It is Friday Saturday and we are here.
{a breath for being here when we get here.}
Thank you, week.
This is the 370th week in a row that we are chickening here together. Pretty great.
What worked this week?
I spend a lot of time this week following rabbit holes, as I felt drawn to them, and noticing clues.
I think it’s very easy for mindfulness people to say things like “oh, slow down, be receptive to noticing”, and sure, that’s wise and whatever, but it’s pretty hard to actually remember this with all the pressing items that need constant attention.
This week I gave myself the biggest permission slip to just follow trails wherever they went, to observe and listen, and I received marvelous intel.
Next time I might…
Remember that someone else has probably already solved this.
Did a lot of unnecessary things related to wheels this week — both grinding mine, and trying to re-invent them.
Turns out that all the mysteries I was trying to solve already have simple, easy solutions, and the best thing to do in this case is to ask someone who has already encountered this problem, because they probably know the solution.
And the title of my upcoming Biopic if it were based on this week…
Maybe I’ll move to Honeyville and open an Apothecary/Pie Salon. The Havi Brooks Story.
Eight breaths for the hard, challenging and mysterious.
- The number of situations that are currently requiring me to Stand In My Strength. Good grief. A breath for big feelings, and how challenging this is.
- My lover left yesterday morning for two and a half weeks in Utah. That’s a very long time, and I am feeling the dull ache of the kind of pain that announces itself slowly. A breath for longing.
- Went to a dance workshop with a professional dancer whom I am very fond of, and the entire evening was a complete nightmare. I don’t want to describe it other than to say that there was (probably unintentional but horrible) Unwanted Touching, and I ended up skipping the dance and crying in the lobby until my lover could pick me up. A breath for wanting something to be beautiful and amazing, and instead finding it traumatizing.
- Trying to change the culture of dance. Definitely not the easiest thing I’ve ever done. And also I’m just feeling frustrated and resentful about the amount of time and energy that goes into reaching out, reporting things, advocating for safety, asking for support, saying what is needed. A breath for radiantly powerful boundaries!
- Body freaking out from perceptions of Not Safe, with everything from weird skin stuff to neck aches to migraines to some sort of flu that knocked me off my feet. A breath for my sweet, kind, well-intentioned body who likes to share loudly with me when boundaries have been crossed. I know, babe. I know. And another healing breath for what a friend calls layering on new experiences of safety.
- The beautiful boy had yet another work crisis, so the night before he left was spent with me sitting on the couch for several hours watching him yell at his computer screen. We have very different philosophies and experiences (and metaphors, as it turns out!) when it comes to our individual relationships with both our work and our bodies, and this mismatch sort of came to a head, and we had a few minutes of swirling in misunderstanding. I am now better able to understand both his situation and approach, thanks to the healing superpowers of Compassionate Communication and to our willingness to meet the moment with love. However, I’m also much more aware of what’s really vitally important to me in life, and I think this might be the first place where we just don’t see eye to eye on something big. A breath of love for both of us.
- I feel frustrated and annoyed that despite being on Shmita (sabbatical year), I still somehow have way too much to do. This is a very interesting phenomenon which I wish to explore, but right now I just want to grumble-grumble-grumble about Why So Much Doing. A breath of acknowledgment and legitimacy.
- Inhale, exhale. May all misunderstandings and distortions, internal and external, dissolve in love if not in laughter. Goodbye (and thank you), mysteries and hard moments of this week. May I choose to trust-more love-more release-more receive-more.
Eight breaths of good, reassuring, delight-filled.
- I stayed remarkably calm and steady through (most of) the hard things. A breath of deep appreciation and gratitude.
- I stood in my strength. I spoke truth. I wrote six different letters to people in the dance community about my experience, and what I need in terms of support. And I received warm responses from people who wanted to help. I was brave and gracious and clear, and I get endless sparklepoints. A breath for sovereignty, new patterns and wearing my crown.
- Beautiful nights (and mornings) with my lover all week. A breath for sweet smiles, quiet presence, softening, and this joy-love-delight-heart.
- Lusciousness. And so much rest. On Sunday, we went to bed at 11pm and stayed there until 3 o’clock the next afternoon, just catching up on sleep, rest, sweetness and adoration. Actually, I think there were multiple days this week where I didn’t even get out of my bathrobe until late afternoon. Huh. So maybe despite what I said earlier, I am finding my way into new levels of Shmita life. Anyway, it was a lovely week for lazing about and writing from bed and taking things slowly. A breath for this magic.
