very personal adsPersonal ads. They’re … personal! Very.

Each week I write these VPAs to practice asking for what I want. And to get clarity on what that really is, even when asking feels conflicted.

I always get useful information about my relationship with various aspects of the ask. Join in if you like!

This week I had about a million Very Personal Ads come up, and of course this morning I can’t seem to remember any of them.

Let’s see…

Hello, wishes.

Thing 1: Congruence.

Here’s what I want:

It occurred to me this week that the website for the Playground is all wrong.

The Playground is a center where people come from all over the world to work on projects, solve problems and get things done.

It’s an extraordinary place.

It’s time for the online space that represents it to become more harmonious. More congruent with what it is supposed to be reflecting. To come into present time.

Ways this could work:

I may not have time to do anything with it this week because I’ll be at Rally (Rally!), and who knows what my mysterious project will turn out to entail.

But I will be at the Playground and immersed in Playground. So I’m hoping that will point me in the right direction.

There will also be ridiculous amounts of Shiva Nata, so I am going to throw this into the pot, and ask for some hot, buttered epiphanies related to this project and to congruence in general.

What if it could be simple? And entertaining? I’m ready to find out.

My commitment.

To plant this without knowing how it’s going to happen, and without having an agenda.

To be genuinely curious about what could happen.

To consult slightly future me.

Thing 2: Staff page.

Here’s what I want:

This might be for the Playground site and it might be for this one. I don’t know.

But a page about the people who work and play in my business. To give a feel for how our company runs and what it’s like.

Ways this could work:

Again, this might not be something I’ll be able to play with this week.

But it feels important.

Maybe I can connect to the essence of this. I could do some processing and writing about what it means to have a crew.

My commitment.

To have fun with this. To let it be silly, lighthearted and Playground-ey.


Here’s what I want:

Preparing the ground for the grand announcing.

And sharing the process.

Here’s where we’re at right now.

  • I have 49 pages of notes in my Anthology.
  • We brought in Metaphor Mouse as a consultant.
  • We’re this close to signing with the desired location, and we have three back-ups if it falls through.
  • More than a hundred people have already signed up to be notified when we announce this. Hi, guys!

So things are moving.

Oh, and we have a new logo! It’s fabulous.

Seriously, go look at the gorgeous page. I’m so excited about this! Shivanauticon!!!!

And now it’s time for next steps. In the hard and in the soft.

Ways this could work:

I can play with this at Rally (Rally!).

Dance on it, flail on it, meditate on it, sleep on it, cross-train on it, and keep it with me at all times.

And of course, a giant field of fractal flowers.

Also I think it will be useful to tell people to sign up for the announcing even if they’re 100% sure there’s no way they can make it to Portland, because we might be able to offer a video option.

My commitment.

To follow the rabbit holes.

To stay connected to what I know.

To remember to laugh.

Thing 4: Reflecting.

Here’s what I want:

Many and varied individual parts coming together in a variety of combinations.

Venn diagrams and kaleidoscopes.

Reflecting and reflections.

I’m sorry that I can’t be more specific on that. It’s hard to describe.

Ways this could work:

Playing with my First Partner In Crime.

Creating a collage but not calling it that. Secret code words!

Lots of madcap shivanauttery, of course.

Paying special attention to mirrors and surfaces. Surfaces!

My commitment.

To hum.

Because humming is the aural form of shining.

Shining and reflecting are cousins. Humming is the way in. For me. Right now.

This is one of the many crazy things I learned at the September Rally, and it is changing everything.

Thing 5: Rally! (Rally!)

Here’s what I want:

This week is Rally #15.

It’s also the second year of the Great Ducking Out, which is the special Run away from Thanksgiving extra-long Rally.

This is pretty much my favorite thing in the entire world.

I want it to be absolutely glorrrrrrrrious!

And I want to discover whatever it is that I need to discover.

Ways this could work:


Declaring silent retreat whenever I need to.

Sending out the link to the secret Playground ENTRY page.

Planting the seeds.

Writing it out.

My commitment.

This one is being whispered in my heart.

I love you, Rally!

See you tomorrow.

Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.

Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.

I’ve been doing a lot of processing on my complicated decision, and am feeling better about the situation.

Then I wanted to be able to work on a bunch of things at once, which totally happened in a much easier way than expected. Yay, proxies!

I wanted to play with doing things every fifteen mini-newts, and completely forgot about this! But the point of doing that was to have more mini marathon-trainings (shhh, not actually marathon-trainings at all), and I actually have been doing that. Interesting. I will revisit this!

Also I asked for recovery, which has been happening nicely.

And I wanted to whisper-brunch the HEY THIS IS COMING page for Shivanauticon, and that happened! Plus we have the logo. So yay, progress.

Play-filled comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.

  • Wanted: Your own personal ads, small or large. Updates on past ones if you like.
  • You can also do these on your own or in your head. You can always call silent retreat!
  • Leave your gwishes! Throw things in the pot!
  • Things we try to keep away from: the word β€œmanifest”, telling people how they should be asking for things, unsolicited advice.
  • VPA amnesty applies, of course. Leave yours any time between now and next Sunday (or whenever, really) — it’s all fine by us!


The Fluent Self