Calling do-overs on the month of Desire
It turns out Desire is intense and a little scary, because it is about making room to want, to allow myself to be someone who wants.
And this is a lot. I went and hid out in the woods for a few weeks with a very opinionated cat and many deer. I learned about spaciousness and about loneliness, I learned about craving, I learned about comfort.
Crossing through.
Now it is suddenly July and I am still making peace with Desire, and with the various desires of June, exploring what it means to let them exist. What happens when I let myself hear them, see them, feel them in my bones?
So let’s keep going with this. Let’s meet Desire and keep meeting her, let’s meet these missions with curiosity, patience, appreciation and fascination, letting these qualities infuse the passage from June into July, in the spirit of All Timing Right Timing.
June is DESIRE and July is ANTICIPATION, and these are clearly related. Noticing my apprehension and wondering what it would take to let it reconfigure into anticipation.
Deciding that this process of exploring my relationship with desire (in all forms) can be the just-right portal to whatever is next. What if Desire is not so much a quality but a superpower?
Entry for the entering
Taking a minute — or maybe even more than a minute (?!) for
{pause + breathe}
{pause + notice}
{pause + feel what is here}
because how can I know what I want or need
when I have forgotten where I am…
Join me if you like, and yes, reading counts as joining.
Hello to my forgotten heart
Sixteen breaths of hello heart aka how is your heart, friend
hi, forgotten heart-space and all the forgotten places of wanting!
(I forget but then I remember)
Thank you to Lisa Mae for this piece of perfection in question-form, which returns me to the heart of it all (jinx!)
I can feel the immediacy and the elegance in how it slices through everything, the bullshit small talk, the half-lies I tell myself.
This question is a door and a returning, a clear and loving expression of [let’s get back to what is real-and-now], an invitation I will always answer.
How is your heart, friend?
A month (or more) for exploring Desire
This yearning to turn inward and re-remember, to feel again and new, this is also my hello to each new month that is incoming.
And of course it is also a greeting to all the Incomings aka the versions of self on their way in, the qualities they embody, everything we are inviting, right now, everything we are calling in, with love.
My focus right now is Powerful Foundation, and this is funny because focus itself is also a form of power and foundation.
And: this is how we mobilize, act, stand, fight if needed.
My mission is to learn more about incoming me who is currently taking the form of a glamorous gorgeous assassin. I want — no, I FIERCELY DESIRE — her wildly intimidating qualities and superpowers, including:
stealth! tactical! fierce! balanced! sexy!
unapologetic about the above as well as everything else!
every single movement or non-movement is efficient, powerful and graceful!
amazing boundaries that border on magic!
can cut through bullshit with a glance!
wants what she wants!
trusts her instincts!
Some clues / Some noticing
These are clues for me and maybe some will also be clues for you:
- CLUE: the thing that was the solution is not the solution anymore (?!)
- CLUE, related to above: this is not a bad thing, it is just new
- CLUE: adornment has meaning
- CLUE: just add intention
- CLUE: begin from a powerful foundation
- CLUE + massive insight: It isn’t yes vs no, it’s yes vs clue, and because everything is a clue about a yes, I keep things in my life that are Less Than Yes so that I don’t forget my actual yeses, but then these clues just CLUTTER MY DESIRE FIELD, does that make sense?
- CLUE: home is a stronghold, what else is a stronghold
- CLUE: “no need to push here, your body will be ready when it’s ready” (apparently I needed to be around someone who said this nineteen times in an hour and a half)
- CLUE: A Critical Mass of Wild Extravagance
- CLUE: Sometimes wanting is scary, sometimes just admitting that I want is scary, sometimes I am scared of how much I want to be wanted, and it is all okay, desire is a powerful narcotic and also a powerful healing, and it gets twisted by culture, and it makes sense that we can feel conflicted about all aspects of it, points to us for paying attention to everything that comes up and recognizing that these reactions are understandable!
- CLUE: A round hobbit house door is very unexpected
- CLUE: do it like an assassin: the assassin doesn’t sweat the small stuff, the assassin executes the small stuff (I am murdering my to-do list, and it is hilarious)
- CLUE: X begins where Y Stops
- CLUE: Sometimes the fastest way to activate a superpower is saying “ACTIVATE!”
