Friday chicken

Reflecting on both the hard and the good in the week that was…

Hello, week: we are here.

Thank you, week. Thank you, space to reflect.

{a breath for being here when we get here}

This is week 429 of this ritual, and so we chicken.

Or check-in, if you prefer to enunciate.

If you feel drawn to comment on aspects of my week, I will take love, hearts, breaths, pebbles — I do not need advice or cheering up, though presence and sweetness are always welcome

What’s been working? What do I want to play with….

Saying THANK YOU to my no for being my no.

Thank you, objects, situations, choices and circumstances that are not 120% yes. Thank you for showing me what not-yes looks like.

Thank you, sweater that is almost right but not. Thank you, cafe for being is a little too noisy and prompting me to leave. Thank you, people I do not wish to dance with again.

Breathing for the hard, challenging and mysterious.

  • Oh, man. This week. It’s Thursday but I’m calling it. Actually this week was so hard I was ready to just call it by Monday morning, just give up, have a good cry and write the world’s longest Friday Chicken of woe, all before the week even really started. Breathing patience, compassion, receptivity to the superpower of Hey Things Suddenly Get Better!
  • Abrupt unanticipated drastic change of plans (by the way I’m in Los Angeles instead of Idaho) with only a few hours to process. The change of plans was actually a good thing, but it asked me to access resources of adaptability and agility that I just did not have in me at the moment, due primarily to extreme zombie-exhaustion. Breathing trust: look, everything is working out beautifully and in my favor, even if it is unexpected and temporarily uncomfortable.
  • Actually, many forms of Adjusting Expectations. That was a thing this week. Breathing presence.
  • Four nights with minimal or no sleep, culminating in a night of four hours in bed with no fewer than nine interruptions of sleep. I also learned that my personal definition of considerate roommate behavior is not universal. Breathing for rest and recuperation, and glowingly healthy boundaries, may I get better at setting expectations in advance.
  • I am a highly sensitive clairaudient empath, so being in a room full of three hundred highly ambitious dancers who have just watched the pros perform, lost in insecurity fog running their internal mantras in the key of “I’m Not Good Enough”…it’s extremely overwhelming. Remember that episode of Buffy where she hears everyone’s thoughts and they are awful? That’s what it was like, and all my filters that usually protect me got overloaded and I experienced the total state of panic and anxiety brought on by feeling everything at once. Breathing love for being me, it is not always very fun but that is who I am.
  • People around me had trouble with my state of falling apart, even though I actually think I handled it quite gracefully, taking care of myself and making a speedy recovery, considering the severity of the situation. Breathing. I don’t know why people don’t have the self-fluency skills to recognize that someone else being in pain is not about them or any of their concern (oh right, it’s because of the rigged game), but it is seriously exhausting to have to deal with people who go into their stuff about you having a moment of being in your stuff, and I have zero patience to do any caretaking for that. May there be good healing for this, and for the rigged culture that dismisses any pain that isn’t visible. I have lots more to say about that but saving it for later, because otherwise this will be a five thousand word chicken.
  • Being around couples, and various toxic things related to that, gender role bullshit and unexamined assumptions, like going from clean mountain air to a polluted city and not wanting to breathe that in or even be around it. Breathing for clean air, an environment that reflects how I want to live.
  • Being around other forms of toxicity like fatphobia and slut-shaming and “oh I only want one tiny bite of cake” and all the broader culture things that do not live in the culture of me, but suddenly being exposed to all of that, and watching how it slowly begins to become normal and not as noticeable, and I do not ever want this to be my normal. Breathing my power.
  • The angry avenging-avenger is still with me with her doubt and fury, she comes and goes, but oh these overwhelming moments of fire-breathing and wanting to destroy everything. Breathing presence and grace for our transition to Diana Rigg’s glamorous Avenger who is cool and collected, and can set boundaries without destroying everything in sight.
  • The plan that changed from ten hour drive with friends to three straight days of driving plus a funeral on the anniversary of my mother’s funeral. Breathing gratitude in the form of “thank you, plan, for being so completely crappy that you are obviously redirecting me to do something else”, may I get better at paying attention to my yes.
  • The anniversary of my mother’s funeral. Bleak. Breathing.
  • Sadness about the museum and how much I love it and also What Unsovereign Shit Is This if I pay for it to continue to exist instead of it paying me to curate the exhibits, that is no way to live and not something I can agree to model in the world. Breathing clarity.
  • That is not even close to all the things but that is enough things because I don’t want to name any more. Breathing for this too.
  • Inhale, exhale. May all misunderstandings and distortions, internal and external, dissolve in love if not in laughter. May peacefulness prevail. Trust-more love-more release-more receive-more. Goodbye (and thank you), mysteries and hard moments of this week.

Breathing for the good, reassuring, and magical!