- I followed the trails and clues and ended up in a geosedic dome — a secret round house — having my aura photo taken. (Richard: “Whoa! Looks like you broke the machine!”). A breath of love for roundness, and for beautiful mysterious moments.
- A completely life-changing private dance lesson, on the topic of Standing In My Strength. My teacher said, “Let’s explore ways that we can maintain control AND our personal dignity in a subtle yet absolute manner in any dance position, whether in a workshop or on the social floor. And we will turn you into a graceful and formidable panther that NOBODY messes with.” The lesson was all that and more, and I am overflowing with gratitude. Oh, and then I used all of her tricks during the dance, and they worked. Danced for four hours and had only good dances, and a bunch of people noticed and said, “Wow, you’re really getting good!”. I know more about being a panther now! A breath of awe.
- Even as I was running into all my patterns and blocks this week, I was still able to remember that I am doing the best that I can. I made endless safe rooms. I brought in internal negotiators to talk things out with monsters. I took really good care of myself. I was even able to spend an entire afternoon pretending I was Incoming Me, and channeling her superpowers of IDGAFx1000 and Choosing Supportive Environments, and it totally worked. A breath for the beautiful practice of self-fluency, and how it makes everything better.
- Thankfulness. So much is good. Reclaiming the favorite cafe. Sleeping so well. Past-me made sure there was ginger in the house. Everything is okay. Nothing is wrong, even when I think it is. Now is not then. All Timing Is Right Timing. Thankful for this grand adventure. A full breath of deep appreciation in my thank-you heart.
Wham booms, wisdom, superpowers, salve and FBOTW!
Operations completed. Wham boom!
Realized I want to postpone Operations Alternative Shed and Calm Island. Began preliminary research on Operations Well Robed and Live Light. Operation Trust Release Ease is the best. Wham Boom. I now bestow upon myself a hundred billion sparklepoints, and you are welcome to do the same.
Superpowers I had this week…
Last week I asked the power of thinking of my body as precious expensive cargo that I treat with magnificent attentiveness and wonderful steadiness. And it happened. First it had to not-happen, for me to get how this works, but now I really feel it.
I also had the superpower of Letting People Answer Their Own Questions!
Powers I want.
Bringing back Beautifully Anchored, Deeply Trusting, and, I am a Powerful Slinky Very Relaxed Panther.
And the power of pausing and breathing and saying thank you.
The Salve of I Am The Right _______ For Me.
This week my monsters were very upset about how my clothes are too tight right now, and we talked about this, and eventually were able to unite in the understanding that I AM ALWAYS THE RIGHT SIZE FOR A HAVI BECAUSE I AM ALWAYS HAVI. And, related, if clothing doesn’t fit, the problem is with the clothing, not with me, because being the Havi that I am in this moment is always okay and a miracle of life.
And: if I move my body, it is for the joy of moving, and not with an agenda to alter my container, because my job is to care for, be present with and delight in my container, not to critique it or force it or berate it or need it to be different in order to be good.
This salve strengthens the wise, compassionate part of me that knows truth: I am the right EVERYTHING for me. I am the right amount of X for a Havi, and the right amount of Y for a Havi. Especially for a Havi who is a Havi in this moment.
The right amount of sensitive. The right amount of resilient. I take up the right amount of space.
It also, counter-intuitively, allows for change. When I allow myself to be A Havi Who Is Very Highly Anxious In This Moment Because That Is The Experience Of A Havi, I suddenly can access Steady Havi.
This salve has the most subtle texture, and the most subtle and indescribable scent. In a way, it’s like wearing something made of the softest most buttery whipped something, like clouds and moonbeams.
Playing live at the meme beach house — the Fake Band of the Week!
This week’s band is called The Last Avocado. Their latest album is Dust Homecoming Monster Box Broken Hunt Legacy (don’t read the comments on this link!). And, of course, it’s just one guy.
And the photo was taken in Lubbock, TX by Jesse! Thank you!
How was your week?
Come play in the comments. Share something from your week, take a breath, or just say hi! No rules, my format doesn’t have to be yours, we’ve been doing this every week for years now and there still isn’t a right way.
Everyone belongs. We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. We don’t give advice.
Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.
It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — jump in whenever you like. Blowing kisses to the Beloved Lurkers too!
p.s. If you want to express appreciation and/or go deeper into Self-Fluency…
Come practice Agency and be a secret agent (ha, agency pun!) of self-fluency, and support this blog and Shmita.
The marvelous Monster Manual gives you the sneaky ways I use to get my self-criticism to take a nap or join the circus or become my ally, so I can stay calm and take care of myself.
- If you’d just like to express appreciation for concepts and qualities that live here, you can always contribute to Barrington’s Discretionary. (Explanation!)
- And of course, love and support in the form of smiles, hearts, warmth, sharing posts, practicing what we do here: any and all of that is always appreciated!
A deep breath of love from my thank-you heart for everyone who reads. ❦
Welcome, Chickens!
This salve is *amazing*.
–Someone I love was very much in his stuff and felt compelled to tell me all about it, in detail, at midnight, just when I wanted and needed to sleep. Frustrating and sad. I wanted to help and didn’t know how.
–Exploring the old familiar challenge of balancing/integrating professional stuff, relationship stuff, and personal stuff. I feel ready to do this in new ways, which is wonderful, but when I think about it I feel tired and foggy, which is unsettling.
–This week felt much more spacious than last week. What a relief!
–Someone asked me for a schedule change that actually makes things easier for me, and then thanked *me* for being flexible.
–I found a pair of comfortable pants in a color I like at a local thrift store.
–Yay right timing and mysterious package!
–I feel ready to stand in my strength.
I now invoke the superpower of Whatever I Do Is Exactly Right! <3
My first joining in of the chicken. Rather more pleasant than de-feathering a chicken. Hello chicken.
Hard this week:
Seemingly endless series of Big Decisions to make, that got even BIGGER and MORE IMPOSING as my capacity to deal with them got smaller. A breath for…what? Next time I might… try to remember to acknowledge the overwhelm and give myself a break sooner.
The continuing mysteries of Relationship continue to be mysterious. So many times when I don’t know what to say, or say (not a “wrong thing” but) something that causes more pain instead of less. Monsters telling me I’ll never learn how to do this better. Deep-seated (seeded? Yes, like dormant weed seeds) sources of stress about Bunny that won’t go away anytime soon. Feeling powerless in the midst of giant sociopolitical patterns.
Monsters of Other People Might Possibly Be Mad At Me For Something Completely Inane having a field day. Festival week, more like. Being too tired to meet them logically.
Messy kitchen feels completely overwhelming, sparks conflict and makes important self-care things like eating a good meal difficult. Energy for interrupting the downward spiral is temporarily unavailable. Breath for remembering it’s temporary.
I don’t want to have to say no to things! This week I chose to turn down multiple delicious opportunities for learning, growth and delight because I knew I would be drained and overwhelmed if I said yes. I know I made the right choices for sanity’s sake, but I’m still frustrated! Why is capacity so small!
Good this week:
I did lots of listening to my needs, and honoring many of them, and it helped immensely. Hooray for practicing this enough that I could access it when I needed to!
!!!!!!!!!!Sparklepoints!!!!!!!!!!! And sharing them with other people!
Inexplicably, I suddenly feel like becoming a commenter mouse. (In the past I have lurked and been extremely wary of comments. I don’t know what changed.) It feels good! Hooray for trying new things and opening new doors! And hooray for giving myself the safety of being anonymous!
Even though my beloved person and I sometimes have differences and misunderstandings, I feel very, very, very safe and know that I Love and Am Loved. ENORMOUS appreciation for this.
An unexpected phone call this morning with extremely good news.
I see many many new doors opening, and thinking in ways I hadn’t thought about before. Feeling that I belong in the place/time/situation that I am in. Much much gratitude to past me for helping me get here.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 to all of you. Rivers and oceans of sparklepoints for the coming week.
******Sparklepoints*****for transition from lurker to commenter mouse!
The good things were pretty good and a few hard things were extra hard. Our vacation was not a vacation for me. The thing that was supposed to be the highlight of our trip was a let-down. The return trip was the WORST! And his family let him down *again*. There was also a weird and ambiguous communication from the coroner.
Good things:
Amanda and Kristen were delighted to see us and A gave me a big hug. K said that what stood out for her was how sweet MrB and I are to each other. Tyler asked “What’s the secret” and I had an answer. T enjoyed hanging out with us.
