the point isn’t getting my wish (though cool things have emerged from wishing), it’s learning about my relationship with wanting, accessing the qualities…
wanting can be hard, it is easy to feel conflicted about it, and the reasons for that make this a surprisingly subversive practice…
this is the 347th consecutive week of wishing, come play!
all week long I have been bubbling a wish
a continuation of last week’s beautiful wish
and I can’t write about it
it’s too fresh and I am too passionate
I mean, I am just the right amount of passionate
but it isn’t yet ready to come into words
there is a passage required, a crossing through,
from wish-into-words
and so all I can do is trust more
and receive the gift of knowing that my wish wants more time
to self-express
and so how very appropriate that my wish this week
is about passages,
not just the passage from desire into words
from heart-knowing into spoken and acknowledged
but also from the Day of Leap into the new year
yes, I begin my year when february opens into march
extra-sweet when there is a hidden day as I cross through
I began my year by skipping stones
asking questions and letting them echo through the water
for this year of echoing and reverberating
maps and passages
this past weekend I entered my first dance competition
something that has scared me for years
I did it through imagining I was on a secret mission to Monaco
to retrieve some lost jewels
and while in Monaco, I would try my hand at gambling in the casino
even though I’ve been so convinced that gambling is something
I wouldn’t enjoy and would never be good at
this story became my map
when I got caught up in the results
I could remind myself that no, I’m just gambling to have fun
and for the experience of becoming someone who isn’t
intimidated by walking into a glamorous casino in Monaco
and all of this is secondary to the actual mission
and don’t I look amazing in my emerald green gown
I belong here with my gambling chips and champagne
this is not outside of my skill sets and experience
when I felt heart pangs of indignant outrage
when the winner at the blackjack table
was the pretty young thing with none of my hard-earned skills
I could remember that of course the house always wins
and anyway I was not there to win or to lose but to play
and to give a convincing impression of someone who is at home
at a casino in Monaco
which I did
so I win
plus I got all the jewels I came for and then some:
Presence, Play, Experience, Courage, Calm, Excitement, Practice
not to mention my ability to slide
into the arms of a total stranger on the dark
dance floor at 4am and share the most
connected, creative, playful, wildly magical dance that
smolders and burns because two dancers and a dance well shared
is absolutely transcendent
and this is something the winner of the blackjack round
doesn’t have the skills to experience yet
and one day I will also reveal the jewels of Graciousness and Laughter
I will know what it is like to be gracious and laugh about this
until then I have my beautiful story to be my map
and guide me back onto the right trail
peak moment
the other day I was at peak resentment
not about monaco, about something else
I said to myself, okay we’ve hit peak resentment
and somehow in that moment, the phrase struck me as the funniest possible
way to describe an emotion
if I’m at Peak Resentment, that’s a mountain top, clearly,
and so it stands to reason that I have the best view and therefore can
see where I want to go
where do I want to go from this peak, I asked
mapping out the landscape
pen on paper
until it became clear that the place I most wanted to be was
Appreciation Parks
the route was clear
I only had to walk it
so I did
I went outside and walked it out
going from where I was (Clarity)
to where I wanted to be (Appreciation)
and that was exactly where I ended up,
even appreciative of the resentment,
because that was what brought me to the view
it’s the moment of knowing what isn’t working
and giving myself room to not like it
that lets me wonder what would be better
and head in that direction
here, now
I am moving out of my home
where I have lived for the past seven years
this is right, and also,
this is painful and difficult
this is beyond painful and difficult
as I don’t yet know where to
and this period of not-quite and in-between and
living out of a bag
is reminding me hard of the very worst part of my life
which I don’t like to talk about
because it was really, really bad
and even though Now Is Not Then
(and may we all have the superpower of remembering this)
now is reminding me of then in so many ways,
challenging me to stay present and trusting
what is true
here are two things people say that are so very true and yet not exactly true
(1) the cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek
said, if not in those exact words, by joseph campbell
and (2) beyond fear is freedom
said by I don’t know, probably internet life coaches or something
as you know I am a big believer in asking
what is true and what is also true
it is very true that freedom is exactly what waits on the other side of fear
and it is very true that meeting a fear shows you the jewels it contains
what is also true?
