very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

Each week I write these VPAs to practice asking for what I want. And to get clarity on what that really is, even when asking feels conflicted.

I always get useful information about my relationship with various aspects of the ask. Join in if you like!

Usually it’s very difficult for me to know what to ask for. This is a lovely ritual but not necessarily always an easy practice.

This week, thanks to the insane Shiva Nata we did all week at Rally (Rally!) and at the Shivanautical Academy Training the week before, I have more ideas and wishes than I know what to do with.

And they’re all equally beautiful and exciting.

So. I’m going to choose a few for this week and assume fractal flowers.*

* Through interacting with these five items, I’m actually sneakily and secretly working on ALL of them.

Thing 1: a throne! Or at least a really kooky and ridiculous chair.

Here’s what I want:

Having the Shopkeeper Hat and related rituals has changed everything for me.

The Toy Shop is happy, I’m happy, everyone is happy!

And all sorts of fun little customs have come into being. Because the hat is just that fabulous.

But maybe there should also be some sort of spatial orientation element for this time in which Buying Things From The Toy Shop Can Happen.

What if there were a crazy chair for me to sit in during Shopkeeper Hat time?! Maybe with a pocket to hold my shopkeeper clipboard. Or I could hide it underneath.

So now I need the most ridiculous, outlandish or noticeable chair ever. Also it would be cool if it were super high or super low or otherwise oddly set up.

Ways this could work:

I don’t know yet!

Maybe someone I know has one or makes something like this or knows a guy who knows a guy.

Maybe it will just find us.

I am putting out the ask. And also, of course, the meta-ask, which is for me to feel comfortable having this new development.

My commitment.

To stay connected to the qualities of what I want:

Play! Freedom. Experimentation. Structure. Form. Creativity. Presence. Flow. Zaniness. Possibility.

I might also make a tiny toy representation of a kooky chair-throne, as a symbol.

Thing 2: Sleep!

Here’s what I want:

Napping and snoozing and early to bed.

Ways this could work:

Long walks. Sleepy tea. Ten breaths. Yoga nidra. Doing Hello, Resting & Recovery in the same way that I do Hello, Day or Hello, Month.

My commitment.

To sit in the rainbow hammock. To close my eyes. To hug Scootch.

Thing 3: replacing the video clip on the Shiva Nata site

Here’s what I want:

The sample “see what this looks like” 30 second video on the Shiva Nata site is about five years old.

It desperately needs to be updated.

I’ve been putting it off due to BEING CRAZY BUSY, but have finally reached the point where the incongruence (there is this thing from then that does not match the culture of what is now) is physically painful to me.

So it has to change. And soon.

This is slightly stressing me out because it means finding a location (the Playground not being right for a variety of reasons that I’m not going to go into at the moment). And finding someone who can do it.

I’d also like to shoot a series of tiny super-short video clips about some of the items in the Toy Shop.

So this is a complicated ask. I’m asking for courage and right timing. I’m asking for a person who can help me. And I’m asking for the right place to do it in. And for me to resolve any residual personal stuck related to this.

Ways this could work:

There might be someone in Portland, Seattle or the general area who could do this.

One option: we could do it as a trade for a Rally? Have people apply?

I can also ask around in the roller derby world.

If you are thinking ohmygod this is meeeeeeeee, can you email the First Mate with details and information about why this would be perfect for you/us? Thank you!

My commitment.

To do the work. To plant the seeds. To throw it into the pot. To process the process.


Thing 4: To un-whisper.

Here’s what I want:

We have been super-quietly shhhhhhh whisper-brunching Crossing the Line: the 8 Day Voyage (password: haulaway).

And it’s time to move from whisper-brunch into actual brunch.

Which means writing about it and writing the actual page instead of the whisper page.

Oh, and I would also really like for the last person to sign up for the Great Ducking Out 2011, so we can close that up and open registration for — oh, wow — 2012. Thank you!

Ways this could work:

Using Shiva Nata and systems and the OOD.

With lots of love and support from the various allies of this Program.

My commitment.

To skip some stones.

To ask ten times why.

To pay attention to what I need in order to make this the most amazing eight day adventure (and beyond) that has ever happened, which I am already convinced it will be.

To celebrate its existence joyfully and unapologetically. Possibly by eating toast.

To throw confetti for everyone who is coming. Hooray!

Thing 5: a toaster!

Here’s what I want:

The Playground needs a toaster for the Galley.

Preferably the pop-up kind because wheeeee! toast!

But a toaster-oven type of thing could work as well.

It would be fun if it were a bright cheery color, but not a dealbreaker.

Ways this could work:

Someone might have one and want to donate it.

We might find one somewhere.

Maybe Freecycle or something.

Or we could discover the perfect one and it would just work out.

(Suggestions are welcome if you happen to have thoughts about special toasters that I should get to know).

My commitment.

To stay receptive to finding what I want in unusual ways and/or places.

To be appreciative of the process. To welcome the toaster warmly into the Playground.

To eat toast!

Which I will do right now. For luck!

Also, when we do get a toaster someone needs to get us this. Bonjour!

Thing 6: support for Jen!

Here’s what I want:

Jen Louden, who is an amazing teacher and also my lovely friend and colleague and companion-in-silly-dances, is running a program called Teach Now.

She wants loving attention and right people for her sweet thing, and I want that for her too.

Ways this could work:

I’m going to tell you about it and you can take a look!

My commitment.

To love Jen and wish all the best GWISHES (goal-wishes) for her and for her program. Yay!

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.

I asked for peacefulness in this time of pain, for anyone who wants it.

And while I can’t know about those people and their experience, it was very helpful for me to have asked that for myself.

Then I wanted a gumball machine for the Playground, and I have since handed that project over to the First Mate. We’ll probably go with something on eBay if nothing else turns up.

The next ask was about making separations, and that went reasonably well.

There was a request about restocking the Toy Shop, which I’m beginning to do. Slowly, slowly.

And I wanted the superpower of implementation, and YES YES YES YES! It showed up at Rally. Rally!

Also, I’ve made several VPA requests for more costumes for the Playground’s Costumery. And guess what?

On Friday the Oregon Children’s Theater had a giant costume sale. With whiskey. Because what is better than costumes and whiskey AT THE SAME TIME?! Nothing.

I went with Chuck and Marisa and Tereza, and it was incredible.

Comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.

Things that are welcome! Your own personal ads, small or large. Updates on past ones if you like.
Leave your gwishes! Throw things in the pot!
Things we try to keep away from: the word “manifest”, telling people how they should be asking for things, unsolicited advice.
VPA amnesty applies, of course. Leave yours any time between now and next Sunday (or whenever, really) — it’s all fine by us!

The Fluent Self