Personal ads. They’re … personal! Very.
Each week I write these VPAs to practice asking for what I want. And to get clarity on what that really is, even when asking feels conflicted.
I always get useful information about my relationship with various aspects of the ask. Join in if you like!
Thing 1: Ten Times Wishing.
Here’s what I want:
I have been doing this thing of jotting down ten wants.
Right before I go to bed.
It’s very casual. If I hit a wish that has STUFF in it, I use a proxy or just skip it. I mean, it all circles back around eventually.
Anyway, what I want is for this ritual to solidify. Or maybe doing it both morning and evening?
Or maybe bringing some of these wishes to my rendezvous with various partners in crime or helper mice?
I don’t know. I’d like this new practice to land.
Ways this could work:
Pretty notebook.
More pens. Why are there never pens when I want pens? Maybe Rummy the squirrel could hold a pen?
I can also mess around with this on the Floop!
I’ll play with…
Reminding myself that wanting is always fraught and meaningful. Desire is a big deal. So it’s okay that I’m working through my stuff around this. This can take as long as it needs to.
Thing 2: Cutlery.
Here’s what I want:
Weirdly enough, this is not a proxy. It’s actually what I want.
But I have some Ludicrous Fear Popcorn about this, so I’ll need to do some processing.
Ways this could work:
Maybe an internal interview, using a negotiator.
Also it might be fun to just look around and see what I like.
I’ll play with…
Now is not then.
Thing 3: Sun sun sun sun sun sun sun.
Here’s what I want:
Ath wants to spend all the time in the sun. I am liking this, because sun.
But I also have lots of indoor work to do. Ath is not happy about this. She says: SUN.
So we need some sort of strategy that makes us both happy.
Ways this could work:
I don’t know yet!
Waking up early to do some typing so we can frolic in the park?
Finding an outdoor cafe?
Bringing a partner in crime helper mouse with me to do some Thinking Out Loud while walking?
I’ll play with…
Visiting the garden. Taking notes.
Thing 4: Interacting with the two biggest things I’ve been avoiding.
Here’s what I want:
I have been putting off two things, and there is no more putting-off, because the time is here.
There’s treasure in here somewhere, and I am going to find out what it is.
Ways this could work:
Asking what is useful about having waited this long.
Asking what is useful about getting to do it now.
Asking what I need.
Asking the Four Questions (not those four!).
I’ll play with…
I don’t have to do the things. I just want to find out what I know about my relationship with the things.
And I can skip some stones.
Thing 5: Asking the Four Questions (not those four!)
Here’s what I want:
There’s a marvelously useful book called Crucial Conversations.
And they have four helpful questions that I ask all the time. When I remember to ask these, everything goes better.
So I’d like to use them on everything.
Ways this could work:
A four questions notebook?
Putting the questions on my phone?
Adding this to my morning routine?
I’ll play with…
Connecting to the essence inside of this want:
Clarity. Curiosity. Exploration. Steadiness.
Thing 6: Vancouver.
Here’s what I want:
I’ll be in Vancouver next month. I want it to be marvelous and not-exhausting.
Marvelous because not-exhausting. And, when necessary, if there’s an option that’s marvelous and a different option that’s not-exhausting, the latter trumps the former.
Oh, and I don’t want to fly, so I need to figure out if there’s a way I can get there by boat from Seattle? I can train to Seattle, but more train than that is too much train for me.
Also I can’t possibly meet up with all the amazing people I know there because I don’t have the capacity for that, and I will get overloaded (see: not-exhausting trumping everything).
So either I decide to tell people when I’ll be at my favorite cafe so they can drop by, or I need to go incognito.
Additionally: I want everything at the new Playground and in the rest of the business to be running smoothly so I don’t have to deal with emergency phone calls.
And, while I’m wishing impossible wishes, I want tea and laughter with Jane. And whiskey and banter with Jon.
Ways this could work:
It hurts my head even trying to think about it.
So I’ll just leave it here.
Though if any of you know about ways to head north by boat or other creative means, please let me know.
I’ll play with…
Progress report on past Very Personal Ads.
Just to update you on what’s happened since last time.
Okay! This is unlikely and awesome. I wanted Fountaining Solutions for a certain pile of stuck, and this seemed like an impossible thing to ask. But I actually got it.
Seriously, fountaining. Amazing.
I had an ask about my roller derby Shiva Nata workshop, and got what I wanted (a super fun workshop with lots of work on mental game), and I am re-asking the bigger ask.