you are not required to take the direct route
you can go around fear
for example this is what I did when I used the game of Monaco
to dissolve both my fear of competition and my fear of being afraid
color schemes
sure, maybe the cave needs to be entered
but not necessarily alone and also sometimes it just needs to be remodeled first
and since we are the interior decorators of our interior spaces
we can make the cave a safe beautiful place to visit before we get there
by getting curious
asking questions
choosing Safety First
bringing along allies
and coming up with a color palette
there are so many ways around fear instead of through
worth repeating:
and the best way to sneak past fear and dissolve it without being in it
is play
so how am I going to do this with my biggest fear in my own life
that I might relive the [truly awful things from then]
because I have no home again
what do I need from/for this cave to create safety before I enter
to transform it before I enter
let’s start with light
and with lightness and light-heartedness
I love the television show Leverage
it is a bit cartoon-like and maybe not exactly the most polished acting
and I love it
there is always a mission, that involves some kind of long con and cover stories
and taking on roles and undergoing wild risks
and it’s not actually scary because you know
that none of the good guys will ever actually get hurt
my favorite part is that they say
“oh, we operate under an entirely different income stream”
which is actually another part of the wish I am not wishing yet
what if I am not someone in the process of facing their biggest fear
in the form of reliving something very similar to the worst thing
that every happened to them
what if I am a character on Leverage
what if I’m the new member of the team
and this next however-long period of transition and in-between
is my role for the mission
I’m not in it, I’m acting it
I’m not even acting it, I’m acting the part of someone acting the part
around fear is freedom too
to hell with going through if you don’t have to
getting in character
what is my character like?
on leverage, each character has a skill and a weakness
parker is an accomplished thief who can
steal anything but she loses her mind
any time children are involved because she can’t not identify with them
while sophie devereaux is a terrible actress who is an amazing actress when
she’s playing a role in a con
so who am I?
obviously my skills are writing and dancing
and my weakness is that home is very important to me
after what happened to me
let’s say that my mission involves acting like someone who doesn’t have a home
but of course I will still have safe houses
and once the mission is over in a couple months, I will have a marvelous very tiny
sweet safe home that is all mine and just for me
what will help me get into character
without compromising the mission
I need a new map
maybe this map tells me more about the character I’m playing
maybe this map tells me more about my safe houses
maybe this map shows me the set-up of the cave
so I can start decorating it now
it’s my map and it lives inside of me
so I can learn everything there is to know about it
through asking questions and skipping stones
getting quiet, getting curious, being receptive to truth
what is special about this map
ah of course
this is the month of Lusciousness
and my experience of [homelessness] was basically the opposite of that
I was cold, hungry, tired
very, very thin and very, very scared
but now-me still has the ability to infuse this mission with all things luscious
I work for the Leverage team, and we have resources
even better, there’s a team that has my back
so I don’t have to get by on my skills alone
let’s make this mission luscious
let’s make sure there is good food
and plentiful rest
good music, late-night dancing, things that deliver joy
flowers, of course
let’s commit to pleasure
let’s commit to wild adventuring
in a way that feels good at all times
and if it doesn’t feel good, add more pleasure
sweeten with honey
walk the map
touch the jewels
breathe deeper
add more light
what do I know about my wish this week
it is time for this mission
even though it scares me
because it scares me
and actaully making scary things less scary is my job
so I can do this
listening to a song I like, and half-choreographing in my head
dancer-me and writer-me playing at the same time
superpower of knowing that pleasure is healing
february on the 2016 fluent self calendar was the door of SANCTUARY, and march is the door of LUSCIOUSNESS, which comes with the glowingly important superpower of knowing that pleasure is healing
thank you, past me
for naming this month
and reminding me of this superpower
which is exactly what I need most right now
this is the last chance to acquire a pack of stone skipping cards
— PASSWORD: sweetdoors —
because I’m moving out and won’t have anywhere to store them
or the shipping materials
so get them this week, they’re amazing!
and while you’re at it, sign up for the not-exactly-a-course
where we embark on establishing a loving playful practice of self-inquiry,
to access previously-hidden gems of internal wisdom
and whatever else we might need
dates coming soon!
if you want bulk packs of cards, we can do that too…
last week’s wishes
I wished a wish called true currency…
this wish launched a plan I never would have thought of otherwise
and helped remind me of what is most important
invitation: come play with me…
you are invited to share many !!!!!! about what is here,
or share anything sparked for you while reading
or if you have APPRECIATION for this space, I would love that
deposit wishes, gwishes, superpowers, qualities, ingredients, intel, possibly in code
safe space for creative exploration asks us to let go of care-taking and advice-giving
wishes are never late because whenever you wish is the right time for wishing
here’s how we meet each other’s wishes: oh, wow what beautiful wishes
mmm, yes. Perfect timing.