The screened porch.
Being home again.
Two adorable little girls at the gate. Giggling.
Fast food. Because it’s fast and predictable.
An idea for a “retirement job”.
Unexpected connection with a South American ex-pat.
Photo fun.
Finding that I had more physical strength and stamina than I realized.
Sleep. Sweet sleep.
The Good:
Boat and beach day. And then beaching the boat which meant we couldn’t leave until 8:15 pm so we got to see the sun set, and the moon rise and travel home by the light of the moon. And it wasn’t too much togetherness because we all love each other.
The Hard:
[silent retreat]
The Weird:
Sometimes people think I’m different from them, which surface-wise I might be, and which is fine. But every so often people point it out and last night this man wouldn’t stop talking about it even after I asked him to stop and the he kept trying to come near me and apologize even after I asked him to stop doing that, too. And then, wonderfully, 2 friends used their ability to take up a lot of room to physically block him from getting near me and guide him back away from me. It was like having a human forcefield that I didn’t’ even need to ask for, it just appeared and made me feel so safe and loved.
It’s very strange how when someone hurts you and makes you feel bad, they keep apologizing which then makes you feel like they want you to make them feel better, even though it was their actions that made them feel the way they are feeling. And it’s nice to remember that I don’t need to do caretaking.
Sparklepoints for chicken amnesty…
This was the tough stuff:
– My cellar got broken into. There is zero stuff of any value in there but a big bag full of clothes I had meant to give to a 2nd hand charity shop and two boxes with cables and adapters and spare parts were just rummaged through and things were all over the place ( and still are because I have not been able to bring myself to tidy up) Now there is bad energy lingering down there and I really dislike the thought that someone with bad intentions was in our building.
– Lots of people at work were away this week and I would have loved to be part in what they were doing.
– I get so hectic and nervous before travelling, even for “easy” trips. This floods my body with unnecessary adrenaline that in return contributes to the partly stress-related symptoms of early menopause.
– Low budget airlines, people rushing on board with oversized cabin baggage as though it is their ultimate chance to be evacuated from a war zone. Being greeted with “hello boys and girls” before take-off.
– I was not eating well most evenings, too fast, too unattentively. Digestion messed up.
And here comes the good stuff:
– I managed to transform something that a week ago I was still dreading into something I ended up looking forward to ( apart from the travel bit involved)
– I went to an “event” that was amazing, the actual thing happening on stage, everything surrounding it, I had champagne, it did not rain, it was just extraordinary in a very positive sense and has created a lasting memory.
– The dress I found a few months ago, elegant in a funky way, and it can just be squeezed up into a ball, the material tolerates all squashing. 3 people told me how amazing it looks.
– Being by myself at work meant that it was quiet, I got stuff done, I took proper lunch breaks and went to a lunch yoga session.
– I felt very efficient at work, not the machine kind of efficiency but the sovereign, dealing effortlessly with things kind.
– I am back home and there is still a bit of weekend left and I will take a nap after chickening.
– Bioidentical hormones and hormone yoga make all this early menopause stuff so much easier to deal with.
– A really lovely evening with a colleague, good food, good wine, good exchange of thoughts.
– Had TRE session and got good instructions on how to practice at home.
“I had champagne, it did not rain”
sounds like a romantic song lyric!
I had a day off today. I mean, I got up at 6am with the small boy, but when my husband got up, I WENT BACK TO BED and I slept and read and read and slept. It was awesome. I’m still tired, amazingly, but I will have an early night again and tomorrow will be better. Or at least different.
I am learning so much from this community <3 I want to thank you all for being here. Xx
Yay for sleep! So important!
Good afternoon and cluck!!