Then I wanted more use of Deep Intentional Entry, and I’ve been doing quite a bit of that. More please.
And I wanted to move the Toy Shop, and Chuck is going to help me with that tomorrow.
Then I asked for a music stand and we found one! Yay!
And I had a silent retreat ask, and it didn’t get solved but something really interesting happened.
Also I wrote down about fifteen small wants at the bottom of my VPA-ing notebook last week. Here’s something interesting. I didn’t post them here and I didn’t process them, but pretty much all of them came to pass. So I’m going to do that again.
Play-filled comment zen. Here’s what I’d love today.
- Wanted: Your own personal ads, small or large. Updates on past ones if you like.
- You can also do these on your own or in your head. You can always call silent retreat!
- Leave your gwishes! Throw things in the pot!
- Things we try to keep away from: the word “manifest”, telling people how they should be asking for things, unsolicited advice.
- VPA amnesty applies, of course. Leave yours any time between now and next Sunday (or whenever, really) — it’s all fine by us!
mmm… special wishing notebook. I think I already have a want!
Three things this week:
More movement on projects. On the Civic Engagement, on Tux and Tails, on everything. Lots of things going on, and I’m having concern that with the large projects, small things could get overlooked, or stall out.
Ways this could work: Sit with each, decide what I really want. Breaking things down into pebbles.
I’ll play with: one tiny UCW a day per project.
Movement in the real. As usual, when things get busy, self-care goes out the window. I’d like to move more this week.
Ways this could work: Stretching, laying on the green balls, maybe a little stoneskipping into the pattern.
I’ll play with: My hula hoop!!
For the new trainer to work. This feels ridiculous. And like I’m a doggie mommy failure. But I have to have help with the girls. They’re overprotective of us and the house to the point that its hard to have people over, or even to open the door to the ups guy.
Ways this could work: One is coming over tonight!! I could not be a wreck about it, and have my tension transmit to the dogs.
I’ll play with: deep breathing. stretching.
hand-on-heart sighs for all gwishes!
Last week, I wanted more self-care, which has sort of happened… am doing more meditation, big yay! Then I wanted critiques done, and that almost happened (like, 5/6ths of the way.) I then wanted a garden map and irrigation plan, and that has not happened and has got me sort of stuck. So I’d like to repeat ask that, sort of. Or just get more flexible so I don’t need a hard-and-fast map/design/plan thing necessarily.
VPA 1: Movement & Flexibility. Things have been scary-hard, and I keep wanting to have the plan exactly right so scary things won’t happen. This is starting to feel like the wrong approach.
Ways this could work: I could do something else that will influence it. LIke yoga or stretching (fractal flower!) Or… Um, flash fiction? Something bendy.
My commitment: Think bendy.
VPA 2: MOney stuff. Silent retreat on details.
Ways this could work: Movement. FLexibility. Communication. Proxies.
My commitment: circle it slowly. Do stuff in the soft to start.
Thanks, guys. 🙂
Seattle to Victoria by ferry
Victoria to Vancouver by ferry
So if the links I provided were eaten, does the moderator-mouse still get to see them? Or were they just totally disappeared? I have only been online for 25 years, and I still forget that I am no longer providing researched answers to the questions of a text-based mailing-list group. Oh, well. Sorry. Please email me if you need the actual links I tried to give to you. The Seattle-Victoria ferry is run by Clipper Vacations and the Victoria-Vancouver ferry is run by BC Ferries.
Hello hello, VPA time – I welcome you and make space for you.
Love to your asks, Havi, and joy for your fulfilled asks of prior weeks! YAAY!
Loads of love to your money ask, @Cathy.
Major problems with wants and needs and askings this week.
No update on last week’s asks. Maybe I couldn’t see the blooms through the nasty UnStuffed patterns? Don’t know. But I have a few new asks anyway.
#1 – Being Able to Ask For Help without Giving Directions
Packing up my objects is simply not the right time or context to get practice in this, but there’s a ton of #Stuff# I have around giving someone directions while I’m also giving myself directions, and I’d like to just be able to Ask For Help with no other context and get it.
Blooms for it:
– To access the right Words in Asking for Help
– Lovelyman finding his groove
– Plan the dance moves (Proxy!)
What I’ll Plant:
– Forgiveness.
– Gratitude for Love.
– Remember that when all else fails, I can ask for Skin from him and that will be A help if not the help I’m asking for.
