Friday chicken

Reflecting on both the hard and the good parts in the week that was…

It is Friday Saturday and we are here.

The Chicken was all ready to go yesterday afternoon, but the collective of tiny squirrels who run the blogging software decided to keep giving me an error message so I couldn’t log in.

So I took that as an invitation to take the day off, and now we are here! Also, happy 150th day of Shmita to me!

{a breath for this space, and for being here when we get here.}

What worked this week?

Intentional naps.

We used to do this at Rally. You get stuck on something, so you ask incoming-you to reveal a clue while you sleep, or go eat pie.

And then you take a break — an INTENTIONAL BREAK, so that the monsters don’t throw a fit about how this is selfish and indulgent and a waste of time. You remind them that this is a technique, and an experiment, and, for scientific purposes, this will only work if they aren’t messing with it.

The subconscious/unconscious delivers. Or possibly the nap fairies.

I did this a lot this week: told myself that I was going to do something restful, asked to have some new information on the other side.

It might have even worked too much? Seriously, I had who is Keyser Soze levels of understandings and insights this week, to the point that I was getting whiplash from the speed of my epiphanies. But it worked.

Next time I might…

Remember my job title.

I have trouble with decisions whenever I forget these two pieces of truth:

  1. I know more about what I want than anyone else knows about that topic!
  2. I am allowed to want what I want! I might not get what I want, but I’m allowed to want it, and to know what I want and not hide that information from myself in an attempt to keep me safe from criticism.

So. From now on, I plan to just walk around thinking about how I am the top researcher in the world in the field of Havi Studies.

Indeed! And therefore I am an EXPERT at Decision-Receiving* because I have invested so many years of training, study, and research. I know better than anyone what Current Havi might want and need. 

* Decision-Receiving, not Decision-Making, because what’s that?!

And the title of my upcoming Biopic if it were based on this week…

You know what? Maybe later. The Havi Brooks Story.

If you feel drawn to leave comments on aspects of my week, I will take love, hearts, breaths, pebbles, I do not need advice or cheering up, though presence and sweetness are appreciated. Hearts or pebbles are great if you don’t know what to say, often I don’t know what to say either so we’re in the same boat.

Eight breaths for the hard, challenging and mysterious.

  1. I have been experimenting with a practice I call Wanting Without Why, which is allowing myself to want something without needing to list the reasons. It is SO HARD. I’m constantly aware of how desperately I want to explain and defend myself! This is a good exercise for the month of Trust More, and it is showing me all my patterns. A breath for easing and releasing, the theme of this year.
  2. My lover is backpacking in the Sierras for ten days, out of cell range. I haven’t heard from him since Saturday. I miss him terribly. I know he’s okay because I can feel him thinking of me, like a warm flush of heart-glow, but that’s not the same as words. I like words. I was hanging in there with just the warm-glow communication until yesterday evening, and that is when I got to experience entirely new sliding-off-the-rocker levels of missing. A breath for Trust More. Thanks, last-year-me for (literally!) putting that on the calendar.
  3. Still working on figuring out how to protect, love and tend to my unique pace of learning, and this is not easy stuff. A breath for patience, tenderness, for getting used to being someone who advocates for themselves as a matter of course.
  4. My body has developed an allergy to trapeze. Not to being on it (or trying to get up on it), but to getting enough sleep to go to class. It just goes on strike the night before. So that’s interesting and useful, and I’m respecting my body and not going, but the allergy part is not fun and the exhaustion is not fun. I don’t feel scared of the class. The instructor is lovely, the pace is good, I feel comfortable just going to part of the class, and advocating for myself as I need, and leaving early. But my body is not having it, and comes up with some sort of crisis that just so happens to be a few hours before the class starts so that I can’t go. Which is fine. Body knows best, body comes first. I am okay with not pushing, I am okay with not going, I am okay with back to bed. But this allergy is exhausting. Come on, babe. Let’s just say what we want without going through this rigamarole. A breath of sweet permission and endless healing.
  5. Speaking of my trapeze allergy, everyone I talk to about this says something like “oh, well, it’s okay to be scared”, and it is so unbelievably frustrating and I want to punch them. I know I am scared of pretty much everything, but really and truly I’m not scared of this class. This is not trapeze like “she flies through the air with the greatest of ease” or whatever people might be picturing. It’s just a sturdy, round hoop that’s five feet off the ground, with giant mats underneath. It might theoretically be scary if you forget how to get down? I wouldn’t know though, since I can’t pull myself up yet. And, anyway, they also have a practice hoop that is barely off the ground. Fear is not the issue here. And I don’t need to be given permission to be afraid. I give that to myself, all the time, for everything in life. A breath for the part of me who hates perceiving that she is misunderstood, and a breath for getting back to my yes.
  6. Speaking of exhaustion, my trip to Seattle on Saturday took much longer than anticipated, and I didn’t get back until 3:30am. My body can’t handle stuff like that anymore, and it didn’t like being in a car for eight hours, even if that was broken up by many hours of movement. A breath for me, and for learning this new way of taking care of myself and advocating for myself.
  7. I have had this idea in my head for the past nearly two years that if I “just took the time” to actually work on dance drills, I’d be able to get certain movements and concepts into my body and see/feel actual progress. Nope. This week I had both the time, energy and commitment to put two hours a day into re-learning the most basic movements, and nothing. I mean, nothing. I’ve been really invested in the fantasy that all I need to do is carve out a few hours here and there, and the slow motion montage will take care of itself. Turns out we are dealing with a much bigger learning curve than I had understood or been able to anticipate, and not feeling ANY change was incredibly frustrating. Oh well. A breath for wax on and wax off, and, yet again, trusting the process.
  8. Inhale, exhale. May all misunderstandings and distortions, internal and external, dissolve in love if not in laughter. Goodbye (and thank you), mysteries and hard moments of this week. May I choose to trust-more love-more release-more receive-more.