I just got back from an Unplanned Adventure in glenwwod Springs, CO and it was awesome.
the sucks of this week:
-i went t the doc a while back, and got intel, have not implemented action items as qucikly as i believe i should. so much here
-disgusting disgustingness. ugh my house! i cannot have friends over, my kids cant have friends over, and the men of the house thinki this is as it should be. a breath for this
-i went on a multiple-layered adventure with a friend nd her kids,a dnit ws great, but i ddint feel oay about taking the tour they didnt want to take, without them. they tol me to, and i could have, but they wanted no part of this piece and they were out. And my Manners Monsters could not abide that they wait for me for 40 minutes (in an amusement park, i mean what??). my crown didnt slip, i pulled it off. a breth for this
-all the ways in which I fail at work. breaths for this
-stuckness. i gave away things in the Lugh fore and every time i picke these things back up, it sucks
but so much good stuff:
-an out of the blue invite to Glenwood was an amazing gift ffrom a good friend, and gave so many wonderful gifts to both girls (oldest kid got weekend without youngest kid, youngest kid got the sleepover and amusement park experence she’s been asking for, i had a great time with my friend W). I’ve been seeing OBX stickers everywhere, and wondering ewhat is MY OuterBanks (since i’m not getting to the Outer banks again any time soon)? Where do i get that DEEP r&r&r
-home and taking it easy.
solid progression last weekend on long time and languishing project. yea!
-sparklepoints everywhere!!!
I just got back from Heart Camp (which is exactly as playful and as new agey as it sounds, but even better), and though I know the beginning of the week was bear time and rushing and doctors, right now I am full of osprey and rivers and lakes (well, just the one) and trees that hum love.
I went through a portal and all the things I’ve been practicing just landed and it was. Not a temporary state I was trying to access, but the real world, there and steady and ready for me to inhabit it. And I was just as ready. Like I’ve visited a lot and I expected this to be like that but I turned around and found I’d moved. (Totally an embodiment of something from my first Rally – now many years ago.)
Yes, I did spend an entire day sobbing (it was impressive – maybe the second most I’ve ever cried), and I was given/took on a difficult new assignment. And also? Everything changed. Everything landed.
Four days without phone or Internet was excruciating but also amazing.
And now I’m home with my sweet baby who is talking *even more* and sounds like a grownup, and I have nothing but delicious possibility (and some vitamin B shots) ahead of me for weeks.
So much <3 for this week. So many trees!
“Did a lot of unnecessary things related to wheels this week — both grinding mine, and trying to re-invent them.
Turns out that all the mysteries I was trying to solve already have simple, easy solutions, and the best thing to do in this case is to ask someone who has already encountered this problem, because they probably know the solution.”
::whispers something about Wheelistic Fiction::
Hahahaha! Magical Wheelism! <3
Wheel Go A-Waltzing Matilda!
Wheely Wonky and the Chocolate Factory!
p.s. Can I just say that this entire exchange is the most wonderfully jewish thing that has ever happened on the internet?
Let’s have a party! Wheel all dance the Hora! LAIDAIDAIDAIDAIDAIDAIDAI
We Love Fortune! (Say three times fast)
Wheeeee-el live in a yellow submarine!
Oh this week that was! I remember it being really full and hard and overwhelming – I’m sure there’s some good in there too.
The hard:
– so full. Who knew one week could contain that much!
– getting thrown, completely forgetting my crown, and running into patterns of awkward, anxious, and unsure.
– disconnected from what I want/need (food? sleep? who knows.)
– moonies stuffs, and the needing to find new streams of it.
The good:
– mid-afternoon nap yesterday. yay nap!
– changing my nail color. now it’s dark & sparkly purple – like magic.
– a conversation with incoming me, where she was basically like “you know that chick you catch glimpses of in the mirror, the one you see and think ‘damn!’? that’s you. that’s who people see when they look at you.” and I was like “but I thought that was you…” and she said “no. that’s you. she was the incoming us a couple months ago, but now you’re her. which is why I’m here.” and all I could say to that was “oh”
– having a space and a vocabulary to write out the above where other people will get it.
– remembering my crown
– I wrote about the moonies aspect of a wardrobe project I did, and then I press publish. And no shoes were thrown.
– awarding sparklepoints! sparklepoints for overwhelm and uncertainty and emails and writing and publishing and napping! Sparklepoints for everything!! And now the world is all sparkly.
Here’s to another week. <3
Hello, Chicken!
I have turned 30! Whoa! Yay me! I have survived 30 terrestrial revolutions and I am planning on at least another 70.
And we are breathing. Hello, breath! Thank you for keeping me alive! Thank you for the oxygen you put in my body and the carbon dioxide you remove!
Breathing for Mysteries, Tangles, Enigmas.
+A Breath for the Mystery of Snail Solo. Oh, how hard and confusing you are!