#2 – A Stress Release Mechanism
Not only am I moving, and not only is moving happening along with some unpleasant BodyStuff, but work is running full bore, warp speed towards a deadline and I’m responsible for making sure much of it happens. I’m juggling a lot of people’s expectations and I’m intent on success for all parties at both ends of the spectrum.
Which means, of course, I’m grinding my teeth every night and feeling run down and awful. I am asking for some way to release stress that is easy, non-physical, non-food-based, and not about yelling.
Blooms for it:
– I could find scents that work.
– I could find a deep breathing pattern that doesn’t make me want to destroy things.
– Maybe I could find the right piece with Simone and HipGnosis.
What I’ll Plant:
– Openness to all options.
– Mirror and Tarot work.
Goodbye, goodbye VPA time, and thank you for being with me.
Wheeeeeeeeeeee VPA time!
I love wishes * 10 ! And a four question book ! Wanting is OKAY!
birthday / festival / fun events
i received an amazing idea for a birthday picknick and an event for next year and also for summer breaks. i want to spend some time mapping it and then send preparatory emails.
ways it could work – i could do this in the weekend. i could go home and find space for it.
i’ll play with this is about fun and keeping the fun and remembering the good dieas. this is about rest first. and this is about sufficient space to make things happen.
land of make believe
this stands for fun! and silly! and dreaming. also for : shopping for fun furniture. planting seeds. planting a tree. family. connection. imagining and grounding – both
ways it could work hitting the shop for second hand furniture with my mum. painting. enjoying the sun while painting. dancing, biking, connecting.
i’ll play with optimism. deva’s. morning rituals.
ten times wanting
what this means – i want to join for this one. what i really don’t want: me wanting impossible things from myself more or buying into outside stories that are mean. what i really do want: pure wanting. feeling what there is to feel and want things and feel for a second it’s ok.
ways this could work – using the books beside the bed.
i’ll play with – play and fantasy. remembering the spiral ritual. separating. enjoying the night time ritual.
more gardening
also related to all above. i want more gardening. it felt so good to be digging up dirt and planting a tree
ways this could work – not a good clue. i could ask the owner of the student house if i can plant some flowers in the garden. i could buy pots and keep plants. i could help my mum in the garden
i’ll play with flowers.
word for what is happening
i told my good friends about the current hard with supervisor. and they were so nice but also suggesting therapy (hehehe). which might happen but it wasn’t the point. the point was i could not find the right words.
i want a story that suits me! one in which it does not seem like i am exaggerating but one that explains how it feels in translatable terms.
ways this could work i don’t know. writing ?
i’ll play with colors. monster coloring. the house of safety and words. pintererst. pre-words. pictures. alternate realities?
VPA Update
I wanted to pre-process the meeting. And even that was hard; just the thinking about it. I cried in a meeting with my braintrust. But then there was a sjamanistic ritual with sage and spiraling and just the right animal spirits showed up – a bear, a fox, an owl and a white lady.
I love my ask for openining the Book of Options and I am re-asking it. I think I might want to make a book of options.
Oooo… Oooo… I know something about this! When I moved back to the mainland, I took a combo of buses and ferries to get from Vancouver to Victoria and on to Port Angeles, Washington, where my friends picked me up. I’m not sure if you can get a ferry directly from Seattle-ish to Vancouver, but you can certainly ferry to Victoria and from there to Vancouver. And it’s a *beautiful* journey, with all the greenery and little islands. Here’s who I used:
Hi Havi,
You can take a ferry to Victoria and then take another ferry to Vancouver. More time than the train or bus but oh so wonderful a trip.
Last week, I wanted resolution to that painful thing and I have it. So that is good. And I wanted lunch with that lovely woman to be fun and it was! Yay! I wanted perfect simple solutions to some things that I’ve been stymied on and to “finialize” some things instead of just “making progress” on them. Neither of those happened and I’m re-asking them.
Thing 1: Finding things
What I want: to find the deck of cards that I lost. I called the last place I remember having them and they are not there.
What could happen: They could just turn up. I could remember where they are. I could have a dream that would tell me where to look. Someone could find them.
What I’ll play with: Waiting. Being open to remembering, dreaming, guidance.
Thing 2: Finding out things.
This week, my ask is to understand the stuckness on the things I’ve been stymied on, and the reason I have not been able to finalize the other things. In other words, to find out about the stucknesses, and what to do about them.