My missions for the month of Desire and beyond
Operation Stay Curious
How can I welcome my desires with warmth, while getting clear and grounded so that I can easily and efficiently differentiate between wishes and clues?
I am ready to be the queen of discerning what is a reverberating heart-space FUCK YEAH 120% TRUE YES versus what might be a clue about or towards a possible future yes.
(A hint, for me and maybe also for you: turns out most things are clues!)
And so we invite in the superpower of I Can Appreciate A Good Clue And Still Wait For My Yes.
The Whirling Missions
Feeling a fit of Congruencing coming on (when we make internal changes, our external space feels dissonant, every step towards making things more harmonious is a big deal), but what if this doesn’t need to take place through having a a fit? What if it can just be a good fit instead?
I am calling this a whirling for now, like a dervish, let this be a good fit through a whirling of spirals and circles, a healing through roundness.
These missions are also about receiving orders (from deep inside, the Glamorous Assassin), and then executing these orders, like an assassin, with lightness and efficiency, what happens when I approach my day in stealth bad-ass mode, glowing and intentional…
Powerful Foundation
This is about feet, this is about strongholds, this is about press down to go up, this is about moving from stability into possibility as Melissa says.
This is about channeling the most fearless version of my glamorous assassin self, Janelle Monae meets Emma Peel meets Trinity from the Matrix, unstoppable glorious action, and it all comes from this foundation of a new relationship with feeling powerful in my presence.
And yes, this is about boundaries, and I know this because two days after naming this op, I had about seven hundred boundary-related challenges and we know how this works when you wish for a thing and then immediately get the opposite of it in the form of a challenge.
A story, part i
A while back, my dance teacher’s teenage step-daughter asked her, “Who’s that one student of yours, you know the one, she looks like a sniper…”
And of course Jen knew exactly who she meant, and this story delights me because yeah, I look like a sniper, but also because apparently I am terrible at being incognito, to the point that a fifteen year old blew my cover.
A story, part ii
Last week I told my dance teacher about this secret identity that is incoming, how I want to feel my way into this Bond girl assassin self, wildly intimidating and mysterious, who even knows whose side she’s on, she’s so powerful and compelling that it doesn’t matter.
In fact, she’s so powerful and compelling that she stops making sense in most settings. You are not surprised to see her at the gala at the embassy, even though she doesn’t have an invitation. But at the supermarket she is out of place.
I said I want to embody her essence so completely that it seems completely bonkers when I am seen in a supermarket, sure maybe I’m inconspicuous when I need to be, but also devastatingly dangerous and suspiciously glowy.
Jen was like OH HELL YEAH WE ARE DOING THIS, and proceeded to give me a bunch of homework in the form of assassin-related dance drills on things like using the secret diamond in the heel of my shoe to cut a perfect circle in glass, and how to hold my body while carrying a champagne flute on my way to elegantly murder someone deserving of my wrath.
A story, part iii
The next day around lunch time I was at the supermarket, and a checker guy IN AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT AISLE yelled over to me, “hey what’s going on this isn’t your usual time to be here!”
I actually haven’t been there in months but yes, I used to go in the mornings when I was cat-sitting in the neighborhood, and he remembered. So. There it is.
Someone I love is truly the world expert at delivering compliments, his compliments are so completely themselves that even if your monsters think they are ludicrous and over-the-top, it doesn’t matter because his words are so pure in their love that they cannot ring anything but truth.
What he says is truth, both for him when he says it, and just in general.
Like it or not, you are compelled to believe every spectacular thing he says about you because of course he is right, and then you walk around all day like YES, I AM REALLY GOOD AT EXISTING AND I DO HAVE AMAZING HAIR, and it is seriously the best feeling in the entire world.
His marvelous compliments are somehow always delivered at the exact right moment in the exact right tone, built-in effervescence, and they make me want to fill the world with even more wildly extravagant but completely true observations about everyone I love.
Here’s a text from him that made me smile for a week:
“Havi, listen. You are perfect. You are sexy. You are ruthless. You have excellent grammar. You are a glorious, striking, green eyed marvel. I will see you at breakfast.”