+A Breath for the Mystery of the Crocodile Retreat. Dios mio! How unwelcome this was! Breathing for the sadness and the giant Snail Tears. Breathing for the invisibility. Breathing gratitude for the Rainbow Sparkle Bloonket Foort. Yes. We are okay. AND this was NOT okay!
+A Breath for the Me who wishes ze could do the Quiet Velociraptor Safari with all the other awesome Velociraptors. A Breath for the Me who has secretly always wanted to be a Velociraptor. A breath for the Massive Flailures of previous Velociraptor-Mes who have demanded that I never again try to be a Velociraptor, to the great sadness of the secretly-always-wanted-to-Me. A breath for the joy I feel for Velociraptors who get to spread their big beautiful Velociraptor wings and do awesome Velociraptor things. Wing-on-heart SIGH!
+A Breath for the Me who thinks ze will never ever ever get to have Chocolate Pudding or any other kind of Pudding ever again. A breath for the Me who sings in the shower about this. A breath for the Me who tries to drown this sadness away in Tangles of Yarn and Sock Monkey Pride Parades. A Breath for everyone I wish would Share Their Pudding With Me. Wing-on-heart SIGH!
+A Breath for the Me who lives in The Venus Flytrap. A Breath for the Mystery of the Fictional Character Conundrum of Nuflap. A breath for wishing for the Perfect Simple Solution (Clue: reverse Sock Monkey?!?!)
+A Breath for the Mystery of Dragonhead Cove and the Banana Peel Caper. Breathing, and breathing, and breathing some more.
+A Breath for the Mystery of Why Am I Such a Terrible Jew? Part 8381120312943021. A giggling breath for the silliness of this. Wing-on-heart sigh for the less-than-silliness part.
+A Breath for how frustrating Operation Pegasus Blue is. WHYYYYY can’t this just be EASY, dammit? Breathing ease, smoothness, fulfillment, healing, strength, courage, trust, and respect into it. Mmmmmhhhmmmmmm.
Breathing for Donuts, Treats, Delights!
+Breathing for Operation Tetris Tree! Wow! Naming and Entering and Mapping, so good!!!
+Breathing for Agent Rainbowhat! Ze came to visit me for my birthdayyyyyy and it was the beeeesssssst, YAYYYYYYYY. Breathing sadness that ze had to leave and joy that ze got to stay!
+Breathing for BOOKS because BOOKS are the BEST. Breathing for the Delight of sitting on the back porch on my bean bag chair with BOOKS and MILKSHAKES and MAGICNESS. Breathing for the Sunshine of this! Breathing for the D-light of Sunshine, may it be so and may it heal the E Skeletor of Dragonhead Cove, make it so!
+Breathing for MAGIC UNICORN EXPLO(RAHHHH!!!)SIONS! That is really all that needs to be said about that. 🙂
+Breathing for the Adventure of Crazy Apple! Breathing for the magnificence! Breathing for the love and support! Breathing for the delightful snuggling! Breathing for the fluffycat! Breathing for the amazing awesome fantastic Agents of Agent Sea! All of the sparklepoints for MEEEEE for asking for what I needed and for giving myself a Big Fat Permission Slip to receive care way beyond what I “think” I “deserve” (::spit three times!::)
+Breathing for the Polka Tree (poetry!), YAYYYYY!!!
+Breathing for I Get To Sing Poulenc, EEEEEEEE!!!!!
+Breathing for the shiny package I received in the mail from Agent Amazegonads! 😀 😀 😀
Bathing myself in the Salve of Crème de la Crème, a deliciously creamy infusion of I Deserve The Absolute Best of All Bests, Always and Forever.
Invoking the Superpower of All the Tea Time!
Invoking the Superpower of Something To Sing About!
Invoking the Superpower of Hare Today Goon Tomorrow!
And, our Fake Band of the Week is: The Royal Sperm! Debuting our hit singles, “Horny Pigeon” and “Rodeo”. Performing tonight at the Rainbow Hat Cafe!
Lundi shalom!
What worked? Wearing sneakers. Bringing coffee home. Not overprepping or over-researching.
Next time? Order takeout on the first night. We know this now.
* Holy hell, that phone call was expensive.
* Frustration on multiple fronts.
* Witnessing a beloved fall in love, and the delight of knowing that I made the meeting possible
* The pleasure of changing into clean clothes after a sweaty, stressful shlep home
Warm wishes to all y’all.