Ways this could work: dialog with the stucknesses; conversation with the projects; conversation with the resistances (to finishing, to understanding, to walking, to dancing, to singing, to dreaming, to self care.
What I’ll play with: Being open to remembering, dreaming, guidance. Skipping stones. Coloring.
Hello, VPAs! I skipped last week due to various stucknesses, and I missed you! Nice to see you again! 🙂
Thing 1
{Silent Retreat}
Here’s what I want:
This is one thing that has a lot wrapped up in it. So I want the thing, as well as to process all the stuff that is tangled up with it and to let that stuff go.
Ways this could work:
Trust. Flow. Ease. Play!
I’ll play with:
Conscious entry. Processing on the Floop! Listening to Slightly Future Me.
Thing 2
{Silent Retreat}
Here’s what I want:
Huh, this is a totally different thing than the first one, but I just realized that it can be described the same way here: This is one thing that has a lot wrapped up in it. So I want the thing, as well as to process all the stuff that is tangled up with it and to let that stuff go.
Ways this could work:
Harmonious timing. Trust.
I’ll play with:
Writing in my special notebook. Metaphor Mouse! Spending time in a certain place on the Floop.
Yay VPAs! Sending glittery sparkles to all! 🙂
Hello Havi and Commenter Mice and Beloved Lurkers and All!
I haven’t VPA’d in awhile and I miss it. I don’t want it to be a should with guilt stuff attached, but I’m thinking there should be some pointed notes in the Book of Me. Anywho.
Thing 1: A Successful Presentation
What I Want:
I am partnering with a colleague to present a class a class on hiking for the library tomorrow night. I would like the presentation to go well. More than that, I would like the remaining preparation to go well, with a minimum of stress and stuckness and monster ranting. Lots and lots of ease around this would be just awesome.
Ways This Could Work:
-It just could. VPA magic. 🙂
-I can take the whole thing one step at a time with lots of spaciousness and permission and destuckification work as needed.
-I could remember my superpowers.
What I Will Play With:
-Tomorow morning I will get up early for the express purpose of singing “I Gotta Crow” from Peter Pan at the top of my lungs until I remember that I’m 10 ft. tall and bullet proof.
-I will reread my list of things I have in common with my audience.
-I will write a love letter to my ideal hiking trip.
Thing 2: Happy Healthy Strong Knees
What I Want:
This is one I’ve been processing for awhile. Tomorrow I have a doctor’s appointment to talk about the results of the MRI I had on Friday. I want the appointment to feel comfortable, safe and sovereign. I want an easy, specific roadmap that will tell me that if X, Y, and Z happen my knees will be perfect. I want X, Y, and Z to all be things I’m comfortable doing. I want to hike. I want to dance. I want to wear ridiculously high heels. I want to get what I want.
Ways This Could Work:
-The doctor could say, “Ah-ha, this is what is wrong, and this simply non-invasive procedure will fix it forever!”
-I could be comfortable knowing that whatever the doctor says is simply a next step, and I have lots and lots of options available to me.
I Will Play With:
-Spending some time visualizing myself enjoying my healthy knees, dancing and hiking up a storm – in heels!
-Trust. Just, trust.
Ten things! Havi, I am digging the way you 1. are doing this in a grand fashion and 2. giving me permission to follow suit.
So, ten things in no particular order:
1. A meal at Serena’s supper club
2. A copper pot from E. Dehillerin
3. A vast expanse of luxurious free time
4. Color
5. Pattern
6. Connection
7. A little silver bracelet tied with a red cord
8. A chance meeting with David Lebovitz
9. The Eiffel Tower
10. The sewer museum
And then, why not more? I didn’t do this yesterday.
11. Liberty!
12. India!
13. Brick Lane
14. The London Eye
15. Hampstead
16. Violet Cakes
17. Puddles
18. Nephews
19. Twins
20. A Penguin donkey
xox to all! So nice to read your VPAs. May we all enjoy happiness, health, and freedom.
Some time alone in nature or with books.
Some clarity on the next steps.
More work opportunities…and a smooth transition to them from one full-time job.
Hope all your gwishes and wants work out!
Last week, the thing I posted about was developing/discovering new exercise habits. I went to two Pilates classes and rode three miles on a bike that is now mine.
So a Thing for this week: I’d like to become more comfortable with the bike.
