very personal ads

I write a Very Personal Ad (or a vision of possibility & anticipation) each week to practice wanting, listening, getting clear on my desires

the point isn’t getting my wish (though cool things have emerged from wishing), it’s learning about my relationship with wanting, accessing the qualities

wanting can be hard, it is easy to feel conflicted about it, and the reasons for that make this a surprisingly subversive practice…

this is the 375th week of wishing, come play!


the full moon said


the full moon said I need to use my power and my steady grace
to live by my power and my steady grace
and to glow wild

live by the moon

I am okay with this mission,
this moonbeam mission,
it works for me
that doesn’t mean I know how to do any of this
(power and steady grace aren’t exactly things I have fully figured out yet)
just that I say yes

possible meanings of “live by the moon”

be outdoors
be outdoors more
be connected to moon times
go out and see the stars
live in a round house that is secretly a planetarium,
the one that is in my dreams

though, yes, also
to live by the moon could mean
live according to this moon wisdom
live according to these startlingly clear guidelines and instructions

what else do I know about this that I don’t know that I know?
let’s skip some stones

what do I already know about living by the moon?

ebb and flow, wax and wane
pull and the wild magic of tides as
the moon’s gravity pull on our oceans
and orbit: it swings on an orbit, like in dance
oh, and the moon has dancing dust

what do I want that the moon has?

sometimes the moon is like, HEY BEHOLD MY RADIANCE
and you gasp in awe because it is so absolutely spectacular
then at other times it’s just hanging out in the background,

I want that ability, to turn my shine on when it’s the time for shining
then fade into the sky when I want to be incognito

what else do I know about living by the moon?

I have wished a wish like this before
but different
in May of 2015
a wish called moon wishes about, among other things,
aligning my cycle with the moon
or really, letting those cycles do what they want, together

I have wished wishes about naming the moon
or letting the moon name itself

and recently I wrote this about Incoming Me:

Adrianna is the dark and the moon and the tides and the pull
the long slow kiss
and the moment before the moment before
and then sleeping in, surrounded by cushions
Adrianna is devoted to being,
letting things be revealed in their own time

what am I like when I live by the moon?

calm and still

not apologetic about my intensity
not apologetic about my quiet

what does the me-who-already-lives-by-the-moon want me to know?


when you see a crescent moon, there isn’t any less of the moon,
it’s just the play of light and reflection

what would I tell someone whose wish was to live by the moon?

there is nothing wrong with hiding
there is nothing wrong with glowing
there is nothing wrong with wanting both of these at once

what will help me meet the version of me who already lives by the moon?

less input
stronger force fields
more entry
get into the water
less is more

what kind of less?
this kind of less: crown on

what do I know about my wishes?

these are wishes about simplicity,
living in integrity,
aligned with [whatever is meaningful for me in this moment]
and right now that’s the moon and this
powerful set of instructions that I am
a bit hesitant to unpack
but that’s okay
I can dance around them a while longer
and trust that whatever needs to be revealed will be revealed

(this is also a wish about that)

may it be so!

the superpower of I Am So Very Clear


August was MUSE, with the superpower of Deep Listening, and now we are in the month of INTENTION and I Am So Very Clear

there is so much in this too that I had not anticipated: Clear Knowing, Discernment, Resonance, Transparency, all the many beautiful forms of clear

thank you, past-me, for being such a good namer and calling this into being

last week’s wishes

last-week-me wished a wish called the wandering wish book
and everything about it was just right
it told me I needed to set a clearer trajectory
and I have

thank you, me who wished

invitation: come play with me…

you are invited to share this post and to share many !!!!!! about what is here,
or share appreciation or anything sparked for you while reading, including any stories you wish to let go of, any adventures you wish to welcome

deposit wishes, gwishes, superpowers, qualities, ingredients, intel, possibly in code

safe space for creative exploration asks us to let go of care-taking and advice-giving

wishes are never late because whenever you wish is the right time for wishing

here’s how we meet each other’s wishes: oh, wow what beautiful wishes

The Fluent Self