After many weeks of adventuring (both internally and externally) – I’ve landed at a safe house for a couple days, done laundry, and washed my hair, and slept well, and all those other safe house things.
Tomorrow morning, I begin the next leg of my adventuring, and I find myself very, very much not wanting to pack.
Dancing at the edges of not wanting, led to permission, let to twitter, led to this post, led to quiet moments of reading, which flowed seamlessly into the puppy coming home and a few moments of puppy snuggles. And after all of this, I am left with the feeling that packing may just be possible (and possibly even somewhat pleasant).
Here’s to wishing for a week of dancing at the edges + candles (for add lusciousness).
* <3 *
I happen to be feeling sad right now. My wish is that the treasure may be revealed.
(and a voice whispers tenderly, *you are the treasure…*)
Heart sighs. Pleasure is healing
My current Op is called Blue Lapis, and i really like it but it’s a mysterious thing.
Lapis like stone, like foundation. Lapis like pencil, like art and writing.
I keep hearing the word Sorcery, and thinking about potions and charms and defense against dark arts
Qualities: authentic play pleasure experiment curiosity inquiry creativity
My wish is to see what comes of this, and to receive its treasures.
Today I let myself notice that I did not want to get out of bed. I (mostly) didn’t get out of bed. And the world didn’t end.
My year began today, even so.
One step forward, one-and-a-half steps… in a different direction. I really don’t know where I’m going, but the important thing is that I’m *in motion*.
“The superpower of knowing that pleasure is healing.” Yes. This is a thing that I know, have known, have seen in action.
Recently a friend commented about someone we both know that he’s been doing X and “it’s been good for him.” X being a couple of pleasant things. That and that a burden has been lifted from him.
The healing power of pleasure is part of the Care Plan for MrB. Pleasant things to counterbalance pain.
Some things I want:
thriving plants
working out to work out
solutions to crust(iness)
Some ways these could be helped into happening:
better containers and pads
less heat
more heat
sleep over style
style over surfing
remembering that my showing up is appreciated
Also: Now truly isn’t Then. My study breaks are truly breaks. How luscious is that?
Warm wishes and appreciation to all y’all.
I think I have found some treasure in a thing that I thought was not-particularly-treasure. Another variation on Everything Is Going To Be All Right.
I like this game!
My skills: writing. And being a supertemp/fairy godmother/fixer
My weakness: need for epically exaggerated recovery time. Using my skills depletes my resources.
I am under cover. And my undercover role is in itself very important, and being a supertemp/fairy godmother/fixer is very useful in it. But I haven’t yet worked out how to balance the books and make sure that I’m not spending mission funds on the cover story expenses, or vice versa.
Possibly this is not actually an issue, because of fractal flowers…
[leaves little appreciation stones as she tiptoes out]
I love to hear about your dancing.
I haven’t wished in a while. Because I feel like I keep wishing for the same thing.
I feel scattered lately. Too many things I want to do – guitar, carve, write, yoga – stumbling through all of them.
So I wish for focus. Meaning. More clients. The lovely kind that I have now. Connection. Real connection.
Yesterday afternoon there was a [police-involved incident] in my neighborhood, across the courtyard from my house. So sad.
Wishing for peace for both victims and perpetrators of violence, including verbal violence. For more understanding in how we communicate with each other. For less annoyance and outrage, and more caring and forgiveness (I need this too).
Thank you, Havi, for this place which is never violent, and where we can wish for love for ourselves and for others.
And loving heart-shaped stones for this wish, which resonates in all the caverns inside me.
All timing is right timing, which is why I’m here today.
Being on the Leverage team would be a DELIGHT. (I believe that I would enjoy that more than being an actor on the show.)
Today’s wish is a small one, a wish that my toe would stop hurting, which leads immediately to bigger wishes like I wish I could go for a walk like I love to without being in pain, & also that I could find a doctor that isn’t dismissive of the problem that I am having.
So I want movement & to be heard. Yeah, that sounds about right.
Okay, so I’m reading this after the following chicken, but… while I was playing with my stone skipping cards and I asked “what do I need more of in my kingdom” I wrote some surface answers, that made logical sense, then I wrote, without knowing why, mapmakers. I got this image of renaissance men floating around riding bubbles as they drew maps of my interior kingdom, and I’ve been playing with mapping interior kingdom ever since. So, it was good to see different ways of making maps.