* permission to spend time with bike (aka some way of reassuring the urgency monsters that two hours with bike during daylight is not irresponsible)
* is there a bicycling for dummies book? (advice welcome on this one)
I’ll play with: conversations with future me on the pleasure of zipping around on a bike instead of in a car.
And, ten other things I want:
1 – short meetings
2 – long massages
3 – an alternative to my current asthma med
4 – solution to mystery a
5 – clarity on quandary b
6 – an easy and inexpensive fix to the gearshift issue
7 – more people to purchase my book
8 – smooth sailing on project c
9 – harpsichord lessons
10 – morels
Wishing everyone a good week!
Trains and ferries (fairies?) – sounds so much better than planes!
Here’s my VPA:
Here is what I am asking for:
I want my four last days in my currents job to be less frantic than I imagine them in my head. I want to give a good structure to the office days while handing things back over to the woman I have been filling in for. I want to gracefully let go of the things that I have done for people at work and that were so “me”, accepting that the other woman does things totally differently and not judging her. I want to think of an appropriate ritual to close the chapter of this job and to open the transition to the gap months and the next job.
Ways this could work:
Breathe, write loving to-do lists
I will play with:
To-do lists, ideas about a ritual that seems appropriate
Oh, gosh, it’s been almost three years I’ve been patient and I was done nine months into it. I am very tired of having my best work used to enable someone else to fake it.
Wanted: My work situation to change so that I can do my best work without feeling like I have to watch my back.
Ways this could work:
The situation resolve itself and someone could find another place to work
The Powers That Be could get fed up with it and change the situation
I could find another place to work, although that scares me
I could make a career change and start the business I’ve been considering
Something wonderful could happen that I can’t imagine, something that could solve it all
what I’ll do:
Continue to move forward with my Exit Strategy and learn what I need to learn to start the business
Try to keep breathing through the uncertainty
Make a planned exit, if one is to be made; not an impulsive one
Close the door and cry when I need to
Ask for some of what I want, even if it means asking to stop doing some things in the job description
Be honest but succinct when asked how it’s going by the Powers That Be. I just may not be the right fit anymore if things aren’t going to change
Try not to worry about losing everything.
Thanks for the encouragement to list wants. I think I’ll actually make that my first VPA!
What I want: To get comfortable with wanting. Whew – I was about to say get comfortable with asking for what I want, but first things first.
Ways this could work: Make it fun, give myself lots of pats on the back when I write down a want and don’t go into heart palpitations, thinking loving and caring thoughts
I will play with: finding a nice notebook, start with a smaller number than 10, adding the practice to my before bed ritual – and maybe even my morning ritual
VPA #2
What I want: I’ve just ‘birthed’ a new website ( and more. I’ve been drawing these two little friends – Sophie and Sadie (a little girl and her cactus) – for awhile and they demanded to be out in the world. I listened and now they have a website and today I submitted their first coloring book to Amazon! Now the world needs to find them! I’m so excited about this – and want to keep the monsters (this is scary, who do you think you are, you’ll never be successful, etc) mollified so they don’t overwhelm me and keep me from moving forward.
Ways this could work: I can talk to them and hear them out, I can send myself loving and supportive messages, I can (try) to be patient with the process,
I’ll play with: making lists of things to do with small steps, telling myself that I am brave and bold!, honor the fun exuberance of my characters and know that there are thousands of little people and big people out there who will love them and need the smiles they will bring.
What I want:
For my outside to better reflect how I feel on the inside. Refer to list.
How this could work:
Thrift stores, sewing machine, last resort internet.
I’ll play with:
What I want:
Comfortable shoes. Comfortable black shoes for wearing at work and with skirts. Comfortable running shoes, preferably on sale. Comfortable sandals for when the weather gets warm.
How this could work:
Peruse all the various shoes stores in the mall, and then through stores and internet try to find cheap pairs.
What I want:
For all the writing that needs to get done to get done, on time, with ease and creativity. Brainstorming, plotting, revising, writing, two or three different stories in two weeks.
How this could work:
Work on the stories every day.
I’ll play with:
The color blue.
What I want:
To be accepted as a fiction student.
How this could work:
I do a really good revision. The committee feels partial to me. The committee is convinced by my letter of introduction. The committee thinks I’m a strong writer.
I’ll play with:
Revising. Thinking positive thoughts.
Yea, pens and pretty notebooks on the bedside table.
Let’s see:
Morning Practice is still evolving, but adding Forcefields has been cool.
