Guess what tomorrow is?
The Day of the Lentil Game That Does Not Always Involve Lentils.
Oh yes.
Three years running makes it an official tradition, apparently.
Each year on American Thanksgiving, I come up with my annual list of 77 Things That Don’t Completely Suck.
And then we play a game that possibly involves lentils but does not have to.
It’s my way of avoiding the messy cultural stuff, the Perils of Forced Gratitude (weirdly enough, it’s really just one guy) and all sorts of other things that I dislike.
And to sneak into some genuine appreciation. But only if I feel like it.
I’ve been doing this for years, and this will be the third year that we do it here.
This time will be slightly different.
This is because I am at the Rally (Rally!), projectizing up a storm.
And not just any Rally but the Great Ducking Out.
The list of 77 might take me slightly longer to compile and I might need additional lentils, but will I definitely still share it all here. Tradition is tradition!
And then Selma and I will hang out with the Rallions while they eat extremely drool-worthy pie.
Brandied pear dark chocolate ginger streusel pie. Salted vanilla caramel apple pie.
It is tragic that you are not here with us. But maybe next year. Would be grand.
In the meantime…
Here is the 2008 list of 77 Things.
And here is the one from last year.
If you’d like to begin compiling your own list, (and looking for lentils), go for it.
If you would like to create a ridiculous pie or put on a hat, that is welcome too.
And I will wish you a safe and happy being-where-you-are for all of us, and ease-filled traveling for everyone who is on the way to somewhere else. See you tomorrow!
Also, I must share a photo of the hat-collection part of the Costumery at the Playground. This is where I’m getting all my hats.
You know, I think I will wear a hat. And this is me, unspooling an invisible technicolor ball of yarn, holding fast to one end of the string and sending the other end to you, to connect me with all the Rallywags at the Playground tomorrow! I’ll be playing and Rallying and letting the shimmery sparkles fly, and sending so much love to all of you.
Oh, and I’ve been looking forward to the lentil game! As a sneak preview, I offer five things in this very room that don’t completely suck:
1. The picture I drew to decorate the cover of my journal.
2. My ice-blue glass pendant with cut-out cats, moon, and stars on the reverse side.
3. A door that I can close whenever I wish.
4. My blue-and-gold pen with the squooshy comfort grip.
5. Me. 🙂
Holy shit, are you saying you MAKE but not EAT brandied pear dark chocolate ginger streusel pie?
that is brave and awesome and oh, god, I want some.
To you and all the Rallions, Havi, have a lovely not-Thanksgiving!
I am celebrating not-Thanksgiving tomorrow too! Although, in my case, it’s because I’m Canadian. 🙂
And those hats! Be still my heart.
Whimper. Glad not forcing gratitude, because feeling puny/whiny/argh filled today.
WISH I were at the Rally. (Rally!) Wish I were ducking out. Wish beyond that I could eat bradied pear dark chocolate ginger streusal pie.
Instead, am in apartment with small child that is making me regret being Bolivian, with snows and ice making it tough to drive and (I’ve just discovered) dead car that is making it IMPOSSIBLE to drive.
However, great pie descriptions are now making me feel like baking, which will make things much better. Am going to experiment with chocolate-peanut-butter-meringue. Mmmm.
Genuinely grateful that I’ve got safe place to post and people who are wonderful and have lots of cool hats and Rallies and such.
Lentils! Oh yeah.
Yay! Things that don’t completely suck!
A week of sunshine here in the Big Apple, which I get to see *all day* because my new office has a WINDOW. With a VIEW! And it OPENS! For the breathing of the AIR!
My new discovery….fries with gravy and cheese! OMG. The deliciousness.
New treat I bought for my very own self…PURPLE FLEECE SOCKS! Fuzzy! Warm! Purple!
Life is good.
Have a wonderful ducking out, rally, and silliness for all!
love and hugs to all!