I now feel this much enthusiasm about everything that is a yes.
Also about you, person who reads and hangs out here:
I cherish you. You have palpable sparkle, that’s why we twinkle at each other so well.
I am thrilled that you exist and that the internet is bringing us into each other’s orbits.
Also, your hair is amazing, and I don’t even have to see it to know this, because I can just feel the truth of this.
What is the beautiful truth in Wild Enthusiasm?
I think this wild enthusiasm is how I am learning to differentiate between a desire and a clue.
The more I tell the truth about what is beautiful, wonder-inducing and a joy to be around, the more I know what (and whom) to treasure in my world. To treasure and to keep.
And the more I acknowledge what glows, the clearer I am on what does and doesn’t need to be in my life right now.
I have become someone who appreciates enthusiastically, and this is also helping me get through this dark and terrible timeline of awful heartbreaking news. My heart still hurts, all the time, the news is devastating, and also I am finding more joy in small beautiful moments.
The joy is sustaining me, and it is becoming part of the Powerful Foundation that will help me mobilize. And this is secretly what I desire (Month of Desire) more than anything. To be in my power, do what’s right, and not lose myself in the pain.
What does Fearless look like?
This is the next step in the mission of Welcoming Desire.
I don’t know the answer to this yet but I have been dialoging with Me Who Is Afraid and Me Who Is Fearless, and it turns out that both of them are very wise, loving and funny. I like them both.
Me Who Is Fearless has some killer intel though, and she is helping me get closer to my desires as well as knocking things off my to-do list because nothing intimidates her, and it is amazing.
And when I find myself in a perception of stuck/lost, which is a natural and normal part of any secret mission, I let these parts of me talk it out, until perspective returns.
Come in, superpower of Perspective Returns! That might be one of the most important pieces in this mission of exploring Desire.
Some current secret and not-so-secret desires
+ Gain In Strength (for things like Standhand and Playup!)
+ More power, less effort aka relax into strength
+ I Am Of The Ground But Live In The Air And This Delights Me
+ Love more / Trust more / Wish more / Pause more
+ The Right Dress For The Gala (this is a proxy, but…)
+ The Right Tool For The Job
+ The Right Job Given The Tools
+ Villianness!
+ Stealth Ship Design
+ My backup plans have backup plans but also I don’t care about plans
Questions, asked with love.
What is this month called Desire
and what does it mean to be okay with wanting
and what else do I know about fearlessness?
Let’s seed these for now, and let intel percolate, as we do.
Let’s trust in the process of asking and desiring, trust that this is all helping us prepare to mobilize.
Invitation for this post!
You are welcome as always to share !!!! in the comments or anything sparked for you, or process what needs processing, maybe through skipping stones.
We remember that People Vary, we meet ourselves and each other with kindness, we don’t give advice. This is space for process, and process is unique, and more importantly, internal. We can always use a proxy or cover story if we need one.
Lots of heart-glow over here for you and everyone who reads, thank you for being here with me.
* <3 * <3 *
What brave and beautiful wishes, what brave and beautiful ops, what a brave and beautiful and simply glorious post. Thank you.
I am intrigued by this alliance of Desire and Anticipation, and the mysteries within their connection.
There's a great deal of Anticipation ahead in this month of July for me. We're moving again, back to the east coast, and this month is a time of preparing the path.
I have many desires and hopes for this move. Also fears, but maybe fears are just upside-down desires.
In this time of inward transition and outward challenge, it is *so* very good to be in your company. Thank you.
“maybe fears are just upside down desires”
Many sparks for this, thank you!! <3 <3
The superpower of Setting The Path feels super powerful and resonant for me! You’ve got this! YES to fears as upside down desires.
!!!!!!!! and <3 <3 <3
What beautiful wishes, what glorious desires, what sparkling truths! (I am here for Flutes & Glutes, omg, yes!)
I love (and am still pondering) this distinction between a desire and a clue -- Wild Enthusiasm. Many sparks here!
Haha I am not even kidding, I totally want to run a workshop on assassin-training workouts / self-fluency in action!