More yoga has happened. Going to class, buying a class pass and keeping the mat in the bedroom all helped.
Here’s what I want:
Elegant Leadership. I have accepted that I am the Captain of our Lil Domestic Ship-of-State. I’m tired of not being listened to, of having to yell, of being ignored. I’m tired of having the choice to do extra work myself or scream myself hoarse to get others to do it.
That ease that natuiral born leaders have, where they neither bully nor plead, where they just assume if they say something that it happens, and thye dont have to be a raging bitch about everything every minute…where no one resents their leadershjip but rather repsond to it because it’s the best plan, where the person in charge neither apologizes or hedges or softens or accomodates or bullies and things happen…yes, that. I want THAT.
WTCW: No idea. The ClueFairy or Baby Jesus could show up and break it down for the family. IO know this is about sovereignty in a big way. I need to remain sovereign in this ask, and understand, I’m NOT asking for a favor, I’m directing other adults in THEIR WORK.
ICT: REmaining calm, not yelling. Stating my expectations calmly and succintly. Retreating in the face of resistance, picking my battles. Assigning consequences swiftly. Not arguing. Looking for examples of this type of leadership. Not apologizing–I’m not doing anything wrong by directing people or work or setting boundaries. It’s my JOB. I get to do it, and I get to be in charge.
Other things I want:
-a trip to Hawaii
-a trip to New Orleans
-Rally! or SHivanaticon
-Ragdale 2013
-Dragonfest this summer
-Pantheacon next winter
-more writing and art
-cute shoes
-the Faery Seership training in the Denver area
Thing I Want – I scheduled myself a massage for this weekend. I want for money monsters to not pop up.
WTCW – IDK, I can try to convince myself that we have enough now?
My Commitment – to relax and enjoy the massage.
Thing I want – Creative Time and Me Time
WTCW – Realizing that just ten minutes is good. I kind of stumbled on this accidentally last week when I decided to change my goal from “Finish Something” to color my mermaids computer painting thing for at least 20 minutes a week. Now, I just need to actually get this to stick?
More time to relax, not going anywhere this weekend. Not running around to three different holidays this weekend.
Saying no to things more often. I’m bad about this. I need to work on this. I mentioned boundaries today at lunch. I’ll have to work on the sovereign ability to say no.
My Commitment Finding those pockets of time for me. With the TV off. Because that’s not really me time. (might be for other people, just not for me. I can’t chill or focus on anything else with the tv on.)
VPA update – I asked for the interview to go well, and it did! I did a mini VPA before I went in as well to ground myself, which worked wonderfully. I also got a folder for all my tax/money/papers etc., which was a VPA from a few weeks ago. Asked for more info about the self-care collapse. Re-asking this week, based on what I discovered.
For this week, here’s what I want –
Thing 1: Release.
I asked for ways to release guilt last week, which was tied to the collapse of my self-care routines, but I realized that there is much more going on. I don’t know what needs to be released, but there is something that is calling for me to let it go. And yet I am noticing some parts of me clinging onto whatever it is for dear life. Maybe it isn’t so much about *what* they’re clinging on to as opposed to the act of clinging itself that is important.
Ways this could work:
– Believing.
– Trusting myself and me-who-knows.
– Remembering that now is not then.
I’ll play with:
– performing release – letting go of balloons at the harbour, maybe donating some things, screaming into a pillow, free-writing, planting flowers, throwing away old things.
– talking to other versions of me who are holding on.
– figuring out what the clinging is telling me.
Thing 2: The perfect rainbow attire for pride week.
I realized after seeing the rainbow skirt (which was absolutely gorgeous!) that I would love to have something lovely and playful for pride week, that I could also wear at other times because of its general awesomeness. So I’d like the perfect thing.
I’ll play with:
– acknowledging the fear around being “out”, and recognizing its legitimacy.
– going back “in” if that is what feels safe sometimes.
– loving my scared selves and my happy selves.
Ways this could work:
– Go shopping with a lovely friend who will also be going to the pride week celebration with me.
– stay open to possibilities.
Thing 3: To get this essay done.
I’ll play with:
– Taking short breaks.
– Pretending I’m writing someone else’s essay.
– Acknowledging the fear of failure.
– Remembering that interacting with my stuff is a part of writing this essay.
Ways this could work:
– With ease.
– Breaking the essay down into small parts, and writing the fun parts first. Filling in the transitions and context later.
– Writing “drafts”
Love for everyone’s wants <3