Eight breaths of good, reassuring, delight-filled.

  1. I am better at taking care of myself and advocating for myself now than I have ever been in my life. A breath for all the healing that is happening, and the superpowers of permission, attentiveness and going back to bed.
  2. Last week I mentioned the PROTOCOL — when I can’t get a sense of what I want (and when I pretend to myself that I don’t know, but I feel really vague and I can’t feel my feet), I remember that I’m probably disassociating, or there’s some reason I don’t want to let myself know what I want. Anyway, the protocol in that situation is Apply Emergency Extreme Self-Care Immediately and do something really calming for my body. I usually save the protocol for emergencies, but this week I just applied it to everything. I mean, if that’s not Shmita-mindset, what is? A breath for the completely radical practice of sweetness, with all the beautiful surprises it is bringing.
  3. Given the circumstances (extreme exhaustion, lover has disappeared, perceived failings, monsters everywhere), you’d think I’d be pellet-pushing (twitter, facebook, instagram) or other forms of modern self-medicating, or following whatever old, familiar not-necessarily-healthy pathways. I’ve been staying offline. I’ve been breathing and walking and checking in with small, scared me. A breath of gratitude.
  4. I was able to access entirely new levels of Kindness this week, both inwardly and outwardly directed. A breath for how beautiful and sweet this is.
  5. I followed my instinct and the joy spark trails, and went to TRE (thank you, Leocadia) and Feldenkrais, and took care of my body in a variety of ways, and skipped trapeze again, and made time for dance drills, and had three hour naps and gave myself good food. A breath for all of this.
  6. The semi-secret Bell of Belltown Op in Seattle was full of inspiration and small miracles, and I got to know a dance acquaintance much better than before, and it turns out that she is a bright, kind, interesting, thoughtful person, so now I have a new dance friend. A breath for treasure.
  7. I am having a much easier time than usual being an ally and fairy godmother to myself — to current me and to all the versions of Tiny Me and Past Me, and to plant clues and gifts for Incoming Me, and all of this feels so good, and so important. A breath of appreciation for all parts and aspects of this awesome commune of wildly eccentric, sensitive, interesting people who are all me, I’m so glad we all get to play together, and so thankful I live in a time and culture where this is a thing I can talk about, albeit mostly only here.
  8. Thankfulness. So much is good. Scrambled eggs and avocado. Frozen almonds dipped in Mayan cocoa. Cool breezes. Month of trust. Clues everywhere. Everything is okay. Nothing is wrong, even when I think it is. Now is not then. All Timing Is Right Timing. Thankful for this grand adventure. A full breath of deep appreciation in my thank-you heart.

