Yes, it is time to passage between months again.

Come in, come in, superpowers of easy transitions. Exit and entry. Passaging out and passaging in.

Let’s see what we know that we didn’t know that we knew.

Passaging out of November. What worked?

Canceling appointments. Curling up. Retreating. Getting quiet. Getting quieter. Not having anything planned. Undoing and undoing and undoing. Hermit-ing.

What really worked was not doing things the way I did last November (traveling and teaching and more teaching). I built in recovery time!

And, eventually, finding the funny.

So long, November. Things I might try differently next time?

Building in more recovery time. Basically take whatever I think I need and multiply it by three. Or by something. Multiply!

Having more of a plan for Hermitsgiving. That involves going away.

Passaging into December. Hello, December!

Hi. I am glad we’re here.

Qualities I want for December.

Quiet. Presence. Sturdiness. Steadiness. Sweetness. Simplicity. Pleasure. Resonance. Reverberation. Serendipity.

I am choosing two words that I want with me in December.

Ah, the marvelous and vital German concept that combines all that is good from both coziness and comfort.

Think plush rugs soft under your feet. Warm sweaters. Warm lights and candles. Things that are snug and cozy and pleasurable to touch and look at.

I want to be the snuggliest cat this December. And I want my setting, both at home and at the Playground, to invite that kind of cozy curling up and turning inward.

Another thing that I love about making things gemütlich is that you do it both for others and for yourself. Yes.

Also joyfully borrowing from Aase the Norwegian superpower of Koselig (”KOOSH-lee”; = cozy/comfy/gemütlich), which sounds like exactly what is needed here.

Chanuka. In the sense of: Dedicating.
So yes, the holiday is almost upon us. But I am thinking about the meaning of dedicating a space. Dedicating yourself to something.

Making spaces new through rededicating them. Also experiences. And therefore yourself. Commitment through presence.

I’m turning the page in the Playground calendar.

Ahahaha. Of course the word for this month is presence.

I am loving the word PRESENCE. Which is also secretly the direction of east, for those of us who were at my Crossing the Line eight day retreat.

And then the secret message at the bottom of the page is:

Follow the rabbit holes. They’ll take you where you need to go.

That’s my plan, past-me. That is my plan.

December superpowers?

Ringing all the bells. Lighting all the candles. Watching all the barns burn.

Laughing and then laughing some more.

Trust. Retreating. Trusting in the retreating.

Al hanisim.

As always, remembering what is true. And what is also true.

The superpower of Nothing Is Wrong.

Things I’m working on and playing with in December.

The main project I thought I’d be working on, the design for the 2013 Floop, is already completely ready, so that feels really good. What?! Something is done ahead of time?! Take that, monsters.

Some big Stompopolis pieces.

And of course Emptying & Replenishing (password: compass).

Lots of napping. LOTS of napping.

Things I’m looking forward to in December.

Hannukah and having a bright and cheery kitchen full of colorful candles.

Closing things down. Opening things up. Clearing things out.

Not teaching!

I’m asking for and wishing for….

Peacefulness. Focus. And some peaceful, focused vacation time.

I want to stare at water and watch the horizon. Water and horizon, please.

I’m ready for…

The compass. The bell.

Flowers everywhere. This is important.


I want to be here now.

Goodbye, November. Thank you for everything. Goodbye everything that is done. Thank you for being done. Mmhmm.

Hello, December. I am touching you on the cheek.

Come in, come in. Let’s cross. Over and through.

Play with me…

I mess around with entry and exit each month, going with whatever shows up.

2011: July / August / September / October / November and December. Or 2012: January / February / March / April / May. A love letter to June / July / August / September / October / November.

Feel welcome to deposit notes for your entry into December here, if you like. Or drop off some wishes. Or leave flowers.

As always, we make this a safe space by not telling each other what to do, how to be or how to feel. We make room for each other.

Wishing you a December that is pleasurable, supportive, and full of unexpectedly good things. And love. All the love.

The Fluent Self