So much beauty and richness here, such a wealth of clues. Pondering these connections between desire and anticipation, between desire and fear/fearlessness, desire and enthusiasm. I feel like I am always in a state of anticipation, even if not always consciously, and that becoming more aware of *exactly what I am anticipating* matters a great deal.
Hypothesis: Anticipation = the slightly-future-oriented version of attention, so if what I choose to focus my attention on changes my present-moment reality (what/who/where I am now), then what I choose to focus my anticipation on can change my trajectory (what/who/where I am becoming). And, if fear and desire are two sides of the same coin (fear = “upside down desire”, thank you, Kathleen!), then it *really* matters whether I am focusing my anticipation on fear or on desire. Can I flip the coin and anticipate my desires coming true? Can I look out at the landscape and anticipate goodness and my own wild success? Can I let myself be wildly enthusiastic about *that*?
That is my experiment, my op for the month.
Much love for this gorgeous post, Havi, and love for everyone’s beautiful wishes. <3 <3 <3
Love it! What a beautiful hypothesis and worthy mission to explore! Here’s to the coin-flipping!
My hair *is* amazing! I am feeling very fortunate that it is choosing to go spectacularly white in this year of grace when other people are dyeing theirs to look like mine does!
I’ve been wearing a lipstick today called ‘Fire & Ice’; it’s a shouty bright red.
This whole ‘desire’ thing is very mysterious; there is so much whatiffery bound up in it. What if I don’t get the thing that I desire? What if I do? What if I have already got it and haven’t noticed?
You hair is DEFINITELY amazing. I feel sparks about ALL OF THIS, especially the superpowers of Spectacularly White Hair, Year Of Grace, Fire & Ice, Shouty Bright Red!
(also, and this is just for me, I tend to think about desire now more in terms of qualities I desire to embody, rather than objects or experiences I desire to have, maybe I will focus on an object or experience if it holds those qualities but even that is more of a clue about what I want, and not necessarily yes unless it is BIG WILD SPARKS OF YES DO THIS RIGHT NOW)
I am anticipating the qualities of the Incoming Year, which starts in September, especially the qualities of my birth month, February. I just had them randomly chosen for me yesterday. They are Royal Courage – crown and scepter, baby!
ROYAL COURAGE. I love this. Picturing a mantle.
Mmmmm! I think that for me it’s an extended experiment in playing with freedom and legitimacy (yes, it’s OK for me to want to possess this thing because I am drawn by something about it beyond practicality and cheapness) and sometimes that looks like actually possessing it and sometimes it doesn’t. And experiences, too. Moving things out of the category of ‘not for the likes of us’. And sometimes that turns out to be bullshit and I don’t actually want it anyway, so I don’t do it, and sometimes it actually is something fabulous that I adore. But I’m still working on finding out which is which.
“The more I tell the truth about what is beautiful, wonder-inducing and a joy to be around, the more I know what (and whom) to treasure in my world. To treasure and to keep.”
Holy shit! RESONATING!!!
How is your heart, friend?
I needed to think about that. My wisest self asking my current self: How is your heart, friend?
And granting myself the space of sixteen, or eight, or one, breath(s).
I almost don’t want to ask the question because I’m currently, through no one’s real fault, inadvertently in a biochemical mess of things and what my brain would like to do is distract from heart until we get our chemicals rebalanced. But interestingly, heart is coming through incredibly strong right now. I’m feeling off and disoriented and anxiety is resurging, yes, but it is coming alongside feeling incredibly tender in a way that I find life-affirming. I cried buckets at two shows this past weekend! I cried on a plane at an anonymous interviewee’s brief anecdote in the psychology book I was reading! I cried at a four year old who runs around giving sandwiches to the homeless on TV today! Yes! These are all things worth tenderness, and I have tenderness in spades!
It’s also easy for me to pawn all of my feelings off on the physical situation I’m in, but it’s helpful to remember that my heart has some very valid reasons to feel sad and scared and overwhelmed outside of the mix-up between my ears. Legitimacy to all of it. Hand on heart thank you for the things that help: being with my person, the power of narrative, singing out loud, letting the tears come. My heart is doing just fine.
Just reading this today (all timing is right timing) and it is making me laugh and smile and one million sparklepoints for this post. And yes my hair looks amazing.