  • Seriously it was marvelous treasure that my plan for the week became increasingly more unappealing, because once the penny finally dropped and I realized I was being Redirected, my heart felt so light. Speediest transition ever from Holy God Why Does Everything Suck So Hard to being at ease with life. Aka Oh This Is A Miracle I Am Being Handed A Free Pass To Not Do Any Of The Crappy Things, No Wonder Everything Was Getting Increasingly Awful, I’m Being Redirected! Breathing for treasure.
  • Speaking of pennies that take a long time to drop, this is a theme right now: something looks like a Series of Unfortunate Events when actually it’s more like, things are finally so bad that I have no choice but change course, which is a good thing, I suspect this is also the case with the museum, because that really does explain the increasingly ridiculous issues we’ve been having. Breathing for seeing the good.
  • Clues everywhere, dragonflies everywhere I turn, we even parked on a street called Hope just when I was feeling completely hopeless. Breathing appreciation: I see you, sparks.
  • My marvelous friend Agent Ravenstar who was like, oh OF COURSE you are coming to LA and staying with me for two weeks and we will have adventures. And then I didn’t need to solve any logistics at all, which is fortunate because I hadn’t slept in forever. Breathing thankfulness and delight.
  • In fact, my wish this week was for Delicious Space and here I am in her gorgeous apartment which seems positively palatial to someone whose frame of reference is “motorhome” or “crowded hotel room”. I have my own room and beautiful bath and it is full of books (the room, not the bath), and rainbows everywhere, and it is absolutely the very definition of Delicious Space. Whereas spending three days squished up in a car, and visiting Salt Lake City (not my favorite place, understatement of understatements) and attending a funeral on the day when I’m already torn up about losing my mom, and not being able to get any work done all week, that would not have been delicious space for me. My wish came true, and if it required a massive amount of Redirection, I am okay with that. Breathing peacefulness and joy.
  • Cooking! There is a kitchen here and I get to do all the cooking! Inventing delicious nourishing magical meals with quality ingredients and having someone to cook for who appreciates it, this is a dream. Feeling so much delight about this. Breathing happiness.
  • Massive progress on projects and secret ops despite fatigue. Finished two rounds of editing the next YEARbook ebook, wrote bits of the next two, and came up with all kinds of fun creative solutions for various unsolved mysteries. Breathing creative power.
  • Found the most marvelous clue while editing, I hadn’t remembered that I wrote this but it was so perfect: “She doesn’t try to problem-solve but instead acts through REMOVING incongruencies wherever they arise.” Yes. That is so wise. Let us do that. Breathing .
  • Love is treasure. Deep intense closeness and sharing with the faraway cowboy, big honesty, big clarity, big sweetness, and a heart of love. Breathing love.
  • The night I slept for ten hours and woke up significantly more functional! Breathing grace.
  • Inventing/discovering the best proxies and having wild epiphanies as a result. Breathing for joy sparks.
  • Dance convention was beautiful. I had some fear of a repeat of the last one when a crisis of confidence (and of everything) had me hiding and crying in the hotel room, but this time I was ready to bring the party. Dancing until 6am, magical moments, creative self-expression, pulled off a new move and nailed it the very first time, happiness! Breathing for connection, intensity, seeing favorite people, being a panther, the moment when the total stranger you are dancing with beams at you because they are so overjoyed to be sharing this moment with you.
  • Thankfulness. Treasure in the form of the most wonderful hidden spice shop, finding the perfect code name for doing laundry, the best mug, dancing in the kitchen, dancing everywhere, eye-flirting all over LA, silliness, play. Nothing is wrong, even when I want to believe it is. Now is not then. All Timing Is Right Timing. Thank you for this grand adventure. A full breath of deep appreciation in my thank-you heart.


Last time I asked for the superpower of completely at ease being myself, because that’s the only job I want. And the advanced version of this, the superpower of I AM A STAR. Got it and working on it. More of that please.

And I want the superpower of Speedy Recognition, for example, when I am being Redirected, or when something that does not look/sound like love actually is, or when I really just need to go to bed. Maybe this is related to the power of knowing/trusting when is the right time to burn it down and when is the right time to rebuild.

How was your week?

Come play in the comments. Share something from your week, take a breath, or just say hi! No rules, my format doesn’t have to be yours, we’ve been doing this every week for years now and there still isn’t a right way.

Everyone belongs. We let people have their own experience. We’re supportive and welcoming. We lovingly refrain from giving advice.

And of course it’s always okay to comment under a made-up name, whether for play and delight, or in the interest of Safety First.

Wishing you a glorrrrrrrrrrrrious day, a restful weekend and a happy week to come.

Shabbat shalom.

It’s fine if it’s not Friday anymore. There’s complete chicken amnesty — jump in whenever you like. Blowing kisses to the Beloved Lurkers too!

The Fluent Self