very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

Each week I write these VPAs to practice asking for what I want. And to get clarity on what that really is, even when asking feels conflicted.

I always get useful information about my relationship with various aspects of the ask. Join in if you like!

One hundred and six consecutive weeks of VPA-ing.

I am imagining what this space would feel like if it were an actual room, and we had done yoga here together one hundred and six times.

Or sung sea shanties together. Or read our favorite poems.

When I feel that room — which is filled with so much grace and so much belonging, I remember why I love doing this, even though sometimes I forget and totally don’t feel like it.

Very Personal Ads!

Thing 1: the further brunching of the Shiva Nata destuckification series.

Here’s what I want:

I am doing a highly unusual thing! Instead of teaching Shiva Nata at Rallies (Rally!) and retreats, I’m doing a 3 part series of live Shiva Nata classes.

At the Playground. In Portland. In August.

And a special Snack Preview class on Toozday, July 26. Which is ridiculously soon, so there is lots to do to spread the word. I expect this class to be very full, but I’d like that to happen speedily and easily.

* Brunching = “launching”. I borrowed this from Tara the Blonde Chicken because saying “launch” kind of creeps me out.

Ways this could work:

I can use the Deguiltified Chicken Board at my Kitchen Table program to help me track the various steps.

And my OOD method, which I can’t link to because I haven’t written about it yet but assume that you’ll know about it eventually.

And use my monster coloring book to destuckify any resistance that comes up.

I can tell the people at the Frolicsome Bar about the classes, and ask for help with this.

Plus there are probably a thousand other ways that I haven’t thought of.

My commitment.

To try and get better at asking for help and support, because that’s what this ask is really about.

To give you guys the link:


To ask you guys to tell everyone you know in Portland or the general pacific northwest. I know there are a ton of people who have tried Shiva Nata or want to, and this is a great way to do it without having to come to a Rally or a training or a Week of Biggification.

Plus, my classes are outrageously fun, challenging, zany and generally marvelous. And Selma will be there. And we have a costume room!

Thing 2: Plum Duff!

Here’s what I want:

Working on another big project that needs to brunch soon.

There are way too many moving pieces and I’m starting to feel a little overwhelmed.

So the first part of my ask is for perspective, calming, focus, reassurance, flow.

And the second part of my ask is for BIG CRAZY PROGRESS!

Ways this could work:

For the first part….

Calming techniques. Old Turkish lady yoga. Consult the book of me.

For the second part….

Lots of Shiva Nata. Use the Playground. Use your anthologies.

Actually, shivanauttery will help with the calming too. So yes.

My commitment.

To breathe, pay attention, ask questions, negotiate, re-negotiate, and consult with the (internal) collective of scientists.

To pause (paws!) more often than I think is necessary.

And to dance dance dance.

Thing 3: post-Rally consolidation time

Here’s what I want:

So last week was Rally (Rally!) and it was Rally #11 and it was absolutely amazing.

Now I need to take all this astonishing collection already-done and almost-done and half-done work, and figure out the next steps.

I also need time for emotional/energetic consolidation: to assimilate all the things I learned and experienced.

So I guess this ask is about time, order, patience and allowing things to come into their new form.

Ways this could work:

Not sure.

Probably more shivanautical flailing, obviously.

And some naps.

And some Designated Time. But when? Maybe Wednesday?

And write another Rally Revue?

My commitment.

To take things slow.

To remember that Rally always involves change and that change involves recovery time.

To do things that are sweet, slow and restful. Or to look for things that might be like that. To invoke the flow chart of spaciousness, which always makes me laugh.

Thing 4: secret gwish

Here’s what I want:

I want a slackline. I want to learn to do crazy things on a pole and on rings. I want to do ridiculous things with my body.

But in order to be able to even give some of these a try, I have about a million little anxieties, fears, worries and doubts to interact with.

The grumble thrum monster collective is very clear that NOW IS NOT THE TIME.

So instead of trying to force this, I’m just quietly planting the possibility for this gwish here.

And in the meantime, I’m not going to do anything with it. Just setting the intention that eventually I’ll find out which parts of me feel anxious and what they might be anxious about.

Ways this could work:

This is it. I’m putting it here and I don’t have to do anything else with it yet.

Though if you have bought a slackline kit and like it, I am open to receiving suggestions for brands.

My commitment.

I promise not to force things. My body gets to make all the decisions. We’ll work together.

I am making space for both the wish and for the time it will take to feel comfortable with it.

I am making space for the part of me who is seriously yearning for this and for the part of me who is dreading this. They both get to be here. And there is time to sort this all out.

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.

I wanted to work on a very specific project at Rally, and I did!

Then I wanted progress on a new version of a thing in my business. And while I didn’t work on it directly at all, I’m actually feeling really good about it. So I think some of the Rally epiphanies have been at work here.

I also wanted RELEASE, and that was a big theme over the week. More to do there but it feels good.

The last thing I wanted was to do some writing about dread. And I didn’t. So I’m going to re-ask this and see if something else comes up.

Comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.

Things that are welcome! Your own personal ads, small or large. Updates on past ones if you like.

Leave your gwishes! Throw things in the pot!

Things we try to keep away from: the word “manifest”, telling people how they should be asking for things, unsolicited advice.


The Fluent Self