So I’m a big fan of that weird form of brain exercise known as “free-writing” (uh, worst name ever?) where you ask questions and then just write down whatever pops into your head.

It almost always turns out that there are these neat little surprises tucked away somewhere in your subconscious.

And these come whooshing out when you combine asking a direct question with putting pen to paper with no rules other than just keeping the pen moving.

But you know what is even more insanely great than this kind of open-ended intuitive journaling stuff?

Doing it right after Shiva Nata.

The part where I apologize, but only very briefly.

So I figure you might be bored to death what with me going on and on about the magical, crazy, sometimes-torturous Dance of Shiva.

I can get oh, kind of obsessive about it.

So let me back up a little:

You don’t have to do it. I’ll still like you if you never, ever become a Shivanaut. Promise.

And you can absolutely use the questions I give here for a round of good old-fashioned journaling, and I’m pretty sure that neat things will happen anyway.

All I’m saying is that if you take these questions …

… and then you do a practice that basically sends you into a mush-like state of chaos and confusion, taking apart your brain and rebuilding it …

Well, it’s the bomb.

One last little bit of explain-ey-ness.

The questions here are ones I asked in one of the Berlin workshops last week.

The answers are the ones that I wrote down during this state of deliciously confused brain scramble.

If the questions seem to be … oddly phrased? That’s because I was asking them in German.

“What does my issue, my problem, my pattern look like?”


But the individual parts are just … lines and circles. Lines and circles.

It only looks all knotted, because I don’t understand how it’s all connected yet.

It’s like a language I don’t speak yet.

So it’s gibberish, except that it’s really not.

If I pull out or zoom in I can see its beauty. Whoah. Yes. Yes! There is beauty in this pattern. Which is bizarre.

Even at the same time as I’m trying to take it apart … there is just something so organic about its shapes.

“What does my pattern need from me?”


Some new pieces.

To love myself even when I haven’t figured out all my stuff yet.

Space. Space to be taken apart in!

It’s like I’m trying to undo this huge, complicated knot in a tiny, dark closet. It doesn’t make sense.

If we were out in a field or on the ocean or in space, it would be so much easier.

Interesting. That isn’t what I expected. It’s like my pattern wants me to be able to take it apart. It’s asking me to replace some of its parts.

I wouldn’t have thought that it even had an agenda, but that if it did, it would be the agenda of self-preservation. That’s not what is happening here though. It wants to be changed.

“What do I need right now?”

Room, space, time — all for experimenting.

And permission.

I need permission to take these things and have them and want them. Lots and lots of permission.

That’s where I’m stuck right now, with the giving it to myself part.

“What if I had permission, in my actual life just as in Shiva Nata, to do everything wrong …?”

I would have to let my fear go.

I’d have to have a goodbye party for my fear. No, a tea party.

A fear tea party.

With lots of tiny little cups. There would be grape juice and cookies. And we would be sad together and then I would leave and go straight to where I need to go, without hesitation.

“What’s missing?”

That permission, again. The strength, the knowing that this is really the right thing to do.

No, that’s not what it is. What is missing?

Courage? No. A starting point? No. Wait. Crap.


Nothing is missing.

There is nothing that can stop me. So it’s nothing. It’s nothing. I could just do it now if I wanted to. What?!?!


That kind of scares me, but it also kind of makes me want to run out of my imaginary prison screaming freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedom! Nice.

That’s it. Do you want to play too?

You don’t have to do Shiva Nata first.

Though if you feel like it, five minutes of practice is a great way to warm up your internal processing functions so you can throw these questions at them and get Useful Stuff.

But honestly? I have a feeling that if you just sit down and write out an answer to any one of these things, something … interesting will show up.

You’re more than welcome to share it here. Or you can totally not share it here.

Or you can share something else. We’re not picky.

The Fluent Self