Wham booms, wisdom, superpowers, salve and FBOTW!

Operations completed. Wham boom!

Whoosh Ha Mastodon Boom is secret agent code meaning: this thing is done! Shortened to wham-boom.

The Seattle op happened. Laundry happened. A hundred tiny little pieces moved in seemingly insignificant ways but it happened. Received two big (and very clear) decisions on things that had been weighing on me. Calling this a successful mission, and I now award myself a hundred billion sparklepoints. Wham Boom.

Superpowers I had this week…

I had the superpower of going back in time and changing memories. I also had, briefly, the superpower of Deep Deep Deep Trust That All Is Well.

Powers I want.

Same as last week, please: the superpowers of Beautifully Anchored, Deeply Trusting, and, of course, I am a Powerful Slinky Very Relaxed Panther

The Salve of Beautifully Anchored.

These invisible salves are distributed here by way of internet magic. Help yourself! Take it in a bath, as tea, a cocktail, whatever works for you. Not only is there enough salve, there are also enough ways to receive it.

The primary dance I do, west coast swing, is a luscious, creative, playful, improvisational, deliciously gooey dance, and it is very much about anchoring.

My partner me sends me in a direction and I set off in that direction until they stop me, and then I anchor, keeping my energy headed in the original direction, like a boat drifting with the water after the anchor has been set, until I am sent in a new direction. Trusting the process, alive and powerful, delighting in what happens along the way.

This is not about obedience. This is about Agency and Play, within the container or game of “here is the direction of the wind in your sails”.

This salve does the thing that happens in this dance, but to your entire life. You put a dab on your skin (or as much as you want), and then it just happens.

You happily follow a trail, a thread, a scent, a clue, a wish, a desire, a good feeling of YES. You project your energy in this direction until you get redirected by life/source, and instead of an abrupt stop of Uh Oh Something Is Wrong, you just easily and calmly feel into the familiar direction, and then slowly drift your way into this new direction, taking your beautiful sexy time, moving with your breath, shifting course in the most steady and natural way.

This is a salve of Grounding, Magic, Flow, Passion, Creativity, Joy and Safe Passage.

Playing live at the meme beach house — the Fake Band of the Week!

My brother and I make up bands, which are all just one guy. The Meme Beach House is the venue.


This week’s band is from Nomi and it’s called Vicarious Trapeze. Their latest album is Quintessentially Upside Down. And it’s actually just one guy.

And the photo was taken in Lubbock, TX by Jesse! Thank you!

How was your week?

Come play in the comments. Share something from your week, take a breath, or just say hi! No rules, my format doesn’t have to be yours, we’ve been doing this every week for years now and there still isn’t a right way.

Everyone belongs. We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. We don’t give advice.

Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.

Shabbat shalom.

It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — jump in whenever you like. Blowing kisses to the Beloved Lurkers too!

p.s. If you want to express appreciation and/or go deeper into Self-Fluency…

Come practice Agency and be a secret agent (ha, agency pun!) of self-fluency, and support this blog and Shmita.

  • The marvelous Monster Manual gives you the sneaky ways I use to get my self-criticism to take a nap or join the circus or become my ally, so I can stay calm and take care of myself.
  • Fluent Self Care Packages! Each one is completely unique, a work of art and magic. ADVENTURE is for someone who wants to embark on something new or needs a new approach. EVERYTHING IS OKAY if you need extra steadiness while working through hard things. MYSTERY: wonderful, mysterious and full of clues. And TRUST is impossible to describe. It is also a giant box and costs a bit more. Included: either the Monster Manual & Coloring Book (basic version) or the Art of Embarking course, your choice. Price: $77 for Care Package and ebook/course. $88 for the TRUST package/course. I’ll cover shipping in the continental United States, otherwise ask the First Mate for an estimate. Either way, email the First Mate and tell him which one you want! These go fast.
  • If you’d just like to express appreciation for concepts and qualities that live here, you can always contribute to Barrington’s Discretionary. (Explanation!)
  • And of course, love and support in the form of smiles, hearts, warmth, sharing posts, practicing what we do here: any and all of that is always appreciated!

A deep breath of love from my thank-you heart for everyone who reads. ❦

The Fluent Self