. 85% of textile waste here goes to landfills, and halloween costumes are cheap, flimsy, often made of plastic or with plastic accessories, and rarely get reused. And even pumpkins are worth thinking about. Of 1.1 billion pounds of pumpkins (thanks, national agricultural statistics service), most get used for decoration/carving, and then dumped. It seems pumpkins do not break down well in landfills because there isn’t oxygen, I doubt most people are composting, though I did read a hilarious suggestion to donate them to a local zoo because apparently lions are crazy for pumpkin? Anyway, the point is, we live in a culture that has conditioned us to generate waste, not question how things are done or why they are done that way, and this is a heart-breaking thing. Let’s find a better way. A breath for a better way.
  8. Inhale, exhale. May all misunderstandings and distortions, internal and external, dissolve in love if not in laughter. Trust-more love-more release-more receive-more. Goodbye (and thank you), mysteries and hard moments of this week.

8 breaths for the good, reassuring, delight-filled.

  1. While sweetness from far-away makes me cry, it also eases the loss and absence. A breath of gratitude for the treasure in this.
  2. Many, many not-good states of both body and mind can be solved by extremely delicious Egyptian food and talking to a dear friend about life. A breath for the truth of this.
  3. Finished TWO giant projects and one smaller one, all of which had been suspended in Maybe Someday, and this feels so good. A breath of relief!
  4. Dance solved everything this week. I took Nomi to the portland swing dance club dance, and it was so much fun. The Wednesday dance, which is hit or miss, was full of joy and creative play and wonderfully connected dances. Thursday, I went to two dances, both of which were just breathtaking and awe-inspiring, and my whole being is filled with love for dance and for the pleasure of play. Oh, and for the first time ever in a dance workshop, I was chosen by the instructor to be in the video recap, that was new and exciting, and I’m not sure why it didn’t terrify me, but it didn’t. A breath of thank-you for everything that brought me to dance.
  5. I made delicious food this week — for myself — with quality ingredients, and had the superpower of perceiving that I am Well-Provisioned. And I took pleasure in simple nourishing meals, like Forbidden Rice with sauteed onions, mushrooms and steamed sweet peas, made with love and presence, and just so much more pleasurable than I was expecting. A breath of thank-you.
  6. So excited about the 2016 fluent self calendar!!!! Each year I wonder how we are going to out-do the last one, but this is just magnificent. The Year Of Doors! Doors and Double-Meanings. Delight delight delight. A breath for all this smiling and the profusion of exclamation points.
  7. I am so fortunate in so many ways. Kind, supportive friends. Legs that hold me up. The treasure of having the time to think about all the things I am thinking about. A warm home. A hand-on-heart breath of wonder for the good in my life
  8. Thankfulness. Everything is okay and so much is good. Nothing is wrong, even when I want to believe it is. Now is not then. All Timing Is Right Timing. Thank you for this grand adventure. A full breath of deep appreciation in my thank-you heart.

Sparklepoints, superpowers, salve, fake band of the week!

Operations completed and forward movement!

The first phase of the Fountaining op is good to go, Ruby Jewel (not actually a jewel) is happening, huge progress on Sweet Honey, Shed Shed Shed, and Panther Time. Thank you, fractal flowers.

I now bestow upon myself a quintillion sparklepoints, like a Fairground Stripper, and you are welcome to do the same for you.

Or if you don’t do numbers (even fake ones), an endless cascading fountaining abundance of sparklepoints

Superpowers I had this week…

Last week I asked for the superpower of 120% YES, which is the superpower of warmly and lovingly clearing out all the things from my life that are only partial-yes, and this is getting easier for me.

I also had the power of asking for a ride home.

Powers I want.

I want the superpower of Not Caring What Other People Think, and the power of remembering that Now Is Not Then.

The Salve of Small But Meaningful Changes

These invisible salves are distributed here by way of internet magic. Help yourself! Take it in a bath, as tea, a cocktail, whatever works for you. Not only is there enough salve, there are also enough ways to receive it.

This is a salve of shift, and it works through small movements and small miracles.

When you rub it into your skin, everything softens, and suddenly your powers of discernment are so much more palpable, in all ways.

You recognize exactly which conversations you don’t need to have, you know the right place to move the vase, you fold a blanket and it changes the entire room, you take a breath of SUSTENANCE and the field around you changes.

You know what needs your time and attention (and it might not be what you think, for example, maybe a healing regrounding pedicure is suddenly at the top of your list), and what doesn’t. You see through the rigging. You make steady choices, and let what you already know become so beautifully clear.

This is a secret gratitude salve and a secret Stand In Your Strength salve, and it has power and smells faintly of lemongrass.

Playing live at the meme beach house — the Fake Band of the Week!

My brother and I make up bands, which are all just one guy. The Meme Beach House is the venue.


This week’s band is from CQ:

A Momentary Vortex of Whine.

Their latest album is Services Rendered, and, of course, it’s just one guy.

Photo taken just for us in Lubbock, TX by Jesse — thank you!


We have a Flash Sale! Come to our Flash Sale! The password: sweetdoors

As you know if you’ve hung out here for a while, we offer things pretty rarely, and they are always amazing, so come spark with us!

How was your week?

Come play in the comments. Share something from your week, take a breath, or just say hi! No rules, my format doesn’t have to be yours, we’ve been doing this every week for years now and there still isn’t a right way.

Everyone belongs. We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. We lovingly refrain from giving advice.

And of course it’s always okay to comment under a made-up name, whether for play and delight, or in the interest of Safety First.

Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.

Shabbat shalom.

It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — jump in whenever you like. Blowing kisses to the Beloved Lurkers too!

The Fluent Self