This is my year of emerging and receiving, and one of the ways I have been practicing these (and learning about what they are) is through words.
Not just through words but through letters.
Each letter with its own resonance.
This year’s retreats — the alphabet rallies — have all been powerful, each letter in its own way.
This week, for example we are wading way into the witchy waters of W, a week of wells and wonderful whispered word-wishes where we welcome, wonder and wander…
Each letter has offered me gems beyond anything I could have imagined, and today I want to share with you about my experience with R, a remarkable letter which really ricocheted and reverberated and did extra-resounding things.
R was about receiving a richness of riches. On a raft, as it happened.
Even the letter itself was about richness.
We came up with so many R words we ran out of space to write them down.
Agent Elizabeth called it the richest letter, and it was.
That was also around the time I was obsessing over the chicken on a raft song, and I got everyone at Rally hooked on it.
On a raft!
We danced to this song (regular dancing and chicken dancing), and also did spirals to it.
And, of course, we added the words ON A RAFT to every R-word we could think of.
A richness of radiance?
A richness of radiance ON A RAFT.
It was like “that’s what she said”. Or adding EXCEPT IN BED to a fortune cookie.
And then Thekla made an actual raft! Out of popsicle sticks. We didn’t have a chicken to put on it, so here’s a duck. ON A RAFT!
A richness of riches in the form of words that begin with R…
Returning. On a raft!
Repeatedly. On a raft!
Reciprocity. On a raft!
Rawr! Roar! On a raft!
Resources. On a raft!
Rituals. On a raft!
Refuge. On a raft!
Reliability. On a raft!
Relaxation. On a raft!
Re-word. On a raft!
Rainbows. On a raft!
Roses. On a raft!
Resonance. On a raft!
Recess. On a raft!
Rippling. On a raft!
What else is good? On a raft….
Receptivity. Reassurance. Relinquishing. Relativity. Remarkable. Rework. Rewrite patterns. Reflecting. Responsibility to my kingdom. Reverberate. Radiance. Ready. Refine. Reclining. Radical. Restorative. Rebirth. Replenishing. Rally! (Rally!) Revenue. Rewards. Rule-breaking.
On a raft!
Still more words and qualities that show up on rafts.
Roles. Rest. Return. Reconnaissance. Rescue. Rejuvenate. Render. Relish. Re-order.
Respite. This makes me think of Paul Grilley.
Ruckus. That’s a word I will always associate with my former playmate.
Reconfiguring: my favorite word for change.
Rubies. Recover. Release. Re-engage. Renew. Receive. Request. (Ooh, and re-quest!)
Rewire. Real/reel. Respect. Recline. Realize. Raffle! Renegade! Repetition. Ruminate. Resilience.
Renaissance. Relevance. Rising. Relinquishing. Remembering. Recognition (patterns). Recalibration. Regeneration. Restoration. Rightness. Rhythm. Rooted. Resetting. Rebuilding. Re-naming.
Endless riches.
Choosing eight words for a compass was ridiculously hard (ridiculousness on a raft), but we somehow ended up with Rainbows (N), Receptivity (NE), Riches (E), Rest (SE), Resources (S), Relish (SW), Recline (W), and Roses NW). On a raft, of course.
The main thing I took from this raw, sweet, resonant encounter with the letter R was about plenty.
Riches everywhere, if I want them.
There are riches in my past experience, in my perspective, in my ability to ask questions and release the need to be right. Riches in remembering truth, remembering that Now Is Not Then, remembering that in this moment I am safe.
Riches in the magic of words to echo, reverberate and heal.
Everywhere I look there are clues and reassurances. All I need to do is pay attention, add intention, get a little quieter. On a raft.
May it be so! And come play with me.
Thank you, letter R.
If you want to whisper words or sound effects that start with R, go for it.
Add new R words or peek over here for more R-filled riches. Like rabulous, racemiferous, raisonneur, and rataplan. On a raft!
And of course, if you want to share in any of the qualities and magical words I named here, help yourself.
They work like the salves in the Friday Chicken: there is enough and there is always more.
Whispering loving spells that begin with R, for myself, and for anyone who wants…
I have always loved ‘rapscallion’. And of course, ‘romance’ 🙂
<3 <3
On a raft!
My favorite R word: Remember.
Also: Remembrance. Regard.
On a raft! 🙂
*waves to Havi and to the Rally of R*
My 4-year-old son is still hooked on Chicken on a Raft. He made up a mashup of it with Yellow Submarine and walks around sometimes singing, “We all live with a Chicken on a Raft… a Chicken on a Raft… a Chicken on a Raft…”
I think today I’m going to do some ridonkulously rapturous wRiting on a Raft 🙂
I have been feeling Yellow Submarine since that Rally! So great!
I am a roguish raconteur! On a raft!
I’m going to take a lot of the quality of Renaissance. Prior to this blog post, I decided that word best describes something that’s been going on in my life lately. It also jives nicely with this month’s quality of Emerging. Renaissance means rebirth. And it reminds me of the time period where everyone was learning and getting creative and making wonderful things, shining light.
I’m having a renaissance on a raft.
<3 <3 <3 on a raft!
And R is one of the Pirate Letters as in “R, matey!”. C as in “deep blue C”. I as in “I, I, Captain”. And X that marks the spot! (Maybe O as in “O, here comes the British Navy!” And P which is what smart pirates do off the leeward side of the ship. And perhaps T, although most pirates prefer stronger drinks.) On a raft.
oooh, yes! I appreciate all of this!
M for being MaRooned (hence why you have the raft). Also Maroon is a kind of Red, isn’t it? 😀
I love all of these. The ones I’m polishing right now–raconteur, resonance, resplendent, riotous.
(on a raft)
That spiralling on a raft was super powerful. I am now seeing it as a Wormhole to Rally W and beyond beyond beyond. That powerful! It sucked me in and spit me out in the future.
R! I didn’t know you were doing that but you were doing that!